5 members of one Texas family charged. Please take a moment to review the "Lovefest" that occurred on January 6th

If you watch the entire videos uncut a whole different story appears. The munn family didn't do anything---but they are being railroaded btw.

Well of course! What other explanation could there be, for the DOJ continuing its ongoing prosecution of Capitol rioters? What do you think their successful defense will be, in court? I am not seeing one.
What do you think the Munn family EXACTLY did? They simply protested our corrupt government---they did nothing else. At worse, they went into the capitol building, but yet they are hunted down, put n jail, harassed and treated far than say the looters burning down cities and attacking people at BLM And anti-fa. Our CORRUPT FBI are abusing their office to go after people for political reasons strictly....
Look, why do you Trump nuts have to create a false narrative. Hundreds of BLM protestors have been arrested, probably more than those arrested for 1/6. Some are facing life in prison, any protestors on 1/6 facing life? I don't think so, even though the punishment for treason has often been death. So tell me, who is getting treated with kids gloves.


Months of rioting and looting and burning cities down in dozens of cities and they nabbed “hundreds”.
Some are facing life in prison
Name them and the charges please.

Btw, THOUSANDS of Antifa and BLM SHOULD be doing prison time and arent
Seriously, you want me to list TEN THOUSAND arrest records? Because that is the number, TEN FAWKING THOUSAND. And I am yelling because I am sick and damn tired of you idiot fool Trump supporters creating your own reality. I mean how ignorant is it to, first throw out the BLM protests as if there is some type of equivalence. Give you a clue, THERE IS NOT. And then double down on the stupid and claim none of the BLM protestors have been arrested. And the worst part, you flippin ass fools act all smug and shit, puffing out your chests like you have accomplished something impressive.

I mean I get it. Your news sources are yellow journalists. They don't provide news, they provide FAKE FAWKING NEWS. But you don't care, because they CONFIRM YOUR BIAS. Just like that horseshit about Biden stopping Keystone but approving the Russian pipeline. First, that Russian pipeline is not Biden's to approve, it's Merkel's. And at this very fawking moment Biden is asking Merkel NOT TO APPROVE IT. Or the bullshit about Biden shutting down drilling on federal land. Newsflash dumbshits, Biden is on pace to easily exceed Trump in number of approvals for oil and gas leases. Guess that theory about gas price increases just got blown all to shit. You Trump idiots absolutely disgust me. You, like him, are a disgrace to the country.

Some are facing life in prison
Name them and the charges please.

Btw, THOUSANDS of Antifa and BLM SHOULD be doing prison time and arent
Seriously, you want me to list TEN THOUSAND arrest records? Because that is the number, TEN FAWKING THOUSAND. And I am yelling because I am sick and damn tired of you idiot fool Trump supporters creating your own reality. I mean how ignorant is it to, first throw out the BLM protests as if there is some type of equivalence. Give you a clue, THERE IS NOT. And then double down on the stupid and claim none of the BLM protestors have been arrested. And the worst part, you flippin ass fools act all smug and shit, puffing out your chests like you have accomplished something impressive.

I mean I get it. Your news sources are yellow journalists. They don't provide news, they provide FAKE FAWKING NEWS. But you don't care, because they CONFIRM YOUR BIAS. Just like that horseshit about Biden stopping Keystone but approving the Russian pipeline. First, that Russian pipeline is not Biden's to approve, it's Merkel's. And at this very fawking moment Biden is asking Merkel NOT TO APPROVE IT. Or the bullshit about Biden shutting down drilling on federal land. Newsflash dumbshits, Biden is on pace to easily exceed Trump in number of approvals for oil and gas leases. Guess that theory about gas price increases just got blown all to shit. You Trump idiots absolutely disgust me. You, like him, are a disgrace to the country.

Yes. List them.
Some are facing life in prison
Name them and the charges please.

Btw, THOUSANDS of Antifa and BLM SHOULD be doing prison time and arent
Seriously, you want me to list TEN THOUSAND arrest records? Because that is the number, TEN FAWKING THOUSAND. And I am yelling because I am sick and damn tired of you idiot fool Trump supporters creating your own reality. I mean how ignorant is it to, first throw out the BLM protests as if there is some type of equivalence. Give you a clue, THERE IS NOT. And then double down on the stupid and claim none of the BLM protestors have been arrested. And the worst part, you flippin ass fools act all smug and shit, puffing out your chests like you have accomplished something impressive.

I mean I get it. Your news sources are yellow journalists. They don't provide news, they provide FAKE FAWKING NEWS. But you don't care, because they CONFIRM YOUR BIAS. Just like that horseshit about Biden stopping Keystone but approving the Russian pipeline. First, that Russian pipeline is not Biden's to approve, it's Merkel's. And at this very fawking moment Biden is asking Merkel NOT TO APPROVE IT. Or the bullshit about Biden shutting down drilling on federal land. Newsflash dumbshits, Biden is on pace to easily exceed Trump in number of approvals for oil and gas leases. Guess that theory about gas price increases just got blown all to shit. You Trump idiots absolutely disgust me. You, like him, are a disgrace to the country.

Yes. List them.
Piss off you flippin idiot.
Some are facing life in prison
Name them and the charges please.

Btw, THOUSANDS of Antifa and BLM SHOULD be doing prison time and arent
Seriously, you want me to list TEN THOUSAND arrest records? Because that is the number, TEN FAWKING THOUSAND. And I am yelling because I am sick and damn tired of you idiot fool Trump supporters creating your own reality. I mean how ignorant is it to, first throw out the BLM protests as if there is some type of equivalence. Give you a clue, THERE IS NOT. And then double down on the stupid and claim none of the BLM protestors have been arrested. And the worst part, you flippin ass fools act all smug and shit, puffing out your chests like you have accomplished something impressive.

I mean I get it. Your news sources are yellow journalists. They don't provide news, they provide FAKE FAWKING NEWS. But you don't care, because they CONFIRM YOUR BIAS. Just like that horseshit about Biden stopping Keystone but approving the Russian pipeline. First, that Russian pipeline is not Biden's to approve, it's Merkel's. And at this very fawking moment Biden is asking Merkel NOT TO APPROVE IT. Or the bullshit about Biden shutting down drilling on federal land. Newsflash dumbshits, Biden is on pace to easily exceed Trump in number of approvals for oil and gas leases. Guess that theory about gas price increases just got blown all to shit. You Trump idiots absolutely disgust me. You, like him, are a disgrace to the country.

Yes. List them.
Piss off you flippin idiot.
Don’t ask if you don’t want an answer, Dumbass.
Some are facing life in prison
Name them and the charges please.

Btw, THOUSANDS of Antifa and BLM SHOULD be doing prison time and arent
Seriously, you want me to list TEN THOUSAND arrest records? Because that is the number, TEN FAWKING THOUSAND. And I am yelling because I am sick and damn tired of you idiot fool Trump supporters creating your own reality. I mean how ignorant is it to, first throw out the BLM protests as if there is some type of equivalence. Give you a clue, THERE IS NOT. And then double down on the stupid and claim none of the BLM protestors have been arrested. And the worst part, you flippin ass fools act all smug and shit, puffing out your chests like you have accomplished something impressive.

I mean I get it. Your news sources are yellow journalists. They don't provide news, they provide FAKE FAWKING NEWS. But you don't care, because they CONFIRM YOUR BIAS. Just like that horseshit about Biden stopping Keystone but approving the Russian pipeline. First, that Russian pipeline is not Biden's to approve, it's Merkel's. And at this very fawking moment Biden is asking Merkel NOT TO APPROVE IT. Or the bullshit about Biden shutting down drilling on federal land. Newsflash dumbshits, Biden is on pace to easily exceed Trump in number of approvals for oil and gas leases. Guess that theory about gas price increases just got blown all to shit. You Trump idiots absolutely disgust me. You, like him, are a disgrace to the country.

Yes. List them.
Piss off you flippin idiot.
Don’t ask if you don’t want an answer, Dumbass.
You are the stupid shit that asks for lists and names. I provided documentation that over 10,000 people have been arrested for their participation in BLM protests. I provided documentation that show the DC police arrested over three times as many people during the BLM protests as they did on 1/6. I don't have to provide names, your argument is a big fat FAILURE.

Here is the thing. If you can convince people that the nation is being ran by a bunch of devil worshiping pedophiles that sacrifice infant children and drink their blood--which by the way has been a favorite go to "conspiracy" for about, oh, A THOUSAND YEARS. Well then you can convince them damn fools of about anything. And better yet, you might can glean a few dollars from their stupid asses just for shits and giggles. That is what is happening here. It is really that simple. And the sad part, Trump is among the "fools". Didn't take much to convince him, and once you get the "leader", well you got the followers in the bag. Welcome to being played for a fool. What a great legacy to leave.
Some are facing life in prison
Name them and the charges please.

Btw, THOUSANDS of Antifa and BLM SHOULD be doing prison time and arent
Seriously, you want me to list TEN THOUSAND arrest records? Because that is the number, TEN FAWKING THOUSAND. And I am yelling because I am sick and damn tired of you idiot fool Trump supporters creating your own reality. I mean how ignorant is it to, first throw out the BLM protests as if there is some type of equivalence. Give you a clue, THERE IS NOT. And then double down on the stupid and claim none of the BLM protestors have been arrested. And the worst part, you flippin ass fools act all smug and shit, puffing out your chests like you have accomplished something impressive.

I mean I get it. Your news sources are yellow journalists. They don't provide news, they provide FAKE FAWKING NEWS. But you don't care, because they CONFIRM YOUR BIAS. Just like that horseshit about Biden stopping Keystone but approving the Russian pipeline. First, that Russian pipeline is not Biden's to approve, it's Merkel's. And at this very fawking moment Biden is asking Merkel NOT TO APPROVE IT. Or the bullshit about Biden shutting down drilling on federal land. Newsflash dumbshits, Biden is on pace to easily exceed Trump in number of approvals for oil and gas leases. Guess that theory about gas price increases just got blown all to shit. You Trump idiots absolutely disgust me. You, like him, are a disgrace to the country.

Yes. List them.
Piss off you flippin idiot.
Don’t ask if you don’t want an answer, Dumbass.
You are the stupid shit that asks for lists and names. I provided documentation that over 10,000 people have been arrested for their participation in BLM protests. I provided documentation that show the DC police arrested over three times as many people during the BLM protests as they did on 1/6. I don't have to provide names, your argument is a big fat FAILURE.

Here is the thing. If you can convince people that the nation is being ran by a bunch of devil worshiping pedophiles that sacrifice infant children and drink their blood--which by the way has been a favorite go to "conspiracy" for about, oh, A THOUSAND YEARS. Well then you can convince them damn fools of about anything. And better yet, you might can glean a few dollars from their stupid asses just for shits and giggles. That is what is happening here. It is really that simple. And the sad part, Trump is among the "fools". Didn't take much to convince him, and once you get the "leader", well you got the followers in the bag. Welcome to being played for a fool. What a great legacy to leave.
Simmer down, Buttercup.
In the first 25 seconds they tied two times "thousands of rioters" "multiple deaths". There were NOT thousands of rioters, and the only death was an unarmed "rioter" shot by an unnamed cop and we're not supposed know he's black due PROG-lies. Your video is for entertainment, though it does seem to confirm some theories.

By 1:00 you begin to recognize the Capitol was under-manned, which in my mind was done purposely. Word from insider is exactly that, as it's heavily guarded daily, and this was no normal day or you live under a rock. Pick one, they're incompetent or this was planned by Demonicrats. In fact, 1:15, FIVE capitol police confronted, MKING five. The incident even involved a cop ushering people in.

Nice to be right, they said at 1:32 the was PURPOSELY undermanned. You figure Trump runs the Capitol?

2:00: They said bombs were reported. Neat for appearances. Odd how supposedly Trump incited the riot yet folks had time to make bombs that didn't exist.

Neat how they call it an insurrection. It's easy to see leftists cause insurrections all the time.
Some are facing life in prison
Name them and the charges please.

Btw, THOUSANDS of Antifa and BLM SHOULD be doing prison time and arent
Seriously, you want me to list TEN THOUSAND arrest records? Because that is the number, TEN FAWKING THOUSAND. And I am yelling because I am sick and damn tired of you idiot fool Trump supporters creating your own reality. I mean how ignorant is it to, first throw out the BLM protests as if there is some type of equivalence. Give you a clue, THERE IS NOT. And then double down on the stupid and claim none of the BLM protestors have been arrested. And the worst part, you flippin ass fools act all smug and shit, puffing out your chests like you have accomplished something impressive.

I mean I get it. Your news sources are yellow journalists. They don't provide news, they provide FAKE FAWKING NEWS. But you don't care, because they CONFIRM YOUR BIAS. Just like that horseshit about Biden stopping Keystone but approving the Russian pipeline. First, that Russian pipeline is not Biden's to approve, it's Merkel's. And at this very fawking moment Biden is asking Merkel NOT TO APPROVE IT. Or the bullshit about Biden shutting down drilling on federal land. Newsflash dumbshits, Biden is on pace to easily exceed Trump in number of approvals for oil and gas leases. Guess that theory about gas price increases just got blown all to shit. You Trump idiots absolutely disgust me. You, like him, are a disgrace to the country.

Yes. List them.
Piss off you flippin idiot.
Don’t ask if you don’t want an answer, Dumbass.
You are the stupid shit that asks for lists and names. I provided documentation that over 10,000 people have been arrested for their participation in BLM protests. I provided documentation that show the DC police arrested over three times as many people during the BLM protests as they did on 1/6. I don't have to provide names, your argument is a big fat FAILURE.

Here is the thing. If you can convince people that the nation is being ran by a bunch of devil worshiping pedophiles that sacrifice infant children and drink their blood--which by the way has been a favorite go to "conspiracy" for about, oh, A THOUSAND YEARS. Well then you can convince them damn fools of about anything. And better yet, you might can glean a few dollars from their stupid asses just for shits and giggles. That is what is happening here. It is really that simple. And the sad part, Trump is among the "fools". Didn't take much to convince him, and once you get the "leader", well you got the followers in the bag. Welcome to being played for a fool. What a great legacy to leave.
If you can convince people that the nation is being ran by a bunch of devil worshiping pedophiles that sacrifice infant children and drink their blood--which by the way has been a favorite go to "conspiracy" for about, oh, A THOUSAND YEARS.

Not sure on the exact number of years we have been a nation without doing some math...............but I'm pretty sure it isn't A THOUSAND YEARS, Gomer.


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