$5 million: That's the amount of the bribe Joe Biden allegedly took from a foreign national as payment to influence US policy

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
The only question now is where the "foreign national" was from: China or Russia?

"The FBI’s refusal to produce this single document is obstructionist. Nevertheless, to narrow the breadth of the subpoena, we are providing additional terms based on unclassified and legally protected whistleblower disclosures that may be referenced in the FD-1023 form: “June 30, 2020” and “five million.”6 These terms relate to the date on the FD-1023 form and its reference to the amount of money the foreign national allegedly paid to receive the desired policy outcome," the letter states. "Given the large number of FD-1023 forms with the word “Biden” in June 2020, these terms should assist the FBI in identifying the specific FD-1023 form at issue. Despite the FBI’s unreasonable delay, the Committee will allow FBI six more days to produce the FD-1023 form. To the extent there are numerous documents referencing “Biden” and “five million” dollar payments, please let us know promptly."

I think its cute how the dems keep saying "where is the evidence that PROVES Biden took bribes?". Does anyone honestly think the proof doesnt exist? If he committed the crime, there is proof of it that exists somewhere. The question is, will they find it?

I dont know the answer to that question, but it sure as fuck looks like they are getting closer every day. Either way, this shit is terrible for a guy trying to win an election. :laugh:
I think its cute how the dems keep saying "where is the evidence that PROVES Biden took bribes?". Does anyone honestly think the proof doesnt exist? If he committed the crime, there is proof of it that exists somewhere. The question is, will they find it?

I dont know the answer to that question, but it sure as fuck looks like they are getting closer every day. Either way, this shit is terrible for a guy trying to win an election. :laugh:

Biden has a 50 year history of corruption, bribe-taking, and lying to cover it up. There's TONS of evidence out there, but the weaponized FBI is doing their best to hide it.
I hope they pull a Trump and tell the House GOP to pound sand.

Blanket immunity for everyone!
Biden has a 50 year history of corruption, bribe-taking, and lying to cover it up. There's TONS of evidence out there, but the weaponized FBI is doing their best to hide it.
Im pretty sure that in 3 years they will have him dead to rights. We just have to win the election to get it done. Once the GOP replaces everyone in the FBI and DOJ with extremely partisan right wingers, they will go on a political witch hunt and crush the Biden family. Maybe we might even decide to frame some of them. All is fair in politics now, so the gloves will come off. Hell, we might even sucker punch dems with brass knuckles. :dunno:
Im pretty sure that in 3 years they will have him dead to rights. We just have to win the election to get it done. Once the GOP replaces everyone in the FBI and DOJ with extremely partisan right wingers, they will go on a political witch hunt and crush the Biden family. Maybe we might even decide to frame some of them. All is fair in politics now, so the gloves will come off. Hell, we might even sucker punch dems with brass knuckles. :dunno:

I hope you're right.
You're going to pull your groin with all stretching and twisting you do here on a daily basis to shade the lawlessness of the Bidnen crime family.
Feel free to list the crimes President Biden has been charged with. How about anyone from his family? Your accusations are like the accusations from the Neo-GOP and their phony 2020 elections fraud claims. Verbose nothingness.
Feel free to list the crimes President Biden has been charged with. How about anyone from his family? Your accusations are like the accusations from the Neo-GOP and their phony 2020 elections fraud claims. Verbose nothingness.
Congratulations, you're a pretzel.

Congratulations, you're a pretzel.

Got it. You call me a pretzel because you can't list a single crime of this so call crime family? WTF are ya'll setting him up to be the next Hillary Clinton? The Mistress of all criminal masterminds. Where the lack of evidence is proof positive of a crime.
Got it. You call me a pretzel because you can't list a single crime of this so call crime family? WTF are ya'll setting him up to be the next Hillary Clinton? The Mistress of all criminal masterminds. Where the lack of evidence is proof positive of a crime.
Feel free to list the crimes President Biden has been charged with. How about anyone from his family? Your accusations are like the accusations from the Neo-GOP and their phony 2020 elections fraud claims. Verbose nothingness.

No charges yet, but this story is about an alleged, documented $5 million bribe Joe Biden took to influence US policy. The fact that you oppose the investigation into this says everything we need to know about you.
Biden has a 50 year history of corruption, bribe-taking, and lying to cover it up. There's TONS of evidence out there, but the weaponized FBI is doing their best to hide it.
do you have links to post on that by chance? thanks and thanks for the OP,the paid shills of the dems on here that have penetrated this site can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are here that smellybozo sealybobo ?:auiqs.jpg:
I hope they pull a Trump and tell the House GOP to pound sand.

Blanket immunity for everyone!


The President is the head of the Executive branch, a creation of the Constitution.

Whereas the FBI is a mere creation of Congress and has no claim of privilege.

You leftoids always expose yourself.

The President is the head of the Executive branch, a creation of the Constitution.

Whereas the FBI is a mere creation of Congress and has no claim of privilege.

You leftoids always expose yourself.

So when the Trumpsters call it Biden's FBI, I can refer them to you? No, don't think so.

The FBI is under the executive branch.

You did exposed something.
The only question now is where the "foreign national" was from: China or Russia?

"The FBI’s refusal to produce this single document is obstructionist. Nevertheless, to narrow the breadth of the subpoena, we are providing additional terms based on unclassified and legally protected whistleblower disclosures that may be referenced in the FD-1023 form: “June 30, 2020” and “five million.”6 These terms relate to the date on the FD-1023 form and its reference to the amount of money the foreign national allegedly paid to receive the desired policy outcome," the letter states. "Given the large number of FD-1023 forms with the word “Biden” in June 2020, these terms should assist the FBI in identifying the specific FD-1023 form at issue. Despite the FBI’s unreasonable delay, the Committee will allow FBI six more days to produce the FD-1023 form. To the extent there are numerous documents referencing “Biden” and “five million” dollar payments, please let us know promptly."

You stupid mother fuckers. On June 6th, 2020 Joe Biden had been out of government politics for fucking nearly 4 years. There is no document that shows what is alleged. There is a document that shows Trump and Kushner took millions and billions from foreign actors though. That is undisputed. There is no document doing what is alleged.

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