Are You Better or Worse (Economically) Now Than YOU Were 3 Years Ago ?

Prices of homes have escalated a lot too. 100% in the Tampa, FL area since 2021. Ex. From $200K to $400K
Which is why you should have bought a long time ago.

And you might as well forget about Floriduh. People are abandoning that shithole in droves.
Damn, I thought you were like retirement age? Why are you renting?
You like mowing grass, fixing window screens, doing plumbing, buying new air conditioners and refrigerators ? I don't. Especially at retirement age.
So am I. The difference between me and you is I have empathy for MAJORITY of Americans struggling to make it through the week on what they make. Democrats just say HA HA sucks to be you!
Democrats have no soul. Rig elections. Lie, cheat steal.
No. Much worse. And getting poorer year by year.

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I ain't gonna donate to it, but ill set it up.

I need all your personal info though.

Probably none of you MAGA buddies will donate either. Personal responsibility and all that shit plus they already gave all their money to trump.

If they had any to start with.
Why donate when you can get something in return. See my art gallery > Got any boring bare walls in your house needing some color and life ?


Just compare your 2021 net income vs expenses, with your 2024 net income vs expenses.

There could be a variety of answers to this, but I'm guessing a lot of people will say that they are worse off now, because their incomes haven't risen too much, but their living costs have gone up enormously. Purchasing power has decreased significantly for a lot of folks. 😐
considerably better.

shorting trump's sham social media company has improved my prospects.
Maybe some of the people being worse now, would rather not openly say so. It's not fun to talk about how your expenses are skyrocketing, while your income gets token peanuts raises.
Just compare your 2021 net income vs expenses, with your 2024 net income vs expenses.

There could be a variety of answers to this, but I'm guessing a lot of people will say that they are worse off now, because their incomes haven't risen too much, but their living costs have gone up enormously. Purchasing power has decreased significantly for a lot of folks. 😐
The party of shit tells you to "lower your expectations".

Yes, the average mortgage payment under Trump was $1700 and now it's $3500 under Josef Stolen.... but maybe you're just not homeowner material. Has that ever occurred to you? Maybe you're tent material.... ok?

Also, don't believe your empty bank account. The party of shit says you have enough, as provided by The Dear Leader. Complaining about your expenses increasing significantly under the stuttering fuck is very disrespectful to Him. Please try to comply or expect a pre-dawn visit from the Robert L Peters Stasi.

This is your final warning.
Just compare your 2021 net income vs expenses, with your 2024 net income vs expenses.

There could be a variety of answers to this, but I'm guessing a lot of people will say that they are worse off now, because their incomes haven't risen too much, but their living costs have gone up enormously. Purchasing power has decreased significantly for a lot of folks. 😐

Substantially better now.
Just compare your 2021 net income vs expenses, with your 2024 net income vs expenses.

There could be a variety of answers to this, but I'm guessing a lot of people will say that they are worse off now, because their incomes haven't risen too much, but their living costs have gone up enormously. Purchasing power has decreased significantly for a lot of folks. 😐
I changed jobs last year and got a big salary bump. No thanks to either Biden or Trump.

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