5 Months Since an Alphabet Cult Member Went on a Murder Spree at a Christian School, Manifesto Still Not Public


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
“Reports in the spring indicated LGBTQ+ groups were trying to block the manifesto’s release, for fear it would reflect poorly on the trans community or inspire copycats.

But as Ramaswamy notes, the government usually releases this sort of manifesto within 48 hours.”

She’s dead.
The school kids and teachers are dead.
There’s no reason to not release it.

“Reports in the spring indicated LGBTQ+ groups were trying to block the manifesto’s release, for fear it would reflect poorly on the trans community or inspire copycats.

But as Ramaswamy notes, the government usually releases this sort of manifesto within 48 hours.”

She’s dead.
The school kids and teachers are dead.
There’s no reason to not release it.

The dirty little secret is that the transgender agenda is protected by the Biden administration and their minions in the media. The media certainly won't demand the release of the Tennessee transgender terrorist manifest so the crooked "Justice" administrators feel little pressure.
We should care because we need to know what causes these murderers to kill. If transgender is a factor we need to know. If there are other factors we need to know as well.

Oh, did the mangy dog just say it doesn't care when the freaks murder children?

Are any of us surprised?

Reader’s Digest version: this thread has nothing to do with yet another school shooting in which innocent kids are murdered and everything to do with finding some way to prove that transgenders aren’t just freaks but murderous dangerous freaks.

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