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5 Moslems shot dead in mosque

Is that so?

Why does it remind you of those shootings, rather than Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, or Anders Breivik?
The Right likes to forget them. They'd rather blame Muslims.

mcveigh wasn't a christian.......breivik, wasn't a christian either, he had some goofy philosophy you guys pretend was Christianity.....
McVeigh was very much a christer........but I know that christers like to use the "no true scotsman" argument while disallowing it to other groups.

No moron...again.....you can claim to be a vegan but if you eat meat you are not a vegan....you can claim to be a christian...which neither mcveigh or the norway shooter did, but if you commit murder you are not following the teachings of Jesus.....
...and when you call people 'moron', 'fool', etc., you are speaking against the teachings of Jesus.

Yep....I am not Jesus.....
How do you propose combating ISIS propoganda?[/QUOTE]
Directly, openly, repetitively, intensively presenting what we believe to be dear about being human, what the advantages are that we have, how liberty and freedom work. To be brief, communicate in every way possible, everywhere possible, as often as possible all the things that are great about western culture. Walls torture and and exclusion, however, are not what comes to mind when one wants to promote America.[/QUOTE]

Wrong...first, you kill any member of isis that you find...then you secure the border and immigration to keep terrorists out....then, at the same time you communicate how wonderful the United States is....unlike you guys...since the muslim shooters in this country are often the children of immigrants taught to hate the United States in government schools controlled by the democrat party...so all they have to look to is islam, since they have been taught to hate this country.
And, I'm pretty sure this will provide propaganda for ISIS' recruiting.

You're one of those cowards who appease the crocodile, hoping it will eat them last.

How do you propose combating ISIS propoganda?

I don't. I propose destroying ISIS by bombing them to Hell with these.

View attachment 109823

How is that going to work on a scattered group, that conducts much of it's recruiting on the internet? You can bomb some, but not all. You'll give them more propoganda.

It's easy, you announce there will be a public execution of gays at the town square at high noon. Precision bomb dropped at 1200 hours.
The day after that a planned protest of the bombing, another bomb dropped. Get the idea?
When you can show me a gun growing legs and arms then shooting itself, you would be correct. Since it's PEOPLE misusing them, try again.

and yet Australia doesn't have thousands of murders a year via handguns... nor NZ....nor Canada...nor the UK....nor France.....I could go on....

Your answer is because it is an inanimate object it absolves the culture that produces such figures. It doesn't. As I said. you're fucked.

Why do those countries that have strict gun laws have any murders via handguns?
When you can show me a gun growing legs and arms then shooting itself, you would be correct. Since it's PEOPLE misusing them, try again.

and yet Australia doesn't have thousands of murders a year via handguns... nor NZ....nor Canada...nor the UK....nor France.....I could go on....

Your answer is because it is an inanimate object it absolves the culture that produces such figures. It doesn't. As I said. you're fucked.

And yet....Australia has a growing gun problem....and now, years after the ban and confiscation...they call Melbourne, the City of the Gun....Canada...has a growing gun problem....the U.K., a growing gun problem, France....AK-47s are status symbols of the criminal class.....you need to catch up....the immigrant populations of these countries has brought in drugs and violence that the original culture can no longer cope with....

We have very little gun crime compared to how many Americans own and carry guns...in fact since the 1990s, when we had 200 million guns to today, when we now have 357-400 million guns in private hands and 15 million people actually carrying guns for self defense...our gun murder rate went down 47%, and our violent crime rates went down 77%........

It is the criminal culture that determines the murder rate...not gun laws.

The way Dr. Grump talks, places that he mentioned would have ZERO gun murders because of the laws they have.
I am speechless, reminds me of the San Bernardino shooter. Or maybe The Pulse shooter, or the charlie hebdo guys, or...man, 9/11 even, But I digress, need I say more? Islam better familiarize itself with HUBRIS.

Is that so?

Why does it remind you of those shootings, rather than Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, or Anders Breivik?

And again...please show where murder is condoned anywhere in Christian teachings....when someone commits murder in the name of Christianity...they are not acting as Christians........you cannot claim to be a Vegan, then eat meat......that means you are not a Vegan.......

What do you expect from the lefties that believe supporting someone else being forced to fund what they want makes them compassionate.
When their brains are blown out, their hearts and minds will follow. Worked so well in Vietnam.
So you too also admit all those gun laws don't work. Thanks.

In the US? No. The place is too far gone...

As more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 47% and our violent crime rate went down 77%......your point is no point at all......our problem...single, teenage mothers in the inner city...raising aggressive, males.......with no impulse control because they never had fathers to teach them to be men...

No your problem is your country is set up to keep a portion of the population in poverty, by giving them a 3rd rate education, no jobs, and terrible living conditions, and then blaming them for their poverty and lack of opportunity.

You system is set up to favour those who have already succeeded, and keep them in wealth. You are horrified that minority kids get breaks on their SAT scores, while saying nothing about "legacy" admittance of the children of graduates.

Do you honestly think that George W. Bush got into Yale on merits? Or did he get in because his Daddy was a Yale Graduate and the Vice-President of the United States?

I have a wonderful education, a profession that I have done for almost 30 years, excellent living conditions, and do not live in poverty. It's because I took the opportunities this wonderful country has to offer. Too many, by their own actions fail to get an education, can't keep a job, live the way they live because of those actions, then blame their poverty on not having the opportunity when, in fact, it's because they didn't use the ones they had.

Why should a minority kid get a break on their SAT. Are they incapable of performing to the cognitive level of white people? That's what you indicate when you justify minorities getting those breaks. You're telling them that they can't do as well as whites. The difference in that and the legacy admittance is that the former is done through government mandate and the latter is a result of a CHOICE by the school, in many cases, a PRIVATE school.

Did Barack Obama get into Harvard because he had such excellent grades or did he get there because he was black?
So you too also admit all those gun laws don't work. Thanks.

In the US? No. The place is too far gone...

As more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 47% and our violent crime rate went down 77%......your point is no point at all......our problem...single, teenage mothers in the inner city...raising aggressive, males.......with no impulse control because they never had fathers to teach them to be men...

No your problem is your country is set up to keep a portion of the population in poverty, by giving them a 3rd rate education, no jobs, and terrible living conditions, and then blaming them for their poverty and lack of opportunity.

You system is set up to favour those who have already succeeded, and keep them in wealth. You are horrified that minority kids get breaks on their SAT scores, while saying nothing about "legacy" admittance of the children of graduates.

Do you honestly think that George W. Bush got into Yale on merits? Or did he get in because his Daddy was a Yale Graduate and the Vice-President of the United States?
No your problem is your country is set up to keep a portion of the population in poverty, by giving them a 3rd rate education, no jobs, and terrible living conditions, and then blaming them for their poverty and lack of opportunity.

You system is set up to favour those who have already succeeded, and keep them in wealth. You are horrified that minority kids get breaks on their SAT scores, while saying nothing about "legacy" admittance of the children of graduates.

Which is why Democrats want to keep the status quo and conservatives want to offer parents choices on the best place to send their children to be educated.

You make the case for conservativism very well, thank you.

People like Dragonlady (Liberals) have controlled the educational system for many, many years. It nice that one of them finally admitted what they've created is 3rd rate. The problem is they don't want people to be able to change that.
In the US? No. The place is too far gone...

As more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 47% and our violent crime rate went down 77%......your point is no point at all......our problem...single, teenage mothers in the inner city...raising aggressive, males.......with no impulse control because they never had fathers to teach them to be men...

No your problem is your country is set up to keep a portion of the population in poverty, by giving them a 3rd rate education, no jobs, and terrible living conditions, and then blaming them for their poverty and lack of opportunity.

You system is set up to favour those who have already succeeded, and keep them in wealth. You are horrified that minority kids get breaks on their SAT scores, while saying nothing about "legacy" admittance of the children of graduates.

Do you honestly think that George W. Bush got into Yale on merits? Or did he get in because his Daddy was a Yale Graduate and the Vice-President of the United States?

No...you are describing the policies of the democrat party, who supports teachers unions over teaching children........they trap them in bad schools and poverty to keep them voting democrat....

Our system in the inner cities is controlled by democrats.....they control the public schools, they control these shooting galleries, and they control the laws that allow shooters to go free with less than 2 years in prison....

Your article is from May 2016 - nearly a year ago, when there was a spike in gun violence in Toronto. 55 People were murdered in Toronto in 2015, 69 in 2016. But numbers are down in 2017.

Police do a gun sweep, get the guns off the street, and this year the murder rate drops like a stone.

Yeah...ignore the fact that when Canadian criminals want to shoot people, they get guns and shoot people and the gun laws there do not stop them.....

Based on what the left says about Canada, you'd expect that the gun murder rate would be ZERO.
Can't be...Canada has strict gun control. Must be a misreported story.
Criminals can find guns everywhere regardless of what the laws say!

So you admit the laws don't work? Why do so many want more laws put in place if the ones we have don't work. Are they saying that one the quantity of laws hits a certain level, the criminals will suddenly obey them?
Because our murder/death rate is so high.
ONLY in predominantly negro and latino precincts.
Remove that statistic and the US has a same violent gun murder rate as Canada.

Of the top 10 cities with the highest murder rates, 6 of them have over a 50% black population and 1 has a 64% Hispanic population.
When you can show me a gun growing legs and arms then shooting itself, you would be correct. Since it's PEOPLE misusing them, try again.

and yet Australia doesn't have thousands of murders a year via handguns... nor NZ....nor Canada...nor the UK....nor France.....I could go on....

Your answer is because it is an inanimate object it absolves the culture that produces such figures. It doesn't. As I said. you're fucked.
The reason the countries you mentioned have very small numbers of gun violence compared to the US can be found in every US inner city populated by negro thugs who'se average IQs is in the low eighties.
Add up all the inner city negro on negro violent gun crimes and remove them from the overall number and the US has the same number of violent crimes involving a gun as Canada.

No you don't. Another white supremacist myth...

Of the top 10 cities with the highest murder rates, 6 of them have a greater than 50% black population and 1 has a greater than 60% hispanic population. Detroit, although 3rd on the top 10 list, has a 81.6% black population.
When you can show me a gun growing legs and arms then shooting itself, you would be correct. Since it's PEOPLE misusing them, try again.

and yet Australia doesn't have thousands of murders a year via handguns... nor NZ....nor Canada...nor the UK....nor France.....I could go on....

Your answer is because it is an inanimate object it absolves the culture that produces such figures. It doesn't. As I said. you're fucked.
The reason the countries you mentioned have very small numbers of gun violence compared to the US can be found in every US inner city populated by negro thugs who'se average IQs is in the low eighties.
Add up all the inner city negro on negro violent gun crimes and remove them from the overall number and the US has the same number of violent crimes involving a gun as Canada.

No you don't. Another white supremacist myth...
Yep, Alt-Right ignorance.
Justin Trudeau responds to the attack in Quebec City by saying this:

“a despicable act of terror”.

Fair enough.

But when asked st a much earlier date about a possible terrorist attack carried out by a Moslem who came in as a refugee, he said this:

“Ultimately, being open and respectful towards each other is much more powerful as a way to defuse hatred and anger, than layering on big walls and oppressive policies”.
Trudeau is right ... you're wrong.
I am speechless, reminds me of the San Bernardino shooter. Or maybe The Pulse shooter, or the charlie hebdo guys, or...man, 9/11 even, But I digress, need I say more? Islam better familiarize itself with HUBRIS.

Is that so?

Why does it remind you of those shootings, rather than Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, or Anders Breivik?

And again...please show where murder is condoned anywhere in Christian teachings....when someone commits murder in the name of Christianity...they are not acting as Christians........you cannot claim to be a Vegan, then eat meat......that means you are not a Vegan.......

There's quite a bit of condoning murder in the Old Testament - but you're missing my point entirely. I couldn't care less about religious pissing contests.
When their brains are blown out, their hearts and minds will follow. Worked so well in Vietnam.

I'm guessing that's sarcasm so I'll say that it's an ongoing process. Just as freedom must continually be defended, we have to keep killing them. Unless they stop of course.
Justin Trudeau responds to the attack in Quebec City by saying this:

“a despicable act of terror”.

Fair enough.

But when asked st a much earlier date about a possible terrorist attack carried out by a Moslem who came in as a refugee, he said this:

“Ultimately, being open and respectful towards each other is much more powerful as a way to defuse hatred and anger, than layering on big walls and oppressive policies”.
Trudeau is right ... you're wrong.

LOL... ok.

Trudeau is an appeaser who will inflict a lot of suffering on the good citizens of Canada. What a shame.
Justin Trudeau responds to the attack in Quebec City by saying this:

“a despicable act of terror”.

Fair enough.

But when asked st a much earlier date about a possible terrorist attack carried out by a Moslem who came in as a refugee, he said this:

“Ultimately, being open and respectful towards each other is much more powerful as a way to defuse hatred and anger, than layering on big walls and oppressive policies”.
Trudeau is right ... you're wrong.

LOL... ok.

Trudeau is an appeaser who will inflict a lot of suffering on the good citizens of Canada. What a shame.
What kind of suffering has he inflicted on Canadians?
Justin Trudeau responds to the attack in Quebec City by saying this:

“a despicable act of terror”.

Fair enough.

But when asked st a much earlier date about a possible terrorist attack carried out by a Moslem who came in as a refugee, he said this:

“Ultimately, being open and respectful towards each other is much more powerful as a way to defuse hatred and anger, than layering on big walls and oppressive policies”.
Trudeau is right ... you're wrong.

LOL... ok.

Trudeau is an appeaser who will inflict a lot of suffering on the good citizens of Canada. What a shame.
What kind of suffering has he inflicted on Canadians?

Wrong question. Try again.

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