5 Proposals for the GOP's "War On Poverty."


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2012
Republicans, especially possible 2016 presidential contenders in 2016, want to change their party's image as unfeeling toward the poor. Here are five ideas from prominent Republicans for helping low-income Americans advance.

1. Sticking up for the poor

2. Speak With Compassion!

3. Less Washington More Jobs!

4. Transfer all the FEDS anti-poverty programs to a single agency!

5. Establishing Enterprise Zones

Are any of these proposals realistically attainable? I submit that they probably are not. Hopefully, the American people have not forgotten how downright Draconian and mean the GOP was in attempting to thwart any attempts by the Dems to help the poor and the middle-class. If they are banking on the American people to have a short memory they will fall short again.

What would a Republican 'war on poverty' look like, circa 2016?
1- WHY? No one is entitled for someone to "stick up for you". You're own your own. You don't deserve MY tax money to live off of. I don't love or hate the poor, Im indifferent to them. Keep their hands off my money, and I'll ignore them in return. Fair enough?

2- I don't speak with compassion. I speak with honesty.

3- Yes, less Washington, less welfare, less food stamps, more tax cuts. Getting a job? That's on you, not my responsibility.

4- There shouldn't be Federal anti-poverty programs. Any of them. Poverty is the fault of the individual. Not my job or the governments to keep you fed and housed.

5- WTF is an "enterprise zone"? Just cut taxes, and let the free market play itself out.
Republicans, especially possible 2016 presidential contenders in 2016, want to change their party's image as unfeeling toward the poor. Here are five ideas from prominent Republicans for helping low-income Americans advance.

1. Sticking up for the poor

2. Speak With Compassion!

3. Less Washington More Jobs!

4. Transfer all the FEDS anti-poverty programs to a single agency!

5. Establishing Enterprise Zones

Are any of these proposals realistically attainable? I submit that they probably are not. Hopefully, the American people have not forgotten how downright Draconian and mean the GOP was in attempting to thwart any attempts by the Dems to help the poor and the middle-class. If they are banking on the American people to have a short memory they will fall short again.

What would a Republican 'war on poverty' look like, circa 2016?

1. Don't stick up for the poor--all the time. Help the poor stick up for themselves!

2. You too!

3. Less talk, more jobs!

4. Lets not. See 1.

5. Why? What are "enterprise zones"? Are they anything like "free speech zones"? In that case, no.
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I have to give Rubio credit for at least addressing the issue. The GOP has made itself an easy target for the Dems by making zero effort to aggressively address the issue, allowing the Dems to "own" it.

This weird tactic (if that's what you might call it) of not addressing/admitting problems has hurt them.

We shouldn't be catering to the freakin poor to try to win votes. May as well be libtards.

Its like being a straight guy at a gay party, and then acting gay just because you don't have a date.

Screw that. The poor can fend for themselves. They've had decades of welfare, and nothing to show for it. The well is dry boys.
We shouldn't be catering to the freakin poor to try to win votes. May as well be libtards.

Its like being a straight guy at a gay party, and then acting gay just because you don't have a date.

Screw that. The poor can fend for themselves. They've had decades of welfare, and nothing to show for it. The well is dry boys.

There is a huge difference between "catering to" and "communicating with". And no doubt, your attitude is more than welcomed by the Dems, who will gleefully point at it and say "see?".

If you're confident in the conservative message -- and I don't know whether you are or whether you are not -- I would think you would be more than happy to share it with those who could most benefit by it. Or, you can allow your political opponents to own the issue and get the votes.

You would also benefit if others lifted themselves up, I wonder if you know that.

We shouldn't be catering to the freakin poor to try to win votes. May as well be libtards.

Its like being a straight guy at a gay party, and then acting gay just because you don't have a date.

Screw that. The poor can fend for themselves. They've had decades of welfare, and nothing to show for it. The well is dry boys.

There is a huge difference between "catering to" and "communicating with". And no doubt, your attitude is more than welcomed by the Dems, who will gleefully point at it and say "see?".

If you're confident in the conservative message -- and I don't know whether you are or whether you are not -- I would think you would be more than happy to share it with those who could most benefit by it. Or, you can allow your political opponents to own the issue and get the votes.

You would also benefit if others lifted themselves up, I wonder if you know that.


Well, I respectfully say this: "Communicating" is fine.

Communicate this to the poor: We're broke. Your free ride is over. Get to work.

That is my conservative message. No one, including me, is responsible for looking out for you. The poor can help themselves.....and NOT to my money.
We shouldn't be catering to the freakin poor to try to win votes. May as well be libtards.

Its like being a straight guy at a gay party, and then acting gay just because you don't have a date.

Screw that. The poor can fend for themselves. They've had decades of welfare, and nothing to show for it. The well is dry boys.

There is a huge difference between "catering to" and "communicating with". And no doubt, your attitude is more than welcomed by the Dems, who will gleefully point at it and say "see?".

If you're confident in the conservative message -- and I don't know whether you are or whether you are not -- I would think you would be more than happy to share it with those who could most benefit by it. Or, you can allow your political opponents to own the issue and get the votes.

You would also benefit if others lifted themselves up, I wonder if you know that.


Well, I respectfully say this: "Communicating" is fine.

Communicate this to the poor: We're broke. Your free ride is over. Get to work.

That is my conservative message. No one, including me, is responsible for looking out for you. The poor can help themselves.....and NOT to my money.

Are you a Christian? Just wondering!

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