5 Reasons Libs Won’t Celebrate Religious Freedom


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"From ObamaCare to gay marriage to public prayer, the left and its media friends are squeezing the acceptable space religion is allowed in American’s lives – into a couple of hours on Sunday, and even that isn’t sacrosanct. Here are five recent examples....

"1. The One Where the Fire Chief Got Fired...
"2. The Case of the Gay Wedding Cake...
"3. That Time They Threw a Fit About Not Getting Free Birth Control From a Company They Didn’t Even
Work For...
"4. The One Where “Your Religious Beliefs Seriously Infringe on my Right to Watch Reality Television...
"5. Surrender Your Sermons...

"Progressives, who love to congratulate themselves on their tolerance and pluralism, are increasing intolerant when it comes to religion – or Christianity, anyway. Muslims seem to get a pass. On college campuses, Christian groups that refuse to allow non-believers to become officers have been forced to disband. In South Carolina, the atheist group Freedom from Religion Foundation pressured a privately-owned restaurant to cease offering discounts to customers who pray before their meals. The groups suggested Mary’s Gourmet Diner was in violation of the Civil Rights Act"

5 Reasons Libs Won t Celebrate Religious Freedom Day Friday
Yep, liberals talk about "tolerance" and "inclusion," but they are the most intolerant, closed-minded folks around when it comes to respecting the rights of people of faith.

They view religion as a backward superstition. I suspect that as liberals become more openly immoral and anti-religion, they will become more overt about persecuting religious people under the guise of "hate speech" laws, etc., etc.

You alluded to the recent case in Houston where the city council demanded to see local pastors' sermons because they were, heaven forbid, teaching what the Bible says about homosexuality. After a loud outcry, the city council backed down. But I suspect that in the future we will see more such attempts and that liberals won't back down from them, no matter how much religious people and fair-minded secular people protest.
That's okay. Because Christians aren't going to submit. They'll die first.

What we forget is that the homo lobby is an infinitesimal portion of the voting public. This travesty is being foisted upon us by a tiny fraction of the population...spearheaded by corrupt politicians who have seeded the courts with corrupt judges.

It's just a matter of time. This will all be straightened out in the end. And the homo lobby isn't going to win.
"From ObamaCare to gay marriage to public prayer, the left and its media friends are squeezing the acceptable space religion is allowed in American’s lives – into a couple of hours on Sunday, and even that isn’t sacrosanct. Here are five recent examples....

"1. The One Where the Fire Chief Got Fired...
"2. The Case of the Gay Wedding Cake...
"3. That Time They Threw a Fit About Not Getting Free Birth Control From a Company They Didn’t Even
Work For...
"4. The One Where “Your Religious Beliefs Seriously Infringe on my Right to Watch Reality Television...
"5. Surrender Your Sermons...

"Progressives, who love to congratulate themselves on their tolerance and pluralism, are increasing intolerant when it comes to religion – or Christianity, anyway. Muslims seem to get a pass. On college campuses, Christian groups that refuse to allow non-believers to become officers have been forced to disband. In South Carolina, the atheist group Freedom from Religion Foundation pressured a privately-owned restaurant to cease offering discounts to customers who pray before their meals. The groups suggested Mary’s Gourmet Diner was in violation of the Civil Rights Act"

5 Reasons Libs Won t Celebrate Religious Freedom Day Friday

Why is it whenever I hear a conservative lauding 'freedom', its always about treating someone else like a piece of shit?
"From ObamaCare to gay marriage to public prayer, the left and its media friends are squeezing the acceptable space religion is allowed in American’s lives – into a couple of hours on Sunday, and even that isn’t sacrosanct. Here are five recent examples....

"1. The One Where the Fire Chief Got Fired...
"2. The Case of the Gay Wedding Cake...
"3. That Time They Threw a Fit About Not Getting Free Birth Control From a Company They Didn’t Even
Work For...
"4. The One Where “Your Religious Beliefs Seriously Infringe on my Right to Watch Reality Television...
"5. Surrender Your Sermons...

"Progressives, who love to congratulate themselves on their tolerance and pluralism, are increasing intolerant when it comes to religion – or Christianity, anyway. Muslims seem to get a pass. On college campuses, Christian groups that refuse to allow non-believers to become officers have been forced to disband. In South Carolina, the atheist group Freedom from Religion Foundation pressured a privately-owned restaurant to cease offering discounts to customers who pray before their meals. The groups suggested Mary’s Gourmet Diner was in violation of the Civil Rights Act"

5 Reasons Libs Won t Celebrate Religious Freedom Day Friday

Why is it whenever I hear a conservative lauding 'freedom', its always about treating someone else like a piece of shit?
Their version of freedom is the freedom to spit on a faggot or a ****** or a wetback. They get really mad if you take that away.
That's okay. Because Christians aren't going to submit. They'll die first.

What we forget is that the homo lobby is an infinitesimal portion of the voting public. This travesty is being foisted upon us by a tiny fraction of the population...spearheaded by corrupt politicians who have seeded the courts with corrupt judges.

It's just a matter of time. This will all be straightened out in the end. And the homo lobby isn't going to win.
Because Christians aren't going to submit. They'll die first.

That's okay. Because Christians aren't going to submit. They'll die first.

What we forget is that the homo lobby is an infinitesimal portion of the voting public. This travesty is being foisted upon us by a tiny fraction of the population...spearheaded by corrupt politicians who have seeded the courts with corrupt judges.

It's just a matter of time. This will all be straightened out in the end. And the homo lobby isn't going to win.
Submit to what? No one is asking them to submit to anything, just leave other folks alone. You homophobic assholes are forcing your views on others, not the other way around. I am a straight, but I don't feel that I have the right to dictate how others live their lives. And I don't give a damn as to what they do in the privacy of their bedroom.
Religious freedom does not mean the secular world should have no defense against religious laws pushed by minority right wing Christians. If you people had your way everything fun would be banned, how is that freedom?
"Recognizing the idea of America as a refuge for the protester or rebel, Madison also argued that Henry’s proposal was “a departure from that generous policy, which offering an Asylum to the persecuted and oppressed of every Nation and Religion, promised a lustre to our country.”

After long debate, Patrick Henry’s bill was defeated, with the opposition outnumbering supporters 12 to 1. Instead, the Virginia legislature took up Jefferson’s plan for the separation of church and state. In 1786, the Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom, modified somewhat from Jefferson’s original draft, became law. The act is one of three accomplishments Jefferson included on his tombstone, along with writing the Declaration and founding the University of Virginia. (He omitted his presidency of the United States.) After the bill was passed, Jefferson proudly wrote that the law “meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew, the Gentile, the Christian and the Mahometan, the Hindoo and Infidel of every denomination.”

Madison wanted Jefferson’s view to become the law of the land when he went to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787.And as framed in Philadelphia that year, the U.S. Constitution clearly stated in Article VI that federal elective and appointed officials “shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution, but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

This passage—along with the facts that the Constitution does not mention God or a deity (except for a pro forma “year of our Lord” date) and that its very first amendment forbids Congress from making laws that would infringe of the free exercise of religion—attests to the founders’ resolve that America be a secular republic. The men who fought the Revolution may have thanked Providence and attended church regularly—or not. But they also fought a war against a country in which the head of state was the head of the church. Knowing well the history of religious warfare that led to America’s settlement, they clearly understood both the dangers of that system and of sectarian conflict."

Read more: History Travel Arts Science People Places Smithsonian

This all true Liberals celebrate but that's not what the OP wants, she wants a Christian Nation, something we are not.
America s True History of Religious Tolerance History Smithsonian

I'll hold a Black Mass in front of your kid's school. Well that work?
Two things about YOUR comment.
1, The word is WILL not well.
2, It COULD be viewed as a THREAT to the OP's child.
Just sayin.
1. Thanks, typo, 2. , She doesn't have a kid and there's no threat to one if she did, but the kids would have plenty of questions about why Jesus was covered in blood, and upside down eh? That's religious freedom for you, which is my point.
Yep, liberals talk about "tolerance" and "inclusion," but they are the most intolerant, closed-minded folks around when it comes to respecting the rights of people of faith.

They view religion as a backward superstition. I suspect that as liberals become more openly immoral and anti-religion, they will become more overt about persecuting religious people under the guise of "hate speech" laws, etc., etc.

You alluded to the recent case in Houston where the city council demanded to see local pastors' sermons because they were, heaven forbid, teaching what the Bible says about homosexuality. After a loud outcry, the city council backed down. But I suspect that in the future we will see more such attempts and that liberals won't back down from them, no matter how much religious people and fair-minded secular people protest.
You're correct. Many of us do view religion as a backward superstition. :thup:
Religious freedom does not mean the secular world should have no defense against religious laws pushed by minority right wing Christians. If you people had your way everything fun would be banned, how is that freedom?

Head is technically sodomy. Those fuckers would ruin everything.
America s True History of Religious Tolerance History Smithsonian

I'll hold a Black Mass in front of your kid's school. Well that work?
Two things about YOUR comment.
1, The word is WILL not well.
2, It COULD be viewed as a THREAT to the OP's child.
Just sayin.
1. Thanks, typo, 2. , She doesn't have a kid and there's no threat to one if she did, but the kids would have plenty of questions about why Jesus was covered in blood, and upside down eh? That's religious freedom for you, which is my point.
Two is INVALID because YOU invoked a threat to a child real or not.
Religion or the lack there of has NOTHING to do with the invocation of a threat.

IF a threat is viewed as viable or possible it CAN be handled as REAL.

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