How Religious Freedom Became A Rightwing Assault On The Rule Of Law

3. You seem to be ignoring the FACT that Putin just blew up the Nord Stream pipelines??????

A short time after this had happened I thought it had been done by Poland, the Ukraine or the USA. But since I heard from the business of China with Orban for a senseless and extremely expensive railroad between Belgrad and Budapest my fantasy makes wider circles. What a pitty that never anyone will hear who had done this - even if we will find out the truth about this attack.

... If Trump becomes President again, he is likely to move strongly on Trade ...

The "right winger" Donald Trump stopped the TTIP-negotiations (TTIP=Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) which had been heavily criticized from the left-wingers in those days.

Reason for seems to be that he was able to speak afterwards a lot of nonsense and bullshit about the transatlantic relations. Or was it to self-fulfill the bullshit and nonsense he said before?
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Trump ... serious diplomatic issue. We believed that your nation's actions were incorrect

Trump diplomatic? Germany incorrect? ... Wrong galaxy, I guess. ... What says starship Quasimodo about a broken spacetime?

and as allies it was thus our problem too.

As far as I know all military problems in this context had been cleared with the honorable president of the USA Barack Obama in a timeline up to the year 2024.
You speak intentionally nonsense. The expression "a god" is a polytheistic expression. Polytheism is in worst case nonsense and in best best case part of creation - but god is creator. So to say monotheistically "God has no need to have god" would lead us to a dicussion about paradoxes of our logic and god - which would need a very good knowledge in philosophy and theology. And anyway I said nothing in such a context. I said: "God is the god of god". A clear sentence which includes that god could be religious on his own.

By the way - that god is god doesn't mean god isn't a lampshade. It's really diffcult to say only such a simple sentence in case of god. "To be god" is not a philosophical attribute like all others. Even what "to be" means in this context is a very difficult question because god is also able not to be. And to say "god is love" for example doesn't mean god loves. I think it is true that god loves us - everyone of us much more than all others together - but this all is not a question of logic - it is a question of revelation and belief.

Nevertheless if my lampshade would tell me something about his ideas in context of the universe - specially the idea he is god - then I guess they would bring me into a psychiatric hospital and not the lampshade. The world is not just. So perhaps you should let it be to say nonsense like: "God has no need to have a god." only because such a sentence is true so it is more easy for you to be an intrigant liar by saying so.

God is always in us, but we are rarely at home.
Meister Eckhart
You speak with a false sense of pride. I gather that English is not your first language.

Your basic problem is that you ascribe to the Creator certain attributes which tend to anthropomorphize God. Buddy, that’s not how things actually work.

Disagreeing with your particular view of God is neither objectively wrong any more than your view is objectively right.

When humans first came upon mysteries for which they had no answers, many of them found it necessary to “explain” things by refeeence to a Divine Almighty Creator. And even today, some very serious scientists keep bumping into things that seem to suggest that maybe, ultimately, there is a God.

I just find it amusing that “God” is viewed as a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim or … pick a religion.

Your personal view? Not my concern. But I do think you need to take your foot off the peddle a bit when it come to how judgmental you are.
The "right winger" Donald Trump stopped the TTIP-negotiations (TTIP=Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) which had been heavily criticized from the left-wingers in those days.

Reason for seems to be that he was able to speak afterwards a lot of nonsense and bullshit about the transatlantic relations. Or was it to self-fulfill the bullshit and nonsense he said before?

I don't remember the stated reasons. Why do you care?
Trump diplomatic? Germany incorrect? ... Wrong galaxy, I guess. ... What says starship Quasimodo about a broken spacetime?

As far as I know all military problems in this context had been cleared with the honorable president of the USA Barack Obama in a timeline up to the year 2024.

Well, Trump disagreed. And expressed his concerns. Sooooo, what is your point in bringing it up?
Trump is an enemy of Germany
Putin is an enemy of Germany
Please give a few reasons why Trump is an enemy of Germany. Is Biden an enemy of Germany too?
If Trump raises tariffs on imported cars in his second term, then you can bitch.
Please give a few reasons why Trump is an enemy of Germany. Is Biden an enemy of Germany too?
If Trump raises tariffs on imported cars in his second term, then you can bitch.

Even then, is that reason to call someone an enemy? How about not being such a whiner?
The only way to have any leverage is to be willing to walk away from a bad deal.

Do you agree that we need better trade policy, especially with China?

We need to address the businesses that took our jobs there.
You speak with a false sense of pride. I gather that English is not your first language.

Your basic problem is that you ascribe to the Creator certain attributes which tend to anthropomorphize God. Buddy, that’s not how things actually work.

Disagreeing with your particular view of God is neither objectively wrong any more than your view is objectively right.

When humans first came upon mysteries for which they had no answers, many of them found it necessary to “explain” things by refeeence to a Divine Almighty Creator. And even today, some very serious scientists keep bumping into things that seem to suggest that maybe, ultimately, there is a God.

I just find it amusing that “God” is viewed as a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim or … pick a religion.

Your personal view? Not my concern. But I do think you need to take your foot off the peddle a bit when it come to how judgmental you are.

Nevertheless I was curious and read what you wrote. It is indeed only bullshit and had absolutelly nothing to do with anything what I ever said or heard from any other grown up Christian who I personally know.
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We need to address the businesses that took our jobs there.

BMW had been the biggest car exporter of the USA. Because of Donald Trump it became much more difficult to sell German cars made in the USA any longer. In China it's impossible to do so meanwhile. By the way: In general economic wars will lead to real wars and the revolution "everything or nothing" will always end with nothing. The evolutionary way is "step by step".

And in general: If you do not like to use something what we Germans produce then do not buy it and let not make your president the decision what you have to buy or not to buy. I do not think "his" New Yorkers don't drive a Mercedes any longer only because Donald Trump appealed not to drive a Mercedes in NY any longer - perhaps only on reason because he grew angry that no one gave him for free a new Mercedes when he had ruined his old one.

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Please give a few reasons why Trump is an enemy of Germany.

Ask any other German.

Is Biden an enemy of Germany too?

No. What doesn't mean he is a friend of Germany.

But nevertheless also the USA declared war on Germany - or three states of the USA declared war on Germany - or three senators of the USA declared war on Germany - or three private persons who are senators declared war on Germany. The USA follows an extraordinary clear politics with very clear structures. The absurde law "for the energy safety of Europe" had been for example a law which was hidden in the laws for the US-American household - only because it had absolutelly nothing to do with the US-American household, I guess.

If Trump raises tariffs on imported cars in his second term, then you can bitch.

The differences between all tariffs of cars between the EU and the USA are nearly no existing. If this makes in average 2% difference then this is a lot. And indeed all tariffs in this context could also fall - but the full time super-idiot ignored the TTIP negotiations which he cancelled. I guess he tought the tyranny USA under his Führerschaft - ah, sorry: "leadership" - has to make all rules and all others have to do what US-American idiots say only because it is totally senseless what they say.

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BMW had been the biggest car exporter of the USA. Because of Donald Trump it became much more difficult to sell German cars made in the USA any longer. In China it's impossible to do so meanwhile. By the way: In general economic wars will lead to real wars and the revolution "everything or nothing" will always end with nothing. The evolutionary way is "step by step".

And in general: If you do not like to use something what we Germans produce then do not buy it and let not make your president the decision what you have to buy or not to buy. I do not think "his" New Yorkers don't drive a Mercedes any longer only because Donald Trump appealed not to drive a Mercedes in NY any longer - perhaps only on reason because he grew angry that no one gave him for free a new Mercedes when he had ruined his old one.

What I said had absolutely nothing to do with buying German products.

Do you really think out of the eyes of a German an US-American has earned anything else than death? We are really nice people because this is not the way in which we think.

It IS the way in which you think.

For centuries.

Right now you still happen to have your tail between your legs. National shame, stuff you can't even talk about.

But I'm sure that will change. Again.

SOME of you are nice people. Others of you are arrogant little snots.

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