How Religious Freedom Became A Rightwing Assault On The Rule Of Law

Mmm, that was a long time ago. Before my time. We over here, assume/hope that is in the past and you manage to survive.

There is not wide spread hate of germany in the usa.

Nope. I know where my family came from in the past. But you asked for MY "migration background". MY personal background is a native born American.

I do not know much about the indians who used to live here. They are mostly absorbed. What of them? They have nothing to do with me. What of them? Why are they relevant to anything in this conversation?

Smaller neighborhoods away from major city.

What is strange about me?

I had not finished my text before you answered. Typical behavior of US-Americans, You never have time. But how the Irish say: "When god made time he made a lot".

What is funny in this context? That you came to Europe, murdered in masses innocent Germans and expect now what from Germans except to be killed from them, mad and respectless evil gnome?

What is funny in this context? That you came to Europe, murdered in masses innocent Germans and expect now what from Germans except to be killed from them, mad and respectless evil gnome?

I would expect Germans today to have put WWII behind them and be ready to live happily ever after.

That you hold on to the past liket that, a good way to support the hate in your heart.
Mmm, that was a long time ago. Before my time. We over here, assume/hope that is in the past and you manage to survive.

There is not wide spread hate of germany in the usa.

It is. Otherwise Donald Trump had not been successful in making votes with hate on Germany and the USA had not declared war on Germany with their actions on conetxtt sanctioons against the pipeline Nord Stream 2 which had been destroyed a very short time ago together with the pipeline Nord Stream 1.

Nope. I know where my family came from in the past. But you asked for MY "migration background". MY personal background is a native born American.

Sure, native American.

I do not know much about the indians who used to live here.

Somehow funny that many people in the world - except traditional Germans and many, most or all Red Indians - like to forbid German children to be costumed as Red Indians during the carnival season where everyone her is allowed to chose any role someone likes to chose. To be a "Red Indian" is one of the most favored costumes here. Most Germans love Red Indians.

They are mostly absorbed.

Absorbed? From which Borg Queen?

What of them? They have nothing to do with me. What of them? Why are they relevant to anything in this conversation?

Smaller neighborhoods away from major city.

What is strange about me?

What do you think about just simple not to speak with me any longer? I don't think we will find any common base anymore.
I believe in God. He might be more inclined toward Protestant.

I don't know this from all Protestants - but Lutherans for example are Catholic. But they hate the word Catholic so they replaced the word "Catholic" in all creeds with "Christian" - what's in my view to the world an unnecessary reduction - if it is not wrong at all to do so.

But then, I don’t speak for the Almighty.

God has no need of a God.

Aha. And how do you know that God has no need of "a" God - whatever "a God" could be? I never spoke about "a" god in anything what I said about god. I said "god is the god of god". And I had to reduce in this context your sentence "God has no need of a God" to "God has no need of god" - what would be an immense paradox. God not needs his creation - for example - but as well his creation and god need god.

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Astonishing. It's "wild und frei" from "Der Flug des Drachen" .. ah sorry: "Der Fluch des Drachen"; played unbelievably well from Corvus Corax and sung from the wonderful German singer Ji-In Cho. An exceptional pleasure.
It is. Otherwise Donald Trump had not been successful in making votes with hate on Germany and the USA had not declared war on Germany with their actions on conetxtt sanctioons against the pipeline Nord Stream 2 which had been destroyed a very short time ago together with the pipeline Nord Stream 1.

Trump did not run on hating Germany, or hating anyone. Your words are simply not true.

Sure, native American.

Why did you change my words? NATIVE BORN AMERICAN. and why did you ask? What is your point?

Somehow funny that many people in the world - except traditional Germans and many, most or all Red Indians - like to forbid German children to be costumed as Red Indians during the carnival season where everyone her is allowed to chose any role someone likes to chose. To be a "Red Indian" is one of the most favored costumes here. Most Germans love Red Indians.

Used to be very popular over here, before leftards starting whining about "cultural appropriations". Hell, I once dressed as an Indian character from a comic book for a costum party.

Absorbed? From which Borg Queen?

Intermarriage. Seriously? You didn't understand that?

What do you think about just simple not to speak with me any longer? I don't think we will find any common base anymore.

And let the terrible and false things you say about me and mine go unchallenged? I think not.
... because of the German terror waves which rock this planet?

I have no idea of what you speak. My biggest concerns with Germany is their aggressive trade policy and poor defense policies.

These are valid conficts of interest, but not reason to hate your nation.
I have no idea of what you speak. My biggest concerns with Germany ...

Aha. You have concerns. But no idea what you try to speak about. Be happy that you are still alive and don't forget to hang Trump and his totally unreal stupid imperial nonsense.
Dude. I was in this country, and I voted for him. Most of my friends did. We talked about it. Not once did anyone say anything anti-German.

Someone is lying to you about what is going on over here.

You are lying to me. And "Donald Trump" is the comparative form of pathological liar.
Aggressive trade policy and stupid defense policy. That is what I was speaking about.

Since long years never anyone in the USA listened to anything what Germans said to them in this context. Let us now solve this not existing problem "exports of Germany within the EU" and the "money which we pay for our own defense to our own army" and the agreements we made with Barack Obama in this context. Now take your money, take your soldiers and leave Germany. And throw out every German and German company from the USA whomever you like to throw out. We don't need an ally like the USA who is anyway only interesteted in the death of all Germans and the destruction of Germany and Europe.

In general: When we sell to someone a machine in the world - in whatever country - then this one is normally using this machine to produce something and to make a lot of money with. So how are we able to be "aggressive" only because US-Americans make a lot of money by exporting things which cost nothing while they betray all people?
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Astonishing. It's "wild und frei" from "Der Fluch des Drachen"; played unbelievably well from Corvus Corax and sung from the wonderful German singer Ji-In Cho. An exceptional pleasure.
OK, I think that song in in this album.
Trump did not run on hating Germany, or hating anyone. Your words are simply not true.
Why did you change my words? NATIVE BORN AMERICAN. and why did you ask? What is your point?
Used to be very popular over here, before leftards starting whining about "cultural appropriations". Hell, I once dressed as an Indian character from a comic book for a costume party.
Intermarriage. Seriously? You didn't understand that?
And let the terrible and false things you say about me and mine go unchallenged? I think not.
The EU Leftists have their political views tattooed on their asses.
1. Trump warned Germany NOT to trust Putin providing him gas, and Trump was right.
2. When Meloni won in Italy and Truss won in Britain, and a Republican wins in 2024 the "Global Liberal Order" is officially over. Leftists cling to their worn and disproved ideology anyway, especially in universities and urban plantations.

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