5 Shocking facts about WHO chief tedros adhanom ghebreyesus

We should force him to step down and then we need to investigate that monster that lied to us all to protect China....

I don't think stepping down is even sufficient. America has to start leading the charge for alternative agencies. The International agencies have been bought and bribed, no different than FIFA who the FBI charged with taking bribes. Be it the U.N, W.T.O or now W.H.O, America has to understand, friend and foe alike have been bribing powerful players in these agencies, and it hasn't been for Americas benefit.
Is one of those secrets is that the letters of his name are worth about 3 Billion Scrabble points?
We should force him to step down and then we need to investigate that monster that lied to us all to protect China....

I don't think stepping down is even sufficient. America has to start leading the charge for alternative agencies. The International agencies have been bought and bribed, no different than FIFA who the FBI charged with taking bribes. Be it the U.N, W.T.O or now W.H.O, America has to understand, friend and foe alike have been bribing powerful players in these agencies, and it hasn't been for Americas benefit.
I agree

we must cut off funding to the WHO
The piece of shit lied about Cholera outbreaks in his own country, and he gets put in charge of the “World Health Organization”. He is a Chinese puppet and a Marxist. We should do the exact opposite of what this asshole suggests.

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