5 things women couldn't do in the 60s

Wimmen were holding public office BEFORE the Great Society. Wimmen, while not deployed to the War we're Transport Pilots (WASP's) and they Ferried Bombers and Fighters around.

It's not a New Thing. Democrats didn't "Free the Oppressed Female American Slaves". Do yerselves a favor top watching MSNBC.

And Credit Cards? Tell us, how many people male OR female could even QUALIFY for a credit card in the 60's? Banking Laws were different back then.

And look at the voting splits for the 1964 Civil Rights Act:

By party

The original House version:

Democratic Party: 152–96 (61–39%)
Republican Party: 138–34 (80–20%)

Cloture in the Senate:

Democratic Party: 44–23 (66–34%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)

The Senate version:

Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)

The Senate version, voted on by the House:

Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)


What you need to show is the states of those votes...and you know it. :D
Abortions up.
Divorces up.
Illegitimacy up.
Drug use up.
Incarcerations up.

You Liberals wanna' take the credit for those things too?

Do want to take credit for denying blacks their civil rights?

How about taking credit for discriminating against gays?

Or taking credit for McCarthy?

How about taking credit for auto fatalities too?

Your conservative 1950's were not exactly idyllic back then.

Sadly...we are really getting to see what the RW REALLY wants....roll back civil rights of all stripes.
I'm not sure that's the case. Anyone familar with what went on in the supposed 'good ol days' of the 1950s has to admit it was good if you were a well-off white man, but kinda crummy for everyone else. Far more than half of Republicans are not white men. So as a group I can't imagine they wanna return to that. Some might, but not the whole body.

I think instead what they do want for the most part is a return to order and repsect for authority, whether parents, civil government, federal government whatever. Lack of respect for our elders, superiors, and government is where our woes today originate. Has nothing to do with immigrants (who for the part come from cultures big on respecting their elders and authorities,) money, or even religion.

The marginalization of the valueation of authority is what we have now and what we miss. Do you own thing, rebel, don't obey your parents (if you don't obey your parents there's precious little reason to obey anyone else,) are all things that came out of the 50s group think. But instead of balance, we have the polar opposite extreme of the 1950s. And the problems we're facing today are the result of living our lives out of balance.
Lately all you see from the left is inane cliches and emotional claims about a fantasy world they imagined existed in the past. Democrats were the party of segregation. A former KKK member that FDR appointed to the supreme court wrote the modern version of the separation of church and state that all but took away religious freedom. Abortion is the best thing that ever happened to liberal men even though the emotional, mental and physical impact of abortion on women was ignored. What sane human could witness the murder of a full term infant by stabbing it in the back of the head with a frankenstein device and sucking it's brain out while it's feet kicked in agony? That's the liberal world we live in.
Abortions up.
Divorces up.
Illegitimacy up.
Drug use up.
Incarcerations up.

You Liberals wanna' take the credit for those things too?

Do want to take credit for denying blacks their civil rights?

How about taking credit for discriminating against gays?

Or taking credit for McCarthy?

How about taking credit for auto fatalities too?

Your conservative 1950's were not exactly idyllic back then.
actually it was the republicans who initially gave blacks rights and set them free. it was democrats who opposed it. republicans used a lame duck congress to push the 15th amendment. Republicans like john bingham and lyman trumbal were the drivers behing the 15th amendment and the civil rights act of 1866. Democrats actually voted against them. It was woodrow wilson who ordered the segregation of federal offices, not republicans. California democrats had in their state constitution a clause giving municipalities the right to determine where races could live. For a period of time only whites could vote in democratic primaries.

If you really take a look throughout history it is democrats who have passed laws restricting the rights of blacks, not republicans. Democrats are the ones who have taken actual restrictive actions against them. requiring a voter id is not a restrictive action, an infringement on rights or limitation. if it is, then laws requiring a gun license or background check for firearms should be abolished.
Lately all you see from the left is inane cliches and emotional claims about a fantasy world they imagined existed in the past. Democrats were the party of segregation. A former KKK member that FDR appointed to the supreme court wrote the modern version of the separation of church and state that all but took away religious freedom. Abortion is the best thing that ever happened to liberal men even though the emotional, mental and physical impact of abortion on women was ignored. What sane human could witness the murder of a full term infant by stabbing it in the back of the head with a frankenstein device and sucking it's brain out while it's feet kicked in agony? That's the liberal world we live in.

or burning it out with caustic chemicals. you want to talk about a war on women. let the woman carry the burden. Contraception used to be a condom. Guys don't want to deal with a condom, it kills some of the sensation and its a pain in the ass as well as a mood breaker. lets develop somethin women have ot take. and we'll tell them we are giving them freedom to take control over their lives. they'll love that one. we'll just gloss over the fact that most of these forms of contraception have long term health risks. But now what do we do if one of these methods don't work, or they forget to take their pill? We kill the problem. but how doe we convince a women to kill their own baby? We tell them we are giving them control over their bodies, no man has the right to tell them what to do with their bodies. They will eat that shit up. never mind the psychologic trauma involved. the guilt, the regrets, the haunting memories.

wow, i give them credit for selling in this travesty. We can now be as promiscuous as we like, the empowered, liberated woman is now holding the bag.
Abortions up.
Divorces up.
Illegitimacy up.
Drug use up.
Incarcerations up.

You Liberals wanna' take the credit for those things too?

Do want to take credit for denying blacks their civil rights?

How about taking credit for discriminating against gays?

Or taking credit for McCarthy?

How about taking credit for auto fatalities too?

Your conservative 1950's were not exactly idyllic back then.
actually it was the republicans who initially gave blacks rights and set them free. it was democrats who opposed it. republicans used a lame duck congress to push the 15th amendment. Republicans like john bingham and lyman trumbal were the drivers behing the 15th amendment and the civil rights act of 1866. Democrats actually voted against them. It was woodrow wilson who ordered the segregation of federal offices, not republicans. California democrats had in their state constitution a clause giving municipalities the right to determine where races could live. For a period of time only whites could vote in democratic primaries.

If you really take a look throughout history it is democrats who have passed laws restricting the rights of blacks, not republicans. Democrats are the ones who have taken actual restrictive actions against them. requiring a voter id is not a restrictive action, an infringement on rights or limitation. if it is, then laws requiring a gun license or background check for firearms should be abolished.

I think it is great to remind people what a fine party the GOP used to be....50 years ago
Do want to take credit for denying blacks their civil rights?

How about taking credit for discriminating against gays?

Or taking credit for McCarthy?

How about taking credit for auto fatalities too?

Your conservative 1950's were not exactly idyllic back then.
actually it was the republicans who initially gave blacks rights and set them free. it was democrats who opposed it. republicans used a lame duck congress to push the 15th amendment. Republicans like john bingham and lyman trumbal were the drivers behing the 15th amendment and the civil rights act of 1866. Democrats actually voted against them. It was woodrow wilson who ordered the segregation of federal offices, not republicans. California democrats had in their state constitution a clause giving municipalities the right to determine where races could live. For a period of time only whites could vote in democratic primaries.

If you really take a look throughout history it is democrats who have passed laws restricting the rights of blacks, not republicans. Democrats are the ones who have taken actual restrictive actions against them. requiring a voter id is not a restrictive action, an infringement on rights or limitation. if it is, then laws requiring a gun license or background check for firearms should be abolished.

I think it is great to remind people what a fine party the GOP used to be....50 years ago

i think its fine to bury your head in the sand and pretend you aren't handicaping blacks and keeping them in the ghettos and lying to women whiel you dump the full burden on their shoulders. with friends like you looking out for them they have all the enemies they can handle.

of course you can just keep running off at the mouth with your liberal spin against republicans you calm your guilty concious.

Democrats Republicans

Enslave Blacks Free blacks
KKK and Night riders 15th amendment and civil rights
Fight modern civil rights acts Pass modern civil rights acts

But then again republicans have suggested a universal voter ID required by everyone. so i can see how they are the party that oppresses blacks. :cuckoo:
In many ways the proliferation of birth control and easy access to abortion have been a "god-send" to men and a disaster for women. Single men no longer have to have any concern about whether a woman they are boffing gets pregnant. If she does, it is SHE who failed to take appropriate precautions, and she who will have to consider getting an abortion. And even if she does conceive, have a child, and win a paternity suit, the mother will still have the major burden of child-rearing for the ensuing 20 years or so. If she's lucky.

"Republicans" are not opposed to equal rights for women, or anyone else. That is what we SUPPORT and DESIRE. What we oppose is making public policy based on imaginary discrimination (like the "73 percent" myth), fanciful views of equal capabilities between men and women (e.g., firefighters, combat soldiers), and the policy of window dressing that impels corporations and institutions to install marginally-qualified women into positions of power and authority simply because it is fashionable or "encouraged" by government regulations.

Most of the serious, actual, discrimination against women has been addressed and is only still present in the margins, but wimmins' advocates, lacking anything substantive to do now, continue to beat the drums as though it were still 1956. Opposing them is not anti-women, it is anti-stupidity.
actually it was the republicans who initially gave blacks rights and set them free. it was democrats who opposed it. republicans used a lame duck congress to push the 15th amendment. Republicans like john bingham and lyman trumbal were the drivers behing the 15th amendment and the civil rights act of 1866. Democrats actually voted against them. It was woodrow wilson who ordered the segregation of federal offices, not republicans. California democrats had in their state constitution a clause giving municipalities the right to determine where races could live. For a period of time only whites could vote in democratic primaries.

If you really take a look throughout history it is democrats who have passed laws restricting the rights of blacks, not republicans. Democrats are the ones who have taken actual restrictive actions against them. requiring a voter id is not a restrictive action, an infringement on rights or limitation. if it is, then laws requiring a gun license or background check for firearms should be abolished.

I think it is great to remind people what a fine party the GOP used to be....50 years ago

i think its fine to bury your head in the sand and pretend you aren't handicaping blacks and keeping them in the ghettos and lying to women whiel you dump the full burden on their shoulders. with friends like you looking out for them they have all the enemies they can handle.

of course you can just keep running off at the mouth with your liberal spin against republicans you calm your guilty concious.

Democrats Republicans

Enslave Blacks Free blacks
KKK and Night riders 15th amendment and civil rights
Fight modern civil rights acts Pass modern civil rights acts

But then again republicans have suggested a universal voter ID required by everyone. so i can see how they are the party that oppresses blacks. :cuckoo:

Why do you guys think anyone is buying your "plantation" bullshit

50 years ago, some of your party actually gave a shit about human rights. Since then, Democrats have proposed affirmative action, social programs, jobs programs, healthcare for the poor, head start, minority small business set asides

ALL opposed by Republicans

What have the Republicans done for any minority in the last 50 years?
5 things women couldn't do in the 1960s - CNN.com

1. Get a credit card: In the 1960s, a bank could refuse to issue a credit card to an unmarried woman; even if she was married, her husband was required to cosign. As recently as the 1970s, credit cards in many cases were issued with only a husband's signature. It was not until the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 that it became illegal to refuse a credit card to a woman based on her gender.

2. Serve on a jury: The main reason women were kept out of jury pools was that they were considered the center of the home, which was their primary responsibility as caregivers. They were also thought to be too fragile to hear the grisly details of crimes and too sympathetic by nature to be able to remain objective about those accused of offenses. In 1961, the Supreme Court unanimously upheld a Florida law that exempted women from serving on juries. It wasn't until 1973 that women could serve on juries in all 50 states

3. Go on the birth control pill: Issues like reproductive freedom and a woman's right to decide when and whether to have children were only just beginning to be openly discussed in the 1960s. In 1957, the FDA approved of the birth control pill but only for "severe menstrual distress." In 1960, the pill was approved for use as a contraceptive. Even so, the pill was illegal in some states and could be prescribed only to married women for purposes of family planning

4. Get an Ivy League education:

Yale and Princeton didn't accept female students until 1969. Harvard didn't admit women until 1977

5. Experience equality in the workplace: Kennedy's Commission on the Status of Women produced a report in 1963 that revealed, among other things, that women earned 59 cents for every dollar that men earned and were kept out of the more lucrative professional positions. When the 1964 Civil Rights Act was going through Congress, an amendment made it illegal to discriminate on the basis of gender as well as race. When the amendment was not taken seriously regarding women in the workplace, the National Organization of Women was founded to enforce full equality for women in truly equal partnership with men.
Great OP.

Thank you.
I think it is great to remind people what a fine party the GOP used to be....50 years ago

i think its fine to bury your head in the sand and pretend you aren't handicaping blacks and keeping them in the ghettos and lying to women whiel you dump the full burden on their shoulders. with friends like you looking out for them they have all the enemies they can handle.

of course you can just keep running off at the mouth with your liberal spin against republicans you calm your guilty concious.

Democrats Republicans

Enslave Blacks Free blacks
KKK and Night riders 15th amendment and civil rights
Fight modern civil rights acts Pass modern civil rights acts

But then again republicans have suggested a universal voter ID required by everyone. so i can see how they are the party that oppresses blacks. :cuckoo:

Why do you guys think anyone is buying your "plantation" bullshit

50 years ago, some of your party actually gave a shit about human rights. Since then, Democrats have proposed affirmative action, social programs, jobs programs, healthcare for the poor, head start, minority small business set asides

ALL opposed by Republicans

What have the Republicans done for any minority in the last 50 years?

yes, republicans propose things for all people equally. they don't relable something that exists already and sell it to a particular group to buy votes.
i think its fine to bury your head in the sand and pretend you aren't handicaping blacks and keeping them in the ghettos and lying to women whiel you dump the full burden on their shoulders. with friends like you looking out for them they have all the enemies they can handle.

of course you can just keep running off at the mouth with your liberal spin against republicans you calm your guilty concious.

Democrats Republicans

Enslave Blacks Free blacks
KKK and Night riders 15th amendment and civil rights
Fight modern civil rights acts Pass modern civil rights acts

But then again republicans have suggested a universal voter ID required by everyone. so i can see how they are the party that oppresses blacks. :cuckoo:

Why do you guys think anyone is buying your "plantation" bullshit

50 years ago, some of your party actually gave a shit about human rights. Since then, Democrats have proposed affirmative action, social programs, jobs programs, healthcare for the poor, head start, minority small business set asides

ALL opposed by Republicans

What have the Republicans done for any minority in the last 50 years?

yes, republicans propose things for all people equally. they don't relable something that exists already and sell it to a particular group to buy votes.

I know, I know.....ones size fits all

As long as you are white, christian and wealthy
Why do you guys think anyone is buying your "plantation" bullshit

50 years ago, some of your party actually gave a shit about human rights. Since then, Democrats have proposed affirmative action, social programs, jobs programs, healthcare for the poor, head start, minority small business set asides

ALL opposed by Republicans

What have the Republicans done for any minority in the last 50 years?

yes, republicans propose things for all people equally. they don't relable something that exists already and sell it to a particular group to buy votes.

I know, I know.....ones size fits all

As long as you are white, christian and wealthy

it does fit all, until democrats go and pass segregation laws. but its good to see democrats trying to appear to be undoing some of the damage they have done over the years. so tell me, exactly when will blacks be getting out of the ghettos, off welfare, off drugs, stop killing each other, graduate highschool never mind higher education. you guys are doing a bang up job with all your policies and reforms there sport.
yes, republicans propose things for all people equally. they don't relable something that exists already and sell it to a particular group to buy votes.

I know, I know.....ones size fits all

As long as you are white, christian and wealthy

it does fit all, until democrats go and pass segregation laws. but its good to see democrats trying to appear to be undoing some of the damage they have done over the years. so tell me, exactly when will blacks be getting out of the ghettos, off welfare, off drugs, stop killing each other, graduate highschool never mind higher education. you guys are doing a bang up job with all your policies and reforms there sport.

Millions of blacks are not on welfare, don't do drugs, graduated high school and WON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN

Republicans get less than 10% of the black vote. attitudes like you just posted are a reason why
I know, I know.....ones size fits all

As long as you are white, christian and wealthy

it does fit all, until democrats go and pass segregation laws. but its good to see democrats trying to appear to be undoing some of the damage they have done over the years. so tell me, exactly when will blacks be getting out of the ghettos, off welfare, off drugs, stop killing each other, graduate highschool never mind higher education. you guys are doing a bang up job with all your policies and reforms there sport.

Millions of blacks are not on welfare, don't do drugs, graduated high school and WON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN

Republicans get less than 10% of the black vote. attitudes like you just posted are a reason why
sure, blacks made gains from the 60's on when the civil rights act passed. let me remind you which party was instrumental in passing that BTW. but over the last few decades black poverty rates have started to rise again. the average black salary in the 1990's was 63% of a whites. today it is 55%. again. your smoke an mirrors hasn't helped them at all. all of you bill clinton and barak obama years of the party of the people has actually seen a decline in in how the people are doing.
it does fit all, until democrats go and pass segregation laws. but its good to see democrats trying to appear to be undoing some of the damage they have done over the years. so tell me, exactly when will blacks be getting out of the ghettos, off welfare, off drugs, stop killing each other, graduate highschool never mind higher education. you guys are doing a bang up job with all your policies and reforms there sport.

Millions of blacks are not on welfare, don't do drugs, graduated high school and WON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN

Republicans get less than 10% of the black vote. attitudes like you just posted are a reason why
sure, blacks made gains from the 60's on when the civil rights act passed. let me remind you which party was instrumental in passing that BTW. but over the last few decades black poverty rates have started to rise again. the average black salary in the 1990's was 63% of a whites. today it is 55%. again. your smoke an mirrors hasn't helped them at all. all of you bill clinton and barak obama years of the party of the people has actually seen a decline in in how the people are doing.

Simple question

Why should blacks vote for a Republican?
"The greatest leaders in fighting for an integrated America in the 20th century were in the Democratic Party.

The fact is it was the liberal wing of the Democratic Party that ended segregation.

The fact is that it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt who gave hope to a nation that was in despair and could have slid into dictatorship.

And the fact is every Republican has much to learn from studying what the Democrats did right."

- Newt Gingrich, History Professor, former GOP superstar.
Millions of blacks are not on welfare, don't do drugs, graduated high school and WON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN

Republicans get less than 10% of the black vote. attitudes like you just posted are a reason why
sure, blacks made gains from the 60's on when the civil rights act passed. let me remind you which party was instrumental in passing that BTW. but over the last few decades black poverty rates have started to rise again. the average black salary in the 1990's was 63% of a whites. today it is 55%. again. your smoke an mirrors hasn't helped them at all. all of you bill clinton and barak obama years of the party of the people has actually seen a decline in in how the people are doing.

Simple question

Why should blacks vote for a Republican?

democrats have sold them out. they have succesfully led the majority of a race to the old compnay store concept, with government as the company. then again, maybey they enjoy the projects and the high quality food they can get on food stamps

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