5 Videos Some Say Are Proof Of A Coming U.S. Military Coup...

Another sky is falling thread from our resident authority-phobe, basement dweller :up: Polly :tinfoil: Go back top High school and finish kid.
This is a true story-after the movie came out,i started reading books out there on the topic and when it became obvious that there was a conspiracy,I went back to my high school a few years later and said to my high school teacher-Mr Evans,you taught us in class that oswald killed JFK and was the lone assassin.that is not true.It was the CIA that killed him.

He then went on and replied saying-Oh I never did believe that.so i replied back and said-what,that the CIA killed him or that Oswald did? and he answered saying-that oswald killed him. so I then went on to ask him-If you did not believe it,then how come you told us Oswald killed him then? and he then said- Well just between you and me if I told you all in class what I honestly believed I wouldnt be talking to you right now because I would have lost my job back then and been fired.

Like I said,true story. If some teacher in our corrupt school system goes and tells the truth that he was killed by a conspiracy,then the school will fire that teacher for telling the truth and thats because the school is funded by the city and the city is funded by the state and the state is funded by the federal government so naturally,you are only going to hear what they WANT you to hear.
This is a true story-after the movie came out,i started reading books out there on the topic and when it became obvious that there was a conspiracy,I went back to my high school a few years later and said to my high school teacher-Mr Evans,you taught us in class that oswald killed JFK and was the lone assassin.that is not true.It was the CIA that killed him.

He then went on and replied saying-Oh I never did believe that.so i replied back and said-what,that the CIA killed him or that Oswald did? and he answered saying-that oswald killed him. so I then went on to ask him-If you did not believe it,then how come you told us Oswald killed him then? and he then said- Well just between you and me if I told you all in class what I honestly believed I wouldnt be talking to you right now because I would have lost my job back then and been fired.

Like I said,true story. If some teacher in our corrupt school system goes and tells the truth that he was killed by a conspiracy,then the school will fire that teacher for telling the truth and thats because the school is funded by the city and the city is funded by the state and the state is funded by the federal government so naturally,you are only going to hear what they WANT you to hear.
Excerpt from hand job's latest book: Masturbation and Friction burns
Pffft. They didn't even have a tank. ...or flamethrowers. :flameth:

Back to sleep, people.

They're too busy stuffing their fat faces, watching porn & sports to care. They'll just go on feeling real smug spewing their 'Tinfoil Hat' insults. It comforts them.
Trolls gonna troll, right? :dunno:

Unfortunately, many people can't respect the difference between vigilance and declarative certainty.

It's not limited to one side. The left mocks the right for failed e.g. "invasion" predictions. The right mocks the left for failed "10 million climate refugees by 2010" predictions. The trouble, of course, is that some outlandish predictions are wrong... until they're right.

Online message boards would be far more intellectually profitable places if contributors spent less time mocking opposing viewpoints and more time engaged in critical inquiry, even if that involves a willing suspension of disbelief.

Pointed rhetoric, satire, joking, even parody are appropriate at times, but they shouldn't constitute your primary contributions. If opponents' theories have even a shred of merit to them, do unto others as you would have them do unto you: engage them with a modicum of respect. If you consistently accomplish that, you'll do well. :thup:

Ridiculing and Shaming works for em. It makes most feel safer. They don't want to contemplate what's really going on around them. They'd much rather ridicule, stuff their fat faces, watch their porn/sports, and stick their heads in the sand. So i don't get offended by their insults anymore. It's just the way it is. I've moved on.

This has become the RW whine, that they're being "ridiculed and shamed". You forgot the part about being a "white republican male heterosexual".

Professional victims. You deserve to be ridiculed and shamed.

Anybody wanna bet the nutters will say Obama backed out because they caught him in the act.

Yeah, I know. Its beyond stupid but I'll bet we hear that from them in the near future.

OTOH, they still think FEMA has all those coffins and Obama bought up all the ammo so there would be a shortage.

Pffft. They didn't even have a tank. ...or flamethrowers. :flameth:

Back to sleep, people.

They're too busy stuffing their fat faces, watching porn & sports to care. They'll just go on feeling real smug spewing their 'Tinfoil Hat' insults. It comforts them.
Trolls gonna troll, right? :dunno:

Unfortunately, many people can't respect the difference between vigilance and declarative certainty.

It's not limited to one side. The left mocks the right for failed e.g. "invasion" predictions. The right mocks the left for failed "10 million climate refugees by 2010" predictions. The trouble, of course, is that some outlandish predictions are wrong... until they're right.

Online message boards would be far more intellectually profitable places if contributors spent less time mocking opposing viewpoints and more time engaged in critical inquiry, even if that involves a willing suspension of disbelief.

Pointed rhetoric, satire, joking, even parody are appropriate at times, but they shouldn't constitute your primary contributions. If opponents' theories have even a shred of merit to them, do unto others as you would have them do unto you: engage them with a modicum of respect. If you consistently accomplish that, you'll do well. :thup:

Ridiculing and Shaming works for em. It makes most feel safer. They don't want to contemplate what's really going on around them. They'd much rather ridicule, stuff their fat faces, watch their porn/sports, and stick their heads in the sand. So i don't get offended by their insults anymore. It's just the way it is. I've moved on.

This has become the RW whine, that they're being "ridiculed and shamed". You forgot the part about being a "white republican male heterosexual".

Professional victims. You deserve to be ridiculed and shamed.

professionals get paid, these asshats are volunteers !
Personally I don't think it will amount to anything, but I do thank you for the clips.
Try not to mind the cries from the peanut gallery too much. ;)

You mean laughter, and don't worry ... Pauli can't hear it:

This thread certainly proves that their idea about us all being rounded up and put into FEMA camps is not true...
Have any of the nutters admitted their burfur crap is blithering conspiratorial nonsense? How about all those coffins FEMA bought? And that ammo? And chemtrails? And anal probes?

OUCH ... at least the anal probes are REAL.

Can anyone tell me why the military would want to take over this country? It's falling apart and they are already the biggest budget item each year. Are they simply bored?

No, the military is not our largest budget item but don't let the facts get in the way of your mindless - and I do mean mindless - hate.
Online message boards would be far more intellectually profitable places if contributors spent less time mocking opposing viewpoints and more time engaged in critical inquiry, even if that involves a willing suspension of disbelief.

That which requires a willing suspension of disbelief is generally dis-believable (as are those who promote such silliness).
Ridiculing and Shaming works for em. It makes most feel safer. They don't want to contemplate what's really going on around them...

Which assumes there is something going on only you CT nutters can see ... a self-reinforcing delusion.
Ok ok, let's get the obligatory 'Tinfoil Hat' insults out of the way. Now, chill out and check it out.

National Guard troops were reportedly filmed on April 11 moving through the streets of Ontario, California. The footage was posted to YouTube with the title "Jade helm ? National guard in Ontario California.

And if Jade Helm doesn't produce a 'military coup', will you admit that your prediction was blithering conspiratorial nonsense?

If not, why not?

I haven't predicted anything. I presented 5 videos some are saying are proof that a U.S. military coup is coming.

Sure, but the ones saying that are crazy.
Ridiculing and Shaming works for em. It makes most feel safer. They don't want to contemplate what's really going on around them. They'd much rather ridicule, stuff their fat faces, watch their porn/sports, and stick their heads in the sand...
In all likelihood, they're "right" in that this is nothing more than a routine military exercise. I would shocked if it was anything more than that.

And yet you insist the norms here treat these CTs and their fans with some sort of intellectual respect they clearly don't deserve.
Pffft. They didn't even have a tank. ...or flamethrowers. :flameth:

Back to sleep, people.

They're too busy stuffing their fat faces, watching porn & sports to care. They'll just go on feeling real smug spewing their 'Tinfoil Hat' insults. It comforts them.
Trolls gonna troll, right? :dunno:

Unfortunately, many people can't respect the difference between vigilance and declarative certainty.

It's not limited to one side. The left mocks the right for failed e.g. "invasion" predictions. The right mocks the left for failed "10 million climate refugees by 2010" predictions. The trouble, of course, is that some outlandish predictions are wrong... until they're right.

Online message boards would be far more intellectually profitable places if contributors spent less time mocking opposing viewpoints and more time engaged in critical inquiry, even if that involves a willing suspension of disbelief.

Pointed rhetoric, satire, joking, even parody are appropriate at times, but they shouldn't constitute your primary contributions. If opponents' theories have even a shred of merit to them, do unto others as you would have them do unto you: engage them with a modicum of respect. If you consistently accomplish that, you'll do well. :thup:

Ridiculing and Shaming works for em. It makes most feel safer. They don't want to contemplate what's really going on around them. They'd much rather ridicule, stuff their fat faces, watch their porn/sports, and stick their heads in the sand. So i don't get offended by their insults anymore. It's just the way it is. I've moved on.
In all likelihood, they're "right" in that this is nothing more than a routine military exercise. I would shocked if it was anything more than that.

I think you would do well to embrace serious criticism of the "martial law" theory. Or at the very least, present your analysis of what 'fits' with the theory, what doesn't fit, what gaps need to be filled, and collectively come to a better understanding of how likely the theory is to be true.

There's nothing wrong with presenting a theory and immediately disclaiming, "I believe the following is an extremely unlikely scenario, but here are some elements I find concerning. What would be the alternative explanation for this?"

I don't think accusing opponents of watching pornography, burying their heads in the sand, etc. is going to make anyone more receptive to your views, so I'll just leave you with the advice: make this thread about the theory, not about what they think of you or what you think of them. Turn it into a genuine research project, and seek out as many credible dissenting opinions as you can. Test the theory as one would test a scientific hypothesis.

Best of luck to you. ;)

My feeling is that they're conditioning the People to get used to seeing Military on their streets. They're integrating the Military with Domestic Police. It's very disturbing. But that's just my own personal observation.

That's not an observation. It's an excuse to continue with your imaginary story after you realized the big takeover isn't going to happen. Claim it was just preliminary actions so you can still hang on to the main craziness.

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