5 Ways Kamala Harris’s Democrat and Media Enablers Are Gaslighting America


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
You would think the lies would be more subtle. No way, the Democrats and media think people are very stupid.

1: Hiding Biden’s Cognitive Decline​

2. Casting as Offensive Questions About Harris’s Competency​

3: Claiming Harris Was Selected “from the Grassroots, Bottom-Up”​

4. Covering for Harris’s Record on Illegal Immigration​

5. Deleting the GovTrack Page Rating Harris as the Most Liberal Senator​

2. Casting as Offensive Questions About Harris’s Competency

You would think the lies would be more subtle. No way, the Democrats and media think people are very stupid.

1: Hiding Biden’s Cognitive Decline​

2. Casting as Offensive Questions About Harris’s Competency​

3: Claiming Harris Was Selected “from the Grassroots, Bottom-Up”​

4. Covering for Harris’s Record on Illegal Immigration​

5. Deleting the GovTrack Page Rating Harris as the Most Liberal Senator​

And this will continue thru November. Not sure if the GOP counter act any of this political bull enough to make a difference. Hopefully they can.
You would think the lies would be more subtle. No way, the Democrats and media think people are very stupid.

1: Hiding Biden’s Cognitive Decline​

2. Casting as Offensive Questions About Harris’s Competency​

3: Claiming Harris Was Selected “from the Grassroots, Bottom-Up”​

4. Covering for Harris’s Record on Illegal Immigration​

5. Deleting the GovTrack Page Rating Harris as the Most Liberal Senator​

Five (of the hundreds of) ways the Orange Cult and MAGA's Echo Chamber Media Bubble are Gaslighting America

  1. The election was stolen from Orange Jesus
  2. The Orange God King isn't a convicted felon
  3. Dear Leader isn't an adjudicated rapist
  4. Very Old Man Trump didn't receive hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign interests when he was President.
  5. Russia didn't help the cult leader win
And this will continue thru November. Not sure if the GOP counter act any of this political bull enough to make a difference. Hopefully they can.

Five (of the hundreds of) ways the Orange Cult and MAGA's Echo Chamber Media Bubble are Gaslighting America

  1. The election was stolen from Orange Jesus
  2. The Orange God King isn't a convicted felon
  3. Dear Leader isn't an adjudicated rapist
  4. Very Old Man Trump didn't receive hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign interests when he was President.
  5. Russia didn't help the cult leader win

Eagle.........what El Toro Da Phont-E-Baloney wants you to believe is---------->they have been lying since Trump got elected; proven TRUE! They insisted that Biden was AOK, he wasn't, they all lied, and that is TRUE! Everything they have all been saying for YEARS is total GASLIGHTING, and that is TRUE!

Now then, is Trump convicted? Well yes, they are accurate............but not only was it lawfare, but all the lawfare is being thrown out, or overturned.

It was TRUE for years, that the Democratic Party knew how to spin, exaggerate, Gaslight, and get elected. Republicans......all they did was put forth numbers that were real, but had no panache. This is no longer true. DJT LEARNED from the Leftists! This is one of the reasons LEFTISTS despise him so much. And understand, American Leftists would NEVER like DJT because of his policies. But the people who really HATE him, are the ELITE Leftists in power; and they GASLIGHT everyone else to follow suit.

Take it from me---------->if not much changes, the Left will get a bump for 2 weeks, then get another bump from their convention, but as time passes and the smoke clears, Kamala and the Leftists are going to get SMOKED in November!

All any CONSERVATIVE NEEDS KNOW, is the truth! WE are going to lose California, lol. We are going to LOSE Massachusetts. We will lose Illinois. We will lose Delaware. We will lose Oregon and Washington State along with Washington DC. We will probably also lose Colorado. We will lose Hawaii, and possibly New Jersey, but it is getting very close.

But, almost all of the rest are going to be RED! Kamala is going down worse than Hilly did, and Kamala is going to take the House, and the Senate with her-)
You would think the lies would be more subtle.

Not at all. That is the way the GOP operates, by trying to slip in small lies in under the door in hiding, like a little kid trying to steal a cookie. Instead, the democraps operate by proffering YUGE lies, lies in PLAIN VIEW so obvious and big that when brought up, they sound so obvious and extreme, that on the face of them, they /must/ be ridiculous!

The other way the GOP continually screw up is in defending all accusations against themselves, true or false. Not only do the GOP usually look guilty in defending themselves but the democrats never even acknowledge any accusation much less try to defend it--- they simply laugh them off as so ridiculous as to not even merit a defense.
Five (of the hundreds of) ways the Orange Cult and MAGA's Echo Chamber Media Bubble are Gaslighting America

  1. The election was stolen from Orange Jesus
  2. The Orange God King isn't a convicted felon
  3. Dear Leader isn't an adjudicated rapist
  4. Very Old Man Trump didn't receive hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign interests when he was President.
  5. Russia didn't help the cult leader win
There really is not much difference between Stormy Daniels and Kamala Harris when you think about it. And both are not qualified to be President.
She is already fading in the polls contrary to the MSM gas lighting Kamala mania...
Hype only last a short while...
Ya think? I just listened to her read the notes that someone else wrote for her as she pretended to be “presidential,” and then ran away without talking questions (sound familiar?), and I’m afraid that the intelligence level of Americans has dropped so low that a majority will fall for her obvious attempt to sound competent.

A complete airhead who got to where she was, and is, only because of her female blackness.
The Dem party bosses told Kamala she won't actually be running things.
She’s OK with that. She will get all the pomp and circumstance, pit on fancy dresses and eat lobster ar State Dinners, and jet around on AF One.

It will be another pretend presidency, being run by an enemy of the American people.
Ya think? I just listened to her read the notes that someone else wrote for her as she pretended to be “presidential,” and then ran away without talking questions (sound familiar?), and I’m afraid that the intelligence level of Americans has dropped so low that a majority will fall for her obvious attempt to sound competent.

A complete airhead who got to where she was, and is, only because of her female blackness.
And here we have the white female airhead who is sooo damn dumb that she doesn't think white women were afforded AA, even though white women were a protected class and that the numbers show that whites like her benefitted more than anyone else because of her female whiteness. Lisa was obviously blonde before she turned gray.
She’s OK with that. She will get all the pomp and circumstance, pit on fancy dresses and eat lobster ar State Dinners, and jet around on AF One.

It will be another pretend presidency, being run by an enemy of the American people.
Trump is the enemy of the American people and so are whites like you.

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