$50 minimum wage

They don't make 25c hourly anymore in China. More, we're not China, we're America. Our socialism will be American, with American character and values, not Chinese or Russian. I believe in the Second Amendment, I support freedom, but when technology demands, we will need to adopt a non-profit, non-waged system of production. That's just the nature of reality, once technology becomes advanced enough. Markets will become superfluous. Obsolete. The alternative is techno-feudalism. Do you want to go back to feudalism or slavery? Not me. I prefer high-tech, democratic communism. Where every American is armed and can elect their government officials through a council democracy, where government officials can be recalled at any time.
The minimum wage in Commie China is $0.

Commies just make their citizens slaves.

Name the best communist nation we should emulate.
You lack intelligence. Should I even interact with you? You're dumb. Why do you assume that America in 2024 or 2040 in the near future, would have to emulate anyone? Do you want to debate what were the challenges and accomplishments of the USSR and other countries that openly identify as having Marxist socialist economies? Socialist economies are common throughout the world, including most of Western Europe. The only difference is that those Western countries, don't openly identify as having Marxist-socialist economies. Mixed economies, with both market capitalism and socialism, is the first level of socialism.

You right-wing republican shitheads often call Democrats commies for wanting universal Medicare and tuition-free colleges..etc. That's SOP, Standard Operating Procedure in Western Europe. Those "commie" government policies are taken for granted in Western Europe, yet here in America, you Republican, right-wing assholes, label them "commie". You're fucking idiots.
Actually I think the minimum wage should be abolished.

Yeah I'm not surprised, a right-wing piece of shit like you would feel that way.

A worker should be able to negotiate with employers for wages and benefits that are agreeable to both, without government interference.

He must negotiate on his own, as a single worker, with powerful, rich employers, without government legislation protecting his rights, including the right to organize a union? Why? Based on what "cosmic law"? You haven't read Adam Smith's opinion on unions and how wealthy capitalists (who he calls "masters") have their unions, have you? Of course not, you're an uneducated, brainwashed retard and hypocrite receiving a government SS check and Medicare while complaining about workers receiving government services. How more pathetic and confused can you be?

The rich elites who you suck off like a street-whore, are the only ones that can unionize? They currently hold all of the power by owning the means of production. Why should 94% of the population (the working class), allow the owner-leisure class ("the masters"), to own and control production and even have a clear advantage when negotiating wages? Adam Smith the father of capitalism wrote:
"What are the common wages of labor, depends everywhere upon the contract usually made between those two parties, whose interests are by no means the same. The workmen desire to get as much, the masters (the capitalists are the "masters") to give as little as possible. The former are disposed to combine (create labor unions) in order to raise, the latter in order to lower the wages of labour.

It is not, however, difficult to foresee which of the two parties must, upon all ordinary occasions, have the advantage in the dispute,
(it's obvious that the masters/capitalists have an advantage when negotiating wages with workers) and force the other into a compliance with their terms. The masters (Capitalists = fucking "masters"), being fewer in number, can combine much more easily; and the law, besides, authorizes, or at least does not prohibit their combinations, while it prohibits those of the workmen." (Book I, Chapter VIII - Emphasis Mine)

The people that are now working to make sure you have goods and services you can purchase and benefit from, are undermined by assholes like you, voting for politicians that serve the rich at the expense of the working class.
Labor unions do much more than just help you negotiate wages.

They make sure the best filters are installed in the CNC machines, every week to avoid dangerous fumes from contaminating the air, they make sure there are enough bathrooms in the factory to meet the needs of workers, they make sure the heaters are working in winter, they make sure the vehicles the workers are driving are well maintained, that workers have sick leave and YES they also make sure workers are well paid with benefits.

If powerful, wealthy employers screw up, the union rep walks into their office and says "Change the filters, you bought the crap-cheap ones this week and that's unacceptable. We will strike if you don't use the best filters for those CNC machines, so hurry up, you have three days to change them. We're not going to breathe those fumes for more than 72 hours, get going, hurry up...".

I've walked out of job interviews because they didn't offer what I thought I was worth.

You had the privilege of doing that, not all workers have the resources or work in an industry that affords them that leverage. All workers are important, ask the God of the Bible, which you probably claim to worship and follow. You're a hypocrite, siding with the rich at the expense of the poor, and those who work. A piece of shit hypocrite pretending to be a disciple of Jesus. Jesus will spit in your face on the day of judgment, "Depart from me I never knew you".

I also owned businesses so I know labor is just another commodity that factors in the cost of doing business.No different than equipment or utilities,.
How disgusting, what a piece of shit you are. Commodifying human beings that way, reducing them to some piece of equipment or machinery. You're a pathetic piece of shit. You're not a working class person, because workers don't think like you.

With your indifferent attitude towards the needs of the working-class, why should the working-class care about capitalists (masters), who want to leech out off their labor/sweat/tears/blood? The sooner the working-class take full-control over the means of production the better. People who think like you are going to get a rude awakening when the pitchforks come out. Production should be owned by the public. That's what we socialists identify as "private property". Your home, car, computer, smartphone, library of old VHS tapes from the 1980s, music collection, your toothbrush, none of that is private property. That's personal property.
Private property is that which assholes like you use to exploit and dehumanize other human beings. You underscore the reason why private property should be abolished ASAP, that way psychopaths like you can't exploit and leech off of other people's labor.

My customers looked at me the same way, if I didn't bring value to the table, they move on and kept looking for someone who would.
The value is produced by labor, your workers, not your sorry leech ass, enriching yourself off of their work. You're not a working-class person, talking that way. You're a piece of shit and in the end, the working class will own the mines, factories, warehouses, and stores. all of the robots and artificial intelligence. is going to be in the hands of the public. Why not, your fellow capitalists are already begging the government to consider giving the working class a "UBI", i.e. Universal Basic Income, for this reason:

Hey if technology requires a non-profit, publicly-owned system of production and distribution, well boohoo. You capitalist leeches aren't getting your monthly government bailout, in the form of a UBI, creating artificial paying customers. Fuck you asshole, the people (the working-class), will just take control of the means of production and you and your obsolete "market capitalism", can go fuck yourself. How about that asshole? You worthless leech.

Hey, cool machines bro, someone should be learning how to fix them, I bet that would pay very well. One question, how did the country survive hundreds of years before they passed the first minimum wage in 1938? That first minimum wage paid only $10.00 for 40 hours of work, and I'm sure some didn't produce that much value.

You lack intelligence. Should I even interact with you? You're dumb. Why do you assume that America in 2024 or 2040 in the near future, would have to emulate anyone? Do you want to debate what were the challenges and accomplishments of the USSR and other countries that openly identify as having Marxist socialist economies? Socialist economies are common throughout the world, including most of Western Europe. The only difference is that those Western countries, don't openly identify as having Marxist-socialist economies. Mixed economies, with both market capitalism and socialism, is the first level of socialism.

You right-wing republican shitheads often call Democrats commies for wanting universal Medicare and tuition-free colleges..etc. That's SOP, Standard Operating Procedure in Western Europe. Those "commie" government policies are taken for granted in Western Europe, yet here in America, you Republican, right-wing assholes, label them "commie". You're fucking idiots.
So you can’t name a successful communist government.

Is that because you know they’re all slave loving mass murdering shitholes that keep the 99% living in squalor while the 1% live like royalty?
Hey, cool machines bro, someone should be learning how to fix them, I bet that would pay very well. One question, how did the country survive hundreds of years before they passed the first minimum wage in 1938? That first minimum wage paid only $10.00 for 40 hours of work, and I'm sure some didn't produce that much value.

Not just survive. Became the worlds leading superpower that everyone wants to immigrate to and even self proclaimed commies refuse to leave.
Commies hate a lot.
We hate assholes like you for sure. Hating doesn't make one wrong, and being loving doesn't make one right. You can be a soft-spoken, kind, loving person who never insults people on forums and yet be wrong and I can be an assertive person who defends himself when a shithead like you insults him and be 100% correct. You're an irrational retard. I don't take shit from anyone, including you "grandpa". You're a delusional, brainwashed capitalist leech and psycho, dehumanizing workers, by reducing them to the machinery of production. You admit that you're commodifying human workers, with the most cold, crass, flippant attitude towards the needs of workers.

You're a piece of shit, and the sooner that people like you leave this Earth, the better. Good riddance.
We hate assholes like you for sure. Hating doesn't make one wrong, and being loving doesn't make one right. You can be a soft-spoken, kind, loving person who never insults people on forums and yet be wrong and I can be an assertive person who defends himself when a shithead like you insults him and be 100% correct. You're an irrational retard. I don't take shit from anyone, including you "grandpa". You're a delusional, brainwashed capitalist leech and psycho, dehumanizing workers, by reducing them to the machinery of production. You admit that you're commodifying human workers, with the most cold, crass, flippant attitude towards the needs of workers.

You're a piece of shit, and the sooner that people like you leave this Earth, the better. Good riddance.
So you’ll deny me healthcare in your commie utopia because you don’t like me or you just think all old people should be eradicated?
We communists love that, you're an idiot. Yes! Yes! Automate capitalism to oblivion. Thank you retard! What an idiot you are LOL! Capitalists are worthless middlemen in a high-tech economy.

Yet idiots like you pay them for their goods and services. Ain't capitalism great? Without it, you wouldn't have those goods and services to live your comfy life.

They don't make 25c hourly anymore in China.

They do in inflation adjusted dollars, plus their factories dock peoples' pay for such things as going to the bath room and getting sick, and they have to sign labor contracts and essentially live in prison cell blocks, getting charged for everything, no different than the days of company stores and getting paid in company scrip instead of real money. Your Red utopias are exactly the same as corporate utopias as far as most people are concerned.
So you can’t name a successful communist government.

Is that because you know they’re all slave loving mass murdering shitholes that keep the 99% living in squalor while the 1% live like royalty?
You think you're making a smart point, but you're not, you're just stupid and lack intelligence. Republican efforts to defeat monarchies pretty much failed until the late 18th century and even then the merchant class who became the powerful industrialists of the industrial age, didn't have much control over the kings of Europe, until the early to mid-20th century. You're an uneducated, illogical retard, who doesn't deserve my time or energy. I do this for the sake of others who are genuine truth seekers, not you because I know that you're a deadbrained, old-fart zombie brainwashed by Cold War propaganda.
They do in inflation adjusted dollars, plus their factories dock peoples' pay for such things as going to the bath room and getting sick, and they have to sign labor contracts and essentially live in cell blocks, getting charged for everything, no different than the days of company stores and getting paid in company scrip instead of real money. Your Red utopias are exactly the same as corporate utopias as far as most people are concerned.
China uses slave labor to make goods.
Communism is grand!
You think you're making a smart point, but you're not, you're just stupid and lack intelligence. Republican efforts to defeat monarchies pretty much failed until the late 18th century and even then the merchant class who became the powerful industrialists of the industrial age, didn't have much control over the kings of Europe, until the early to mid-20th century. You're an uneducated, illogical retard, who doesn't deserve my time or energy. I do this for the sake of others who are genuine truth seekers, not you because I know that you're a deadbrained, old-fart zombie brainwashed by Cold War propaganda.
I simply asked you to name a Commie government that America should emulate and we can almost see the spittle flying in anger at the question.
China uses slave labor to make goods.
Communism is grand!

They are corporatists, no different than giant corporations in how they operate, which is why companies like Apple and Tesla get along great with communist regimes. They all love labor racketeering.
Yet idiots like you pay them for their goods and services. Ain't capitalism great? Without it, you wouldn't have those goods and services to live your comfy life.

Without the workers who mine the raw materials, transport it to the processing plants and later to the factories, capitalist leeches would have nothing. Without the workers who take those materials at the factory and manufacture everything we consume, you worthless capitalist leeches would have nothing. Without the workers who transport those goods to distribution warehouses and direct to retail stores, you pathetic, lazy capitalist leeches would have nothing. Without those paying consumers who buy the products and services produced by their own working-class (they produce what they consume with their sweat, tears and blood), Worthless capitalist pieces of excrement, leeches like you wouldn't make a penny. WE DON'T NEED YOU, DUMBASS.

You're going to discover that soon.
You actually believe there will be enough tech-repair jobs to replace the tens of millions of jobs that will be replaced by technology? You're a fucking retard. Do you actually believe everyone is cut-out to be a technician? You're so stupid. Soon, with AI, robots will repair themselves. You're so pathetic.

Someone has to build the building, maintain the infrastructure, produce the parts, write the software and on and on. And once the robots are produced and programed, they have to be installed, and people will have to maintain them and the infrastructure where they operate. People will always be in the mix.

They are corporatists, no different than giant corporations in how they operate, which is why companies like Apple and Tesla get along great with communist regimes. They all love labor racketeering.
You obviously don't know a thing about modern China or socialism. Socialism can have markets and the path to communism which is a stateless, classless society without the need for money, is only a future goal, when technology permits. You're just an uneducated, old fart.

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