$50 minimum wage

We don't need capitalists investing anything, since our democratic US government could simply fund worker-cooperatives, providing them with loans and other resources to start their businesses. Today the SBA and many banks refuse to provide the start-up capital for worker-owned cooperatives, like this:

We don't need capitalists, you're worthless leeches, that should all go the way of the dodo. You will, as technology advances and people wake-up due to gross inequality and unaffordable cost of living, the mass unemployment from automation, you capitalist dinosaurs will go instinct, like the Neanderthals. Bye bye.

You really do believe employee ownership is not capitalist.

Maybe they should charge $100 for pizzas and offer free benefits to every person there!
Top down central planning never works. It can respond to the speed necessary to maintain markets. It take individual capitalist to do that.

You're such an old dumbfart retard. Just shut-the-fuck-up. How stupid can you be? Cooperatives function within markets and are owned collectively by the people who work them. A business should be owned by the people who labor and sweat, sheding tears in pain, and their precious blood working them. You're so dumb and worthless, you fucking leech.

In the modern age, thanks to advanced automation and computing, we can easily centrally plan, the logistics of production, along with its accounting. You're just spewing excrement out of your keyboard. Just shut up, you stupid shithead.
We don't need capitalists investing anything, since our democratic US government could simply fund worker-cooperatives, providing them with loans and other resources to start their businesses. Today the SBA and many banks refuse to provide the start-up capital for worker-owned cooperatives, like this:

We don't need capitalists, you're worthless leeches, that should all go the way of the dodo. You will, as technology advances and people wake-up due to gross inequality and unaffordable cost of living, the mass unemployment from automation, you capitalist dinosaurs will go instinct, like the Neanderthals. Bye bye.

Ever dawn on you that co-OP’s are made up of people like me too?

Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) argued on Monday that a $50-per-hour minimum wage is mathematically coherent.

At a debate for candidates vying for the late Dianne Feinstein's U.S. Senate seat, Lee tried to justify her demand that the U.S. government mandate that businesses pay their employees a minimum of $50 per hour.

"In the Bay Area, I believe it was the United Way that came out with a report very recently: $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by," Lee said. "Another survey very recently: $104,000 for a family of one — barely enough to get by ... because of the affordability crisis."

California's cost-of-living problems, especially in the Bay Area, are no secret. But how would Lee's proposal be paid for?

Minimum wage is for unskilled labor.
If you want to be paid more, you need to learn a skill.
Employers probably could not afford to pay $50 per hour for unskilled labor.
It would probably cause an increase in unemployment.
I honestly don't know how people in California get by. I have known those with Law Degrees and Engineering degrees who are not making 100k a year. CPA Accountants who are not making 100k a year. PHD professors who aren't making 100k a year. A lot depends on area. In my area its hard even for the highly skilled to be making 100k a year.
Yeah, they think their god government can do it all, but they can't. That's been proven over and over.

Managers are "gods"? What the hell are you talking about? Private companies owned by sociopathic assholes like you, are run like tyrannical government regimes. Fuck you, we the workers don't need you as our "god", we'll rather have a god that provides us with elections and allows us to elect our managers. So fuck-off.
Ever dawn on you that co-OP’s are made up of people like me too?
Good, welcome to the co-op comrade. We all own this together, let's work it and prosper, together. How about that? Isn't that beautiful? Evolve, it's never too late. Even OKTexas can evolve.
Managers are "gods"? What the hell are you talking about? Private companies owned by sociopathic assholes like you, are run like tyrannical government regimes. Fuck you, we the workers don't need you as our "god", we'll rather have a god that provides us with elections and allows us to elect our managers. So fuck-off.
Dufus thinks employee owned companies don’t have a management hierarchy.
We don't need capitalists investing anything, since our democratic US government could simply fund worker-cooperatives, providing them with loans and other resources to start their businesses. Today the SBA and many banks refuse to provide the start-up capital for worker-owned cooperatives, like this:

We don't need capitalists, you're worthless leeches, that should all go the way of the dodo. You will, as technology advances and people wake-up due to gross inequality and unaffordable cost of living, the mass unemployment from automation, you capitalist dinosaurs will go instinct, like the Neanderthals. Bye bye.

Wow, you really are delusional, if you think there are no capitalists' in the Netherlands, not only are you delusional, your batshit crazy. It's been fun triggering you and watching you do all that work, but I'm going to bed.

Wow, you really are delusional, if you think there are no capitalists' in the Netherlands, not only are you delusional, your batshit crazy. It's been fun triggering you and watching you do all that work, but I'm going to bed.


Yeah go to bed you retard, you need it. Give that old-fart brain a break and let it recover. Idiot. You capitalists are nothing more than worthless middlemen. A bunch of sociopathic leeches that live off of the labor of others.
Wow, you really are delusional, if you think there are no capitalists' in the Netherlands, not only are you delusional, your batshit crazy. It's been fun triggering you and watching you do all that work, but I'm going to bed.

Oh, and you bitching about automation while showing how wonderful automated kitchens are makes my day.
Oh, and you bitching about automation while showing how wonderful automated kitchens are makes my day.
Yeah, that's the end of you, isn't that beautiful? LOL! Automate capitalism to oblivion and go fuck yourself you worthless, manicured. capitalist leech.

Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) argued on Monday that a $50-per-hour minimum wage is mathematically coherent.

At a debate for candidates vying for the late Dianne Feinstein's U.S. Senate seat, Lee tried to justify her demand that the U.S. government mandate that businesses pay their employees a minimum of $50 per hour.

"In the Bay Area, I believe it was the United Way that came out with a report very recently: $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by," Lee said. "Another survey very recently: $104,000 for a family of one — barely enough to get by ... because of the affordability crisis."

California's cost-of-living problems, especially in the Bay Area, are no secret. But how would Lee's proposal be paid for?

Minimum wage is for unskilled labor.
If you want to be paid more, you need to learn a skill.
Employers probably could not afford to pay $50 per hour for unskilled labor.
It would probably cause an increase in unemployment.
"Why is my Big Mac so damn expensive?!"
You're such an old dumbfart retard. Just shut-the-fuck-up. How stupid can you be? Cooperatives function within markets and are owned collectively by the people who work them. A business should be owned by the people who labor and sweat, sheding tears in pain, and their precious blood working them. You're so dumb and worthless, you fucking leech.

In the modern age, thanks to advanced automation and computing, we can easily centrally plan, the logistics of production, along with its accounting. You're just spewing excrement out of your keyboard. Just shut up, you stupid shithead.

Bullshit it took more than a year to get a government web site functioning properly.

Yeah, that's the end of you, isn't that beautiful? LOL! Automate capitalism to oblivion and go fuck yourself you worthless, manicured. capitalist leech.
Naming the USSR as a nation we should all be like was grand.

64 million Russians murdered by their government.
Cabbage soup 7 days a week if you can find a cabbage.
No shithead retard, there's not enough HUD housing (hence you need to wait years to get access) and those apartment blocks are poorly maintained and managed. We need laws that send drug dealers to a firing squad (bullets are cheaper) and addicts to inpatient rehab or the psych-ward. Drug addiction shouldn't be criminalized, only the illegal dealing and transporting/smuggling of drugs should be considered a capital crime, worthy of execution. Law-abiding citizens who live in the projects should be allowed to own and carry a pistol and there should be a permanent police presence in every government apartment block.

How much drugs and crime do you think existed in Soviet apartment blocks? Dealers would go to the gulag and addicts would go to a rehab psych-ward. Look at the streets of Moscow back in Soviet times:

Get out of the way and let real socialists (genuine commies) fix America. We'll stop the illegal immigration, get rid of crime and you can still keep your combat rifles and ammo (a revolutionary, people's society oriented to serve the public good/working class). Own firearms and carry them if you want. Let American socialists build the country. We will actually, truly Make America Great Again. Trump and his cronies from Goldman Sachs won't, they're hoodwinking you. Rednecks should wake up and become REAL REDNECKS. American Red-Patriots.

20% of Russian households don't have indoor plumbing,


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