$50 minimum wage

Why not?

Supply and demand.

You’re just a slave to capitalism.I

If we're going to have markets until we transition to a mostly automated, non-profit system of mass production, we are indeed constrained by market demands in the area of goods and services. Human labor, however, shouldn't be commodified and reduced to machines, as OKTexas shamelessly has done with his workers. The only productive, competitive enterprises that should exist in a socialist society, when markets still exist, are worker-owned cooperatives. The people who work the business, own the business together, running it as a democratic corporation (cooperative/cooperation/people cooperating to produce and profit off the goods and services that they produce themselves).

There's still a hierarchy of leadership and management, but those managers are much more accountable to their co-workers than a capitalist "master", as Adam Smith called capitalists. He called them "masters". We don't need these capitalist "masters", what we can have in a socialist market-economy are worker-owners, who work and profit together, in a cooperative productive enterprise. How can anyone in their right mind be against that? Oh wait, maybe you're not in your right mind, you're a capitalist "master"/leech, who lives off of other people's labor.
If we're going to have markets until we transition to a mostly automated, non-profit system of mass production, we are indeed constrained by market demands in the area of goods and services. Human labor, however, shouldn't be commodified and reduced to machines, as OKTexas shamelessly has done with his workers. The only productive, competitive enterprises that should exist in a socialist society, when markets still exist, are worker-owned cooperatives. The people who work the business, own the business together, running it as a democratic corporation (cooperative/cooperation/people cooperating to produce and profit off the goods and services that they produce themselves).

There's still a hierarchy of leadership and management, but those managers are much more accountable to their co-workers than a capitalist "master", as Adam Smith called capitalists. He called them "masters". We don't need these capitalist "masters", what we can have in a socialist market-economy are worker-owners, who work and profit together, in a cooperative productive enterprise. How can anyone in their right mind be against that? Oh wait, maybe you're not in your right mind, you're a capitalist "master"/leech, who lives off of other people's labor.
But I want my boats and planes like Kerry does now.
20% of Russian households don't have indoor plumbing,

Welcome home to your Soviet apartment.
The other 3 families living with you will be home soon.

Naming the USSR as a nation we should all be like was grand.

64 million Russians murdered by their government.
Cabbage soup 7 days a week if you can find a cabbage.
Cheap silly Cold War propaganda. Yes in wars, people die and if we have a civil war in this country, a lot of people will probably die too. The numbers are always inflated by capitalist propagandists and of course, these capitalists have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point their crooked, feculent fingers at communists since they're also standing on a mountain of dead, stinking corpses. Your death toll arguments are hypocritical, being that much of that carnage was instigated by you. The US, UK, France, and 10 other countries invaded Soviet Russia after WW1. Over a quarter million foreign troops from capitalist-run empires invaded the socialist homeland and joined the "white armies", comprised of pro-capitalist forces, numbering another quarter million.

The communists of the Red Army, kicked ass, forcing all of you to leave Russia.

Soviet Russia turned a backwater, mostly unindustrialized, agrarian society into the second-largest economy in the world. A nuclear super-power, firing rockets with cosmonauts into space, just a few years after suffering the devastation of WW2. You have your head so far up your ass, that you don't have a clue of how impressive the USSR's accomplishments were. The fact that Rocky lost his first fight against Apollo, doesn't imply that Rocky isn't coming back to knock your ass out. The 21st century is the beginning of the age of communism. It's the century that will give birth to a mostly automated, centrally planned and managed, non-profit, publicly owned (democratic), economic system. Communists are ready, to rock. It's coming to a theater near you! LOL!
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Cheap silly Cold War propaganda. Yes in wars, people die and if we have a civil war in this country, a lot of people will probably die too. The numbers are always inflated by capitalist propagandists and of course, these capitalists have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point their crooked, feculent fingers at communists since they're also standing on a mountain of dead, stinking corpses. Your death toll arguments are hypocritical, being that much of that carnage was instigated by you. The US, UK, France, and 10 other countries invaded Soviet Russia after WW1. Over a quarter million foreign troops from capitalist-run empires invaded the socialist homeland and joined the "white armies", comprised of pro-capitalist forces, numbering another quarter million.

The communists of the Red Army, kicked ass, forcing all of you to leave Russia.

Soviet Russia turned a backwater, mostly unindustrialized, agrarian society into the second-largest economy in the world. A nuclear super-power, firing rockers and cosmonauts into space, just a few years after suffering the devastation of WW2. You have your head so far up your ass, that you don't have a clue of how impressive the USSR's accomplishments were. The fact that Rocky lost his first fight against Apollo, doesn't imply that Rocky isn't coming back to knock your ass out. The 21st century is the beginning of the age of communism. It's the century that will give birth to a mostly automated, centrally planned and managed, non-profit, publicly owned (democratic), economic system. Communists are ready, to rock. It's coming to a theater near you! LOL!
So how mush time have you spent in Russia?
Cheap silly Cold War propaganda. Yes in wars, people die and if we have a civil war in this country, a lot of people will probably die too. The numbers are always inflated by capitalist propagandists and of course, these capitalists have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point their crooked, feculent fingers at communists since they're also standing on a mountain of dead, stinking corpses. Your death toll arguments are hypocritical, being that much of that carnage was instigated by you. The US, UK, France, and 10 other countries invaded Soviet Russia after WW1. Over a quarter million foreign troops from capitalist-run empires invaded the socialist homeland and joined the "white armies", comprised of pro-capitalist forces, numbering another quarter million.

The communists of the Red Army, kicked ass, forcing all of you to leave Russia.

Soviet Russia turned a backwater, mostly unindustrialized, agrarian society into the second-largest economy in the world. A nuclear super-power, firing rockers and cosmonauts into space, just a few years after suffering the devastation of WW2. You have your head so far up your ass, that you don't have a clue of how impressive the USSR's accomplishments were. The fact that Rocky lost his first fight against Apollo, doesn't imply that Rocky isn't coming back to knock your ass out. The 21st century is the beginning of the age of communism. It's the century that will give birth to a mostly automated, centrally planned and managed, non-profit, publicly owned (democratic), economic system. Communists are ready, to rock. It's coming to a theater near you! LOL!
And why does the USSR no longer exist if they are the model we should emulate?
Welcome home to your Soviet apartment.
The other 3 families living with you will be home soon.

View attachment 902028
That's your silly stupid shit, and let me tell you something, even though that wasn't the situation in the vast majority of cases:

The kitchen in this picture:


Is pretty fucking impressive. There are tens of millions of Americans who would LOVE to have a big kitchen like that. You're out of touch with the American working-class, due to how far your head is up your rectum. You're an idiot. I live here in NYC, I pay over $2000 monthly in rent and my kitchen is much smaller than that. Amazing, how stupid and out of touch with reality you are. You're fucking braindead.
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We communists love that, you're an idiot. Yes! Yes! Automate capitalism to oblivion. Thank you retard! What an idiot you are LOL! Capitalists are worthless middlemen in a high-tech economy.

You live in a complete fantasy world.
And why does the USSR no longer exist if they are the model we should emulate?
For goodness' sake, how stupid can you be? Do you use a cup when you chew that cheap Indian tobacco? You need to spit the dip in the cup, you can't swallow that shit, it will rot your brain. How can you be so stupid? You just continue to ignore everything I say, but others won't. The people I'm writing to are the people with at least average intelligence and who sincerely seek the truth. You're a disingenuous defender of capitalism, who ironically, might be in a position to benefit the most from democratic socialism, but you're just too stupid to realize that. These capitalists aren't your friends, they don't give a fuck about you:

That's your silly stupid shit, and let me tell you something, even though that wasn't the situation in the vast majority of cases:

The kitchen in this picture:

Is pretty fucking impressive. There are tens of millions of Americans who would LOVE to have a big kitchen like that. You're out of touch with the American working-class, due to how far your head is up your rectum. You're an idiot. I live here in NYC, I pay over $2000 monthly in rent and my kitchen is much smaller than that. Amazing, how stupid and out of touch with reality you are. You're fucking braindead.

Hilarious! You pay $2,000 a month and think that place is paradise!

Good useful idiot, comrade.

51 years old, pays $2K a month for a tiny slum apartment.
Spends his every waking moment coveting what others have.

And you call me brain dead.

BTW - I grew up in poverty.
I retired in my 50’s, have more than 6,000 sq ft in my lakefront home with acreage and travel the world for fun.

God Bless capitalism.
For goodness' sake, how stupid can you be? Do you use a cup when you chew that cheap Indian tobacco? You need to spit the dip in the cup, you can't swallow that shit, it will rot your brain. How can you be so stupid? You just continue to ignore everything I say, but others won't. The people I'm writing to are the people with at least average intelligence and who sincerely seek the truth. You're a disingenuous defender of capitalism, who ironically, might be in a position to benefit the most from democratic socialism, but you're just too stupid to realize that. These capitalists aren't your friends, they don't give a fuck about you:

So you can’t tell us why we should emulate the USSR that self imploded on its own. You can only parrot talking points.
I live here in NYC

And this explains your problem. I’ve got news for you. It is you that is completely out of touch with reality. NYC is an absolute dump when compared to middle America. Even people making decent money live in places I wouldn’t even consider. I have extended family that came from a Communist country 40 years ago to NYC and they said that if that was America, they would rather go back to their apartment in their Communist country. They soon discovered that NYC is an anomaly, not the norm.

I had an uncle that lived in Manhattan on 5th Ave. We visited several times for a week at a time. It was neat to visit and obviously he lived in a very high end section of town, but what a downgrade from what I am accustomed to. I can hardly believe the living conditions people will put up with to live there.
No shithead, you're the delusional one, and you'll find out soon. No wage labor = No Market. Idiot!

You live in NYC, which is an intolerable place with horrid living conditions unless you are multi-millionaire and even then it sucks. I don’t expect an ounce of reality from you.
Hilarious! You pay $2,000 a month and think that place is paradise!

Good useful idiot, comrade.

51 years old, pays $2K a month for a tiny slum apartment.
Spends his every waking moment coveting what others have.

And you call me brain dead.

BTW - I grew up in poverty.
I retired in my 50’s, have more than 6,000 sq ft in my lakefront home with acreage and travel the world for fun.

God Bless capitalism.

How the hell did you conclude that I live in a slum? You're so fucking stupid. I live in the nerve center of the world and live the city life I want. You're an idiot! People like me would make sure you never lose that beautiful lakefront home of yours. Do you think we American communists want to take your house away? We will make sure you never lose it. You're confused and ignorant.

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You obviously don't know a thing about modern China or socialism. Socialism can have markets and the path to communism which is a stateless, classless society without the need for money, is only a future goal, when technology permits. You're just an uneducated, old fart.

Obviously I know a lot more about it than you.
You live in NYC, which is an intolerable place with horrid living conditions unless you are multi-millionaire and even then it sucks. I don’t expect an ounce of reality from you.

I'm a CNC coder now, and before that, I was operating CNC machines, earning a great salary with benefits. I'm a union machinist, that works on a contract basis. You're spewing stupidity, you need to stop swallowing the dip and spit in the cup. That cheap chewing tobacco is rotting your brain.
Modern China executes thousands for political reasons, early Commie China executed hundreds of millions for political purposes.

Now they arrest Christians and harvest them for organs they sell around the world. A great profit center for them; very efficient and technocratic.

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