$50 minimum wage

You stupid motherfucker, CNC machines need to be coded, in order to cut the piece with precision. Operators don't code the machines they operate it with the the specific code for the piece being cut. You're suck a fucking retard! The capitalists are hiring me to train their AI software, that will replace me and eventually my co-workers as well.

What these capitalists fail to understand is that capitalism is founded upon wages. If you eliminate the wages, you destroy the market that the capitalists profit from. Most consumers pay with their wages, hence capitalists are now begging the government to give everyone a UBI/Universal Basic Income, to keep capitalism on life support. It needs the government to bail it out monthly with a UBI check. You people are so stupid. The working class is eventually going to wake up and say
"Why the fuck should we allow these capitalists to continue owning the means of production and enslaving us, we can own it all together and manage it, we don't need them". You fucking retards.
CNC is a plug and play fully automated machine that sent talented machinists to the unemployment line to be replaced by someone who can push a button.

What a capitalist you are!!!
lol working class revolutions always fail. You need a middle class to pull off a successful revolution. Destroy the middle class and the elites are home free.
The middle class is the working class you shithead. Anyone who sells their labor power to a capitalist is a working-class person under capitalism. It doesn't matter how much money they earn, if you sell your labor power or life (That's essentially what you're selling when you sell your labor power, your very life for 8,10,12,16 hours daily), to a capitalist master, you're of the working class. There are different types of working-class people, but they're all part of the same general working class, that sells its labor to capitalist masters. The concept of the so-called "middle-class" was designed to divide working class people.

Working class revolutions always win and they will have the final victory thanks to advanced, intelligent automation and robotics. We're in the last chapter of capitalism.
Says the capitalist who replaces skilled workers with machines.
It's capitalists who are being replaced, not workers LOL! Your retarded capitalist ass is the one replacing workers, and that technology will inevitably kill capitalism, and give birth to democratic-communism. Watch and see.
CNC is a plug and play fully automated machine that sent talented machinists to the unemployment line to be replaced by someone who can push a button.

What a capitalist you are!!!
Capitalist did that you idiot, and I was hired to operate those machines. Are the workers who repair robots capitalists? You're so fucking stupid.
The middle class is the working class you shithead. Anyone who sells their labor power to a capitalist is a working-class person under capitalism. It doesn't matter how much money they earn, if you sell your labor power or life (That's essentially what you're selling when you sell your labor power, your very life for 8,10,12,16 hours daily), to a capitalist master, you're of the working class. There are different types of working-class people, but they're all part of the same general working class, that sells its labor to capitalist masters. The concept of the so-called "middle-class" was designed to divide working class people.

Working class revolutions always win and they will have the final victory thanks to advanced, intelligent automation and robotics. We're in the last chapter of capitalism.

It's capitalists who are being replaced, not workers LOL! Your retarded capitalist ass is the one replacing workers, and that technology will inevitably kill capitalism, and give birth to democratic-communism. Watch and see.
Skilled machinists are blue collar workers.

That you being a capitalist have eliminated their jobs.
Skilled machinists are blue collar workers.

That you being a capitalist have eliminated their jobs.
I'm not a capitalist you retard. Yes, technology will eliminate wage-labor and capitalism. Yep. Socialism is coming, so you might as well join us now, comrade. If not you, your children, and grandchildren will be socialists/communists.
I'm not a capitalist you retard. Yes, technology will eliminate wage-labor and capitalism. Yep. Socialism is coming, so you might as well join us now, comrade. If not you, your children, and grandchildren will be socialists/communists.
You put a lot of blue collar workers out of work so you can make a buck.
Pathetic capitalist.
You're an ignorant shithead. Alright all of you braindead defenders of capitalism, I have better things to do with my time and energy than continue going back and forth with you. Have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you won something. Bye, retards.
The globalists have been around for centuries. People with ideas for a world government. Centered in Europe. Endless wars and people disposed of for power. Their reach to influence was and is everywhere. They needed to experiment with different systems of government. Pure capitalism for them does not guarantee total power. they tried Communism. The Czars of Russia pissed them off and they started an infection there to install Communism. The Soviet Union was vicious to its own. Even the upper elites were killed off as potential threats to each other. Collectivism and other things killed over 30 million in the 1930's. Another 30 million killed during WW 2. Communism spread to other nations, and it was/is dictatorial and harsh on its population. They tried Socialism as it is a little softer on people. It also slowed the economies down and caused strife as promises made and realities are two different things. Ironically a couple of Euro nations that were advanced in Socialism somewhat okay. The rest no so well. Now China has found the system the globalists like. Communist leadership married to Capitalist labor. In a few decades China was agrarian like and now is the 2nd most powerful nation in the world. Their workers though are not what you type. And yes, we do live off of them like you said. For now.
The globalists have been around for centuries. People with ideas for a world government. Centered in Europe. Endless wars and people disposed of for power. Their reach to influence was and is everywhere. They needed to experiment with different systems of government. Pure capitalism for them does not guarantee total power. they tried Communism. The Czars of Russia pissed them off and they started an infection there to install Communism. The Soviet Union was vicious to its own. Even the upper elites were killed off as potential threats to each other. Collectivism and other things killed over 30 million in the 1930's. Another 30 million killed during WW 2. Communism spread to other nations, and it was/is dictatorial and harsh on its population. They tried Socialism as it is a little softer on people. It also slowed the economies down and caused strife as promises made and realities are two different things. Ironically a couple of Euro nations that were advanced in Socialism somewhat okay. The rest no so well. Now China has found the system the globalists like. Communist leadership married to Capitalist labor. In a few decades China was agrarian like and now is the 2nd most powerful nation in the world. Their workers though are not what you type. And yes, we do live off of them like you said. For now.
You're spewing gobbledygook.,
We need to raise the legal working age to 18. No more 16 or 17 year olds in the work force. Then let each person negotiate wages. No minimum wage is then needed.

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