$50 minimum wage

Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) argued on Monday that a $50-per-hour minimum wage is mathematically coherent.

At a debate for candidates vying for the late Dianne Feinstein's U.S. Senate seat, Lee tried to justify her demand that the U.S. government mandate that businesses pay their employees a minimum of $50 per hour.

"In the Bay Area, I believe it was the United Way that came out with a report very recently: $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by," Lee said. "Another survey very recently: $104,000 for a family of one — barely enough to get by ... because of the affordability crisis."

California's cost-of-living problems, especially in the Bay Area, are no secret. But how would Lee's proposal be paid for?

Minimum wage is for unskilled labor.
If you want to be paid more, you need to learn a skill.
Employers probably could not afford to pay $50 per hour for unskilled labor.
It would probably cause an increase in unemployment.
San Francisco is free to set its own MW to whatever they want. Why is this loon demanding that the entire country pay enough for everyone to live there? They can set it at $50/hour if they want and we can watch what happens.
We need to raise the legal working age to 18. No more 16 or 17 year olds in the work force. Then let each person negotiate wages. No minimum wage is then needed.

Me and my friends nearly all started working at 14 part time; there were plenty of jobs, and at a higher minimum wage then there is now; the economy was more than fine. And yes, a minimum wage is indeed needed; it helps weed out racketeers and incompetent managers.
I guess she doesn't realize everything would be really great for about 1 month, then a load of bread is going to cost 87 dollars and we will be right back where we started.

If minimum wage becomes 50 dollars an hour then my wages will have to go up to around 290 dollars an hour because I am skilled labor.

This is just a retarded moron saying "more money" in order to get support from idiot voters that think the answer is simply chasing bigger numbers and are too stupid to realize when you raise minimum wage everything goes up in scale with it. She might as well say minimum wage should be 50,000 dollars and hour or why stop there and say 1,000,000 an hour.

Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) argued on Monday that a $50-per-hour minimum wage is mathematically coherent.

At a debate for candidates vying for the late Dianne Feinstein's U.S. Senate seat, Lee tried to justify her demand that the U.S. government mandate that businesses pay their employees a minimum of $50 per hour.

"In the Bay Area, I believe it was the United Way that came out with a report very recently: $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by," Lee said. "Another survey very recently: $104,000 for a family of one — barely enough to get by ... because of the affordability crisis."

California's cost-of-living problems, especially in the Bay Area, are no secret. But how would Lee's proposal be paid for?

Minimum wage is for unskilled labor.
If you want to be paid more, you need to learn a skill.
Employers probably could not afford to pay $50 per hour for unskilled labor.
It would probably cause an increase in unemployment.
A Big Mac in CA already costs $9 for just the sandwich. I guess in Barbara Lee’s world it should be $30…
It's everything, it's not just one thing. If you're going to maintain a market economy, there has to be well-developed public infrastructure and the minimum wage should correspond with inflation. If we were to factor in inflation since the original minimum wage, we would have a $15 minimum wage today. The cost of living can also come down if the government builds more housing for workers. Basic housing for those who need it. It's just a baseline or foundation upon which to build your life. Your Capitalist employer will love it, because his employees will live close to the business and have the means to get there on time for work. His workforce will have housing and food on their table. Do you want to hire workers who need to commute for an hour+ daily?

American socialists will make sure your workers are healthy, fed, housed, and can get to work on time. How can you complain as a Capitalist employer? Pay your workers a living wage of at least $15 hourly and they will regularly eat at your restaurant with their families or more often walk into your store and buy your products. The American consumer will have the purchasing power to make you wealthier, so why complain about our genuine socialist policies? There are plenty of billionaires in socialist China.

So, go live there if it’s so much better…

Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) argued on Monday that a $50-per-hour minimum wage is mathematically coherent.

At a debate for candidates vying for the late Dianne Feinstein's U.S. Senate seat, Lee tried to justify her demand that the U.S. government mandate that businesses pay their employees a minimum of $50 per hour.

"In the Bay Area, I believe it was the United Way that came out with a report very recently: $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by," Lee said. "Another survey very recently: $104,000 for a family of one — barely enough to get by ... because of the affordability crisis."

California's cost-of-living problems, especially in the Bay Area, are no secret. But how would Lee's proposal be paid for?

Minimum wage is for unskilled labor.
If you want to be paid more, you need to learn a skill.
Employers probably could not afford to pay $50 per hour for unskilled labor.
It would probably cause an increase in unemployment.


That's $1 million per year.


Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) argued on Monday that a $50-per-hour minimum wage is mathematically coherent.

At a debate for candidates vying for the late Dianne Feinstein's U.S. Senate seat, Lee tried to justify her demand that the U.S. government mandate that businesses pay their employees a minimum of $50 per hour.

"In the Bay Area, I believe it was the United Way that came out with a report very recently: $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by," Lee said. "Another survey very recently: $104,000 for a family of one — barely enough to get by ... because of the affordability crisis."

California's cost-of-living problems, especially in the Bay Area, are no secret. But how would Lee's proposal be paid for?

Minimum wage is for unskilled labor.
If you want to be paid more, you need to learn a skill.
Employers probably could not afford to pay $50 per hour for unskilled labor.
It would probably cause an increase in unemployment.

Nevermind rampant inflation, and the subsequent explosion in demanded wages from skilled workers.

"Why is that moron making the same amount I am?"
So, go live there if it’s so much better…
Why don't you get the fuck out of here? You pathetic piece of shit. If it's much better over there, we're going to make it better and awesome, over here and it doesn't matter how you feel about it. How about that? Want to fight? Go ahead, you draw first blood and we'll see who's left still standing when it's all over. You piece of garbage.

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Ignorance is a primary trait of useful idiots like you.

Your dream utopia of the USSR is responsible for 64 million murders of their own citizens.

Murders committed for political purposes.

Ignorance is a primary trait of useful idiots like you.

Again, if communists actually killed 63 million people, you capitalist scumbags killed several times that number, so shut the fuck up you disgusting hypocrites.

Your dream utopia of the USSR is responsible for 64 million murders of their own citizens.

When did this happen you worthless shithead? There were 220 million Soviet Citizens, and you're claiming the communists killed 30% of their citizens?!?!? What a brain-dead zombie retard you are. Whoever was killed by the communists deserved it. It's called a war, and people die in wars. Dumbass! If we're for a " dream utopia", you're for a nightmare dystopia.

Murders committed for political purposes.

Murders when you classify them as"murders"? When the capitalists kill for political purposes it's not murder but when a communist kills for a political (socioeconomic/sociopolitical) purpose, we're "murdering". How convenient. You hypocrite piece of shit, as if you defenders of capitalism ever lost a minute of sleep over people dying for political reasons when those reasons are in line with your interests or beliefs. Fuck you, you two faced piece of shit. Fake disciple of Jesus.

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What doesn't make sense is your assumption that people who work in the food industry or for other businesses are all 16. If you're a full-time worker in America, you should be able to support yourself. Nothing fancy, you're not going to live the life of a high-paid skilled worker or professional, but you should have enough to feed yourself and have a roof over your head. The government can fix this quickly by providing basic housing to workers and building infrastructure in general, like public transit. etc.
Minimum wage jobs are and always have been reserved for children seeking work experience. You globalists have tried to turn minimum wage jobs into careers for 38 year old Mexicans with a family of eight. STOP IMPORTING MEXICANS! Problem solved.
If the original minimum wage from the 1960s had been raised in tandem with inflation since then, it would now in 2024 be around $15 hourly. Raising it to $50 hourly is absurd, but to $15, that's reasonable given the cost of living today.
No wage has climbed at the rate of inflation. Wages are decided by supply and demand. Democrats have imported too many foreigners…they’re all fighting for the same jobs, shit pay at the bottom = shit pay across the entire wage spectrum.
I guess she doesn't realize everything would be really great for about 1 month, then a load of bread is going to cost 87 dollars and we will be right back where we started.

If minimum wage becomes 50 dollars an hour then my wages will have to go up to around 290 dollars an hour because I am skilled labor.

This is just a retarded moron saying "more money" in order to get support from idiot voters that think the answer is simply chasing bigger numbers and are too stupid to realize when you raise minimum wage everything goes up in scale with it. She might as well say minimum wage should be 50,000 dollars and hour or why stop there and say 1,000,000 an hour.

minimum wage lags far behind inflation. It doesn't cause shit to rise; it's already risen.
Wages are decided by supply and demand.

Rubbish. Industries collude to keep wages of skilled labor down all the time. The tech industries especially do so. That' why companies like Microsoft lie about 'skilled labor shortages'; the Feds will hand out green cards like candy to them.

The same with unskilled labor.

Rubbish. Industries collude to keep wages of skilled labor down all the time. The tech industries especially do so. That' why companies like Microsoft lie about 'skilled labor shortages'; the Feds will hand out green cards like candy to them.

The same with unskilled labor.

Cool theory.
Ignorance is a primary trait of useful idiots like you.

Again, if communists actually killed 63 million people, you capitalist scumbags killed several times that number, so shut the fuck up you disgusting hypocrites.

Your dream utopia of the USSR is responsible for 64 million murders of their own citizens.

When did this happen you worthless shithead? There were 220 million Soviet Citizens, and you're claiming the communists killed 30% of their citizens?!?!? What a brain-dead zombie retard you are. Whoever was killed by the communists deserved it. It's called a war, and people die in wars. Dumbass! If we're for a " dream utopia", you're for a nightmare dystopia.

Murders committed for political purposes.

Murders when you classify them as"murders"? When the capitalists kill for political purposes it's not murder but when a communist kills for a political (socioeconomic/sociopolitical) purpose, we're "murdering". How convenient. You hypocrite piece of shit, as if you defenders of capitalism ever lost a minute of sleep over people dying for political reasons when those reasons are in line with your interests or beliefs. Fuck you, you two faced piece of shit. Fake disciple of Jesus.
Sure we did. We lined up 64 million American citizens along the edge of the Grand Canyon and shot them. Under Trumps orders too.
Rubbish. Industries collude to keep wages of skilled labor down all the time. The tech industries especially do so. That' why companies like Microsoft lie about 'skilled labor shortages'; the Feds will hand out green cards like candy to them.

The same with unskilled labor.

If there is only one applicant for X job the employer is leveraged and has no choice but to pay whatever the lone applicant wants.
Simple shit for third graders to understand.
Rubbish. Industries collude to keep wages of skilled labor down all the time. The tech industries especially do so. That' why companies like Microsoft lie about 'skilled labor shortages'; the Feds will hand out green cards like candy to them.

The same with unskilled labor.

No, Democrats drive wages down by importing millions of illegals who are happy to get $5/hr and too afraid to complain if they weren’t.

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