$50 minimum wage

Got to keep up with republicans money printing
/----/ And just like that, Libtard Moonbats are worried about Congress printing money.
minimum wage lags far behind inflation. It doesn't cause shit to rise; it's already risen.

If you don't think raising minimum wage would cause a raise in prices overall then I don't even know what to say.

Let's say they raise minimum wage 5 dollars.

Companies would charge more to offset the more wages they have to pay to their employees.

Non minimum wager earners would have to be paid more to scale with it. If semi skilled labor is suddenly only making a dollar or two more than non skilled jobs they won't be happy and it travels on up.

If companies know nationwide everyone is suddenly making more at the bare minimum they will raise prices in order to increase revenue to increase their quarterly and annual profit reports.

Even companies not effected are having to buy goods and services at a increased cost so they have to counter that by charging more.

It's all a chain reaction that happens and if you can't see long term ramifications then you're not living in reality. Vastly jacking up minimum wage doesn't magically turn a society into a utopia.all it will do is accelerate inflation and rising costs.

The only way to solve the problem is with a monetary reset, but even those have time limits. That's why we have them every so often because a system gets so bloated that it has to be reset. It started with goods and services, then gold and silver, then state backed money, then federal paper backed by gold and silver, then federal backed by nothing, next will be digital.

Just adding more dollars does nothing but require even more dollars. It's just chasing numbers.
No, Democrats drive wages down by importing millions of illegals who are happy to get $5/hr and too afraid to complain if they weren’t.

No, Republicans helped all along the way. Saint Reagan even allowed meat packers to import scabs from Mexico, along with 'amnesty' for millions of them, and before that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,a major GOP moneybag, has always lobbied to look the other way on illegal immigration.
If you don't think raising minimum wage would cause a raise in prices overall then I don't even know what to say.

You could say it lags inflation and labor costs don't contribute to inflation. Just because you have to pay more doesn't mean you have to charge more. It just means you're in a glutted business and can't compete, is all. Find a more lucrative business; it's not the govt.s job to keep you in profits and cheap workers.
Minimum wage jobs are and always have been reserved for children seeking work experience. You globalists have tried to turn minimum wage jobs into careers for 38 year old Mexicans with a family of eight. STOP IMPORTING MEXICANS! Problem solved.

No wage has climbed at the rate of inflation. Wages are decided by supply and demand. Democrats have imported too many foreigners…they’re all fighting for the same jobs, shit pay at the bottom = shit pay across the entire wage spectrum.
Minimum wage jobs are and always have been reserved for children seeking work experience.

Minimum wage jobs are for anyone who needs a job and there was no official definition written in any government document stating minimum wage jobs are designed or intended for children. Any American worker who works full-time in America should have enough to support themselves. No one expects for a minimum wage worker to earn enough to live in luxury, but they should be able to at least not starve or be homeless. They should have food and housing, period. It doesn't matter how you feel about it, that's how it's going to be.

The US government should expand HUD and manage those housing complexes properly, providing all Americans with at least basic housing that they can live in while they improve their finances and job prospects. Government housing serves as a foundation upon which a person can build their future and life, eventually "graduating" to better, non-government housing or their own home.

You globalists....

I'm not a "globalist" you fucking retard, you capitalist-imperialists are the globalists, trying to take every market in the world captive through the barrel of a rifle. I'm an American nationalist and communist, who believes in America First because I'm an American. You ignorant idiot.

have tried to turn minimum wage jobs into careers for 38 year old Mexicans with a family of eight. STOP IMPORTING MEXICANS! Problem solved.

Our globalist, imperialist, capitalist-run US Government created the conditions both here at home and in Latin America, for all of the illegal immigration. The way to stop all of these illegals from entering our country is:

1. Stop orchestrating coups in Latin American countries. Stop meddling in the political life of those countries and let them control their resources and markets, without American and European interference. American capitalists love their cheap Latin American labor, and the last thing they want is for there to be a "Middle-Class" in those countries demanding higher-wages with benefits. They don't want to deal with labor unions, so they do everything possible to make sure Latin American countries remain poor. The only modern infrastructure developed in those countries serves American, Canadian and European corporations.

2. Lift the economic sanctions. Stop imposing embargoes on these poor, developing countries. Let them develop that way their people will stay over there and not come here.

3. If any American capitalist is found hiring illegal immigrants they should go to prison. Period.

4. The US military should be deployed on the border.

5. Actually build a big wall. Mexico doesn't need to pay anything, we have enough money to do it. America doesn't need to wait for Mexico to pay for anything.

6. Illegals should be rounded up and deported. Period. We can't provide government services like Universal Medicare, tuition-free college, and vocational job training, housing..etc, to all of Latin America and the world. Such government resources and services are exclusively for Americans and legal residents, period.

No wage has climbed at the rate of inflation.

Yeah, that's why we're in the mess we're in. Worker rights should be respected, including the right to organize labor unions and employers must pay a living wage. Every American worker who earns a full-time wage, must have enough to pay for food, housing, and the basics. Republicans need to get out of the way and allow the US government to develop national infrastructure to support the working class and commerce in general. You can't have tens of millions of Americans struggling to eat and pay their rents, on the precipice of skidrow.

Wages are decided by supply and demand.

Says who? You? Adam Smith? The "invisible hand" of the imaginary "free market", that continually needs the government to bail it out? Society can establish a minimum wage because if people are exploited for peanuts they can't support themselves and that hurts everyone else, including the economy. So wages must at least be enough to buy food and pay the rent. The basics must be met, or you shouldn't be in business. Find a job.

Democrats have imported too many foreigners…

You've imported them with your crap foreign policy, serving the American ruling elites at the expense of the American public and Latin America. Those people are coming here to the empire and if you want them to stay over there in their own countries, you need to stop bullying them around and trying to control their resources and markets. Leave them alone, let them develop themselves.

they’re all fighting for the same jobs, shit pay at the bottom = shit pay across the entire wage spectrum.

They wouldn't be here if we would stop meddling in their affairs and of course, started imprisoning the American scumbag capitalists who hire them.
No, Republicans helped all along the way. Saint Reagan even allowed meat packers to import scabs from Mexico, along with 'amnesty' for millions of them, and before that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,a major GOP moneybag, has always lobbied to look the other way on illegal immigration.
True…Republicans fucked us as well…which is why Trump was elected and why only those like Trump will be elected.
's all a chain reaction that happens and if you can't see long term ramifications then you're not living in reality.

That's some funny shit right there. So what happens when there is no safety net and unemployment reaches 30%? We know you won't take up the slack. What you will get is riots and people like Bernie and AOC elected. Congratulations.
Sure we did. We lined up 64 million American citizens along the edge of the Grand Canyon and shot them. Under Trumps orders too.
American capitalists murdering tens of millions of people around the world through their wars, economic embargoes, puppet dictators..etc, can only occur under Trump to be real or historical? You're an idiot. Even Trump admitted in his presidential debate with Jeb Bush that the war in Iraq was a crime against the people of Iraq.
True…Republicans fucked us as well…which is why Trump was elected and why only those like Trump will be elected.

I'm fine with Trump; he wants to bring back high productivity jobs and build back our decimated tax base, which will lower taxes across the board. If the labor racketeers go broke and fall by the wayside, so much the better.

Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) argued on Monday that a $50-per-hour minimum wage is mathematically coherent.

At a debate for candidates vying for the late Dianne Feinstein's U.S. Senate seat, Lee tried to justify her demand that the U.S. government mandate that businesses pay their employees a minimum of $50 per hour.

"In the Bay Area, I believe it was the United Way that came out with a report very recently: $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by," Lee said. "Another survey very recently: $104,000 for a family of one — barely enough to get by ... because of the affordability crisis."

California's cost-of-living problems, especially in the Bay Area, are no secret. But how would Lee's proposal be paid for?

Minimum wage is for unskilled labor.
If you want to be paid more, you need to learn a skill.
Employers probably could not afford to pay $50 per hour for unskilled labor.
It would probably cause an increase in unemployment.
What a dumb ass bitch. I actually think they should do that in California because it would be the final nail in their coffin.
That's some funny shit right there. So what happens when there is no safety net and unemployment reaches 30%? We know you won't take up the slack. What you will get is riots and people like Bernie and AOC elected. Congratulations.
Exactly, they don't understand that if you don't take care of the poor or working class people, you end up with civil unrest, social problems, that threaten market-capitalism. There's a symbiotic relationship between the Real Street and Wall Street, between the working class and capitalists. In a market capitalist economy, the needs of workers have to be addressed or the system eventually collapses. The economy is an ecosystem, and if you start killing the little animals, the big animals can go extinct. You kill the little plankton in the ocean and the big whales that feed off of them die.
It's a fact, not a theory.
No…that’s theory.
I posted the facts.
“If there is only one applicant for X job the employer is leveraged and has no choice but to pay whatever the lone applicant wants.“
Fewer people vying for the same job drives wages up.
America is simply too full of bottom feeding begging degenerates like Red Front …..too many need the government tit.
We have to stop importing filth.
I love these money grows on trees dumb ass Dem threads. :clap2:
We have plenty of money and why do you assume that our current money system and for-profit capitalist mode of production will continue? Get your head out of your ass.
If you don't think raising minimum wage would cause a raise in prices overall then I don't even know what to say.

Let's say they raise minimum wage 5 dollars.

Companies would charge more to offset the more wages they have to pay to their employees.

Non minimum wager earners would have to be paid more to scale with it. If semi skilled labor is suddenly only making a dollar or two more than non skilled jobs they won't be happy and it travels on up.

If companies know nationwide everyone is suddenly making more at the bare minimum they will raise prices in order to increase revenue to increase their quarterly and annual profit reports.

Even companies not effected are having to buy goods and services at a increased cost so they have to counter that by charging more.

It's all a chain reaction that happens and if you can't see long term ramifications then you're not living in reality. Vastly jacking up minimum wage doesn't magically turn a society into a utopia.all it will do is accelerate inflation and rising costs.

The only way to solve the problem is with a monetary reset, but even those have time limits. That's why we have them every so often because a system gets so bloated that it has to be reset. It started with goods and services, then gold and silver, then state backed money, then federal paper backed by gold and silver, then federal backed by nothing, next will be digital.

Just adding more dollars does nothing but require even more dollars. It's just chasing numbers.
/——/ Union salaries are tied to the minimum wage. If the MW goes up a dollar, the unions also get an automatic one dollar raise.
No…that’s theory.
I posted the facts.
“If there is only one applicant for X job the employer is leveraged and has no choice but to pay whatever the lone applicant wants.“
Fewer people vying for the same job drives wages up.
America is simply too full of bottom feeding begging degenerates like Red Front …..too many need the government tit.
We have to stop importing filth.
The bottom-feeding beggers and self-entitled leeches are you capitalists, who like you say, "need the government tit".

3Ford Motor$7,718,954,966684
4General Motors$7,494,705,750783
5Micron Technology$6,786,681,91519
7Cheniere Energy$5,617,152,52343
9Foxconn Technology Group (Hon Hai Precision Industry Company)$4,820,110,11274
10Texas Instruments$4,286,328,86969
12Sempra Energy$3,828,022,78251
13NRG Energy$3,405,383,876264
14Venture Global LNG$3,285,883,5666
15NextEra Energy$3,008,691,129116
17Tesla Inc.$2,829,855,494114
20Walt Disney$2,483,328,762255
24Shell PLC$2,210,816,246131
27Mubadala Investment Company$2,124,035,09762
29Hyundai Motor$2,048,610,15917
30Alphabet Inc.$2,010,825,527124
31Brookfield Asset Management$1,968,826,437231
32Meta Platforms Inc.$1,963,051,77261
33Exxon Mobil$1,906,554,975227
34Paramount Global$1,845,796,313332
36Apple Inc.$1,833,837,44261
38Berkshire Hathaway$1,821,579,7611,190
39Summit Power$1,783,593,4146
40General Electric$1,737,066,990994
41Air Products & Chemicals$1,726,928,43587
43Southern Company$1,694,958,17245
44Energy Transfer$1,680,763,748155
45JPMorgan Chase$1,663,593,0631,147
46Vornado Realty Trust$1,623,857,33633
47Duke Energy$1,580,417,75986
48Wolfspeed Inc.$1,560,125,01563
49Rivian Automotive Inc.$1,532,854,0123
50IBM Corp.$1,495,438,545367
51General Atomics$1,476,687,046111
52OGE Energy$1,427,570,18215
53SCS Energy$1,419,011,7965
56Lockheed Martin$1,334,594,360319
57Sagamore Development$1,320,000,0002
58Northrop Grumman$1,275,514,883284
59Corning Inc.$1,262,885,869389
61Continental AG$1,244,875,478111
62RTX Corporation$1,168,240,858779
63Jefferies Financial Group$1,144,919,26017
64SK Holdings$1,081,550,2839
65Valero Energy$1,053,812,692207
66Dow Inc.$1,049,354,213640
67AES Corp.$1,030,194,632132
68Hyannis Air Service Inc.$1,018,366,272417
71CF Industries$982,271,715129
72Pyramid Companies$966,050,09791
73Mazda Toyota Manufacturing, U.S.A., Inc.$900,000,0001
74Apollo Global Management$896,345,186586
76Delta Air Lines$878,093,93217
80Shin-Etsu Chemical$828,683,936106
81Enterprise Products Partners$826,988,37189
83Goldman Sachs$800,873,386253
85Archer Daniels Midland$771,819,7731,116
86EDF-Electricite de France$766,205,55036
87Warner Bros. Discovery Inc.$764,594,690217
88Triple Five Worldwide$748,000,0004
89Bank of America$744,566,157929
90EDP-Energias de Portugal$733,674,86814
91Related Companies$687,200,0001
92Koch Industries$673,998,188495
93Caithness Energy$670,379,73829
94Wells Fargo$653,074,103540
96OCI N.V.$627,879,4065
98Chevron Phillips Chemical$619,839,44420
99Bedrock Detroit$618,000,0001

The working class produces everything in this world, with the sweat of their brow while you capitalists suck off of the tit of their labor. So fuck pathetic leeches like you, who live off of other people's hard work. The government is an organization created to serve the interests of the public. We need infrastructure in this country and we will develop it, despite of braindead shitheads like you.

Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) argued on Monday that a $50-per-hour minimum wage is mathematically coherent.

At a debate for candidates vying for the late Dianne Feinstein's U.S. Senate seat, Lee tried to justify her demand that the U.S. government mandate that businesses pay their employees a minimum of $50 per hour.

"In the Bay Area, I believe it was the United Way that came out with a report very recently: $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by," Lee said. "Another survey very recently: $104,000 for a family of one — barely enough to get by ... because of the affordability crisis."

California's cost-of-living problems, especially in the Bay Area, are no secret. But how would Lee's proposal be paid for?

Minimum wage is for unskilled labor.
If you want to be paid more, you need to learn a skill.
Employers probably could not afford to pay $50 per hour for unskilled labor.
It would probably cause an increase in unemployment.
How you say?

By reducing those billions and billions in profits
By reducing executive pay.

Elon Musk, as an example, earned $100B in 2022
Now if he "only" earned $50B that would leave $50B for employee raises.
I'm pretty sure elon could get by on a measly $50B a year.
We have plenty of money and why do you assume that our current money system and for-profit capitalist mode of production will continue? Get your head out of your ass.
By all means cancel your internet, sell all your belongings and send the money to government to be re-distributed. Lead by example...no? We didn't think so.

The left is so generous with other people's money.
We have plenty of money and why do you assume that our current money system and for-profit capitalist mode of production will continue? Get your head out of your ass.
Can you name a single instance where socialism/Communism has worked? When it hasn't ended up in the deaths of huge swaths of the population in the country where it was tried? Or impoverishing the vast majority while the elite reap the benefits off the backs of the working class you say youre so worried about? Just one.

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