$50 minimum wage

By all means cancel your internet, sell all your belongings and send the money to government to be re-distributed. Lead by example...no? We didn't think so.

The left is so generous with other people's money.
Since when is that socialism? We have a right to our personal property and all that is abolished is private property i.e. property used to exploit and dehumanize others. That's all. In American communism, there's more freedom, and your personal possessions, which include your home/s, are even more secure than under capitalism. If you want to see who owns your home, don't pay property taxes. The actual owner of your home will show up on your doorstep and will knock on your door. You'll eventually get evicted from "your home", for not paying your property taxes. There are no property taxes or mortgages in communism. You simply have a right to own housing, and in modern American communism, that will be even more the case.
No…that’s theory.
I posted the facts.
“If there is only one applicant for X job the employer is leveraged and has no choice but to pay whatever the lone applicant wants.“
Fewer people vying for the same job drives wages up.
America is simply too full of bottom feeding begging degenerates like Red Front …..too many need the government tit.
We have to stop importing filth.

No, they're facts; you posted fantasies. Most 'businessmen' would be bankrupt tomorrow in a real 'free market' environment, despite all their bloviating and hubris.

First thing that needs to go are limited liability for private corporations, and shareholders made into real owners and held financially responsible for the debts and criminal acts of the companies they own pieces of, That will suck a lot of the water out of gambling on the markets, which suck money away from real business investments. Then we need to bring back the New Deal laws restricting monopolies and chain stores, and get rid of scams like certificates of deposit and other loopholes governing bank reserves.

When there is real market competition, then we can talk about tax rates and meaningful free market legislation and get the Federal Reserve out of the corporate welfare business with its cheap money policies for big corporations. As it is now capital gains and dividends should be taxed at 50% off the top as an adequate fee for all that govt. protection of their mistakes and personal wealth protection.
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Since when is that socialism? We have a right to our personal property and all that is abolished is private property i.e. property used to exploit and dehumanize others. That's all. In American communism, there's more freedom, and your personal possessions, which include your home/s, are even more secure than under capitalism. If you want to see who owns your home, don't pay property taxes. The actual owner of your home will show up on your doorstep and will knock on your door. You'll eventually get evicted from "your home", for not paying your property taxes. There are no property taxes or mortgages in communism. You simply have a right to own housing, and in modern American communism, that will be even more the case.
LMAO that's some serious indoctrination, liberal arts degree? :auiqs.jpg:Let me inform you how the real world works boy, everyone is out to get theirs. Every species on the planet. Now get a couple jobs and pay your own damn bills you mooching sponges.
/——/ Minimum wage was never intended to support a family. It was to help unskilled teens get job experience. In return, employers got a break on labor costs. Now AI and robotics are taking over leaving teens unemployed.
Leave it to democRATs to screw everything up.

Since when is that socialism? We have a right to our personal property and all that is abolished is private property i.e. property used to exploit and dehumanize others. That's all.
Who decides which private property exploits or dehumanizes others? Do I get to decide? You? Who?

If you abolish private property then you dont own anything. No one does.

In American communism, there's more freedom, and your personal possessions, which include your home/s, are even more secure than under capitalism. If you want to see who owns your home, don't pay property taxes. The actual owner of your home will show up on your doorstep and will knock on your door. You'll eventually get evicted from "your home", for not paying your property taxes. There are no property taxes or mortgages in communism. You simply have a right to own housing, and in modern American communism, that will be even more the case.

Ok so everyone gets a house. Who gets the beach front property? Who gets the houses in the best places? What happens when person A takes care of their home, maintains it etc, and person B doesnt? Does person B just get another house for free? Does everyone get the exact same house? And who pays to have these mythical houses built? Who produces all the materials to build them? Who does the actual building of these houses? How much property comes with each house? What happens to the house when I die? As the population grows does the amount of property given to each person shrink? If not wont we run out of space? If so then wont the newer generations inherently be getting less than the older ones which will create a disparity?

Those are just a few problems I can think of right off the top of my head. You havent thought this through very well.
Can you name a single instance where socialism/Communism has worked? When it hasn't ended up in the deaths of huge swaths of the population in the country where it was tried? Or impoverishing the vast majority while the elite reap the benefits off the backs of the working class you say your so worried about? Just one.
It works now in Western Europe, China, and even in the countries that are being economically sanctioned for being socialist, by the US government. You right-wing Republicans will accuse the Democrats of being "commies" for wanting all Americans to have Medicare or tuition-free college, yet these government services and policies are taken for granted in the modern industrialized world. Most of Western Europe and places like Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea are by American Republican standards, "COMMIE". These are mixed economies with markets and plenty of socialism. The only reason they're not sanctioned economically by the capitalist-run US government/empire is because these countries don't outwardly define themselves as socialist or communist.

However, your assumption that past attempts to establish a socialist economy and social order at a national scale were complete failures is ridiculous. The Soviet Union had some serious challenges to overcome and yet had impressive accomplishments. So what of Rocky loses to Appollo in the first fight? How does that imply that Rocky will always lose in the ring? Did the mercantile class of Europe replace the European royal aristocracy overnight? Did capitalism replace chattel slavery and feudalism with one single swoop of the sword? No. It wasn't one defined event or victory, it was a long process that took centuries. So why make such demands of socialism?
It works now in Western Europe, China, and even in the countries that are being economically sanctioned for being socialist, by the US government. You right-wing Republicans will accuse the Democrats of being "commies" for wanting all Americans to have Medicare or tuition-free college, yet these government services and policies are taken for granted in the modern industrialized world. Most of Western Europe and places like Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea are by American Republican standards, "COMMIE". These are mixed economies with markets and plenty of socialism. The only reason they're not sanctioned economically by the capitalist-run US government/empire is because these countries don't outwardly define themselves as socialist or communist.

Socialism failed in China which is why they have moved farther and farther away from it and toward Capitalism. And Mao killed millions of people. The socialist revolution in China lead to upwards of 80 million deaths in China.

Japan, Taiwan, SK are all capitalist countries.

Try again.

However, your assumption that past attempts to establish a socialist economy and social order at a national scale were complete failures is ridiculous. The Soviet Union had some serious challenges to overcome and yet had impressive accomplishments. So what of Rocky loses to Appollo in the first fight? How does that imply that Rocky will always lose in the ring? Did the mercantile class of Europe replace the European royal aristocracy overnight? Did capitalism replace chattel slavery and feudalism with one single swoop of the sword? No. It wasn't one defined event or victory, it was a long process that took centuries. So why make such demands of socialism?

Just looking for one. Hey I have an idea. I think if I smash you in the face with a hammer you'll get smarter. I know there's no evidence of that happening in the past but lets give it a go. It could happen right?
I think they should do this.....................................in California only. Please, I would love to watch this!
American capitalists murdering tens of millions of people around the world through their wars, economic embargoes, puppet dictators..etc, can only occur under Trump to be real or historical? You're an idiot. Even Trump admitted in his presidential debate with Jeb Bush that the war in Iraq was a crime against the people of Iraq.
I’m not talking about killing NAZIS or Commies or terrorists. I’m talking about Commie governments rounding up their own citizens and executing them.
No, Republicans helped all along the way. Saint Reagan even allowed meat packers to import scabs from Mexico, along with 'amnesty' for millions of them, and before that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,a major GOP moneybag, has always lobbied to look the other way on illegal immigration.
Glad you agree illegal immigration hurts Americans.
Now why do you vote to support it?
Who decides which private property exploits or dehumanizes others? Do I get to decide? You? Who?

If you abolish private property then you dont own anything. No one does.

Ok so everyone gets a house. Who gets the beach front property? Who gets the houses in the best places? What happens when person A takes care of their home, maintains it etc, and person B doesnt? Does person B just get another house for free? Does everyone get the exact same house? And who pays to have these mythical houses built? Who produces all the materials to build them? Who does the actual building of these houses? How much property comes with each house? What happens to the house when I die? As the population grows does the amount of property given to each person shrink? If not wont we run out of space? If so then wont the newer generations inherently be getting less than the older ones which will create a disparity?

Those are just a few problems I can think of right off the top of my head. You havent thought this through very well.

Who decides which private property exploits or dehumanizes others? Do I get to decide? You? Who?

It's pretty obvious what properties are used by capitalists to exploit other human beings for a profit. Adam Smith the father of capitalism calls capitalists "masters". Eventually capitalism will be replaced with a non-profit system of mass production and private property will be abolished. Only personal property will remain. Society will be forced by necessity to adopt socialism due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence. It will be obvious that socialism is the successor of capitalism, in the not-too-distant future.
If you abolish private property then you dont own anything. No one does.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Private property is essentially businesses owned by a capitalist, who exploits workers for a profit. Private property isn't your home, car, computer, clothing, toothbrush, firearms..etc. That's your personal property. So saying we won't own anything is ridiculous and only shows your ignorance of socialism.

Ok so everyone gets a house. Who gets the beach front property? Who gets the houses in the best places?

Everyone has a right to housing or even a house, but if you already own a house now, you would simply keep it. In a modern high-tech, marketless communist society there could be ways a person could earn the right to a water-front mansion through a credit system. They could work more, or serve society in such a way that they would have the right to those types of special possessions.

In high-tech communism, everyone will have a high standard of living and will be able to work less since production is mostly automated.

What happens when person A takes care of their home, maintains it etc, and person B doesnt? Does person B just get another house for free? Does everyone get the exact same house?

What do you mean by a person not taking care of their home? Can you be more specific? No, everyone doesn't have to get the same home or live in the same type of building necessarily. If you already own a home, you would just keep the home you're living in now.

And who pays to have these mythical houses built?

In a modern, high-tech mostly automated, marketless communist society systems would be developed to quickly build housing with both robots and people supervising the work. People will have to work 20 hours weekly (for example), and in return, they have access to goods and services.

Who produces all the materials to build them?

Mostly, intelligent automated systems under human supervision and guidance.

Who does the actual building of these houses?

Mostly robots:

Working with human beings. The more we advance with robotics, the less work human beings will have to do. Eventually, the role of human beings will simply be to supervise and manage the automated system. After a person works their 20 hours weekly they can do whatever they want. Learn a new language, go explore or do something to improve yourself. Maybe you're a Christian who wants to engage in ministry, well you can do that. American communism of the Red Front isn't anti-religion or anti-Christian. Go start a church and the government will actually build a chapel for you.

How much property comes with each house?

What do you mean? Each house can come with appliances, amenities..etc. Sure.

What happens to the house when I die?

In the Soviet Union, your children would keep it, if they wanted it. Here in America, we can do the same. When you die, your children and grandchildren keep the house.

As the population grows does the amount of property given to each person shrink?

What do you mean? Clarify for me, that way I can answer your question.

If not wont we run out of space? If so then wont the newer generations inherently be getting less than the older ones which will create a disparity?

No, there is plenty of space in America and we will also expand America into other environments, like the ocean, underground, space:


Other planets..etc.

Those are just a few problems I can think of right off the top of my head. You havent thought this through very well.

You're just an idiot making up stupid, irrelevant "problems" that don't apply or exist. Shithead.
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I’m not talking about killing NAZIS or Commies or terrorists. I’m talking about Commie governments rounding up their own citizens and executing them.
You can keep spewing your bullshit drivel about that. It's all in your head. Capitalist Cold War propaganda.
Who decides which private property exploits or dehumanizes others? Do I get to decide? You? Who?

It's pretty obvious what properties are used by capitalists to exploit other human beings for a profit. Adam Smith the father of capitalism calls capitalists "masters". Eventually capitalism will be replaced with a non-profit system of mass production and private property will be abolished. Only personal property will remain. Society will be forced by necessity to adopt socialism due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence. It will be obvious that socialism is the successor of capitalism, in the not-too-distant future.
If you abolish private property then you dont own anything. No one does.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Private property is essentially businesses owned by a capitalist, who exploits workers for a profit. Private property isn't your home, car, computer, clothing, toothbrush, firearms..etc. That's your personal property. So saying we won't own anything is ridiculous and only shows your ignorance of socialism.

Ok so everyone gets a house. Who gets the beach front property? Who gets the houses in the best places?

Everyone has a right to housing or even a house, but if you already own a house now, you would simply keep it. In a modern high-tech, marketless communist society there could be ways a person could earn the right to a water-front mansion through a credit system. They could work more, or serve society in such a way that they would have the right to those types of special possessions.

In high-tech communism, everyone will have a high standard of living and will be able to work less since production is mostly automated.

What happens when person A takes care of their home, maintains it etc, and person B doesnt? Does person B just get another house for free? Does everyone get the exact same house?

What do you mean by a person not taking care of their home? Can you be more specific? No, everyone doesn't have to get the same home or live in the same type of building necessarily. If you already own a home, you would just keep the home you're living in now.

And who pays to have these mythical houses built?

In a modern, high-tech mostly automated, marketless communist society systems would be developed to quickly build housing with both robots and people supervising the work. People will have to work 20 hours weekly (for example), and in return, they have access to goods and services.

Who produces all the materials to build them?

Mostly, intelligent automated systems under human supervision and guidance.

Who does the actual building of these houses?

Mostly robots:

Working with human beings. The more we advance with robotics, the less work human beings will have to do. Eventually, the role of human beings will simply be to supervise and manage the automated system. After a person works their 20 hours weekly they can do whatever they want. Learn a new language, go explore or do something to improve yourself. Maybe you're a Christian who wants to engage in ministry, well you can do that. American communism of the Red Front isn't anti-religion or anti-Christian. Go start a church and the government will actually build a chapel for you.

How much property comes with each house?

What do you mean? Each house can come with appliances, amenities..etc. Sure.

What happens to the house when I die?

In the Soviet Union, your children would keep it, if they want it. Here in America, we can do the same. When you die, your children and grandchildren keep the house.

As the population grows does the amount of property given to each person shrink?

What do you mean? Clarify for me, that way I can answer your question.

If not wont we run out of space? If so then wont the newer generations inherently be getting less than the older ones which will create a disparity?

No, there is plenty of space in America and we will also expand America into other environments, like the ocean, underground, space:

Other planets..etc.

Those are just a few problems I can think of right off the top of my head. You havent thought this through very well.

You're just an idiot making up stupid, irrelevant "problems" that don't apply or exist. Shithead.

Pilgrims tried your socialist agenda.

Half of them died in a year.
You don’t know history, that is clear.
It's clear you're unable to think rationally and you continue to make irrelevant claims, that simply don't apply. Your objections are dumb. Comparing pilgrims in the 17th century settling a new land with primitive technology to modern American communism. What the hell does that have to do with us today in the 21st century you dumbass? How fucking retarded can you be? You're dumb. Stupid.

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