$50 minimum wage

Not if you're typing that stupid ignorant shit out of your keyboard.

Says the clown who think anybody buys his proclamations of Communist Goodness. Communists solve their social and economic problems with mass murder and slave labor camps. No different than right wing labor racketeers do.
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Now they arrest Christians and harvest them for organs they sell around the world. A great profit center for them; very efficient and technocratic.
You're a delusional retard, first of all. If you have real evidence of that, I would condemn it. What, do you think us American communists will side with China if it is doing that to its citizens? If America goes to war with China, for a good reason, we will be on the side of America, even if it is still run by capitalists. You don't know anything about the American Red Front.

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How the hell did you conclude that I live in a slum? You're so fucking stupid. I live in the nerve center of the world and live the city life I want. You're an idiot! People like me would make sure you never lose that beautiful lakefront home of yours. Do you think we American communists want to take your house away? We will make sure you never lose it. You're confused and ignorant.
I live here in NYC, I pay over $2000 monthly in rent and my kitchen is much smaller than that.
You’re a stooge who has gone no where in his life and demands others hand over their earnings to you.

You really do need Jesus.
You're a delusional retard, first of all. If you have real evidence of that, I would condemn it. What, do you think us American communists will side with China if it is doing that to its citizens? If America goes to war with China, for a good reason, we will be on the side of America, even if it is still run by capitalists. You don't know anything about the American Red Front.

China uses slavery and you side with China.
Says the clown who think anybody buys his proclamations of Communist Goodness. Communists solve their social and economic problems with mass murder and save labor camps. No different than right wing labor racketeers do.
You're just spewing a bunch of capitalist Cold War bullshit propaganda. You've been hoodwinked. Hey, you might as well become a communist now because that's the future thanks to advanced, intelligent automation. Think if you can. Can you think? Try it.
You're just spewing a bunch of capitalist Cold War bullshit propaganda. You've been hoodwinked. Hey, you might as well become a communist now because that's the future thanks to advanced, intelligent automation. Think if you can. Can you think? Try it.
You have never even visited let alone live in a communist nation.
You’re a stooge who has gone no where in his life and demands others hand over their earnings to you.

You really do need Jesus.
You're the one leeching off of other people's labor. Don't appeal to Jesus, he's going to spit in your face on the day of judgment: "Depart From Me, I Never Knew You".
You're a delusional retard, first of all. If you have real evidence of that, I would condemn it. What, do you think us American communists will side with China if it is doing that to its citizens? If America goes to war with China, for a good reason, we will be on the side of America, even if it is still run by capitalists. You don't know anything about the American Red Front.

Guy living in a tiny NY apartment for $2,000 a month preaching about the glorious communism calling others delusional.

I love the internet.
I'm a CNC coder now, and before that, I was operating CNC machines, earning a great salary with benefits. I'm a union machinist, that works on a contract basis. You're spewing stupidity, you need to stop swallowing the dip and spit in the cup. That cheap chewing tobacco is rotting your brain.

Yeah, a “great” salary in NYC still affords you a dump relative to middle America. NYC provides a very skewed version of the US.

My uncle’s apartment building on 5th Ave. had apartments ranging from 3.5 million and up. They were all, “meh” to me, other than the 20 million penthouse, which was nice, but no nicer than a lower-upper class home in my area. The 3.5 million apartments would be about 300k, maybe, in my area.
You're just spewing a bunch of capitalist Cold War bullshit propaganda. You've been hoodwinked. Hey, you might as well become a communist now because that's the future thanks to advanced, intelligent automation. Think if you can. Can you think? Try it.

You wouldn't know, you live in a cocoon protected by others. You're an infantile whiner playing arm chair revolutionary and parroting rubbish.. You're probably just a mod sock trying to generate hits.
You're an ignorant shithead. Alright all of you braindead defenders of capitalism, I have better things to do with my time and energy than continue going back and forth with you. Have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you won something. Bye, retards.
So you get pissy because we ask questions and because you can only parrot talking points you storm off.
Guy living in a tiny NY apartment for $2,000 a month preaching about the glorious communism calling others delusional.

I love the internet.

Hey, you never know, he may have lucked out and scored a hole with a toilet you can weigh more than 90 pounds and still fit in it. It might even have flushed; sometimes they work.
I'm a CNC coder now, and before that, I was operating CNC machines, earning a great salary with benefits. I'm a union machinist, that works on a contract basis. You're spewing stupidity, you need to stop swallowing the dip and spit in the cup. That cheap chewing tobacco is rotting your brain.
CNC coding.

So in other words you’re taking away the jobs of machinists by using automation. While you preach how glorious communism will grant us all high paying jobs and we’ll all live in paradise.

I love the internet.
CNC coding.

So in other words you’re taking away the jobs of machinists by using automation. While you preach how glorious communism will grant us all high paying jobs and we’ll all live in paradise.

I love the internet.
You stupid motherfucker, CNC machines need to be coded, in order to cut the piece with precision. Operators don't code the machines they operate it with the the specific code for the piece being cut. You're such a fucking retard! The capitalists are hiring me to train their AI software, that will replace me and eventually my co-workers as well.

What these capitalists fail to understand is that capitalism is founded upon wages. If you eliminate the wages, you destroy the market that the capitalists profit from. Most consumers pay with their wages, hence capitalists are now begging the government to give everyone a UBI/Universal Basic Income, to keep capitalism on life support. It needs the government to bail it out monthly with a UBI check. You people are so stupid. The working class is eventually going to wake up and say
"Why the fuck should we allow these capitalists to continue owning the means of production and enslaving us, we can own it all together and manage it, we don't need them". You fucking retards.
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lol working class revolutions always fail. You need a middle class to pull off a successful revolution. Destroy the middle class and the elites are home free.
How’d America become the world leader everyone wants to move to and NY Commies refuse to leave?
By sodomizing the world to feed your fat, sorry ass. The American capitalist-run empire fucks the world, exploiting its cheap labor, extracting its natural resources, controlling markets, and then people obviously, come here to the empire.

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