50 Ways The Pub & Dem Parties Are The Same.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
I started off voting @ the tender & VERY GREEN age of 24 by voting for Jimma Da' Carter for potus. After that fiasco I moved to the Pub party to support Ronald Reagan for potus. After watching the debt spending bonanza of the early Reagan years shoot to the moon I jumped the GOP ship & started treading water. Fortunately for me the USS Libertarian party spotted me & fished me out of those murky political waters. That was in the years 1983-'84 I spent the next 31 years as a contributing member of our Libertarian party USA. Sadly, all I can say is that in this 3-1/2 dimensional continuum that we exist in it seems that humanity as a whole appears to be traversing on a downwards grade instead of an upward grade. No matter which way we turn it's either a HMS Titanic fiasco or an SS Poseidon fiasco. With the Libertarian party obviously heavily infiltrated & the Pub/Dem political parties reduced to two sock puppets on the same puppeteer it looks like the divide & conquer gang wins in the end & sweet individual Liberty gets swallowed up in the darkness. The below link does a fairly decent job @ illustrating WHY the current political system in America is a rigged game.

I started off voting @ the tender & VERY GREEN age of 24 by voting for Jimma Da' Carter for potus. After that fiasco I moved to the Pub party to support Ronald Reagan for potus. After watching the debt spending bonanza of the early Reagan years shoot to the moon I jumped the GOP ship & started treading water. Fortunately for me the USS Libertarian party spotted me & fished me out of those murky political waters. That was in the years 1983-'84 I spent the next 31 years as a contributing member of our Libertarian party USA. Sadly, all I can say is that in this 3-1/2 dimensional continuum that we exist in it seems that humanity as a whole appears to be traversing on a downwards grade instead of an upward grade. No matter which way we turn it's either a HMS Titanic fiasco or an SS Poseidon fiasco. With the Libertarian party obviously heavily infiltrated & the Pub/Dem political parties reduced to two sock puppets on the same puppeteer it looks like the divide & conquer gang wins in the end & sweet individual Liberty gets swallowed up in the darkness. The below link does a fairly decent job @ illustrating WHY the current political system in America is a rigged game.

both parties spend to much ... thats a fact ! i vote for republicans because of their platform and what they claim to believe even though many republican leaders dont live up to those promises i still vote for them because the modern dem platform and the policies they promote is something i cant stand behind .
The pub and the Democrat party? A couple of similarities would be they're both places where people have limited control of themselves and screwing is a big by product of both.
Funny how Reagan was criticized for spending but democrats were always immune from criticism about deficit spending. We are still living with LBJ's failed "great society" and we can't shut it down. Libertarians started out as a mild form of conservatives but morphed into pot heads and all that libertarianism is about today is legalizing the nefarious weed. Today's self proclaimed "libertarian" is usually a democrat with buyers remorse.
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I started off voting @ the tender & VERY GREEN age of 24 by voting for Jimma Da' Carter for potus. After that fiasco I moved to the Pub party to support Ronald Reagan for potus. After watching the debt spending bonanza of the early Reagan years shoot to the moon I jumped the GOP ship & started treading water. Fortunately for me the USS Libertarian party spotted me & fished me out of those murky political waters. That was in the years 1983-'84 I spent the next 31 years as a contributing member of our Libertarian party USA. Sadly, all I can say is that in this 3-1/2 dimensional continuum that we exist in it seems that humanity as a whole appears to be traversing on a downwards grade instead of an upward grade. No matter which way we turn it's either a HMS Titanic fiasco or an SS Poseidon fiasco. With the Libertarian party obviously heavily infiltrated & the Pub/Dem political parties reduced to two sock puppets on the same puppeteer it looks like the divide & conquer gang wins in the end & sweet individual Liberty gets swallowed up in the darkness. The below link does a fairly decent job @ illustrating WHY the current political system in America is a rigged game.

Don't feel bad about Jimmy Earl. I vote 4 years earlier at the age of 18 for Tricky Dick Nixon.
Don't feel bad about Jimmy Earl. I vote 4 years earlier at the age of 18 for Tricky Dick Nixon.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with voting for a candidate that harbors a lil paranoia is there??? My photography professor, William 'Bill' Campbell(SFCC) ended up on tricky DORK Nixon's "watch list of extremists for good God only knows why??? You can view the so called extremist Bill Campbell's obituary about 1/3rd of the way down the list in the below link. Go ahead & read Mr. Campbell's obituary & you tell me if Mr. Campbell's obituary sounds like that of an an extremist. Merle Brown was the "appointed" professor of photography @ SFCC when I attended the course but EVERYONE of us on that campus KNEW it was Bill Campbell that put that course together for the students. When I graduated we held the 2nd highest rating(1st was the Brookings institute/offering a 4 year B/S degree in photography) in the entire USA!!!

White 6, if you do read Mr. Campbell's obituary just remember that "extremist" William 'Bill' Campbell also served under General MacArthur while serving in WW2 on the KOKODA TRAIL as a radio man/infantry man with both American & Australian soldiers! Phuck those delusional paranoid power & control prima donna republicratic blood sucking profe$$ional politician$. The few that are decent like 'former' congressman Justin Amash(third district Michigan) end up getting black balled & gerrymandered into the void.


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