51% chance Dems keep the Senate

I have quite a few liberal Dem friends and they are pretty pissed at what the liberal Dems are doing right now. They also say that they have had with the over reaching government.
Some are staying home, others are thinking about voting R which they haven't done for a very long time.
So I wouldn't put much stock on your poll.

I seriously doubt that.

So do I. Peach hasn't been at all clear on her imaginary friends' specific complaints.

So far she's batting zero. And making up health issues to get attention puts Peachy Weachy at the bottom of the scum barrel.
Every single Insurance and Drug company and Hospital are under the new regulations.
Her Doctor said that the new Health Care Law requires Doctors to use more generic brands of drugs. In order to save more money.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which President Obama signed on March 23, 2010, authorized the Food and Drug Administration to approve generic versions of biologic drugs.

Another lie. All insurance companies have always approved the use of generic drugs.
The democrats worst nightmare is that in 4 years 10 million people will be enrolled in obamacare and hate it. Have no doctor willing to see them and find out their medications aren't covered.

Keep dreamin' that dream, Katz.

Obamacare is not an insurance plan. Most people stay on the plan they've had all along. The new enrollees are on standard healthcare plans.

The only patients that have had trouble finding doctors willing to take them have been the poor on Medicaid, veterans on VA insurance, and the elderly on Medicare. With the reforms to Medicare and advances being made on the backlog of veterans' claims, the problem isn't anywhere near as bad as you'd like it to be. It will be even less of a problem when some genuine jobs bills are put into action, getting more people off Medicaid and into regular employee healthcare.
You are being mental again.

No one in the mainstream GOP gives a shit about the far right wacks like you. That ended with body blows the Cruz and Lee foisted onto the Republicans in Congress. Like Boehner and McConnell and Hatch and Jinall and Ryan and others have said, never again. Why do you think the likes of Bachmann are jumping ship? We will get better Republicans now.


Who benefited from it?


Follow the money. That's who was responsible for the recession. Who stood to gain the most from taking the White House? The writers and beneficiaries of the ACA. They needed a Dem to sign that piece of shit.

We want to win the Senate from the Dems, and you guys are going to lose it for us third time in a row.

STFU. Please.

No, no, please, let him talk all he wants!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
You are being mental again.

No one in the mainstream GOP gives a shit about the far right wacks like you. That ended with body blows the Cruz and Lee foisted onto the Republicans in Congress. Like Boehner and McConnell and Hatch and Jinall and Ryan and others have said, never again. Why do you think the likes of Bachmann are jumping ship? We will get better Republicans now.


Who benefited from it?


Follow the money. That's who was responsible for the recession. Who stood to gain the most from taking the White House? The writers and beneficiaries of the ACA. They needed a Dem to sign that piece of shit.

We want to win the Senate from the Dems, and you guys are going to lose it for us third time in a row.

STFU. Please.

Yo Jake.......

You are cool and all.....but when you say "we", you are suggesting that you are OK with having idiots like Mud on your team. What makes you think that will ever end well?

Who benefited from it?


Follow the money. That's who was responsible for the recession. Who stood to gain the most from taking the White House? The writers and beneficiaries of the ACA. They needed a Dem to sign that piece of shit.

We want to win the Senate from the Dems, and you guys are going to lose it for us third time in a row.

STFU. Please.

Yo Jake.......

You are cool and all.....but when you say "we", you are suggesting that you are OK with having idiots like Mud on your team. What makes you think that will ever end well?

The Butthurt in you is strong....
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Seems to me 2014 has hinged on the ACA all along. If the Dems and the press can paint a rosy picture while avoiding the problems with it, the election could essentially end up a draw. It's not like the GOP is presenting a boatload of reasons to vote for them. A draw would be excellent for the Dems going into 2016.

The GOP has been taking victory laps for months now. Bad, bad idea.

The far right reactionaries are the RINOs. They were warned what would happen last fall if Cruz et al failed. Cruz failed, and the far right is very unhappy it is being marginalized. HBH is just a stereotype of the far right whiner.

Quoth the Democrat in denial.

Quoth the stereotypical RINO of the reactionary right.


Seems to me 2014 has hinged on the ACA all along. If the Dems and the press can paint a rosy picture while avoiding the problems with it, the election could essentially end up a draw. It's not like the GOP is presenting a boatload of reasons to vote for them. A draw would be excellent for the Dems going into 2016.

The GOP has been taking victory laps for months now. Bad, bad idea.


We're trying to bounce these assholes out.

Mitch McConnell is one that needs to go.
Silly list. Pick one. We'll discuss it for a minute.

tyrannical enforcement of the aca on citizen except those that bribed their way off

tyranny; government through force or coercion.

You picked that? Too easy.

You cannot establish that anything "tyrannical" ( tie-ran-ik-ul), took place. Therefore, this has been a very short discussion.

The aca forces people to buy ins or face a fine. That's coercion
companies, except those that bribed their way out, must provide ins to full time emps or face a fine. That coercion and corruption

in other words, it is tyranny
Yeah. Because most American voters are imbeciles and cannot tell when they are being lied to. Right?

The last election should have been about jobs, the economy, wasted and how worse things got.

But it was about utterly useless shit that has not been addressed since.

so yea, liberals believe everything the media tells them b/c they lack the intellect to think for themselves.
Income inequality has not been addressed since?

422 taxes making it harder for everyone including the poor.

but aside from that, what a bullshit diversion from what he needed to get done.

but, what 20 million unemployed people to dems? possible future voters since they hopefully be pushed onto welfare.
Sure. Everyone is stupid. The GOP can never win another election. You may have hit on something.

How worse things got? In what respect, Charlie?

$17 trillion in the hole
devalued dollar
ue still high
422 tax increases
Bundy debacle
tyrannical enforcement of the aca on citizen except those that bribed their way off
you can keep your plan
you can keep your doctor
irs scandal
everyone pleading the 5th

Informed and honest people see these things and have to wonder wtf is going on.

but you don't see any of this as bad or use the excuse someone else did it, so it's ok for us to do it.

It's really sad to see what you guys give a pass to now, you are no different than the religious right, you want government to force your wants on everyone else, and don't see the tyranny.
You're still a moron. :(

pull your head out of your ass and take an honest look at what leftist are doing.

If you can. I doubt that you are the one honest liberal in the world, but you could be.
It almost killed my Mother who was put on generic drugs to save money and she was allergic to both of them. Then it took her two months to get her blood pressure back to normal and one time she had to go to the emergency room because her blood pressure was over 200. They said she was very close to a stroke or heat attack.

Your mother?

Why would she be on Obamacare? Wouldn't she have Medicare?

Good question. I call bullshit whether the mom is 65 or not.

Pretty low to use one's mother to try and score a dopey message board point.

I am not trying to score anything.
I'm not lying.
Most of you all know me here and you know that's not how I am on this board.
I try my best to get correct information out and when I get things wrong or incorrect I say so and admit it.
I told you what really happened to my Mom.
It is a true fact.
My Mom was on the same brand name of blood pressure medication for 15 years.
When the New Health Care Bill passed her Dr. changed her meds to 2 different types of generic drugs and it did almost kill her.
The new bill encourages Doctors to try generic drugs to save money.
I get it and it's fine if you can use the generic types.
My mother couldn't and she would have never have gotten off the meds she was on for so many years if it wasn't for the push to use generic drugs when the New Health Care Bill passed.
She is fine now but it took 2 months for her to get back to normal.
She was under quite a bit of stress because of it.
None or our senior's should have to be put under such stress because of any bills that congress passes be it Republican or Democrat.
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Yes, Jake, your Party, the Dems caused the Great Recession.

"These two entities...." Barney Frank


The great recession started under a REPUBLICAN administration: the Bush adminstration.

That is very easy to prove.

The stock market imploded in September, 2008. Remember who was president back then?

Frank has trouble with empirical concepts
Frank has trouble with the truth.
tyrannical enforcement of the aca on citizen except those that bribed their way off

tyranny; government through force or coercion.

You picked that? Too easy.

You cannot establish that anything "tyrannical" ( tie-ran-ik-ul), took place. Therefore, this has been a very short discussion.

The aca forces people to buy ins or face a fine. That's coercion
companies, except those that bribed their way out, must provide ins to full time emps or face a fine. That coercion and corruption

in other words, it is tyranny

No, it's a new regulation.

Are all new regulations tyranny?

OSHA forces brake repair businesses to use specific procedures when dealing with brake pad dust, since it contains cancer-causing properties.

Is that tyranny?
The last election should have been about jobs, the economy, wasted and how worse things got.

But it was about utterly useless shit that has not been addressed since.

so yea, liberals believe everything the media tells them b/c they lack the intellect to think for themselves.
Income inequality has not been addressed since?

422 taxes making it harder for everyone including the poor.

but aside from that, what a bullshit diversion from what he needed to get done.

but, what 20 million unemployed people to dems? possible future voters since they hopefully be pushed onto welfare.

Speaker Boehner never brought Obama's jobs bill to a vote. And he never came up with one himself.

This is the guy who campaigned in 2010 saying "Where are the jobs, Mr. President?"

So, besides job creation, what else is this a diversion from?

Seems to me 2014 has hinged on the ACA all along. If the Dems and the press can paint a rosy picture while avoiding the problems with it, the election could essentially end up a draw. It's not like the GOP is presenting a boatload of reasons to vote for them. A draw would be excellent for the Dems going into 2016.

The GOP has been taking victory laps for months now. Bad, bad idea.


Seems that we saw an example of that in the not too distant past:badgrin:How many Libs committed suicide on 7Nov12?:lol::badgrin::lol:
Your mother?

Why would she be on Obamacare? Wouldn't she have Medicare?

Good question. I call bullshit whether the mom is 65 or not.

Pretty low to use one's mother to try and score a dopey message board point.

I am not trying to score anything.
I'm not lying.
Most of you all know me here and you know that's not how I am on this board.
I try my best to get correct information out and when I get things wrong or incorrect I say so and admit it.
I told you what really happened to my Mom.
It is a true fact.
My Mom was on the same brand name of blood pressure medication for 15 years.
When the New Health Care Bill passed her Dr. changed her meds to 2 different types of generic drugs and it did almost kill her.
The new bill encourages Doctors to try generic drugs to save money.
I get it and it's fine if you can use the generic types.
My mother couldn't and she would have never have gotten off the meds she was on for so many years if it wasn't for the push to use generic drugs when the New Health Care Bill passed.
She is fine now but it took 2 months for her to get back to normal.
She was under quite a bit of stress because of it.
None or our senior's should have to be put under such stress because of any bills that congress passes be it Republican or Democrat.

When the ACA passed, it was not immediatly put into effect. You are blaming a doctor's decision on something that had nothing at all to do with that decision. I was moved to a prescription that cost less money before that bill passed, simply to save the company, Kaiser, money. It worked equally well, so was a savings for all. That is the case in most such decisions. Occasionally it does not work out.

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