51% chance Dems keep the Senate

What are they going to run on?

Obamacare is a failure. Same thing they have run on for four years. Only now, 10 million voters will be covered and they will not be happy about Republicans taking it away. They will have filed claims and been covered. They will be used to their Obamacare policy

The economy is trudging along, unemployment will be in the low sixes. To a public used to 8-10 percent unemployment, Republicans will not be able to fear monger on 6 percent
Obamacare is a failure.

Regardless whatever lies the administration comes up with, it's still failing. Maybe if they change it enough they can make it suck a bit less, but it's going to drive up the cost of medical care in this country to the point that we won't be able to afford it.....which belies the name Affordable Care Act.

You see, anything Obama touches becomes more expensive.

They'll need some statistics other then "obamacare is failing"

Well, since the White House controls the statistics nobody will know, won't they?
The dire predictions of an Obamacare collapse never materialized
Neither did a failed economy

The usual GOP fear mongering will not be a factor

Dems will hold 51 seats



It's too early to tell.

But it has ruined a lot of lives. You'll never hear about that from the state run media.

The problem will be getting the real numbers. And that will be as hard as getting these fuckers to give up info on Fast & Furious, the IRS scandal, and everything else they've done. We won't really know till Obama is gone and in hiding on some island. Then it will become a game of make believe between Democrats and Republicans.

Ruined lives? Whose?

It almost killed my Mother who was put on generic drugs to save money and she was allergic to both of them. Then it took her two months to get her blood pressure back to normal and one time she had to go to the emergency room because her blood pressure was over 200. They said she was very close to a stroke or heat attack.
good grief, anyone believe what the NYslimes puts out anymore?
well you buy into it then go gamble your life savings on it.
lots of luck


It's too early to tell.

But it has ruined a lot of lives. You'll never hear about that from the state run media.

The problem will be getting the real numbers. And that will be as hard as getting these fuckers to give up info on Fast & Furious, the IRS scandal, and everything else they've done. We won't really know till Obama is gone and in hiding on some island. Then it will become a game of make believe between Democrats and Republicans.

Ruined lives? Whose?

It almost killed my Mother who was put on generic drugs to save money and she was allergic to both of them. Then it took her two months to get her blood pressure back to normal and one time she had to go to the emergency room because her blood pressure was over 200. They said she was very close to a stroke or heat attack.

Your mother?

Why would she be on Obamacare? Wouldn't she have Medicare?
Obamacare is a failure.

Regardless whatever lies the administration comes up with, it's still failing. Maybe if they change it enough they can make it suck a bit less, but it's going to drive up the cost of medical care in this country to the point that we won't be able to afford it.....which belies the name Affordable Care Act.

You see, anything Obama touches becomes more expensive.

They'll need some statistics other then "obamacare is failing"

Well, since the White House controls the statistics nobody will know, won't they?

Well stated. Excellent use of the language.
Ruined lives? Whose?

It almost killed my Mother who was put on generic drugs to save money and she was allergic to both of them. Then it took her two months to get her blood pressure back to normal and one time she had to go to the emergency room because her blood pressure was over 200. They said she was very close to a stroke or heat attack.

Your mother?

Why would she be on Obamacare? Wouldn't she have Medicare?

Good question. I call bullshit whether the mom is 65 or not.

Pretty low to use one's mother to try and score a dopey message board point.


It's too early to tell.

But it has ruined a lot of lives. You'll never hear about that from the state run media.

The problem will be getting the real numbers. And that will be as hard as getting these fuckers to give up info on Fast & Furious, the IRS scandal, and everything else they've done. We won't really know till Obama is gone and in hiding on some island. Then it will become a game of make believe between Democrats and Republicans.

Ruined lives? Whose?

It almost killed my Mother who was put on generic drugs to save money and she was allergic to both of them. Then it took her two months to get her blood pressure back to normal and one time she had to go to the emergency room because her blood pressure was over 200. They said she was very close to a stroke or heat attack.

What drugs?


It's too early to tell.

But it has ruined a lot of lives. You'll never hear about that from the state run media.

The problem will be getting the real numbers. And that will be as hard as getting these fuckers to give up info on Fast & Furious, the IRS scandal, and everything else they've done. We won't really know till Obama is gone and in hiding on some island. Then it will become a game of make believe between Democrats and Republicans.

Ruined lives? Whose?

It almost killed my Mother who was put on generic drugs to save money and she was allergic to both of them. Then it took her two months to get her blood pressure back to normal and one time she had to go to the emergency room because her blood pressure was over 200. They said she was very close to a stroke or heat attack.

In the time span of four months your mother signed up for some Obamacare insurance, roughly a month later the insurance activates, got a prescription for generic brand of drugs, started taking the drugs, and found out she was allergic....and then TWO MONTHS LATER...went to the emergency room...?

Anyone else see the small problem involving time here?
Ruined lives? Whose?

It almost killed my Mother who was put on generic drugs to save money and she was allergic to both of them. Then it took her two months to get her blood pressure back to normal and one time she had to go to the emergency room because her blood pressure was over 200. They said she was very close to a stroke or heat attack.

In the time span of four months your mother signed up for some Obamacare insurance, roughly a month later the insurance activates, got a prescription for generic brand of drugs, started taking the drugs, and found out she was allergic....and then TWO MONTHS LATER...went to the emergency room...?

Anyone else see the small problem involving time here?

Only that you're not asking pertinent questions. You're forming an opinion rather than ascertaining why.
Back in March the figures were looking like a GOP take over. The recent polls have shown that GOP advantage has largely gone down significantly and with a couple polls in Arkansas and Iowa actually favoring the Democrats, the Democrats for the first time in 2014 actually have a slim favor in retaining the senate.

Who Will Win The Senate? ? The Upshot Senate Forecasts ?*NYTimes.com

Improving opinion on Obamacare? Better opinions of Obama? Are Democrats finally getting a chance to spend money on the same level as the Kochs? Who knows...but the trend is certainly positive for the Democrats.

it's all going to come down to how much bullshit dems can generate that is believable.

last cycle they made it about everything except what was important, if they can do that again, they will keep the senate, if not, and the truth shines through, they won't

Yeah. Because most American voters are imbeciles and cannot tell when they are being lied to. Right?

The last election should have been about jobs, the economy, wasted and how worse things got.

But it was about utterly useless shit that has not been addressed since.

so yea, liberals believe everything the media tells them b/c they lack the intellect to think for themselves.
Well stated. Excellent use of the language.

Thank you.

Is this the best you can do?

No. But anything more is wasted on you. You are not worthy, aren't you?

You're more of a waste, and other than throwing the race-card, criticizing improper grammar, even when it was intentional, is usually what someone resorts to when they haven't a leg to stand on.

Make sure you check for proper spelling and punctuation, mkay???
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it's all going to come down to how much bullshit dems can generate that is believable.

last cycle they made it about everything except what was important, if they can do that again, they will keep the senate, if not, and the truth shines through, they won't

Yeah. Because most American voters are imbeciles and cannot tell when they are being lied to. Right?

The last election should have been about jobs, the economy, wasted and how worse things got.

But it was about utterly useless shit that has not been addressed since.

so yea, liberals believe everything the media tells them b/c they lack the intellect to think for themselves.

Sure. Everyone is stupid. The GOP can never win another election. You may have hit on something.

How worse things got? In what respect, Charlie?
Back in March the figures were looking like a GOP take over. The recent polls have shown that GOP advantage has largely gone down significantly and with a couple polls in Arkansas and Iowa actually favoring the Democrats, the Democrats for the first time in 2014 actually have a slim favor in retaining the senate.

Who Will Win The Senate? ? The Upshot Senate Forecasts ?*NYTimes.com

Improving opinion on Obamacare? Better opinions of Obama? Are Democrats finally getting a chance to spend money on the same level as the Kochs? Who knows...but the trend is certainly positive for the Democrats.

true. If I were a Repub-voter here, I wouldn't be doing an end zone dance just yet. :eusa_hand: The last two election cycles, all the Dems had to do was stand back & watch Repubs implode :laugh:
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Thank you.

Is this the best you can do?

No. But anything more is wasted on you. You are not worthy, aren't you?

You're more of a waste, and other than throwing the race-card, criticizing improper grammar, even when it was intentional, is usually what someone resorts to when they haven't a leg to stand on.

Make sure you check for proper spelling and punctuation, mkay???

You can point to a case of me throwing out a race card? Please do.

Your grammar errors are intentional? Why didn't you say so? Like......two years and hundreds of errors ago? I could have laughed with you instead of at you all this time!

I will have you know, by the way, that I have two legs and I stand on both.
Yeah. Because most American voters are imbeciles and cannot tell when they are being lied to. Right?

The last election should have been about jobs, the economy, wasted and how worse things got.

But it was about utterly useless shit that has not been addressed since.

so yea, liberals believe everything the media tells them b/c they lack the intellect to think for themselves.

Sure. Everyone is stupid. The GOP can never win another election. You may have hit on something.

How worse things got? In what respect, Charlie?

$17 trillion in the hole
devalued dollar
ue still high
422 tax increases
Bundy debacle
tyrannical enforcement of the aca on citizen except those that bribed their way off
you can keep your plan
you can keep your doctor
irs scandal
everyone pleading the 5th

Informed and honest people see these things and have to wonder wtf is going on.

but you don't see any of this as bad or use the excuse someone else did it, so it's ok for us to do it.

It's really sad to see what you guys give a pass to now, you are no different than the religious right, you want government to force your wants on everyone else, and don't see the tyranny.
No. But anything more is wasted on you. You are not worthy, aren't you?

You're more of a waste, and other than throwing the race-card, criticizing improper grammar, even when it was intentional, is usually what someone resorts to when they haven't a leg to stand on.

Make sure you check for proper spelling and punctuation, mkay???

You can point to a case of me throwing out a race card? Please do.

Your grammar errors are intentional? Why didn't you say so? Like......two years and hundreds of errors ago? I could have laughed with you instead of at you all this time!

I will have you know, by the way, that I have two legs and I stand on both.

That's funny.

I usually stand on my feet.......:D
The last election should have been about jobs, the economy, wasted and how worse things got.

But it was about utterly useless shit that has not been addressed since.

so yea, liberals believe everything the media tells them b/c they lack the intellect to think for themselves.

Sure. Everyone is stupid. The GOP can never win another election. You may have hit on something.

How worse things got? In what respect, Charlie?

$17 trillion in the hole
devalued dollar
ue still high
422 tax increases
Bundy debacle
tyrannical enforcement of the aca on citizen except those that bribed their way off
you can keep your plan
you can keep your doctor
irs scandal
everyone pleading the 5th

Informed and honest people see these things and have to wonder wtf is going on.

but you don't see any of this as bad or use the excuse someone else did it, so it's ok for us to do it.

It's really sad to see what you guys give a pass to now, you are no different than the religious right, you want government to force your wants on everyone else, and don't see the tyranny.

Silly list. Pick one. We'll discuss it for a minute.

Forum List
