52 year old tranny college basketball

That he/she is 52 years old and still playing basketball at that level is the story.
52, huh?

Good for her.


Not that the idiots have gone away, because they are always lurking no more than an Internet click or a random jeer away. But somehow things are different than they were one year ago, when her story captured headlines and drew reaction that was often anything but accepting. That change, she says, has indeed made her a different person.

Why don't you read the rest of the article and try to live up to her standards.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DppKZAJDrDQ]Transgender College Hoops Player Is Inspiring Others - YouTube[/ame]
God, are women that terrible at basketball that a 52 year old tranny can make the team? :lol:
The funniest part is that trannies will dominate women's sports driving feminists insane when all those records are set/broken by soneone with a penis.
while I, personally, have nothing against transgender people ( I feel mostly sorry for them) I still do not think that a man ( and a transgender person physically will still be a man) should compete in a woman's team.

On the other hand, at 52 :rolleyes: maybe yes :)

it is actually not fair in the competing sports - especially since they are divided to male/female ones, as anatomy differs a lot ( and I do not mean penises or boobs - those do not matter at competitions), and therefore the chances for the male to female transgender athlete competing against female one are unfairly tipped.
Not in the all kinds of sports, but in the ones where physical force and the length of the long bones matters.
This happened in the UFC already, the tranny is the undisputed champion and the other fighters are complaining.

I don't really care about female sports, they are boring generally so whatever floats the fag army's boat on this I guess.

The question is in California in high school sports, you can now "identify your gender" for sports and restrooms and such. What if guys start participating in female sports when they don't make the cut, or are a little on the fem side?

Things will get interesting that's for sure lol.

This society is becoming an amusing sideshow, I will give it that though.
If there is an upside to this kind of thing, you will never see a transgendered athlete in mens sports. Its going to be funny though when all positions in womens sports are filled with dudes wearing wigs. :lol:

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