54 years ago November 22 1963

Actually I posed questions that the poster continues to run away from.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.
Ever seen that happen?

Ooopsie. That's another question isn't it.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.

you are particularly stupid for making such a statement

no such thing happened ya retard

but keep saying that because you are fun to laugh at

You can run and hide all you want Haiku-boi, but this is not going away, ever.



That is from Abraham Zapbruder's famous film. Zapbruder was positioned between the grassy knoll on his right, and the TSBD on his left. And the alleged Oswald (Wallace) window was in the upper level of the FAR corner from there, which means that window was waaaaay up off to the upper left of the field in this post.

I will ask your wangly ass one more time. HOW THE FUCK do you shoot a bullet from that direction --- and push his head **BACK** and **UP** --- in the same direction the bullet came from?

The simple answer --- simple enough even for simpletons is --- YOU DON'T.

Want a bonus question?

If your name is Lee Harvey Oswald ..... how do you get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints in that upper window yet not leave your own? Hm?

i see you continue to make yourself look stupid

cant help it can ya --LOL

his skull parts and brain tissue fly back because is because of the airflow of the moving vehicle ya ninny

YYyyyyyeah ummm.... unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle". The vehicle is at a dead stop there. And even if it had been moving it would have been crawling. And even if it had been moving faster --- again physics doesn't work that way. Bullets travel WAY faster than cars....

....excuse me for a second...


.... and the target would react the same way in reaction to the force of the object, unless you're suggesting JFK rode around in motorcades that zipped along at 1700 miles an hour. I've actually seen a JFK motorcade. It's more like 10.

Greer (the driver) was instructed to stop at a mark painted on the street. That way the adjective in the phrase "moving target" is eliminated.

They did that because what if their sharpshooters misjudged the motion of the target? Which they obviously did, several bullets missing Kennedy altogether including three that hit Connally.

The video you're looking at has been doctored by the CIA, which is provable by the other video shot from the other side of the car. And it's doctored specifically to present the impression that the car kept moving the whole time. It didn't. It stopped long enough for the kill shot, then it took off.

And that kill shot came from IN FRONT of the car and off to the right. A point that it was absolutely impossible for Oswald, Wallace, or Superman himself to reach from the far corner of the sixth floor of a building the car was already well past in a building that didn't have an elevator.

That about it now?

unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle"

bull shit retard

where do you come up with this stupid crap --LOL

In fact here's the vehicle coming to a stop, filmed from the other side, in a film the CIA didn't get to doctor:


See how the motorcycle quickly overtakes the car because the car stopped and the motorcycle didn't? See how the car behind had to hit its brakes as well? See how the SS agent climbs up onto the car--- SIDEWAYS? Which motion he would not have had to do if the car was still moving? See how the Lincoln's right brake light is on?

See why the CIA might have wanted to doctor the Zap film to make it look like it never stopped?

Are you playing some sort of sicko game here?
In the declassified documents, the investigators say there was at least two shooters. One on the bridge for sure.

I never knew Pogo was into it that much. :eek:

The Kennedy assasination has been oveershadowed by the Mandalay shooting in my mind.

They're looking to take more gun rights away again seems to be the common theme.

With Kennedy, they took away mail-order guns.

Pogo is always after the Truth. And the Whitewash Commission clearly wasn't it.
In the declassified documents, the investigators say there was at least two shooters. One on the bridge for sure.

I never knew Pogo was into it that much. :eek:

The Kennedy assasination has been oveershadowed by the Mandalay shooting in my mind.

They're looking to take more gun rights away again seems to be the common theme.

With Kennedy, they took away mail-order guns.

post that document
I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.

you are particularly stupid for making such a statement

no such thing happened ya retard

but keep saying that because you are fun to laugh at

You can run and hide all you want Haiku-boi, but this is not going away, ever.



That is from Abraham Zapbruder's famous film. Zapbruder was positioned between the grassy knoll on his right, and the TSBD on his left. And the alleged Oswald (Wallace) window was in the upper level of the FAR corner from there, which means that window was waaaaay up off to the upper left of the field in this post.

I will ask your wangly ass one more time. HOW THE FUCK do you shoot a bullet from that direction --- and push his head **BACK** and **UP** --- in the same direction the bullet came from?

The simple answer --- simple enough even for simpletons is --- YOU DON'T.

Want a bonus question?

If your name is Lee Harvey Oswald ..... how do you get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints in that upper window yet not leave your own? Hm?

i see you continue to make yourself look stupid

cant help it can ya --LOL

his skull parts and brain tissue fly back because is because of the airflow of the moving vehicle ya ninny

YYyyyyyeah ummm.... unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle". The vehicle is at a dead stop there. And even if it had been moving it would have been crawling. And even if it had been moving faster --- again physics doesn't work that way. Bullets travel WAY faster than cars....

....excuse me for a second...


.... and the target would react the same way in reaction to the force of the object, unless you're suggesting JFK rode around in motorcades that zipped along at 1700 miles an hour. I've actually seen a JFK motorcade. It's more like 10.

Greer (the driver) was instructed to stop at a mark painted on the street. That way the adjective in the phrase "moving target" is eliminated.

They did that because what if their sharpshooters misjudged the motion of the target? Which they obviously did, several bullets missing Kennedy altogether including three that hit Connally.

The video you're looking at has been doctored by the CIA, which is provable by the other video shot from the other side of the car. And it's doctored specifically to present the impression that the car kept moving the whole time. It didn't. It stopped long enough for the kill shot, then it took off.

And that kill shot came from IN FRONT of the car and off to the right. A point that it was absolutely impossible for Oswald, Wallace, or Superman himself to reach from the far corner of the sixth floor of a building the car was already well past in a building that didn't have an elevator.

That about it now?

unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle"

bull shit retard

where do you come up with this stupid crap --LOL

In fact here's the vehicle coming to a stop, filmed from the other side, in a film the CIA didn't get to doctor:


See how the motorcycle quickly overtakes the car because the car stopped and the motorcycle didn't? See how the car behind had to hit its brakes as well? See how the SS agent climbs up onto the car--- SIDEWAYS? Which motion he would not have had to do if the car was still moving? See how the Lincoln's right brake light is on?

See why the CIA might have wanted to doctor the Zap film to make it look like it never stopped?

Are you playing some sort of sicko game here?
I see the video stop not the car
I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.

you are particularly stupid for making such a statement

no such thing happened ya retard

but keep saying that because you are fun to laugh at

You can run and hide all you want Haiku-boi, but this is not going away, ever.



That is from Abraham Zapbruder's famous film. Zapbruder was positioned between the grassy knoll on his right, and the TSBD on his left. And the alleged Oswald (Wallace) window was in the upper level of the FAR corner from there, which means that window was waaaaay up off to the upper left of the field in this post.

I will ask your wangly ass one more time. HOW THE FUCK do you shoot a bullet from that direction --- and push his head **BACK** and **UP** --- in the same direction the bullet came from?

The simple answer --- simple enough even for simpletons is --- YOU DON'T.

Want a bonus question?

If your name is Lee Harvey Oswald ..... how do you get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints in that upper window yet not leave your own? Hm?

i see you continue to make yourself look stupid

cant help it can ya --LOL

his skull parts and brain tissue fly back because is because of the airflow of the moving vehicle ya ninny

YYyyyyyeah ummm.... unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle". The vehicle is at a dead stop there. And even if it had been moving it would have been crawling. And even if it had been moving faster --- again physics doesn't work that way. Bullets travel WAY faster than cars....

....excuse me for a second...


.... and the target would react the same way in reaction to the force of the object, unless you're suggesting JFK rode around in motorcades that zipped along at 1700 miles an hour. I've actually seen a JFK motorcade. It's more like 10.

Greer (the driver) was instructed to stop at a mark painted on the street. That way the adjective in the phrase "moving target" is eliminated.

They did that because what if their sharpshooters misjudged the motion of the target? Which they obviously did, several bullets missing Kennedy altogether including three that hit Connally.

The video you're looking at has been doctored by the CIA, which is provable by the other video shot from the other side of the car. And it's doctored specifically to present the impression that the car kept moving the whole time. It didn't. It stopped long enough for the kill shot, then it took off.

And that kill shot came from IN FRONT of the car and off to the right. A point that it was absolutely impossible for Oswald, Wallace, or Superman himself to reach from the far corner of the sixth floor of a building the car was already well past in a building that didn't have an elevator.

That about it now?

unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle"

bull shit retard

where do you come up with this stupid crap --LOL

In fact here's the vehicle coming to a stop, filmed from the other side, in a film the CIA didn't get to doctor:


See how the motorcycle quickly overtakes the car because the car stopped and the motorcycle didn't? See how the car behind had to hit its brakes as well? See how the SS agent climbs up onto the car--- SIDEWAYS? Which motion he would not have had to do if the car was still moving? See how the Lincoln's right brake light is on?

See why the CIA might have wanted to doctor the Zap film to make it look like it never stopped?

Are you playing some sort of sicko game here?

now you have to resort to doctored films


You can run and hide all you want Haiku-boi, but this is not going away, ever.



That is from Abraham Zapbruder's famous film. Zapbruder was positioned between the grassy knoll on his right, and the TSBD on his left. And the alleged Oswald (Wallace) window was in the upper level of the FAR corner from there, which means that window was waaaaay up off to the upper left of the field in this post.

I will ask your wangly ass one more time. HOW THE FUCK do you shoot a bullet from that direction --- and push his head **BACK** and **UP** --- in the same direction the bullet came from?

The simple answer --- simple enough even for simpletons is --- YOU DON'T.

Want a bonus question?

If your name is Lee Harvey Oswald ..... how do you get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints in that upper window yet not leave your own? Hm?

i see you continue to make yourself look stupid

cant help it can ya --LOL

his skull parts and brain tissue fly back because is because of the airflow of the moving vehicle ya ninny

YYyyyyyeah ummm.... unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle". The vehicle is at a dead stop there. And even if it had been moving it would have been crawling. And even if it had been moving faster --- again physics doesn't work that way. Bullets travel WAY faster than cars....

....excuse me for a second...


.... and the target would react the same way in reaction to the force of the object, unless you're suggesting JFK rode around in motorcades that zipped along at 1700 miles an hour. I've actually seen a JFK motorcade. It's more like 10.

Greer (the driver) was instructed to stop at a mark painted on the street. That way the adjective in the phrase "moving target" is eliminated.

They did that because what if their sharpshooters misjudged the motion of the target? Which they obviously did, several bullets missing Kennedy altogether including three that hit Connally.

The video you're looking at has been doctored by the CIA, which is provable by the other video shot from the other side of the car. And it's doctored specifically to present the impression that the car kept moving the whole time. It didn't. It stopped long enough for the kill shot, then it took off.

And that kill shot came from IN FRONT of the car and off to the right. A point that it was absolutely impossible for Oswald, Wallace, or Superman himself to reach from the far corner of the sixth floor of a building the car was already well past in a building that didn't have an elevator.

That about it now?

unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle"

bull shit retard

where do you come up with this stupid crap --LOL

In fact here's the vehicle coming to a stop, filmed from the other side, in a film the CIA didn't get to doctor:


See how the motorcycle quickly overtakes the car because the car stopped and the motorcycle didn't? See how the car behind had to hit its brakes as well? See how the SS agent climbs up onto the car--- SIDEWAYS? Which motion he would not have had to do if the car was still moving? See how the Lincoln's right brake light is on?

See why the CIA might have wanted to doctor the Zap film to make it look like it never stopped?

Are you playing some sort of sicko game here?
I see the video stop not the car

me too making pogo the fraud
in the stopped position it is really neat

how the motorcycle police can balance the bikes with both feet off the ground

In the declassified documents, the investigators say there was at least two shooters. One on the bridge for sure.

I never knew Pogo was into it that much. :eek:

The Kennedy assasination has been oveershadowed by the Mandalay shooting in my mind.

They're looking to take more gun rights away again seems to be the common theme.

With Kennedy, they took away mail-order guns.

I posted this earlier but here's one assemblage from the evidence:


If we number these positions left to right, the alleged Oswald position is number five. That was Phase Two.

Phase One came from positions 7 and 8, possibly 6, when the car first made the turn right in front of them. Those missed their target badly. One of them hit the street and skimmed along to scratch James Tague, way down Elm Street.

With Phase One unsuccessful, Umbrella Man, the spotter on the sidewalk, opens the umbrella to visually signal, "target not hit, proceed to Phase Two". That's when shots come from the front and rear. One from the front, fired by Harrelson, hits JFK in the throat. Another from Wallace, who is actually in position 5 where Oswald was said to be in the fairy tale, hits JFK in the back and is possibly deflected by his back brace, which holds him up even though he's been hit. Other shots from the side including Frank Sturgis (position 4) hit Connally. Another shot from the front pierces the windshield of the limousine. Yet another dings some window trim on the car. Still yet another fired from the grassy knoll overshoots and embeds in the grass beyond the car (this is picked up later and literally pocketed by Dallas police and is never seen again).

And by the way both Sturgis and Wallace (4 and 5) were witnessed by bystanders, in position, before the motorcade arrived, and reported what they saw in those two different windows.

None of these hit the target with the intended result, so Phase Three begins. When Greer turns around and sees the POTUS is still intact he stops, per instructions, at the designated mark just past the grassy knoll. Finally with a target no longer moving the grotesque objective is achieved, the car speeds off and the perps, most of them, make their getaways.

A few of them are detained momentarily -- here are three of them:

The so-called "three tramps" -- not tramps at all since the shooters have been paid fifty grand each. Left to right, Charles Rogers, Charles Harrelson and E. Howard Hunt --- two hired hitmen and a CIA. They are quickly got rid of and never heard from again. Note the expression on the woman behind them, assuming she's looking at shooting conspirators. Which -- she is.

This was an operation that could not fail. Nothing could be left to chance. You don't want to set up an execution coup d'etat, botch the job, have your target get away unharmed in an unsuccessful assassination attempt and then not get another chance because he won't give you one. That's why they have all these stations set up, each of which requires a minimum of four people -- a primary shooter, a secondary shooter in case the first either loses his nerve or his gun jams; a coordinator with a two-way radio to cue them; and some security detail to make sure the team was not disturbed from behind. This was not only conspiracy, it was a massive one.

They worked long and hard to set up the motorcade route through an area that would have minimal witnesses (compare to the earlier ten-deep crowds) but which would have multiple sniper points from many different angles. This is also why they had the SS pulled OFF the Kennedy car and riding behind, completely against protocol, which then exposes the President to clear shots from front, back and all along the side. Had JFK and Jackie switched seats it would have been much more difficult. Everyone was in their place for a reason. The shooters, the Secret Service, the target --- everyone.
Last edited:
You can run and hide all you want Haiku-boi, but this is not going away, ever.



That is from Abraham Zapbruder's famous film. Zapbruder was positioned between the grassy knoll on his right, and the TSBD on his left. And the alleged Oswald (Wallace) window was in the upper level of the FAR corner from there, which means that window was waaaaay up off to the upper left of the field in this post.

I will ask your wangly ass one more time. HOW THE FUCK do you shoot a bullet from that direction --- and push his head **BACK** and **UP** --- in the same direction the bullet came from?

The simple answer --- simple enough even for simpletons is --- YOU DON'T.

Want a bonus question?

If your name is Lee Harvey Oswald ..... how do you get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints in that upper window yet not leave your own? Hm?

i see you continue to make yourself look stupid

cant help it can ya --LOL

his skull parts and brain tissue fly back because is because of the airflow of the moving vehicle ya ninny

YYyyyyyeah ummm.... unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle". The vehicle is at a dead stop there. And even if it had been moving it would have been crawling. And even if it had been moving faster --- again physics doesn't work that way. Bullets travel WAY faster than cars....

....excuse me for a second...


.... and the target would react the same way in reaction to the force of the object, unless you're suggesting JFK rode around in motorcades that zipped along at 1700 miles an hour. I've actually seen a JFK motorcade. It's more like 10.

Greer (the driver) was instructed to stop at a mark painted on the street. That way the adjective in the phrase "moving target" is eliminated.

They did that because what if their sharpshooters misjudged the motion of the target? Which they obviously did, several bullets missing Kennedy altogether including three that hit Connally.

The video you're looking at has been doctored by the CIA, which is provable by the other video shot from the other side of the car. And it's doctored specifically to present the impression that the car kept moving the whole time. It didn't. It stopped long enough for the kill shot, then it took off.

And that kill shot came from IN FRONT of the car and off to the right. A point that it was absolutely impossible for Oswald, Wallace, or Superman himself to reach from the far corner of the sixth floor of a building the car was already well past in a building that didn't have an elevator.

That about it now?

unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle"

bull shit retard

where do you come up with this stupid crap --LOL

In fact here's the vehicle coming to a stop, filmed from the other side, in a film the CIA didn't get to doctor:


See how the motorcycle quickly overtakes the car because the car stopped and the motorcycle didn't? See how the car behind had to hit its brakes as well? See how the SS agent climbs up onto the car--- SIDEWAYS? Which motion he would not have had to do if the car was still moving? See how the Lincoln's right brake light is on?

See why the CIA might have wanted to doctor the Zap film to make it look like it never stopped?

Are you playing some sort of sicko game here?
I see the video stop not the car

Best I could find. Didn't check YouTube though.

-UPI's Four Days (1964), p. 17---In the right hand picture [a frame from the Muchmore film], the driver slams on the brakes and the police escort pulls up."

-Newsweek, 12/2/63, p. 2---"For a chaotic moment, the motorcade ground to an uncertain halt."

-Case Closed by Gerald Posner (1993), p. 234---"Incredibly, Greer, sensing that something was wrong in the back of the car, slowed the vehicle to almost a standstill."

1) Houston Chronicle Reporter Bo Byers (rode in White House Press Bus)---twice stated that the Presidential Limousine "almost came to a stop, a dead stop"; in fact, he has had nightmares about this. [C-SPAN, 11/20/93, "Journalists Remember The Kennedy Assassination"; see also the 1/94 Fourth Decade: article by Sheldon Inkol];

2) ABC Reporter Bob Clark (rode in the National Press Pool Car)---Reported on the air that the limousine stopped on Elm Street during the shooting [WFAA/ ABC, 11/22/63

DPD motorcycle officer James W. Courson (one of two mid-motorcade motorcycles)--"The limousine came to a stop and Mrs. Kennedy was on the back. I noticed that as I came around the corner at Elm. Then the Secret Service agent [Clint Hill] helped push her back into the car, and the motorcade took off at a high rate of speed." [No More Silence by Larry Sneed (1998), p. 129]

DPD motorcycle officer Bobby Joe Dale (one of two rear mid-motorcade motorcycles)---"After the shots were fired, the whole motorcade came to a stop. I stood and looked through the plaza, noticed there was commotion, and saw people running around his [JFK's] car. It started to move, then it slowed again; that's when I saw Mrs. Kennedy coming back on the trunk and another guy [Clint Hill] pushing her back into the car." [No More Silence by Larry Sneed (1998), p. 134]

NBC reporter Robert MacNeil (rode in White House Press Bus)---"The President's driver slammed on the brakes---after the third shot…" [The Way We Were, 1963: The Year Kennedy Was Shot by Robert MacNeil (1988), p. 193]

AP photographer Henry Burroughs (rode in Camera Car #2)---"…we heard the shots and the motorcade stopped." [letter, Burroughs to Palamara, dated 10/14/98]

DPD Earle Brown---". . . The first I noticed the [JFK's] car was when it stopped..after it made the turn and when the shots were fired, it stopped."​

Got plenty more. This isn't new info just because we're going to bury our heads in the sand. I know it's so much more touchy-feely to pretend to believe in the Whitewash Commission and that this wasn't a massive conspiracy of ominous implications. It's a safe space and all that. Come out when you're ready to.

Doesn't the Mandalay shooting have many similar characteristics?

I know nothing of no Mandalay shooting. Got my hands full with this one.
Nor would it have anywhere near the implications this does --- because these perps were never caught. They walk among us today. Here. Right now.

I've never been to Mandalay, though I understand there's a road.... :eusa_whistle:

I have however been to Dealey Plaza.
i see you continue to make yourself look stupid

cant help it can ya --LOL

his skull parts and brain tissue fly back because is because of the airflow of the moving vehicle ya ninny

YYyyyyyeah ummm.... unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle". The vehicle is at a dead stop there. And even if it had been moving it would have been crawling. And even if it had been moving faster --- again physics doesn't work that way. Bullets travel WAY faster than cars....

....excuse me for a second...


.... and the target would react the same way in reaction to the force of the object, unless you're suggesting JFK rode around in motorcades that zipped along at 1700 miles an hour. I've actually seen a JFK motorcade. It's more like 10.

Greer (the driver) was instructed to stop at a mark painted on the street. That way the adjective in the phrase "moving target" is eliminated.

They did that because what if their sharpshooters misjudged the motion of the target? Which they obviously did, several bullets missing Kennedy altogether including three that hit Connally.

The video you're looking at has been doctored by the CIA, which is provable by the other video shot from the other side of the car. And it's doctored specifically to present the impression that the car kept moving the whole time. It didn't. It stopped long enough for the kill shot, then it took off.

And that kill shot came from IN FRONT of the car and off to the right. A point that it was absolutely impossible for Oswald, Wallace, or Superman himself to reach from the far corner of the sixth floor of a building the car was already well past in a building that didn't have an elevator.

That about it now?

unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle"

bull shit retard

where do you come up with this stupid crap --LOL

In fact here's the vehicle coming to a stop, filmed from the other side, in a film the CIA didn't get to doctor:


See how the motorcycle quickly overtakes the car because the car stopped and the motorcycle didn't? See how the car behind had to hit its brakes as well? See how the SS agent climbs up onto the car--- SIDEWAYS? Which motion he would not have had to do if the car was still moving? See how the Lincoln's right brake light is on?

See why the CIA might have wanted to doctor the Zap film to make it look like it never stopped?

Are you playing some sort of sicko game here?
I see the video stop not the car

me too making pogo the fraud
Notice how both cars stop with exactly the same gap

Pogo is such a tool
i see you continue to make yourself look stupid

cant help it can ya --LOL

his skull parts and brain tissue fly back because is because of the airflow of the moving vehicle ya ninny

YYyyyyyeah ummm.... unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle". The vehicle is at a dead stop there. And even if it had been moving it would have been crawling. And even if it had been moving faster --- again physics doesn't work that way. Bullets travel WAY faster than cars....

....excuse me for a second...


.... and the target would react the same way in reaction to the force of the object, unless you're suggesting JFK rode around in motorcades that zipped along at 1700 miles an hour. I've actually seen a JFK motorcade. It's more like 10.

Greer (the driver) was instructed to stop at a mark painted on the street. That way the adjective in the phrase "moving target" is eliminated.

They did that because what if their sharpshooters misjudged the motion of the target? Which they obviously did, several bullets missing Kennedy altogether including three that hit Connally.

The video you're looking at has been doctored by the CIA, which is provable by the other video shot from the other side of the car. And it's doctored specifically to present the impression that the car kept moving the whole time. It didn't. It stopped long enough for the kill shot, then it took off.

And that kill shot came from IN FRONT of the car and off to the right. A point that it was absolutely impossible for Oswald, Wallace, or Superman himself to reach from the far corner of the sixth floor of a building the car was already well past in a building that didn't have an elevator.

That about it now?

unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle"

bull shit retard

where do you come up with this stupid crap --LOL

In fact here's the vehicle coming to a stop, filmed from the other side, in a film the CIA didn't get to doctor:


See how the motorcycle quickly overtakes the car because the car stopped and the motorcycle didn't? See how the car behind had to hit its brakes as well? See how the SS agent climbs up onto the car--- SIDEWAYS? Which motion he would not have had to do if the car was still moving? See how the Lincoln's right brake light is on?

See why the CIA might have wanted to doctor the Zap film to make it look like it never stopped?

Are you playing some sort of sicko game here?
I see the video stop not the car

Best I could find. Didn't check YouTube though.

-UPI's Four Days (1964), p. 17---In the right hand picture [a frame from the Muchmore film], the driver slams on the brakes and the police escort pulls up."

-Newsweek, 12/2/63, p. 2---"For a chaotic moment, the motorcade ground to an uncertain halt."

-Case Closed by Gerald Posner (1993), p. 234---"Incredibly, Greer, sensing that something was wrong in the back of the car, slowed the vehicle to almost a standstill."

1) Houston Chronicle Reporter Bo Byers (rode in White House Press Bus)---twice stated that the Presidential Limousine "almost came to a stop, a dead stop"; in fact, he has had nightmares about this. [C-SPAN, 11/20/93, "Journalists Remember The Kennedy Assassination"; see also the 1/94 Fourth Decade: article by Sheldon Inkol];

2) ABC Reporter Bob Clark (rode in the National Press Pool Car)---Reported on the air that the limousine stopped on Elm Street during the shooting [WFAA/ ABC, 11/22/63

DPD motorcycle officer James W. Courson (one of two mid-motorcade motorcycles)--"The limousine came to a stop and Mrs. Kennedy was on the back. I noticed that as I came around the corner at Elm. Then the Secret Service agent [Clint Hill] helped push her back into the car, and the motorcade took off at a high rate of speed." [No More Silence by Larry Sneed (1998), p. 129]

DPD motorcycle officer Bobby Joe Dale (one of two rear mid-motorcade motorcycles)---"After the shots were fired, the whole motorcade came to a stop. I stood and looked through the plaza, noticed there was commotion, and saw people running around his [JFK's] car. It started to move, then it slowed again; that's when I saw Mrs. Kennedy coming back on the trunk and another guy [Clint Hill] pushing her back into the car." [No More Silence by Larry Sneed (1998), p. 134]

NBC reporter Robert MacNeil (rode in White House Press Bus)---"The President's driver slammed on the brakes---after the third shot…" [The Way We Were, 1963: The Year Kennedy Was Shot by Robert MacNeil (1988), p. 193]

AP photographer Henry Burroughs (rode in Camera Car #2)---"…we heard the shots and the motorcade stopped." [letter, Burroughs to Palamara, dated 10/14/98]

DPD Earle Brown---". . . The first I noticed the [JFK's] car was when it stopped..after it made the turn and when the shots were fired, it stopped."​

Got plenty more. This isn't new info just because we're going to bury our heads in the sand. I know it's so much more touchy-feely to pretend to believe in the Whitewash Commission and that this wasn't a massive conspiracy of ominous implications. It's a safe space and all that. Come out when you're ready to.
I see the word "almost"
No, he was a CIA freelancer who was made a patsy.

Why would one leftist shoot another leftist?
How did he get bullets to do U-turns?
How did he fire off at least twice as many shots as the rifle was even capable of?
How did he get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints up there, but not his own?
Why did he start yelling "I am not resisting arrest"?
Did he actually use a rifle so powerful that he could shoot from behind and the bullet travelled all the way around the world to hit JFK from the front?

Pretty damn clever leftist.
Liberals once again defend the indefensible. This clown posts about it like he was there!

Actually I posed questions that the poster continues to run away from.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.
Ever seen that happen?

Ooopsie. That's another question isn't it.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.

you are particularly stupid for making such a statement

no such thing happened ya retard

but keep saying that because you are fun to laugh at

You can run and hide all you want Haiku-boi, but this is not going away, ever.



That is from Abraham Zapbruder's famous film. Zapbruder was positioned between the grassy knoll on his right, and the TSBD on his left. And the alleged Oswald (Wallace) window was in the upper level of the FAR corner from there, which means that window was waaaaay up off to the upper left of the field in this post.

I will ask your wangly ass one more time. HOW THE FUCK do you shoot a bullet from that direction --- and push his head **BACK** and **UP** --- in the same direction the bullet came from?

The simple answer --- simple enough even for simpletons is --- YOU DON'T.

Want a bonus question?

If your name is Lee Harvey Oswald ..... how do you get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints in that upper window yet not leave your own? Hm?

i see you continue to make yourself look stupid

cant help it can ya --LOL

his skull parts and brain tissue fly back because is because of the airflow of the moving vehicle ya ninny

More data for Haiku-boi.... on the "airflow of the moving vehicle" moving apparently so fast that it outruns a rifle bullet:

>> Secret Service Agent Sam Kinney (driver of the follow-up car behind JFK's limo)---indicates, via his report to Chief Rowley, that Greer hit the gas after the fatal head shot to JFK and after the President's slump to the left toward Jackie. [18 H 731-732]. From the HSCA's 2/26/78 interview of Kinney: "He also remarked that 'when Greer (the driver of the Presidential limousine) looked back, his foot must have come off the accelerator'…Kinney observed that at the time of the first shot, the speed of the motorcade was '3 to 5 miles an hour.'" [RIF#180-10078-10493; author's interviews with Kinney, 1992-1994] <<
Blistering speed I tell ya. Blistering. No bullet could possibly keep up with a face-flattening three to five miles and hour. Clearly it was the G forces that killed him.
YYyyyyyeah ummm.... unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle". The vehicle is at a dead stop there. And even if it had been moving it would have been crawling. And even if it had been moving faster --- again physics doesn't work that way. Bullets travel WAY faster than cars....

....excuse me for a second...


.... and the target would react the same way in reaction to the force of the object, unless you're suggesting JFK rode around in motorcades that zipped along at 1700 miles an hour. I've actually seen a JFK motorcade. It's more like 10.

Greer (the driver) was instructed to stop at a mark painted on the street. That way the adjective in the phrase "moving target" is eliminated.

They did that because what if their sharpshooters misjudged the motion of the target? Which they obviously did, several bullets missing Kennedy altogether including three that hit Connally.

The video you're looking at has been doctored by the CIA, which is provable by the other video shot from the other side of the car. And it's doctored specifically to present the impression that the car kept moving the whole time. It didn't. It stopped long enough for the kill shot, then it took off.

And that kill shot came from IN FRONT of the car and off to the right. A point that it was absolutely impossible for Oswald, Wallace, or Superman himself to reach from the far corner of the sixth floor of a building the car was already well past in a building that didn't have an elevator.

That about it now?

unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle"

bull shit retard

where do you come up with this stupid crap --LOL

In fact here's the vehicle coming to a stop, filmed from the other side, in a film the CIA didn't get to doctor:


See how the motorcycle quickly overtakes the car because the car stopped and the motorcycle didn't? See how the car behind had to hit its brakes as well? See how the SS agent climbs up onto the car--- SIDEWAYS? Which motion he would not have had to do if the car was still moving? See how the Lincoln's right brake light is on?

See why the CIA might have wanted to doctor the Zap film to make it look like it never stopped?

Are you playing some sort of sicko game here?
I see the video stop not the car

me too making pogo the fraud
Notice how both cars stop with exactly the same gap

Pogo is such a tool

When both cars are moving at the aforementioned three to five miles an hour, that's easy to do.
YYyyyyyeah ummm.... unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle". The vehicle is at a dead stop there. And even if it had been moving it would have been crawling. And even if it had been moving faster --- again physics doesn't work that way. Bullets travel WAY faster than cars....

....excuse me for a second...


.... and the target would react the same way in reaction to the force of the object, unless you're suggesting JFK rode around in motorcades that zipped along at 1700 miles an hour. I've actually seen a JFK motorcade. It's more like 10.

Greer (the driver) was instructed to stop at a mark painted on the street. That way the adjective in the phrase "moving target" is eliminated.

They did that because what if their sharpshooters misjudged the motion of the target? Which they obviously did, several bullets missing Kennedy altogether including three that hit Connally.

The video you're looking at has been doctored by the CIA, which is provable by the other video shot from the other side of the car. And it's doctored specifically to present the impression that the car kept moving the whole time. It didn't. It stopped long enough for the kill shot, then it took off.

And that kill shot came from IN FRONT of the car and off to the right. A point that it was absolutely impossible for Oswald, Wallace, or Superman himself to reach from the far corner of the sixth floor of a building the car was already well past in a building that didn't have an elevator.

That about it now?

unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle"

bull shit retard

where do you come up with this stupid crap --LOL

In fact here's the vehicle coming to a stop, filmed from the other side, in a film the CIA didn't get to doctor:


See how the motorcycle quickly overtakes the car because the car stopped and the motorcycle didn't? See how the car behind had to hit its brakes as well? See how the SS agent climbs up onto the car--- SIDEWAYS? Which motion he would not have had to do if the car was still moving? See how the Lincoln's right brake light is on?

See why the CIA might have wanted to doctor the Zap film to make it look like it never stopped?

Are you playing some sort of sicko game here?
I see the video stop not the car

Best I could find. Didn't check YouTube though.

-UPI's Four Days (1964), p. 17---In the right hand picture [a frame from the Muchmore film], the driver slams on the brakes and the police escort pulls up."

-Newsweek, 12/2/63, p. 2---"For a chaotic moment, the motorcade ground to an uncertain halt."

-Case Closed by Gerald Posner (1993), p. 234---"Incredibly, Greer, sensing that something was wrong in the back of the car, slowed the vehicle to almost a standstill."

1) Houston Chronicle Reporter Bo Byers (rode in White House Press Bus)---twice stated that the Presidential Limousine "almost came to a stop, a dead stop"; in fact, he has had nightmares about this. [C-SPAN, 11/20/93, "Journalists Remember The Kennedy Assassination"; see also the 1/94 Fourth Decade: article by Sheldon Inkol];

2) ABC Reporter Bob Clark (rode in the National Press Pool Car)---Reported on the air that the limousine stopped on Elm Street during the shooting [WFAA/ ABC, 11/22/63

DPD motorcycle officer James W. Courson (one of two mid-motorcade motorcycles)--"The limousine came to a stop and Mrs. Kennedy was on the back. I noticed that as I came around the corner at Elm. Then the Secret Service agent [Clint Hill] helped push her back into the car, and the motorcade took off at a high rate of speed." [No More Silence by Larry Sneed (1998), p. 129]

DPD motorcycle officer Bobby Joe Dale (one of two rear mid-motorcade motorcycles)---"After the shots were fired, the whole motorcade came to a stop. I stood and looked through the plaza, noticed there was commotion, and saw people running around his [JFK's] car. It started to move, then it slowed again; that's when I saw Mrs. Kennedy coming back on the trunk and another guy [Clint Hill] pushing her back into the car." [No More Silence by Larry Sneed (1998), p. 134]

NBC reporter Robert MacNeil (rode in White House Press Bus)---"The President's driver slammed on the brakes---after the third shot…" [The Way We Were, 1963: The Year Kennedy Was Shot by Robert MacNeil (1988), p. 193]

AP photographer Henry Burroughs (rode in Camera Car #2)---"…we heard the shots and the motorcade stopped." [letter, Burroughs to Palamara, dated 10/14/98]

DPD Earle Brown---". . . The first I noticed the [JFK's] car was when it stopped..after it made the turn and when the shots were fired, it stopped."​

Got plenty more. This isn't new info just because we're going to bury our heads in the sand. I know it's so much more touchy-feely to pretend to believe in the Whitewash Commission and that this wasn't a massive conspiracy of ominous implications. It's a safe space and all that. Come out when you're ready to.
I see the word "almost"

Yep, what I call a "rolling stop" when I get to my stop sign but I don't want to start all over in first gear again.
It's all relative.
YYyyyyyeah ummm.... unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle". The vehicle is at a dead stop there. And even if it had been moving it would have been crawling. And even if it had been moving faster --- again physics doesn't work that way. Bullets travel WAY faster than cars....

....excuse me for a second...


.... and the target would react the same way in reaction to the force of the object, unless you're suggesting JFK rode around in motorcades that zipped along at 1700 miles an hour. I've actually seen a JFK motorcade. It's more like 10.

Greer (the driver) was instructed to stop at a mark painted on the street. That way the adjective in the phrase "moving target" is eliminated.

They did that because what if their sharpshooters misjudged the motion of the target? Which they obviously did, several bullets missing Kennedy altogether including three that hit Connally.

The video you're looking at has been doctored by the CIA, which is provable by the other video shot from the other side of the car. And it's doctored specifically to present the impression that the car kept moving the whole time. It didn't. It stopped long enough for the kill shot, then it took off.

And that kill shot came from IN FRONT of the car and off to the right. A point that it was absolutely impossible for Oswald, Wallace, or Superman himself to reach from the far corner of the sixth floor of a building the car was already well past in a building that didn't have an elevator.

That about it now?

unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle"

bull shit retard

where do you come up with this stupid crap --LOL

In fact here's the vehicle coming to a stop, filmed from the other side, in a film the CIA didn't get to doctor:


See how the motorcycle quickly overtakes the car because the car stopped and the motorcycle didn't? See how the car behind had to hit its brakes as well? See how the SS agent climbs up onto the car--- SIDEWAYS? Which motion he would not have had to do if the car was still moving? See how the Lincoln's right brake light is on?

See why the CIA might have wanted to doctor the Zap film to make it look like it never stopped?

Are you playing some sort of sicko game here?
I see the video stop not the car

me too making pogo the fraud
Notice how both cars stop with exactly the same gap

Pogo is such a tool

yup agreed --LOL
Liberals once again defend the indefensible. This clown posts about it like he was there!

Actually I posed questions that the poster continues to run away from.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.
Ever seen that happen?

Ooopsie. That's another question isn't it.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.

you are particularly stupid for making such a statement

no such thing happened ya retard

but keep saying that because you are fun to laugh at

You can run and hide all you want Haiku-boi, but this is not going away, ever.



That is from Abraham Zapbruder's famous film. Zapbruder was positioned between the grassy knoll on his right, and the TSBD on his left. And the alleged Oswald (Wallace) window was in the upper level of the FAR corner from there, which means that window was waaaaay up off to the upper left of the field in this post.

I will ask your wangly ass one more time. HOW THE FUCK do you shoot a bullet from that direction --- and push his head **BACK** and **UP** --- in the same direction the bullet came from?

The simple answer --- simple enough even for simpletons is --- YOU DON'T.

Want a bonus question?

If your name is Lee Harvey Oswald ..... how do you get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints in that upper window yet not leave your own? Hm?

i see you continue to make yourself look stupid

cant help it can ya --LOL

his skull parts and brain tissue fly back because is because of the airflow of the moving vehicle ya ninny

More data for Haiku-boi.... on the "airflow of the moving vehicle" moving apparently so fast that it outruns a rifle bullet:

>> Secret Service Agent Sam Kinney (driver of the follow-up car behind JFK's limo)---indicates, via his report to Chief Rowley, that Greer hit the gas after the fatal head shot to JFK and after the President's slump to the left toward Jackie. [18 H 731-732]. From the HSCA's 2/26/78 interview of Kinney: "He also remarked that 'when Greer (the driver of the Presidential limousine) looked back, his foot must have come off the accelerator'…Kinney observed that at the time of the first shot, the speed of the motorcade was '3 to 5 miles an hour.'" [RIF#180-10078-10493; author's interviews with Kinney, 1992-1994] <<
Blistering speed I tell ya. Blistering. No bullet could possibly keep up with a face-flattening three to five miles and hour. Clearly it was the G forces that killed him.


idiot the bullet and the brain matter are two different things

however the fact remains that the brain matter and bone was blown back by the relative wind speed of the car moving forward

dont be such a tard you make yourself look more then stupid

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