54 years ago November 22 1963

President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

Lee Oswald was a communist.... that is not a liberal or a democrat, you insane twit.

It wasn't then, yet it is now.

no. :cuckoo:

Yes. You didn't get the talkingpointsmemo? The Democrat party has been wholly infiltrated and taken over by leftists.
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

Lee Oswald was a communist.... that is not a liberal or a democrat, you insane twit.

It wasn't then, yet it is now.

no. :cuckoo:

Yes. You didn't get the talkingpointsmemo?

you keep talking about that because you have nothing of value to add to any conversation.

here's a hint.... no matter how many times you say the same stupid thing, it doesn't make it true.

now be a good boy and run along.
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

Lee Oswald was a communist.... that is not a liberal or a democrat, you insane twit.

It wasn't then, yet it is now.

no. :cuckoo:

Yes. You didn't get the talkingpointsmemo?

you keep talking about that because you have nothing of value to add to any conversation.

here's a hint.... no matter how many times you say the same stupid thing, it doesn't make it true.

now be a good boy and run along.

Here's a hint for you: No matter how many times you claim to be a lawyer, your lack of use of Proper Grammar proves your claims to be false.

Just admit you're a paid leftist shill and make my day!
Lee Oswald was a communist.... that is not a liberal or a democrat, you insane twit.

It wasn't then, yet it is now.

no. :cuckoo:

Yes. You didn't get the talkingpointsmemo?

you keep talking about that because you have nothing of value to add to any conversation.

here's a hint.... no matter how many times you say the same stupid thing, it doesn't make it true.

now be a good boy and run along.

Here's a hint for you: No matter how many times you claim to be a lawyer, your lack of use of Proper Grammar proves your claims to be false.

Just admit you're a paid leftist shill and make my day!
I thought you were supposed to run along
It wasn't then, yet it is now.

no. :cuckoo:

Yes. You didn't get the talkingpointsmemo?

you keep talking about that because you have nothing of value to add to any conversation.

here's a hint.... no matter how many times you say the same stupid thing, it doesn't make it true.

now be a good boy and run along.

Here's a hint for you: No matter how many times you claim to be a lawyer, your lack of use of Proper Grammar proves your claims to be false.

Just admit you're a paid leftist shill and make my day!
I thought you were supposed to run along

She doesn't boss me around. :funnyface:
Lee Oswald was a communist.... that is not a liberal or a democrat, you insane twit.

It wasn't then, yet it is now.

no. :cuckoo:

Yes. You didn't get the talkingpointsmemo?

you keep talking about that because you have nothing of value to add to any conversation.

here's a hint.... no matter how many times you say the same stupid thing, it doesn't make it true.

now be a good boy and run along.

Here's a hint for you: No matter how many times you claim to be a lawyer, your lack of use of Proper Grammar proves your claims to be false.

Just admit you're a paid leftist shill and make my day!

Lawyers are not grammarians.

If it please the thread I'd like to submit as Exhibit A, "Motion to Kiss My Ass" filed by one Matthew WASHINGTON, Plaintiff, which read in part: "all Americans at large and one corrupt Judge Smith [to] kiss my got [sic] damn ass sorry mother fucker you."

WASHINGTON had also filed “Motion for Psychoanalysis”, “Motion to Impeach Judge Alaimo”, “Motion to Renounce Citizenship” and “Motion to Exhume Body of Alex Hodgson”.

The Motion was dismissed on the grounds of bad spelling ("got" for "God") as well as the precedence of Webster v. Colliers which established that "motherfucker" is a single word.
Lee Oswald was a communist.... that is not a liberal or a democrat, you insane twit.

It wasn't then, yet it is now.

no. :cuckoo:

Yes. You didn't get the talkingpointsmemo?

you keep talking about that because you have nothing of value to add to any conversation.

here's a hint.... no matter how many times you say the same stupid thing, it doesn't make it true.

now be a good boy and run along.

Here's a hint for you: No matter how many times you claim to be a lawyer, your lack of use of Proper Grammar proves your claims to be false.

Just admit you're a paid leftist shill and make my day!

see, little man, you need to stop attributing your own fails to others.

again, run along, scum. you're polluting the internets
It wasn't then, yet it is now.

no. :cuckoo:

Yes. You didn't get the talkingpointsmemo?

you keep talking about that because you have nothing of value to add to any conversation.

here's a hint.... no matter how many times you say the same stupid thing, it doesn't make it true.

now be a good boy and run along.

Here's a hint for you: No matter how many times you claim to be a lawyer, your lack of use of Proper Grammar proves your claims to be false.

Just admit you're a paid leftist shill and make my day!

Lawyers are not grammarians.

If it please the thread I'd like to submit as Exhibit A, "Motion to Kiss My Ass" filed by one Matthew WASHINGTON, Plaintiff, which read in part: "all Americans at large and one corrupt Judge Smith [to] kiss my got [sic] damn ass sorry mother fucker you."

WASHINGTON had also filed “Motion for Psychoanalysis”, “Motion to Impeach Judge Alaimo”, “Motion to Renounce Citizenship” and “Motion to Exhume Body of Alex Hodgson”.

he likes telling everyone their grammar sucks because he's a moron and it's all he's got. I've known people like him. bitter, angry about their own station in life, major fails who don't understand why they've failed when they think they're smarter than the people who are successes.

I'd feel badly for him if he wasn't a lowlife piece of garbage. truly.

Yes. You didn't get the talkingpointsmemo?

you keep talking about that because you have nothing of value to add to any conversation.

here's a hint.... no matter how many times you say the same stupid thing, it doesn't make it true.

now be a good boy and run along.

Here's a hint for you: No matter how many times you claim to be a lawyer, your lack of use of Proper Grammar proves your claims to be false.

Just admit you're a paid leftist shill and make my day!

Lawyers are not grammarians.

If it please the thread I'd like to submit as Exhibit A, "Motion to Kiss My Ass" filed by one Matthew WASHINGTON, Plaintiff, which read in part: "all Americans at large and one corrupt Judge Smith [to] kiss my got [sic] damn ass sorry mother fucker you."

WASHINGTON had also filed “Motion for Psychoanalysis”, “Motion to Impeach Judge Alaimo”, “Motion to Renounce Citizenship” and “Motion to Exhume Body of Alex Hodgson”.

he likes telling everyone their grammar sucks because he's a moron and it's all he's got. I've known people like him. bitter, angry about their own station in life, major fails who don't understand why they've failed when they think they're smarter than the people who are successes.

I'd feel badly for him if he wasn't a lowlife piece of garbage. truly.

GF, you don't have the heart to feel empathy for anyone. I'm quite alright with my place in life, btw.

Face it, you're cold and frigid.

That you have to lie to try and establish some credibility on a messageboard is beyond pathetic; Furthermore, it tells one all they need to know about you.
Yes. You didn't get the talkingpointsmemo?

you keep talking about that because you have nothing of value to add to any conversation.

here's a hint.... no matter how many times you say the same stupid thing, it doesn't make it true.

now be a good boy and run along.

Here's a hint for you: No matter how many times you claim to be a lawyer, your lack of use of Proper Grammar proves your claims to be false.

Just admit you're a paid leftist shill and make my day!

Lawyers are not grammarians.

If it please the thread I'd like to submit as Exhibit A, "Motion to Kiss My Ass" filed by one Matthew WASHINGTON, Plaintiff, which read in part: "all Americans at large and one corrupt Judge Smith [to] kiss my got [sic] damn ass sorry mother fucker you."

WASHINGTON had also filed “Motion for Psychoanalysis”, “Motion to Impeach Judge Alaimo”, “Motion to Renounce Citizenship” and “Motion to Exhume Body of Alex Hodgson”.

he likes telling everyone their grammar sucks because he's a moron and it's all he's got. I've known people like him. bitter, angry about their own station in life, major fails who don't understand why they've failed when they think they're smarter than the people who are successes.

I'd feel badly for him if he wasn't a lowlife piece of garbage. truly.

GF, you don't have the heart to feel empathy for anyone. I'm quite alright with my place in life, btw.

Face it, you're cold and frigid.

I'm neither. you're a lowlife bully. I don't have to be nice to you, snowflake. s'matter, you don't like getting what you give.

oh...and I'm neither of those things, lowlife.
well that is who he was ya retard a leftist

No, he was a CIA freelancer who was made a patsy.

Why would one leftist shoot another leftist?
How did he get bullets to do U-turns?
How did he fire off at least twice as many shots as the rifle was even capable of?
How did he get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints up there, but not his own?
Why did he start yelling "I am not resisting arrest"?
Did he actually use a rifle so powerful that he could shoot from behind and the bullet travelled all the way around the world to hit JFK from the front?

Pretty damn clever leftist.
Liberals once again defend the indefensible. This clown posts about it like he was there!

Actually I posed questions that the poster continues to run away from.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.
Ever seen that happen?

Ooopsie. That's another question isn't it.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.

you are particularly stupid for making such a statement

no such thing happened ya retard

but keep saying that because you are fun to laugh at

You can run and hide all you want Haiku-boi, but this is not going away, ever.



That is from Abraham Zapbruder's famous film. Zapbruder was positioned between the grassy knoll on his right, and the TSBD on his left. And the alleged Oswald (Wallace) window was in the upper level of the FAR corner from there, which means that window was waaaaay up off to the upper left of the field in this post.

I will ask your wangly ass one more time. HOW THE FUCK do you shoot a bullet from that direction --- and push his head **BACK** and **UP** --- in the same direction the bullet came from?

The simple answer --- simple enough even for simpletons is --- YOU DON'T.

Want a bonus question?

If your name is Lee Harvey Oswald ..... how do you get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints in that upper window yet not leave your own? Hm?

i see you continue to make yourself look stupid

cant help it can ya --LOL

his skull parts and brain tissue fly back because is because of the airflow of the moving vehicle ya ninny

even you should be able to figure that out

if not

do a simple test

travel down the road and toss a glass of water out your window

see which way it flows ya tard


Yes. You didn't get the talkingpointsmemo?

you keep talking about that because you have nothing of value to add to any conversation.

here's a hint.... no matter how many times you say the same stupid thing, it doesn't make it true.

now be a good boy and run along.

Here's a hint for you: No matter how many times you claim to be a lawyer, your lack of use of Proper Grammar proves your claims to be false.

Just admit you're a paid leftist shill and make my day!
I thought you were supposed to run along

She doesn't boss me around. :funnyface:
You have difficulty following simple instructions
Yes. You didn't get the talkingpointsmemo?

you keep talking about that because you have nothing of value to add to any conversation.

here's a hint.... no matter how many times you say the same stupid thing, it doesn't make it true.

now be a good boy and run along.

Here's a hint for you: No matter how many times you claim to be a lawyer, your lack of use of Proper Grammar proves your claims to be false.

Just admit you're a paid leftist shill and make my day!
I thought you were supposed to run along

She doesn't boss me around. :funnyface:
You have difficulty following simple instructions

bullies and morons like him often do.
you keep talking about that because you have nothing of value to add to any conversation.

here's a hint.... no matter how many times you say the same stupid thing, it doesn't make it true.

now be a good boy and run along.

Here's a hint for you: No matter how many times you claim to be a lawyer, your lack of use of Proper Grammar proves your claims to be false.

Just admit you're a paid leftist shill and make my day!

Lawyers are not grammarians.

If it please the thread I'd like to submit as Exhibit A, "Motion to Kiss My Ass" filed by one Matthew WASHINGTON, Plaintiff, which read in part: "all Americans at large and one corrupt Judge Smith [to] kiss my got [sic] damn ass sorry mother fucker you."

WASHINGTON had also filed “Motion for Psychoanalysis”, “Motion to Impeach Judge Alaimo”, “Motion to Renounce Citizenship” and “Motion to Exhume Body of Alex Hodgson”.

he likes telling everyone their grammar sucks because he's a moron and it's all he's got. I've known people like him. bitter, angry about their own station in life, major fails who don't understand why they've failed when they think they're smarter than the people who are successes.

I'd feel badly for him if he wasn't a lowlife piece of garbage. truly.

GF, you don't have the heart to feel empathy for anyone. I'm quite alright with my place in life, btw.

Face it, you're cold and frigid.

I'm neither. you're a lowlife bully. I don't have to be nice to you, snowflake. s'matter, you don't like getting what you give.

oh...and I'm neither of those things, lowlife.


Here's a hint for you: No matter how many times you claim to be a lawyer, your lack of use of Proper Grammar proves your claims to be false.

Just admit you're a paid leftist shill and make my day!

Lawyers are not grammarians.

If it please the thread I'd like to submit as Exhibit A, "Motion to Kiss My Ass" filed by one Matthew WASHINGTON, Plaintiff, which read in part: "all Americans at large and one corrupt Judge Smith [to] kiss my got [sic] damn ass sorry mother fucker you."

WASHINGTON had also filed “Motion for Psychoanalysis”, “Motion to Impeach Judge Alaimo”, “Motion to Renounce Citizenship” and “Motion to Exhume Body of Alex Hodgson”.

he likes telling everyone their grammar sucks because he's a moron and it's all he's got. I've known people like him. bitter, angry about their own station in life, major fails who don't understand why they've failed when they think they're smarter than the people who are successes.

I'd feel badly for him if he wasn't a lowlife piece of garbage. truly.

GF, you don't have the heart to feel empathy for anyone. I'm quite alright with my place in life, btw.

Face it, you're cold and frigid.

I'm neither. you're a lowlife bully. I don't have to be nice to you, snowflake. s'matter, you don't like getting what you give.

oh...and I'm neither of those things, lowlife.



awwwww.... the last refuge of the desperate. :rofl:

seems, you're the one triggered, loser boy.

I really must have hit a nerve. :rofl:
Lawyers are not grammarians.

If it please the thread I'd like to submit as Exhibit A, "Motion to Kiss My Ass" filed by one Matthew WASHINGTON, Plaintiff, which read in part: "all Americans at large and one corrupt Judge Smith [to] kiss my got [sic] damn ass sorry mother fucker you."

WASHINGTON had also filed “Motion for Psychoanalysis”, “Motion to Impeach Judge Alaimo”, “Motion to Renounce Citizenship” and “Motion to Exhume Body of Alex Hodgson”.

he likes telling everyone their grammar sucks because he's a moron and it's all he's got. I've known people like him. bitter, angry about their own station in life, major fails who don't understand why they've failed when they think they're smarter than the people who are successes.

I'd feel badly for him if he wasn't a lowlife piece of garbage. truly.

GF, you don't have the heart to feel empathy for anyone. I'm quite alright with my place in life, btw.

Face it, you're cold and frigid.

I'm neither. you're a lowlife bully. I don't have to be nice to you, snowflake. s'matter, you don't like getting what you give.

oh...and I'm neither of those things, lowlife.



awwwww.... the last refuge of the desperate. :rofl:

seems, you're the one triggered, loser boy.

I really must have hit a nerve. :rofl:

Actually, I'm LMAO! :badgrin:

Hey! Guess what? She's not your president!
No, he was a CIA freelancer who was made a patsy.

Why would one leftist shoot another leftist?
How did he get bullets to do U-turns?
How did he fire off at least twice as many shots as the rifle was even capable of?
How did he get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints up there, but not his own?
Why did he start yelling "I am not resisting arrest"?
Did he actually use a rifle so powerful that he could shoot from behind and the bullet travelled all the way around the world to hit JFK from the front?

Pretty damn clever leftist.
Liberals once again defend the indefensible. This clown posts about it like he was there!

Actually I posed questions that the poster continues to run away from.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.
Ever seen that happen?

Ooopsie. That's another question isn't it.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.

you are particularly stupid for making such a statement

no such thing happened ya retard

but keep saying that because you are fun to laugh at

You can run and hide all you want Haiku-boi, but this is not going away, ever.



That is from Abraham Zapbruder's famous film. Zapbruder was positioned between the grassy knoll on his right, and the TSBD on his left. And the alleged Oswald (Wallace) window was in the upper level of the FAR corner from there, which means that window was waaaaay up off to the upper left of the field in this post.

I will ask your wangly ass one more time. HOW THE FUCK do you shoot a bullet from that direction --- and push his head **BACK** and **UP** --- in the same direction the bullet came from?

The simple answer --- simple enough even for simpletons is --- YOU DON'T.

Want a bonus question?

If your name is Lee Harvey Oswald ..... how do you get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints in that upper window yet not leave your own? Hm?

i see you continue to make yourself look stupid

cant help it can ya --LOL

his skull parts and brain tissue fly back because is because of the airflow of the moving vehicle ya ninny

YYyyyyyeah ummm.... unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle". The vehicle is at a dead stop there. And even if it had been moving it would have been crawling. And even if it had been moving faster --- again physics doesn't work that way. Bullets travel WAY faster than cars....

....excuse me for a second...


.... and the target would react the same way in reaction to the force of the object, unless you're suggesting JFK rode around in motorcades that zipped along at 1700 miles an hour. I've actually seen a JFK motorcade. It's more like 10.

Greer (the driver) was instructed to stop at a mark painted on the street. That way the adjective in the phrase "moving target" is eliminated.

They did that because what if their sharpshooters misjudged the motion of the target? Which they obviously did, several bullets missing Kennedy altogether including three that hit Connally.

The video you're looking at has been doctored by the CIA, which is provable by the other video shot from the other side of the car. And it's doctored specifically to present the impression that the car kept moving the whole time. It didn't. It stopped long enough for the kill shot, then it took off.

And that kill shot came from IN FRONT of the car and off to the right. A point that it was absolutely impossible for Oswald, Wallace, or Superman himself to reach from the far corner of the sixth floor of a building the car was already well past in a building that didn't have an elevator.

That about it now?
Last edited:
Liberals once again defend the indefensible. This clown posts about it like he was there!

Actually I posed questions that the poster continues to run away from.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.
Ever seen that happen?

Ooopsie. That's another question isn't it.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.

you are particularly stupid for making such a statement

no such thing happened ya retard

but keep saying that because you are fun to laugh at

You can run and hide all you want Haiku-boi, but this is not going away, ever.



That is from Abraham Zapbruder's famous film. Zapbruder was positioned between the grassy knoll on his right, and the TSBD on his left. And the alleged Oswald (Wallace) window was in the upper level of the FAR corner from there, which means that window was waaaaay up off to the upper left of the field in this post.

I will ask your wangly ass one more time. HOW THE FUCK do you shoot a bullet from that direction --- and push his head **BACK** and **UP** --- in the same direction the bullet came from?

The simple answer --- simple enough even for simpletons is --- YOU DON'T.

Want a bonus question?

If your name is Lee Harvey Oswald ..... how do you get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints in that upper window yet not leave your own? Hm?

i see you continue to make yourself look stupid

cant help it can ya --LOL

his skull parts and brain tissue fly back because is because of the airflow of the moving vehicle ya ninny

YYyyyyyeah ummm.... unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle". The vehicle is at a dead stop there. And even if it had been moving it would have been crawling. And even if it had been moving faster --- again physics doesn't work that way. Bullets travel WAY faster than cars....

....excuse me for a second...


.... and the target would react the same way in reaction to the force of the object, unless you're suggesting JFK rode around in motorcades that zipped along at 1700 miles an hour. I've actually seen a JFK motorcade. It's more like 10.

Greer (the driver) was instructed to stop at a mark painted on the street. That way the adjective in the phrase "moving target" is eliminated.

They did that because what if their sharpshooters misjudged the motion of the target? Which they obviously did, several bullets missing Kennedy altogether including three that hit Connally.

The video you're looking at has been doctored by the CIA, which is provable by the other video shot from the other side of the car. And it's doctored specifically to present the impression that the car kept moving the whole time. It didn't. It stopped long enough for the kill shot, then it took off.

And that kill shot came from IN FRONT of the car and off to the right. A point that it was absolutely impossible for Oswald, Wallace, or Superman himself to reach from the far corner of the sixth floor of a building the car was already well past in a building that didn't have an elevator.

That about it now?

unfortunately it isn't a "moving vehicle"

bull shit retard

where do you come up with this stupid crap --LOL
In the declassified documents, the investigators say there was at least two shooters. One on the bridge for sure.

I never knew Pogo was into it that much. :eek:

The Kennedy assasination has been oveershadowed by the Mandalay shooting in my mind.

They're looking to take more gun rights away again seems to be the common theme.

With Kennedy, they took away mail-order guns.
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

Lee Oswald was a communist.... that is not a liberal or a democrat, you insane twit.

It wasn't then, yet it is now.

no. :cuckoo:

Yes. You didn't get the talkingpointsmemo? The Democrat party has been wholly infiltrated and taken over by leftists.

She actually said Communists weren't leftists back there somewhere. Let's hope if she really is a lawyer, she's obviously one of those socially promoted quota graduated lawyers, and she's going to be Hillary's and Obama's defense attorney when the RICO indictments start flooding in.

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