541,000 Illegals Given Social Security Numbers, Access to Costly Benefits, Under DACA


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I thought the courts deemed Obama's plan illegal, yet he has carried on with implementing it the last few years and no signs he will stop. The law means nothing to this man.

"Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) wrote to Acting Social Security Commissioner Carolyn W. Colvin and asked her how many illegal immigrants have been granted Social Security numbers under the Obama administration's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy.

That number? Try 541,000 since 2012.

Colvin writes:

"By the end of fiscal year (FY) 2014, we had issued approximately 541,000 original SSNs to individuals authorized to work under the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy since its inception. We do not maintain date on the number of individuals in this program who applied but were not issued SSNs under this policy."

More than half of a million people that came to the U.S. illegally now have access to costly, taxpayer-funded benefits."

Here's her response:


Is anyone even trying to assign those illegals social security numbers in any rational way? Like signifying the state through which they jumped the border? Or was that totally abandoned when Obama got "assigned" a SS number from a state with which he had nothing to do....much less be born in?
Here's her response:


I know some people who work in Charlotte factories are worried they will be laid off work after they train their immigrant replacements. It's happening in the U.S. as we speak and liberals are ecstatic over their Socialist accomplishments.
It seems that the last statement you made is not true – they are not getting benefits from these numbers. What, then, is the problem thus far?
"541,000 Illegals Given Social Security Numbers, Access to Costly Benefits, Under DACA"

How do you know these individuals are 'illegal' without having been convicted of entering the country absent authorization – in the United States all persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and are entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented. (Plyler v. Doe)

Indeed, allowing these individuals to work pending adjudication of their cases is consistent with due process Constitutional case law.

And these individuals remain subject to prosecution and deportation in accordance with immigration laws and policies.

The resolution to this problem is clear and at hand: Congress needs only pass immigration reform, it makes sense, it's the right thing to do, it conforms with the Constitution and the rule of law, and it reflects the will of a majority of the American people – the problem isn't undocumented immigrants, the problem is Congressional republicans too hateful and afraid to pass immigration reform.
Here's her response:


I know some people who work in Charlotte factories are worried they will be laid off work after they train their immigrant replacements. It's happening in the U.S. as we speak and liberals are ecstatic over their Socialist accomplishments.

It's not just immigrants.
I have a friend of mine who worked as a welder for a German company who had plant in Minnesota. My friend was specially trained for special type of welding and after a couple of years he ended up training dozens of welders what he was trained to do. The German company fired my friend after he completed his training of the new people and all those folks he trained were converted to Temps and took his job. plus other long-term employees jobs..

The above response is the most intelligent reply you are capable of giving.
Well I could point out that this doesn't make them citizens, or grant them any rights of citizens, but causes them to pay billions in taxes... but the eek face better portrays how stupid I think your story is.

I've pointed that out too but apparently, rabid RWs don't want illegals to pay income taxes in addition to the other taxes they already pay.

They're also WAY too dumb to understand and SS#'s and driver's licenses are a way to track illegals.

Once again we see that you have to be pretty stupid to be a radical right winger but more to the point is that Repubs don't want us to be able to count or track illegals in the US. Why is that?

Here's her response:


I know some people who work in Charlotte factories are worried they will be laid off work after they train their immigrant replacements. It's happening in the U.S. as we speak and liberals are ecstatic over their Socialist accomplishments.

Why are the 1% willing to fire Americans and hire illegals?

Why do 1%-owned companyies advertise in Mexico and other countries, bus them up here and then let them be caught, a couple at a time, and returned to their own country, only to be rehired by the same 1% company and start the process all over again ... ?

Watch the documentary, Food Inc for the answers that should be damned obvious to all of us.

Hint: money.

The above response is the most intelligent reply you are capable of giving.
Well I could point out that this doesn't make them citizens, or grant them any rights of citizens, but causes them to pay billions in taxes... but the eek face better portrays how stupid I think your story is.

If that were true, they would simply be issued tax numbers as we have always done, not actual Social Security cards. Having an SS entitles you to many things, which a tax number would not.

Social Security numbers should never be issued to people who are not citizens. Some states have granted driver's licenses. That, combined with an SS would easily allow an illegal to pass as a citizen and vote, get benefits and many other things reserved for citizens.

There is a reason why Obama did it this way and, considering his agenda, it is perfectly reasonable to be suspect of his motives.
democrats don't just us the politics of Saul Alinsky.

they are now employing another favorite to bring us down. Cloward and Piven

Unfortunately many of you voted for it

Hostility toward immigrants and immigration reform is yet another example of the unwarranted fear of change and diversity common to most on the right.
Hostility toward immigrants and immigration reform is yet another example of the unwarranted fear of change and diversity common to most on the right.

In this case, its also a thinly veiled attempt, on the part of the right, to grant total amnesty to all illegals and allow them to roam freely, with no effort to even know how many there are.

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