57 Buffalo cops resign from response team after officers suspended for shoving 75-year-old man to ground; DA investigating incident

Wow, did ANYONE expect this?! I will say, whatever side you are on the issue of the push that hurt that older gentleman, this response is that of people truly putting their money where their mouth is.

57 Buffalo cops resign from response team after officers suspended for shoving 75-year-old man to ground; DA investigating incident

All 57 officers of the Buffalo Police Emergency Response team resigned Friday afternoon in support of two police officers who were suspended without pay after shoving a 75-year-old man to the ground during a protest.

A police union representative told WKBW that the officers were following orders given to them by Deputy Police Commissioner Joe Gramaglia to clear the area and do not believe they were in the wrong.

While the members of the emergency response team resigned from their specific roles, they did not resign from the police department altogether and are still employed.

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said in a statement his office "is aware of developments related to the world assignments of certain members of the Buffalo police force."

He added: "At this time, we can confirm that contingency plans are in place to maintain police services and ensure public safety within our community."

Will the Buffalo Police Department sudden suffer an epidemic of Blue Flu? Perhaps it maybe pandemic if the mayors of Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Buffalo, and NYC decide to defund their police Departments.....
then they'll be begging Trump to send in the military .
Wow, did ANYONE expect this?! I will say, whatever side you are on the issue of the push that hurt that older gentleman, this response is that of people truly putting their money where their mouth is.

57 Buffalo cops resign from response team after officers suspended for shoving 75-year-old man to ground; DA investigating incident

All 57 officers of the Buffalo Police Emergency Response team resigned Friday afternoon in support of two police officers who were suspended without pay after shoving a 75-year-old man to the ground during a protest.

A police union representative told WKBW that the officers were following orders given to them by Deputy Police Commissioner Joe Gramaglia to clear the area and do not believe they were in the wrong.

While the members of the emergency response team resigned from their specific roles, they did not resign from the police department altogether and are still employed.

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said in a statement his office "is aware of developments related to the world assignments of certain members of the Buffalo police force."

He added: "At this time, we can confirm that contingency plans are in place to maintain police services and ensure public safety within our community."
They still have their jobs, they just left the response team.
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op
My spell mo check is broke in down.........Steel deck ........and yeah he got lit the hell up.......Even though I saw it............I REALLY NEVER SAW A ang thang.
A police union representative told WKBW that the officers were following orders given to them by Deputy Police Commissioner Joe Gramaglia to clear the area and do not believe they were in the wrong.

They were never given orders to smash the heads of the elderly
It is possible to clear an area without pushing old people to the ground.

This may be true, I just wonder how they view the consequences if they hadn't cleared the area. I'm certainly not condoning this man being pushed. It's certainly unfortunate, though the cop couldn't have known he would fall back like that. He should have seen he was much older and fragile. Just walk past the guy. It became FAR worse when they lied about him tripping on his own.

One of the reasons I would like to see more former soldiers in positions of policing is I think they understand how to risk assess and use an appropriate response to the situation. Others just go into auto-pilot and rely on "use your training" mantra. That's well in good for an easily defined situation, but no amount of training can teach ones own genetic critical thinking infrastructure. Not thinking, just reacting shouldn't apply to all situations.
The guy seemed to be asking a question. A shove was unnecessary.
and the officer answered the democrat ... he said no i would not like a blowjob !
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op

Small push to a 75 year-old... and even if you want to die on the hill of that argument, they are REQUIRED to provide first aid to a citizen in medical distress.
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op

Small push to a 75 year-old... and even if you want to die on the hill of that argument, they are REQUIRED to provide first aid to a citizen in medical distress.
The other police officer pointed to the one stopping at first and called it in on the radio for medical attention...........You guys HYPE EVERYTHING.
A police union representative told WKBW that the officers were following orders given to them by Deputy Police Commissioner Joe Gramaglia to clear the area and do not believe they were in the wrong.

They were never given orders to smash the heads of the elderly
It is possible to clear an area without pushing old people to the ground.

This may be true, I just wonder how they view the consequences if they hadn't cleared the area. I'm certainly not condoning this man being pushed. It's certainly unfortunate, though the cop couldn't have known he would fall back like that. He should have seen he was much older and fragile. Just walk past the guy. It became FAR worse when they lied about him tripping on his own.

One of the reasons I would like to see more former soldiers in positions of policing is I think they understand how to risk assess and use an appropriate response to the situation. Others just go into auto-pilot and rely on "use your training" mantra. That's well in good for an easily defined situation, but no amount of training can teach ones own genetic critical thinking infrastructure. Not thinking, just reacting shouldn't apply to all situations.
The guy seemed to be asking a question. A shove was unnecessary.
When you riot, bad things happen.
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op

Small push to a 75 year-old... and even if you want to die on the hill of that argument, they are REQUIRED to provide first aid to a citizen in medical distress.
The other police officer pointed to the one stopping at first and called it in on the radio for medical attention...........You guys HYPE EVERYTHING.

Calling it in is NOT providing 1st aid... the guy was pooling blood coming out of his ears. Jesus. If that was your grandfather or father you sure as fuck wouldn't be so simple. No one stopped to check his pulse or to see if he was still breathing. The one officer that started to was immediately pulled away and did not try to contest.
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op
The cop caused it all, if he had not pushed him, it would not have happened.
They are wrong

The two cops were out of line
It was one cop and I'm sure he didn't think the guy would trip on that concrete ball...the other cop got on his phone and called an ambulance...and then the cops had to attend to the rioters rushing towards them....at least that's what I saw on the video...

They walked right past him without bothering to see if he was hurt.
He was shoved and fell backwards
There were protesters rushing into the area...they had to confront them.....
No threat from a 70 year old
Wow, did ANYONE expect this?! I will say, whatever side you are on the issue of the push that hurt that older gentleman, this response is that of people truly putting their money where their mouth is.

57 Buffalo cops resign from response team after officers suspended for shoving 75-year-old man to ground; DA investigating incident

All 57 officers of the Buffalo Police Emergency Response team resigned Friday afternoon in support of two police officers who were suspended without pay after shoving a 75-year-old man to the ground during a protest.

A police union representative told WKBW that the officers were following orders given to them by Deputy Police Commissioner Joe Gramaglia to clear the area and do not believe they were in the wrong.

While the members of the emergency response team resigned from their specific roles, they did not resign from the police department altogether and are still employed.

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said in a statement his office "is aware of developments related to the world assignments of certain members of the Buffalo police force."

He added: "At this time, we can confirm that contingency plans are in place to maintain police services and ensure public safety within our community."
They still have their jobs, they just left the response team.

So who is going to respond when the need for a quick response is necessary? For example rioting in Buffalo tonight...
Wow, did ANYONE expect this?! I will say, whatever side you are on the issue of the push that hurt that older gentleman, this response is that of people truly putting their money where their mouth is.

57 Buffalo cops resign from response team after officers suspended for shoving 75-year-old man to ground; DA investigating incident

All 57 officers of the Buffalo Police Emergency Response team resigned Friday afternoon in support of two police officers who were suspended without pay after shoving a 75-year-old man to the ground during a protest.

A police union representative told WKBW that the officers were following orders given to them by Deputy Police Commissioner Joe Gramaglia to clear the area and do not believe they were in the wrong.

While the members of the emergency response team resigned from their specific roles, they did not resign from the police department altogether and are still employed.

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said in a statement his office "is aware of developments related to the world assignments of certain members of the Buffalo police force."

He added: "At this time, we can confirm that contingency plans are in place to maintain police services and ensure public safety within our community."

Good riddance to them. They are clearly bad cops who want to protect more bad cops. They should be fired.
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op
The cop caused it all, if he had not pushed him, it would not have happened.
Would you rather he bashed his head in with a baton? There was no way for that officer to have foreseen the old man stumble and fall, striking his head, none whatsoever!
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op
The cop caused it all, if he had not pushed him, it would not have happened.
If the assholes were not rioting it would not have happened at all.
They walked right past him without bothering to see if he was hurt.
He was shoved and fell backwards
Medical aid was immediately called for. Quit being such a drama queen.
If this elderly "peace activist" hadn't inserted himself where he shouldn't have been none of this would have happened. He has no right to touch, harangue and bother tactical police called out to deal with a riot.
Wow, did ANYONE expect this?! I will say, whatever side you are on the issue of the push that hurt that older gentleman, this response is that of people truly putting their money where their mouth is.

57 Buffalo cops resign from response team after officers suspended for shoving 75-year-old man to ground; DA investigating incident

All 57 officers of the Buffalo Police Emergency Response team resigned Friday afternoon in support of two police officers who were suspended without pay after shoving a 75-year-old man to the ground during a protest.

A police union representative told WKBW that the officers were following orders given to them by Deputy Police Commissioner Joe Gramaglia to clear the area and do not believe they were in the wrong.

While the members of the emergency response team resigned from their specific roles, they did not resign from the police department altogether and are still employed.

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said in a statement his office "is aware of developments related to the world assignments of certain members of the Buffalo police force."

He added: "At this time, we can confirm that contingency plans are in place to maintain police services and ensure public safety within our community."

How unsurprising. I just finished a post saying this is what is going to start happening.

You order cops to clear the street. They do exactly as they are told, and get suspended for it.

I would quit too. Reminds me of my brother in law, came back from Iraq, just when Obama started his war on police, and he said for years he wanted to be a police officer, and now he said why protect people who hate you? He had more appreciation from Iraqis, fighting against ISIS, than police get from Americans, when the only thing between your pathetic white bread privileged life and chaos rape and murder, are those police officers.

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