5yo raped 'because boys will be boys'

'Boys will be boys': The heartless explanation by lawyer when asked by mother of rape victim aged FIVE why it happened to her child | Mail Online

A federal investigation into a county courthouse has revealed a shocking catalogue of claims that sex assault victims were routinely discriminated against and ignored.

In one case, it is alleged a prosecutor in Montana left a five-year-old rape victim's mother horrified when he explained away the attack by saying 'boys will be boys'.

According to a report, the mother of the child said she wanted to know why the boy who raped her daughter was only getting a slap on the wrist...

Jocelyn Samuels, acting assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division, said: 'We uncovered evidence of a disturbing pattern of deficiencies in the handling of these cases by the County Attorney's Office, a pattern that not only denies victims meaningful access to justice, but places the safety of all women in Missoula at risk.'

Investigators interviewed more than 30 potential victims while reviewing policies and procedures for signs of gender bias and civil rights violations.

One woman claimed a prosecutor recited Bible verses to her, and others said they felt 'judged' when they were grilled about their sexual histories.

Another said she 'would never suggest' another woman go to prosecutors with a sexual assault case.

County Attorney Fred Van Valkenburg angrily denied the allegations and said the real problem was the federal investigators.

Van Valkenburg told the Missoulian: 'First and foremost, I think that this is one of the most unfair, unethical things that I have witnessed in 35 years of public life.

'It’s impossible to believe these things are true. This is not how the Missoula County Attorney’s Office Conducts itself. These are half-truths, mistruths and maybe even outright lies.'

This has been common in Maricopa county Arizona for many years now, especially if the victim is an Hispanic woman.

But, looks like it happens in other places as well.

As I've said before, this is why women don't report rape.

As far as I'm concerned these assholes will never be cured, reformed or anything else, they are worthless and need the death penalty.

However, mamby pamby liberal dirt bags think that that is cruel and unusual punishment and the bastards can't see the cruel punishment the victims will suffer for the rest of their lives.

So I hear you, but I want death for the peds, you want some kind of rehab, which is sick in of it's self.
'Boys will be boys': The heartless explanation by lawyer when asked by mother of rape victim aged FIVE why it happened to her child | Mail Online

This has been common in Maricopa county Arizona for many years now, especially if the victim is an Hispanic woman.

But, looks like it happens in other places as well.

As I've said before, this is why women don't report rape.

Sheriff Joe getting his jollies?

Wait...you said 5 year old girl.

Uh no.

The article is about a 5yo girl being raped.

I added that Arpaio tends to ignore reports from women about being raped. He hates Hispanics so they are sure to be ignored.

More of your partisan bullshit, this leaves you less credible. Arpaio has nothing to do with this. Again, its amazing how low you will go.
'Boys will be boys': The heartless explanation by lawyer when asked by mother of rape victim aged FIVE why it happened to her child | Mail Online

This has been common in Maricopa county Arizona for many years now, especially if the victim is an Hispanic woman.

But, looks like it happens in other places as well.

As I've said before, this is why women don't report rape.

Sheriff Joe getting his jollies?

Wait...you said 5 year old girl.

Uh no.

The article is about a 5yo girl being raped.

I added that Arpaio tends to ignore reports from women about being raped. He hates Hispanics so they are sure to be ignored.

That is a lie! I lived in Arizona. Sherriff Joe is tough on CRIMINALS, whether they be white, black, brown or yellow! He
'Boys will be boys': The heartless explanation by lawyer when asked by mother of rape victim aged FIVE why it happened to her child | Mail Online

This has been common in Maricopa county Arizona for many years now, especially if the victim is an Hispanic woman.

But, looks like it happens in other places as well.

As I've said before, this is why women don't report rape.

Sheriff Joe getting his jollies?

Wait...you said 5 year old girl.

Uh no.

The article is about a 5yo girl being raped.

I added that Arpaio tends to ignore reports from women about being raped. He hates Hispanics so they are sure to be ignored.

Lol...I know Luddy. More of that sarcasm stuff. :)

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