6 Bullets and No Gunpowder on Brown's Body

Police and other armed officers are trained to shoot to kill. Logic being, if you shoot someone, even if you're not guilty of a crime, you're probably gonna loose the civili trial and be hit up for hundreds of thousands of dollars. A dead suspect can't sue you.

This is true.

They shoot to stop the threat.

You have to know that being a 'know-it-all' is only tolerated if you are right.
It's like vote counting in Florida in 2000. They'll keep autopsying the kid until they get the results they want.
They shoot to stop the threat.

You have to know that being a 'know-it-all' is only tolerated if you are right.
Those are typically the same thing. You shoot at the most lethal spot. If he dies, fine. If not, fine. But the intent is to stop and the most effective "stop" is death.
We all have seen the results of the second autopsy...minus the clothes,minus the toxicology report.
We need all the information.
yes and if you put his arm straight out more or less

a path exists through the fleshly thumb area

along the forearm into the chest

Exactly. Note the drawing of the thumb wound; it's more like a track than a hole, not consistent with the arms being up over the head, rather out like preparing for a takedown/tackle.

Although, the family's ME did not have acess to xrays, so his reconstruction of the shooting is limited at best. I suspect there were less than six shots. If pressed, I'd hazard more like 4. This would be consistent with the scenerio of one shot, reassess, 3 shots in quick succession. No witnesses described this that I know, but it's not an uncommon response in a stressful dangerous situation.

The shot placement is interesting, and indicates the officer was "pushing" the trigger (too little fingerpad, which pushes right-handed shots to the left). Not uncommon when firing in quick succession.
Exactly. Note the drawing of the thumb wound; it's more like a track than a hole, not consistent with the arms being up over the head, rather out like preparing for a takedown/tackle.

Although, the family's ME did not have acess to xrays, so his reconstruction of the shooting is limited at best. I suspect there were less than six shots. If pressed, I'd hazard more like 4. This would be consistent with the scenerio of one shot, reassess, 3 shots in quick succession. No witnesses described this that I know, but it's not an uncommon response in a stressful dangerous situation.

The shot placement is interesting, and indicates the officer was "pushing" the trigger (too little fingerpad, which pushes right-handed shots to the left). Not uncommon when firing in quick succession.

hmmm I can see the push factor, but it doesn't line up with what the forensic guy says in the video very well - he's saying three on the arm, one is the graze wound on the palm, the other was an entry/exit through the arm, the third lodged. The arm angles would be odd if the officer's first shot was the eye shot and the final was the head shot though. Unless he'd gotten the gun back in control maybe...
What I'm finding the most disturbing, after someone died, is how eager some are to crucify the officer. Rather than defaulting to believing the good guys, they default to believing the bad guys and his family and friends. WTF is up with that? I get political differences and all that, but since when have different political philisophies gone hand in hand with siding with evil against good?
Cops are not always the good guys!
Cops are not always the good guys!

No, they aren't but the thing is, the Youtube video with witnesses on the scene right after the shooting has people stating Brown charged the cop. And we also had the same story given from one of the cops friends. Video at link.

A Witness Conversation Unknowingly Captured at the Scene of the Ferguson Shooting is a Game-Changer

When Wilson tried to get out of his cruiser, Brown first tried to push the officer back into the car, then punched him in the face and grabbed for his gun before breaking free after the gun went off once, the caller said.

Wilson pursued Brown and his friend, ordering them to freeze, according to the account. When they turned around, Brown began taunting Wilson, saying he would not arrest them, then ran at the officer at full speed, the caller said.
Wilson then began shooting. The final shot was to Brown's forehead, and the teenager fell two or three feet in front of Wilson, said the caller, who identified herself as the officer's friend.

Michael Brown rushed officer, radio caller says - CNN.com
6 Bullets and no gunpowder on Brown's body because, as I conjectured, he was shot from at least 35 feet away. You can see that in the YouTube video.

This unqualified, amateur semi-adult racist Wilson had no business being on a police force anywhere. And the Ferguson PD know it.

They tried to distract the public with the store video from this murder, but it's not going to work.

Wilson could have maimed that kid in the knee. Hell, any Jersey or New York Mafia boss will tell you that.
Oh good, just enough information to keep up the conjecture and speculation.
The whole shoot in the leg thing is hollywood nonsense. Hitting a human with a handgun shot is difficult, especially when they're moving. Hell, getting inside the 9's everytime at 7 yards is difficult, and that's with unlimited time, no pressure, and a static target. That's one of the main reasons for center of mass (torso) shots: if you miss your target, you have the best chance of still hitting the person.
I'm betting there continues to be conjecture and speculation even after everything's old news. It'll get filed away as a travesty of justice by either side.
The blacks will say the evidence was tampered. The witnesses will swear they actually said the opposite of what they clearly said. The press will report "irregularities" in the trial. And the overall effect will be to suggest white racism killed the guy and covered up the crime.
Zimmerman's story was so airtight the police let him go at the scene. It was obvious them what happened and that Zimmerman was innocent. But poll any black community and you'[ll hear Zimmerman was a racist cop wannabe who executed Martin because he was black.
Lack of gunpowder marks on body proves nothing. The perp was fully clothed. I'm worried about the integrity of the federal investigation. Holder and this administration have a contempt for law and the rule of law. They will fabricate anything, lie about everything, and do absolutely nothing if it involves uncovering the real truth. Look at IRS scandal. Sure, we can trust Washington DC.
Has anyone got a link that shows the exact bullet wound locations on the body? Diagram of course.
The blacks will say the evidence was tampered. The witnesses will swear they actually said the opposite of what they clearly said. The press will report "irregularities" in the trial. And the overall effect will be to suggest white racism killed the guy and covered up the crime.
Zimmerman's story was so airtight the police let him go at the scene. It was obvious them what happened and that Zimmerman was innocent. But poll any black community and you'[ll hear Zimmerman was a racist cop wannabe who executed Martin because he was black.

True that.

And I was actually just pondering a bit ago that if this case had anything that made it air tight one way or the other - would they release it?
Has anyone got a link that shows the exact bullet wound locations on the body? Diagram of course.

Read the report, there were 2 shots to the head. the chin wound and clavical wound are reentry wounds and exit wounds from the eye shot.



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