6 Bullets and No Gunpowder on Brown's Body

So there should be some on the clothing, right?

And fingerprints on the gun holster and gun..or at least some DNA.

To, you know, confirm that the kid came into the car and reached for the gun.


So there should be some on the clothing, right?

maybe if big mike was closer then 3-5 ft during the last shots

The officer said they were struggling in the car over the gun.

Then a shot went off.

So? If there was a struggle in the car there should be residue on the cloths from the gunshot.


And Mr. Brown's fingerprints and DNA on the gun/holster..well heck..somewhere inside the car..right?

If the gun wasn't pointed at him, no.

BTW, even his friend said a shot went off in the car.

So there should be some on the clothing, right?

And fingerprints on the gun holster and gun..or at least some DNA.

To, you know, confirm that the kid came into the car and reached for the gun.


So there should be some on the clothing, right?

maybe if big mike was closer then 3-5 ft during the last shots

The officer said they were struggling in the car over the gun.

Then a shot went off.

So? If there was a struggle in the car there should be residue on the cloths from the gunshot.


And Mr. Brown's fingerprints and DNA on the gun/holster..well heck..somewhere inside the car..right?

maybe not

big mike was outside of the car

and we do not know in which direction the shot was aimed

it could have gone off straight into the seat of the car

through the holster
When a cop fires his weapon he is trained to not just fire one round, if the suspect was charging him, head down, hands out, the cop is going to fire multiple rounds. So much for the the theory he was shot from behind, or that he was walking along and the cop pulled up and executed him. Challenge a cop and chances are you will be shot. It will all come out in time but those that believe he was a gentle giant and the cop was racist will never change their views

I don't think it proves he wasn't shot while running though; just that Wilson missed if he had.
God you are a moron. Do you even comprehend what you post? How could BM be "shot while running away" But still be shot if Wilson missed.
You need to dry out pal.
Wilson's gun only holds so many rounds. The FBI can count the spent cartridges, do the math and scientifically prove how many rounds Wilson fired and if any rounds were left in the gun.
I hope this simple logic isn't beyond your comprehension level.
Yet no shots to the center, and yes, gunpowder on clothing is important. I still question the lighting, could the officer actually see well enough to aim? Could Brown have been coming towards him trying to surrender? The officer may have thought there was weapon in the raised hand.....
I can go along with the lighting question, not the surrendering. He was running towards and armed officer, after fleeing to surrender?

Just questions, four shots in one arm idoesn't indicate "charging", it appears as if his arm was stretched out, and UP.

So, a racist cop wants to take the black kid out and shoots him 4 times in his outstretched arm to do it?


Again, shots to the front of his arms means his arms were not up. Arms up the back of your arms face forward

Ok, now the shot to the palm of his hand.....................

It didn't indicate his palm, it was his thumb towards his wrist.

yes and if you put his arm straight out more or less

a path exists through the fleshly thumb area

along the forearm into the chest
Autopsy: Michael Brown Was Shot 6 Times (All shots fired from at least one to two feet away!)

Newser ^

The results of a private autopsy on Michael Brown may escalate tensions in Ferguson, Missouri even further: The examiner says the unarmed teenager was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, and all the bullets came from the front, reports the New York Times. Pathologist Michael Baden, New York City's former chief medical examiner, says all the bullets were fired from at least one or two feet away, and one bullet—apparently the last one fired—hit the top of the 18-year-old's head.
6 Bullets and no gunpowder on Brown's body because, as I conjectured, he was shot from at least 35 feet away. You can see that in the YouTube video.

This unqualified, amateur semi-adult racist Wilson had no business being on a police force anywhere. And the Ferguson PD know it.

They tried to distract the public with the store video from this murder, but it's not going to work.

Wilson could have maimed that kid in the knee. Hell, any Jersey or New York Mafia boss will tell you that.

Police aren't trained to shoot in the knees. They are trained to shoot center mass.

The lack of gun residue and as well as the fact he shot him six times indicates this was excessive use of force.

No it means that the criminal had clothes on and the private coroner that did this preliminary autopsy did not have access to those clothes.
Just questions, four shots in one arm idoesn't indicate "charging", it appears as if his arm was stretched out, and UP.

Again, shots to the front of his arms means his arms were not up. Arms up the back of your arms face forward

How do you get that?

They may have been up...and came down as a defensive reflex.

Anybody faster than bullets would have kept running away :rolleyes:

If they came down as a reflex to protect, they would be in front of his body, and body wounds would be under the arm wounds, and not 'skipping' . It just didnt happen that way.
So there should be some on the clothing, right?

maybe if big mike was closer then 3-5 ft during the last shots

The officer said they were struggling in the car over the gun.

Then a shot went off.

So? If there was a struggle in the car there should be residue on the cloths from the gunshot.


And Mr. Brown's fingerprints and DNA on the gun/holster..well heck..somewhere inside the car..right?

If the gun wasn't pointed at him, no.

BTW, even his friend said a shot went off in the car.



but his friend is a liar

he also said big mike was shot in the back
When a cop fires his weapon he is trained to not just fire one round, if the suspect was charging him, head down, hands out, the cop is going to fire multiple rounds. So much for the the theory he was shot from behind, or that he was walking along and the cop pulled up and executed him. Challenge a cop and chances are you will be shot. It will all come out in time but those that believe he was a gentle giant and the cop was racist will never change their views

I don't think it proves he wasn't shot while running though; just that Wilson missed if he had.
God you are a moron. Do you even comprehend what you post? How could BM be "shot while running away" But still be shot if Wilson missed.
You need to dry out pal.
Wilson's gun only holds so many rounds. The FBI can count the spent cartridges, do the math and scientifically prove how many rounds Wilson fired and if any rounds were left in the gun.
I hope this simple logic isn't beyond your comprehension level.

Ah yes, insult my intelligence. I always find that amusing. Comprehend this scenario:

6 shots fired, 9 entry/exit/reentry wounds on the body, the report states that one of the bullets created 5 wounds, and 3 bullets recovered from the body - Therefore we can logically account for 8 wounds on the body, with 3 or 4 bullets. That leaves 2 or 3 shots which are not inherently accounted for.

~ Shooting at Brown while he's running and missing 2 or 3 times.
Ok, now the shot to the palm of his hand.....................

It didn't indicate his palm, it was his thumb towards his wrist.

yes and if you put his arm straight out more or less

a path exists through the fleshly thumb area

along the forearm into the chest

That was my thought, football style, as well and the shot to the head too.

The eye one though... he'd have had to shoot him while Brown was going down unless it was in the car... Maybe the hat caught the gun powder? Or Brown was pulling out of the window and happened to be a foot or two away?
6 Bullets and no gunpowder on Brown's body because, as I conjectured, he was shot from at least 35 feet away. You can see that in the YouTube video.

This unqualified, amateur semi-adult racist Wilson had no business being on a police force anywhere. And the Ferguson PD know it.

They tried to distract the public with the store video from this murder, but it's not going to work.

Wilson could have maimed that kid in the knee. Hell, any Jersey or New York Mafia boss will tell you that.

Was Mike naked when shot?

The residue is likely on the clothes.
Does anyone here know anything at all about guns?


Brown was shot in the arm and in the head. No, powder residue probably will not be found on the clothes because to leave powder residue, the shot must be at close range and would leave the barrel of the gun and expand outward in the same path as the bullet. So, if the bullet hit Brown in his bare arm or bare head, and there is no power residue, there should logically not be any on his clothes.

Not that it makes any difference.

For Brown to have powder residue, he would have to be within 5 feet of the cop, probably closer. As to the cops description of what happened, I doubt that Brown got within 5 feet of him.

The absence of powder residue is a non issue.

I can go along with the lighting question, not the surrendering. He was running towards and armed officer, after fleeing to surrender?

Just questions, four shots in one arm idoesn't indicate "charging", it appears as if his arm was stretched out, and UP.

So, a racist cop wants to take the black kid out and shoots him 4 times in his outstretched arm to do it?



The PM stated "at least 6 times" and his atty said
None of the bullets entered from the front, Crump said.

The pathologist also said,
“In my capacity as the forensic examiner for the New York State Police, I would say, ‘You’re not supposed to shoot so many times,’ ” said Dr. Baden, who retired from the state police in 2011. “Right now there is too little information to forensically reconstruct the shooting.”

"The eye one though... he'd have had to shoot him while Brown was going down unless it was in the car... Maybe the hat caught the gun powder? Or Brown was pulling out of the window and happened to be a foot or two away?"

Odds are the kid charged the cop and the cop started shooting...as he was hit, the kid fell forward and then recieved the two shots to the head...

If you have ever studied fighting and gun fights in particular shooting six times rapidly against a rushing opponent is very likely...seeing the wounds to the arms, the cop probably started shooting as he raised his gun...as he was raising it, the kid fell as he charged, maybe lost his balance due to the shots, or simply tripped...

From what we have seen so far...this officer should not be charged with a crime...

Remember...he was alone facing 2 suspects, one of them, the guy who was 292 pounds and 6' 4" tall charged him...after having had a quick fight at the door of the squad car...
"not supposed to shoot so many times,’ ” said Dr. Baden, "

I would bet quite a lot of money that Dr. Baden has never been charged at by a 292, 6' 4" male teenager at fairly close range...that might be out of his wheel house...Perhaps he could try that experiment himself sometime...
Bull shit. 'Big Mike' had run away about thirty feet and then turned around and started going after Wilson. Wilson fired in self defense and hit 'Big Mike's' arm three times. Those rounds where not enough to stop a 300 pound 6'4" man on PCP.
A witness saw what actually happened and was recorded: A Witness Conversation Unknowingly Captured at the Scene of the Ferguson Shooting is a Game-Changer
The three witnesses who claimed BM was shot in the back all turned out to be liars.
Now no charges will be laid against Wilson.

Tox screen came back. No PCP.

Wilson is definitely going down for this.
From your link:

Mr. Brown, 18, was also shot four times in the right arm, he said, adding that all the bullets were fired into his front.

Who are you going to believe, the expert or the lawyer?


The one I just watched, Washington Post, guy says 2 shots through the arm and a graze wound on the palm. Palm one could be while he was running away. We just don't know.

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