6 Bullets and No Gunpowder on Brown's Body

If he was charging the officer, the hits on the arm will bear that out if the points of entry indicate that. If standing prone in surrender, it'll show that as well. Why the autopsy is so critical. And probably why the family requested the second one. Both vindicated the officer.

Check out the news: NO GUN POWER ON HIM. He was shot at a distance.

Would the gun powder penetrate his clothing? Was the clothing available to the medical examiner?

If he was shot in the arm, wouldn't there be residue on his hands, face, and possibly (if wearing short sleeves) his arms?
6 Bullets and no gunpowder on Brown's body because, as I conjectured, he was shot from at least 35 feet away. You can see that in the YouTube video.

This unqualified, amateur semi-adult racist Wilson had no business being on a police force anywhere. And the Ferguson PD know it.

They tried to distract the public with the store video from this murder, but it's not going to work.

Wilson could have maimed that kid in the knee. Hell, any Jersey or New York Mafia boss will tell you that.

I am a New York Mafia boss. :badgrin::D

You see a threat on your life charging, you aim for center mass.

Yet no shots to the center, and yes, gunpowder on clothing is important. I still question the lighting, could the officer actually see well enough to aim? Could Brown have been coming towards him trying to surrender? The officer may have thought there was weapon in the raised hand.....

Those wounds appear to be revealing. Especially the head wound. It;s at the top of the head where it is slightly bowed down as if he's running toward the Police officer and the wounds on the arm are in the front of the arm as if he has his arms up coming at him.

Holder is asking for a third autopsy report. He didn't like the first two.
If he was charging the officer, the hits on the arm will bear that out if the points of entry indicate that. If standing prone in surrender, it'll show that as well. Why the autopsy is so critical. And probably why the family requested the second one. Both vindicated the officer.

Check out the news: NO GUN POWER ON HIM. He was shot at a distance.

Would the gun powder penetrate his clothing? Was the clothing available to the medical examiner?

Not to Baden.
Check out the news: NO GUN POWER ON HIM. He was shot at a distance.

Would the gun powder penetrate his clothing? Was the clothing available to the medical examiner?

If he was shot in the arm, wouldn't there be residue on his hands, face, and possibly (if wearing short sleeves) his arms?

residue varies per weapon

no residue on bare skin greater then 3-5 ft

not considering wind conditions that day
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I am a New York Mafia boss. :badgrin::D

You see a threat on your life charging, you aim for center mass.

Yet no shots to the center, and yes, gunpowder on clothing is important. I still question the lighting, could the officer actually see well enough to aim? Could Brown have been coming towards him trying to surrender? The officer may have thought there was weapon in the raised hand.....

gunpowder on clothing is important

this autopsy did not test for that

another department does that testing

if there turns out to be residue

the two are 3-5 ft apart or less

"The bullets did not appear to have been shot from very close range because no gunpowder was present on his body. However, that determination could change if it turns out that there is gunshot residue on Mr. Brown’s clothing, to which Dr. Baden did not have access.""

The entry wounds are his head and arm. Unless you didn't notice, Brown's shirt was worn on his torso.

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I am a New York Mafia boss. :badgrin::D

You see a threat on your life charging, you aim for center mass.

Yet no shots to the center, and yes, gunpowder on clothing is important. I still question the lighting, could the officer actually see well enough to aim? Could Brown have been coming towards him trying to surrender? The officer may have thought there was weapon in the raised hand.....
I can go along with the lighting question, not the surrendering. He was running towards and armed officer, after fleeing to surrender?

Just questions, four shots in one arm idoesn't indicate "charging", it appears as if his arm was stretched out, and UP.
6 Bullets and no gunpowder on Brown's body because, as I conjectured, he was shot from at least 35 feet away. You can see that in the YouTube video.

This unqualified, amateur semi-adult racist Wilson had no business being on a police force anywhere. And the Ferguson PD know it.

They tried to distract the public with the store video from this murder, but it's not going to work.

Wilson could have maimed that kid in the knee. Hell, any Jersey or New York Mafia boss will tell you that.

35 feet? Where did you get that figure?? I have always read that having gunshot residue means the gun was close. Not having it doesn't mean 35 feet.
Yet no shots to the center, and yes, gunpowder on clothing is important. I still question the lighting, could the officer actually see well enough to aim? Could Brown have been coming towards him trying to surrender? The officer may have thought there was weapon in the raised hand.....

gunpowder on clothing is important

this autopsy did not test for that

another department does that testing

if there turns out to be residue

the two are 3-5 ft apart or less

"The bullets did not appear to have been shot from very close range because no gunpowder was present on his body. However, that determination could change if it turns out that there is gunshot residue on Mr. Brown’s clothing, to which Dr. Baden did not have access.""

The entry wounds are his head and arm. Unless you didn't notice, Brown's shirt was worn on his torso.


Gunshot residues emitted from the muzzle will travel out to distances of approximately 3 and 5 feet in most firearms but in some cases can travel even greater distances. At the 3-5 foot range the gunshot residues may only consist of a few trace particles and make determining the firing distance difficult if not impossible.

Gunshot Residue - FirearmsID.com
Yet no shots to the center, and yes, gunpowder on clothing is important. I still question the lighting, could the officer actually see well enough to aim? Could Brown have been coming towards him trying to surrender? The officer may have thought there was weapon in the raised hand.....
I can go along with the lighting question, not the surrendering. He was running towards and armed officer, after fleeing to surrender?

Just questions, four shots in one arm idoesn't indicate "charging", it appears as if his arm was stretched out, and UP.

Again, shots to the front of his arms means his arms were not up. Arms up the back of your arms face forward
6 Bullets and no gunpowder on Brown's body because, as I conjectured, he was shot from at least 35 feet away. You can see that in the YouTube video.

This unqualified, amateur semi-adult racist Wilson had no business being on a police force anywhere. And the Ferguson PD know it.

They tried to distract the public with the store video from this murder, but it's not going to work.

Wilson could have maimed that kid in the knee. Hell, any Jersey or New York Mafia boss will tell you that.

there would not be gunpowder residue on his body

he was dressed

as the doctor said

So there should be some on the clothing, right?

And fingerprints on the gun holster and gun..or at least some DNA.

To, you know, confirm that the kid came into the car and reached for the gun.

I can go along with the lighting question, not the surrendering. He was running towards and armed officer, after fleeing to surrender?

Just questions, four shots in one arm idoesn't indicate "charging", it appears as if his arm was stretched out, and UP.

Again, shots to the front of his arms means his arms were not up. Arms up the back of your arms face forward

they could be up

but then the bullet could not skip along the arm

i would like to see the actual report

anyone have a copy
6 Bullets and no gunpowder on Brown's body because, as I conjectured, he was shot from at least 35 feet away. You can see that in the YouTube video.

This unqualified, amateur semi-adult racist Wilson had no business being on a police force anywhere. And the Ferguson PD know it.

They tried to distract the public with the store video from this murder, but it's not going to work.

Wilson could have maimed that kid in the knee. Hell, any Jersey or New York Mafia boss will tell you that.

there would not be gunpowder residue on his body

he was dressed

as the doctor said

So there should be some on the clothing, right?

And fingerprints on the gun holster and gun..or at least some DNA.

To, you know, confirm that the kid came into the car and reached for the gun.


So there should be some on the clothing, right?

maybe if big mike was closer then 3-5 ft during the last shots
I can go along with the lighting question, not the surrendering. He was running towards and armed officer, after fleeing to surrender?

Just questions, four shots in one arm idoesn't indicate "charging", it appears as if his arm was stretched out, and UP.

Again, shots to the front of his arms means his arms were not up. Arms up the back of your arms face forward

How do you get that?

They may have been up...and came down as a defensive reflex.
I can go along with the lighting question, not the surrendering. He was running towards and armed officer, after fleeing to surrender?

Just questions, four shots in one arm idoesn't indicate "charging", it appears as if his arm was stretched out, and UP.

Again, shots to the front of his arms means his arms were not up. Arms up the back of your arms face forward

Ok, now the shot to the palm of his hand.....................
6 Bullets and no gunpowder on Brown's body because, as I conjectured, he was shot from at least 35 feet away. You can see that in the YouTube video.

This unqualified, amateur semi-adult racist Wilson had no business being on a police force anywhere. And the Ferguson PD know it.

They tried to distract the public with the store video from this murder, but it's not going to work.

Wilson could have maimed that kid in the knee. Hell, any Jersey or New York Mafia boss will tell you that.

Police aren't trained to shoot in the knees. They are trained to shoot center mass.

The lack of gun residue and as well as the fact he shot him six times indicates this was excessive use of force.
Bull shit. 'Big Mike' had run away about thirty feet and then turned around and started going after Wilson. Wilson fired in self defense and hit 'Big Mike's' arm three times. Those rounds where not enough to stop a 300 pound 6'4" man on PCP.
A witness saw what actually happened and was recorded: A Witness Conversation Unknowingly Captured at the Scene of the Ferguson Shooting is a Game-Changer
The three witnesses who claimed BM was shot in the back all turned out to be liars.
Now no charges will be laid against Wilson.
If he were charging at the officer and reaching towards him, his hands would have been in the line of fire for his center of body mass.

If he was charging the officer, the hits on the arm will bear that out if the points of entry indicate that. If standing prone in surrender, it'll show that as well. Why the autopsy is so critical. And probably why the family requested the second one. Both vindicated the officer.

Check out the news: NO GUN POWER ON HIM. He was shot at a distance.

How far do you think gun powder residue travels? So you know, the OUTER LIMIT is five feet.

Now, define "distance".

there would not be gunpowder residue on his body

he was dressed

as the doctor said

So there should be some on the clothing, right?

And fingerprints on the gun holster and gun..or at least some DNA.

To, you know, confirm that the kid came into the car and reached for the gun.


So there should be some on the clothing, right?

maybe if big mike was closer then 3-5 ft during the last shots

The officer said they were struggling in the car over the gun.

Then a shot went off.

So? If there was a struggle in the car there should be residue on the cloths from the gunshot.


And Mr. Brown's fingerprints and DNA on the gun/holster..well heck..somewhere inside the car..right?
6 Bullets and no gunpowder on Brown's body because, as I conjectured, he was shot from at least 35 feet away. You can see that in the YouTube video.

This unqualified, amateur semi-adult racist Wilson had no business being on a police force anywhere. And the Ferguson PD know it.

They tried to distract the public with the store video from this murder, but it's not going to work.

Wilson could have maimed that kid in the knee. Hell, any Jersey or New York Mafia boss will tell you that.

Police aren't trained to shoot in the knees. They are trained to shoot center mass.

The lack of gun residue and as well as the fact he shot him six times indicates this was excessive use of force.

Or it indicates that the cop panicked.

6 shots from 30 feet away - yep, the cop got one look at that lethal box of cigars pointed at him and went to pieces.
Just questions, four shots in one arm idoesn't indicate "charging", it appears as if his arm was stretched out, and UP.

Again, shots to the front of his arms means his arms were not up. Arms up the back of your arms face forward

Ok, now the shot to the palm of his hand.....................

It didn't indicate his palm, it was his thumb towards his wrist.

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