6 Criminal Referals The DOJ Has Been Ignoring Because They Are Anti-Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

referred McCabe for criminal prosecution on April 18, 2018 - ALMOST 1 YEAR AGO - for his crimes that include Leaking / perjury.

2. Glenn Simpson, Fusion GPS

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) did not formally refer Glenn Simpson for criminal prosecution but calls for official recommendation for his indictment for Perjury has been made. Simpson
testified to Congress that Fusion GPS had no client after the election for which his company continued anti-Trump research. This is a lie and a particularly obvious one.

3. Trump-Hating ex-foreign Spy, ex-FBI employee, Dossier author/compiler

On February 5, 2018, senators Grassley and Lindsey Graham(R-S.C.) referred Christopher Steele for criminal prosecution for lying - Perjury - about his contacts with numerous media organization prior to the election.

4. Rod Rosenstein, Deputy US AG

FISA Abuse (according to Ohr testimony), non-compliance with Congressional subpeonas, Perjury, and potentially Seditious Conspiracy

5. Former FBI Director James Comey

On April 18, 2018, members of Congress
referred former FBI Director James Comey for prosecution for leaking classified information and for Perjury - lying about the decision to exonerate Hillary Clinton

6. Hillary Clinton

Perjury, Obstruction, Illegal possession / handling / Destruction of classified, Obstruction, Espionage
*** Evidence revealed the Obama administration's DOJ and FBO collaborated together to protect Hillary Clinton from indictment / prosecution for her proven crimes.

There ARE more...

Bar and his team, once fully assembled, have a full plate. Hopefully he will have the personal fortitude / will to hold them accountable.

6 Criminal Referrals DOJ Is Ignoring Because The Perps Are Anti-Trump

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