6 dead because an idiot drove drunk.

So, this chick is drunk, decides to drive anyway, enters the freeway going the wrong way and 6 are now dead.

Bet she gets a hand slap.
I hope not. I hope she spends the rest of days in prison where she belongs. Just a terrible, terrible tragedy.
She killed 6 people. No one had better dare argue that she 'didn't know what she was doing'. She chose to get drunk, didn't she?
She killed 6 people. No one had better dare argue that she 'didn't know what she was doing'. She chose to get drunk, didn't she?

She can get drunk all she likes. She is 21 years old and was out clubbing, probably. But getting drunk then getting behind the wheel is another whole ballgame. 21 years old, murders 6 people.

She better get a whole lot of years for this. And if not, she better be ready to pay up to 6 families that lost a loved one....for the rest of her life.
Bah. Never mind. I've been here longer than I planned.

Off to watch my movie. Do carry on finding excuses for this bimbo.
our DUI penalties are far too lax. this is such a sick tragedy. IMO, if we had stricter DUI penalties, these tragedies would diminish.
The reality is that countries do not punish drunk driving severely enough. Could that be the politicians catering to the alcohol lobbies?
Thats a damn shame. I wonder what the story behind the story is? I just dont get why people drink and drive.

If people don't get help with their drunken addictions and reckless behavior,
too often it leads to incidents where their problems become other people's problems.
if they don't wake up and get help on their own, sadly this is finally forced on them after someone dies.

unfortunately our laws do not give authority to the govt to police addictions which are personal
and not state jurisdiction until criminal abuse occurs, either criminal complaints or charges.

this allows problems to escalate until someone gets injured or killed.
and then state authority has jurisdiction to intervene and impose conditions on someone's
freedom as a consequence, after they've committed a crime and been convicted by due process.

clearly we need earlier intervention, but this is personal and cannot be mandated by the state.

so the solution I'd like to propose is to adopt health and safety ordinances where residents of local districts or cities could vote to "opt in" and agree to police their own cases of addictions and abuses before they become crimes, such as allow complaints of abuse to be enough to warrant counseling for the people involved, both the complainant and the person complained about to settle their grievances by counseling. if someone is tested to have an addiction that poses a risk to themselves or others, then rehab could be agreed upon first detection. and if counselors investigate and find both parties to be involved in abusing each other,then both parties are subject to counseling to resolve the conflicts to prevent crimes. so there would not be criminal or civil charges at this level, just complaints of abuse whre the residents of a community agree to a counseling process, such as written into their civics association or homeowners' policies, to intervene at first complaint to settle conflicts and try to catch any dangerous addiction or criminal behavior earlier on. if this is done in a process agreed upon locally by all members of a neighborhood association, it isn't being imposed by the state.

my bf suggests to offer rewards for citizens to get 250 out of the drunk drivers' fines for reporting a driver that actually leads to conviction. so if you reward citizens for reporting this, that would enlist the help of more citizens to police for dangerous behavior and it would come out of the convicted drivers fines.
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The reality is that countries do not punish drunk driving severely enough. Could that be the politicians catering to the alcohol lobbies?

That's why the businesses are hard to sue because so much money is made off alcohol.

what's worse, is because of "separation of church and state" people have turned against anything religious. although the best cures for addiction are the spiritual healing methods of either AA and/or deliverance prayers to free people of deep rooted causes of this sickness.

this treatment cannot be mandated, but only works where it is freely chosen where people truly chose to change. it cannot be forced by law.

so unfortunately that means being stuck with a bunch of addicts who can't be forced into rehab by the state unless they are convicted of a crime.

so it is up to people to compel addicts they know of to get help. but because of this aversion to anything religious, people aren't getting that help but avoiding it.
Unfortunately, I don't think stiffer DUI penalties is going to solve the problem. When a lot of these people get drunk they lose their inhibitions. If the risk of death isn't enough to deter them, the risk of a jail sentence probably won't as well. I'm not saying there shouldn't be stiffer penalties, but it's not a solution.

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