6 fake Democrats force Wis. primaries in recalls targeting incumbent GOP seats over u

This putz is actually trying to argue that, "my hypocrisy is less than your hypocrisy, therefore I'm better than you."


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

They want to link the two situations so they can call people hypocrites.....until it's back on them and suddenly there is nuance to be discussed.

Hilarius, huh?


Doesn't you mama get tired of you using old home movies of her?
Ah those tricky Wisconsin Republicans!

6 fake Democrats force Wis. primaries in recalls targeting incumbent GOP seats over unions law

MADISON, Wis. - The first recall elections targeting nine Wisconsin state senators for their positions on Republican Gov. Scott Walker's divisive union rights restrictions pitted six fake Democrats on Tuesday against Democratic incumbents supported by the party.

The winners will advance to take on incumbent Republicans targeted for recall on Aug. 9.

The state Republican Party orchestrated the placement of the fake Democrats on Tuesday's ballot, thereby delaying the general election for a month. That gave the Republican incumbents more time to campaign and distance themselves from the turmoil over the union law that they voted to support in March, spurring the recall efforts

6 fake Democrats force Wis. primaries in recalls targeting incumbent GOP seats over unions law | StarTribune.com

I wonder how much money that move will cost Wisconsin voters? I thought the Wisconsin GOP was all about saving tax payers money and cutting the state's deficit. I guess not!

The GOP just keeps getting sleazier and sleazier everyday.

Yeah, they should just register cartoon characters and dead folks like democrats are known to do.
if I recall you were quite ok with the dems running away from their session to hide in Illinois...how do you square the circle here? :eusa_eh:

I sure was.

Funny that you use the expression square the cirlce when you are trying to compare apples and anvils. In others words there is no cirlce for me to square. You're the one widdling.

let me recap; sworn elected officials pull out of a session of the legislature that requires their vote, they lam it to another state so as to prevent a quorum for the session, there by attempting to stop any and all legislation.


The state Republican Party orchestrated the placement of the fake Democrats on Tuesday's ballot, thereby delaying the general election for a month.

You do realize, like it or not, this is legal?

They broke no laws.

So, you take no issue and defend the actions of the officials how left the sate but, here, you now take issue with the placement of candidates…..

Right is right, wrong is wrong. Yes?

It seems to me that the people who matter....the Wisconsin voters.....are deciding right now on whether or not the Dems leaving the state was acceptable. And it looks like you're wrong.

The "people who matter" are also deciding if it was right for the GOP to waste taxpayer money on "fake" candidates. And it looks like you're wrong about that too.
Ah those tricky Wisconsin Republicans!

6 fake Democrats force Wis. primaries in recalls targeting incumbent GOP seats over unions law

MADISON, Wis. - The first recall elections targeting nine Wisconsin state senators for their positions on Republican Gov. Scott Walker's divisive union rights restrictions pitted six fake Democrats on Tuesday against Democratic incumbents supported by the party.

The winners will advance to take on incumbent Republicans targeted for recall on Aug. 9.

The state Republican Party orchestrated the placement of the fake Democrats on Tuesday's ballot, thereby delaying the general election for a month. That gave the Republican incumbents more time to campaign and distance themselves from the turmoil over the union law that they voted to support in March, spurring the recall efforts

6 fake Democrats force Wis. primaries in recalls targeting incumbent GOP seats over unions law | StarTribune.com

I wonder how much money that move will cost Wisconsin voters? I thought the Wisconsin GOP was all about saving tax payers money and cutting the state's deficit. I guess not!

No matter how the echo chamber chooses to censor, spin or deflect from this post the facts are clear. The Republican Party leaders in Wisconsin are sleaze, i.e. low and despicalble, anit-democratic, anti-American, dishonest frauds and so are those members of the Fifth column who support such activites.
Maybe if those democrats had stayed in Wisconsin and done their jobs they wouldn't be facing any recalls at all.

Maybe if those patriots who tossed the tea into Boston harbor had stayed home you'd have socialized medicine and pay taxes without representation.

Maybe if those Boston Partriots stayed home you'd be a subject and not a citizen.
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This is standard operating procedure. Politics is a shady business.


It is anti-democratic, anti-American, reprehensible, dishonest, unethical and the actions of a sleaze.

I'm guessing you've never worked in election politics.

Whether or not it is all those things you listed, it (or similarly shady things) happen in every election you've ever heard of. Including every politician you've ever voted for.
There are people living in wisconsin who were outraged that those workers that were targeted actually stood up and made some noise. What did they think was going to happen? Were they just supposed to lay down and take it? What kind of person would not go down swinging? Answer: A SLAVE
I have never been a public worker nor have I ever been a member of a union but I sure am THANKFUL for the recall process in wisconsin. I forsee 2 republicans and 4 dems winning. Whether its going to change anything in this state I dont know but if I were one of those workers I would have been making alot of noise too. When you attack, you have to expect an attack back. I feel ALL public unions should have taken the hit, not just the ones picked. The political climate in wisconsin will NEVER recover. It could have been done differently.
This is standard operating procedure. Politics is a shady business.


It is anti-democratic, anti-American, reprehensible, dishonest, unethical and the actions of a sleaze.

I'm guessing you've never worked in election politics.

Whether or not it is all those things you listed, it (or similarly shady things) happen in every election you've ever heard of. Including every politician you've ever voted for.

Name one person, one election, one time a Democrat entered a Republican Primary as a means to commit fraud. Name one.

It is anti-democratic, anti-American, reprehensible, dishonest, unethical and the actions of a sleaze.

I'm guessing you've never worked in election politics.

Whether or not it is all those things you listed, it (or similarly shady things) happen in every election you've ever heard of. Including every politician you've ever voted for.

Name one person, one election, one time a Democrat entered a Republican Primary as a means to commit fraud. Name one.

"as a means to commit fraud"?

There was no "fraud" here. But as to your question - Jack Davis.
Maybe if those democrats had stayed in Wisconsin and done their jobs they wouldn't be facing any recalls at all.

Maybe if you paid any attention you'd see this thread is about the recall efforts against Republicans in Wis.
And that's why it's bullshit. But I doubt it's going to even come close to succeeding even with "real" liberals anywhere... just like 90% of all recalls end up. I mean really?? Nancy Nusbaum and three 80 year old fossils?

Good luck on that.
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you have no honor and are dishonest, and for what? an ego boost on an internet forum? dude....:doubt:

Says the guy who since the moment he entered this thread has done everything he can to derail it....

You're a fuggin' joke, dude.

If that's your idea of honor, shove it.

Oh, and have a great day!

So... you want me to give equal value to elected officials violating their oaths of office and leaving the state to unconstitutionally thwart the democratic process to that of people of different philosophical bents applying to be candidates for a party they do not agree with?


That's what we're going to try and play? Read the whole maxim. I at least am working to minimize my hypocrisy. And you?

I want to see some consistency from you.

The Dems leave state and you were right in the middle of the heated debate running on all cylinders.

Now the GOP sets up fake candidates and you couldn't manage anything but a passing agreement that it was wrong but not til after you put the full court press in effect to deflect from the OP.

Oh, and the Dems did the right thing leaving.
Consistency. You want consistency when you have none of your own? Okay. Here's the consistency you apparently are blind to.

1. Wisconsin has an open primary, and therefore ANYONE can vote in them regardless of party.

2. If there is a law against someone trying to run in either party if they give to the opposition, I've see no evidence to show it. I suspect that there isn't even party rules against it. You get the petition's quota, you're on on whatever you declare.

3. I see it alleged in the STrib article that the GOP has organized it, but all I've found have been articles pointing to the GOP "ENCOURAGING" it. Slimy if true. Then again, this whole recall bullshit is slimy.

4. There is no equivalency between these 'faux democrats' and the fleebaggers who ran from their duty as elected officials. They violated their oath of office. Since there is apparently no law against putting anyone on the ballot for either party in an open primary. So, no equivalency. Call this the "Michael Bloomberg clause".

5. You say we do it too, and would be whining if it was our side being afflicted. Fine. This may very well be true. But your side would be also saying that we should shut up and listen to the will of the people. This is why Zander is right, and I am just as right to criticize the hypocrisy and state that they should close the primaries. This is not an inconsistency on my part because my issue has ALWAYS been the hypocrisy of your whining for something you do as well.

This is consistent. You're just pissed off because I'm right, you are hypocrites and your attempts to assuage the guilt over it have failed.

Zander is right. And like another poster pointed out...gave the adult response.

You, are wrong and gave the hack response. Just like Trajan.

The same goes to you, you can bark all day that I am a hypocrite and it's just as wrong the first time you made the accusation.

Oh, and have a nice day.

Maybe if those democrats had stayed in Wisconsin and done their jobs they wouldn't be facing any recalls at all.

And this whole thing could have been avoided in the first place had the GOP stopped with simply increasing what the public union employees had to pay for benefits. But no, they had to push the envelope and take away their rights to collective bargaining.

So now they are seeing voter backlash and the GOP is squealing like a stuck pig (or elephant).

So as we are seeing now the voters are going to toss out some Sentaors on their fat, lazy asses.

And after the voters are done with them the Governor will be next as soon as the law allows.


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