6 New Gun Control Laws Pass in California

Yeah did you not see the "as may be employed in the service of the United States "Part?

BTW that does not contradict my assertion. The militia was the people not the government

LOL, I sure did read that part, it seems you intentionally missed, "...and for governing such part of them" ... reserving to the States respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the Authority of the training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress"

Now, answer this, what discipline did the officers appointed by the Governor of Oregon or Arizona provide to the self proclaimed militia members of the Bundy gang?

What? No officers were appointed to discipline the militia, err, gang?

But I'll digress for a moment, let's suppose 25 armed black men claimed federal land as their own? Don't answer, it is simply food for thought. You might lie to me, but don't lie to yourself.

No. The Bill of Right is about citizen rights, not government "rights." Governments don't have "rights."

Duh (are you 2aguy in drag?).

That said, your response is also a non sequitur.

Are you crazy or just desperately clinging to nonsense to save face?

No, at the moment I'm watching the Giants game and laughing at how obsessive you and 2aguy have become, and how you fail to understand those who enable killers are terrorists, though they don't fire a gun or toss a bomb. Periodically our dog drops a Frisbee at my feet and I go out and toss her a few, then check the ribs slowly cooking on our Giant Green Egg.

You are a ridiculous loser.
So? If denied do they have the right to appeal?

No, there is no right to appeal. NYC has decided only the wealthy, celebrities and those who carry cash on hand may obtain a handgun permit

You digress with a Straw Man. Next time make sure your straw is dry and the scarecrow isn't dressed in asbestos overalls.

It shows that liberals have a habit of picking and choosing at their convenience which laws to follow, and how they want to create laws to punish others and limit their freedoms, but will look the other way at laws that affect their allies/those they deem as such.

I suspect you're a roads scholar, someone who walks along highways reading graffiti. You sure as hell haven't understood the meaning of validity, reliability, dependant and independant variables.

"It shows that (all) liberals ... " is a foolish statement (adding the term "all" is something one learns in Introduction to Logic when studying the premises in a syllogism.
LOL, I sure did read that part, it seems you intentionally missed, "...and for governing such part of them" ... reserving to the States respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the Authority of the training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress"

Now, answer this, what discipline did the officers appointed by the Governor of Oregon or Arizona provide to the self proclaimed militia members of the Bundy gang?

What? No officers were appointed to discipline the militia, err, gang?

But I'll digress for a moment, let's suppose 25 armed black men claimed federal land as their own? Don't answer, it is simply food for thought. You might lie to me, but don't lie to yourself.

No. The Bill of Right is about citizen rights, not government "rights." Governments don't have "rights."

Duh (are you 2aguy in drag?).

That said, your response is also a non sequitur.

Are you crazy or just desperately clinging to nonsense to save face?

No, at the moment I'm watching the Giants game and laughing at how obsessive you and 2aguy have become, and how you fail to understand those who enable killers are terrorists, though they don't fire a gun or toss a bomb. Periodically our dog drops a Frisbee at my feet and I go out and toss her a few, then check the ribs slowly cooking on our Giant Green Egg.

You are a ridiculous loser.

You've proven to be a childish concrete thinker, only adept with idiot-grams and poorly written ad hominems.
No. The Bill of Right is about citizen rights, not government "rights." Governments don't have "rights."

Duh (are you 2aguy in drag?).

That said, your response is also a non sequitur.

Are you crazy or just desperately clinging to nonsense to save face?

No, at the moment I'm watching the Giants game and laughing at how obsessive you and 2aguy have become, and how you fail to understand those who enable killers are terrorists, though they don't fire a gun or toss a bomb. Periodically our dog drops a Frisbee at my feet and I go out and toss her a few, then check the ribs slowly cooking on our Giant Green Egg.

You are a ridiculous loser.

You've proven to be a childish concrete thinker, only adept with idiot-grams and poorly written ad hominems.

You're an anti-rights traitor to the American people who would have been hung for your rhetoric at one time. I hate anti-rights people passionately.
Duh (are you 2aguy in drag?).

That said, your response is also a non sequitur.

Are you crazy or just desperately clinging to nonsense to save face?

No, at the moment I'm watching the Giants game and laughing at how obsessive you and 2aguy have become, and how you fail to understand those who enable killers are terrorists, though they don't fire a gun or toss a bomb. Periodically our dog drops a Frisbee at my feet and I go out and toss her a few, then check the ribs slowly cooking on our Giant Green Egg.

You are a ridiculous loser.

You've proven to be a childish concrete thinker, only adept with idiot-grams and poorly written ad hominems.

You're an anti-rights traitor to the American people who would have been hung for your rhetoric at one time. I hate anti-rights people passionately.

I suppose that's true, but fortunately I don't live in the Third Reich, and Trump hasn't yet burned down Congress and sent you and the other brown shirts out hunting.
People who like their rights should move out of California. It's turning into Cubafornia. :biggrin:

Great idea. If you want to carry a gun to the mall or supermarket please do move to a Red State. You won't be missed in California. We already have over 10% of the nation's population so allowing a few ammosexuals free travel to points east is well worth the expense. And those not living here, don't bother coming, while jobs are plentiful they require higher education degrees and real 21st Century skills; post WW II homes built in urban areas here are 1,100 sq. ft. and cost in the million dollar range, and remember road kill is hard to find on our restaurant menus.
California sucks ass. Guess what? Liberal POS G Brown gets nothing from me. Made my pension there and have taken it to a state income tax free state. See, you liberal losers can't control shit of mine anymore. And like I said, kiss taxing my pension goodbye to fund you fucking assholes.


That this situation has not received the much greater attention it should have is rock solid proof that the media is liberal/leftwing-biased to an extreme.

The Remembrance Project

Here in the Bay Area the tragic killing of Ms. Steinle has gotten a lot of press and every law enforcement agency is going over their policies on guns.
SFPD once required its officers to carry their service gun at all time, and that meant off duty. That policy was revised years ago for it proved to be problematic.

So? I don't see where they are doing anything. Off duty police carrying guns apparently ended, or the requirement to carry. So when is San Francisco going to end its sanctuary city status?
Are you crazy or just desperately clinging to nonsense to save face?

No, at the moment I'm watching the Giants game and laughing at how obsessive you and 2aguy have become, and how you fail to understand those who enable killers are terrorists, though they don't fire a gun or toss a bomb. Periodically our dog drops a Frisbee at my feet and I go out and toss her a few, then check the ribs slowly cooking on our Giant Green Egg.

You are a ridiculous loser.

You've proven to be a childish concrete thinker, only adept with idiot-grams and poorly written ad hominems.

You're an anti-rights traitor to the American people who would have been hung for your rhetoric at one time. I hate anti-rights people passionately.

I suppose that's true, but fortunately I don't live in the Third Reich, and Trump hasn't yet burned down Congress and sent you and the other brown shirts out hunting.

The brown shirts? This isn't the 1950s. :eusa_hand: I'm just stating the facts. There was a time in history when people who betrayed our country and our constitution would suffer capital punishment. Good thing I'm anti capital punishment, but 100 or so years ago, you would probably not be such a schmuck.
A lot of you goodly folks has gotten into a big pissing contest.

The O/P's point is regarding Cali's new assault weapons bans.

The question is will it make a difference?

The difference is that now home grown self radicalized Islamists will need to buy their assault weapons in Arizona, Nevada, or Oregon in order to shoot up California.

We have not heard much about the dumb azz who bought the guns for the San Bernardino Islamist couple.

I wonder what happened to that rat bastard?
I suspect you're a roads scholar, someone who walks along highways reading graffiti. You sure as hell haven't understood the meaning of validity, reliability, dependant and independant variables.

I avoided making personal attacks against you, even when others more familiar with you were doing so as I try to give everyone a chance. I further refrained from doing so even after you condescended with your pseudo intellectual bravado involving your alleged statistical knowledge.

Since you have been reduced to nothing more than a defeated demagogue without a real argument, I won't lower myself to your level and continue this conversation. You've simply proven right each one of your detractors with your childish insults - you've got nothing in your quiver, just nonsense.
I suspect you're a roads scholar, someone who walks along highways reading graffiti. You sure as hell haven't understood the meaning of validity, reliability, dependant and independant variables.

I avoided making personal attacks against you, even when others more familiar with you were doing so as I try to give everyone a chance. I further refrained from doing so even after you condescended with your pseudo intellectual bravado involving your alleged statistical knowledge.

Since you have been reduced to nothing more than a defeated demagogue without a real argument, I won't lower myself to your level and continue this conversation. You've simply proven right each one of your detractors with your childish insults - you've got nothing in your quiver, just nonsense.

What you consider an insult, I offer as constructive criticism.
Are you crazy or just desperately clinging to nonsense to save face?

No, at the moment I'm watching the Giants game and laughing at how obsessive you and 2aguy have become, and how you fail to understand those who enable killers are terrorists, though they don't fire a gun or toss a bomb. Periodically our dog drops a Frisbee at my feet and I go out and toss her a few, then check the ribs slowly cooking on our Giant Green Egg.

You are a ridiculous loser.

You've proven to be a childish concrete thinker, only adept with idiot-grams and poorly written ad hominems.

You're an anti-rights traitor to the American people who would have been hung for your rhetoric at one time. I hate anti-rights people passionately.

I suppose that's true, but fortunately I don't live in the Third Reich, and Trump hasn't yet burned down Congress and sent you and the other brown shirts out hunting.

No...you are just trying to recreate it here in America...of course.....first comes disarming the people who stand in your way....

The only brown shirts are bernie and hilary...the ones attacking Trump supporters with fists and eggs......
A lot of you goodly folks has gotten into a big pissing contest.

The O/P's point is regarding Cali's new assault weapons bans.

The question is will it make a difference?

The difference is that now home grown self radicalized Islamists will need to buy their assault weapons in Arizona, Nevada, or Oregon in order to shoot up California.

We have not heard much about the dumb azz who bought the guns for the San Bernardino Islamist couple.

I wonder what happened to that rat bastard?

It won't make a difference...they have outlawed magazines and rifles, 8 million rifles, in order to Not stop killings in California.......any mass shooting so far could have been done with pistols and shotguns....so the whole point of banning certain rifles and magazines is arbitrary and uneccessary.....keeping in mind....France has completely banned all of it...magazines, rifles with detachable magazines......all illegal and unavailable in France....and terrorists, on government terrorist watch lists, known to the French government, got fully automatic rifles, explosives and pistols...with "high" capacity magazines.........easily.....

Also....actual research of mass shootings that have occurred shows that magazine capacity has nothing to do with the number of deaths, not one thing.

Yet they passed all of these new laws....which won't stop one crime or mass shooting......

And yet we are supposed to trust them to not go even farther once the next mass shooting happens....right?
There are more than enough laws on the books right now. More are just a load of bullshit.

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino appreciated the hell out of their gun free zone.

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