6 Proofs That God Exists

By the word of the Lord
It is a firm Jewish belief that words have power. The verse could have very easily been translated as, "By the power of the Lord..." Word's have power...and God spoke, "Light" and there was light. Amazing to contemplate.
The last thing a theist wants is proof of ‘god’
Sigh. See what I mean about "proper understanding"? Proof requires physical existence, physical matter that can be measured by at least one of five senses. The spirit does not have a physical existence, is not made of matter, cannot be measured. There.is.no.proof. There.can.be.no.proof. And this is the first thing that should be taught and learned. The problem with atheists is not that they do not understand God--It is that they do not even understand elementary science.

If we cannot teach them proof via teaching science, perhaps we can teach it via religion.

If the spirit is not physical, then how can the spirit have any impact on the physical?

How can God have made the universe if God isn't physical?
The physical didn't exist until GOD created it.

But how could God create the physical if God NOW has nothing to do with the physical?

It makes NO SENSE.

Psalm 33:6

By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host.

Don't quote the Bible at me. It's pointless.

If God has nothing to do with the physical NOW, then God has had nothing to do with the physical EVER.

If God made the universe, then God can impact the physical now.

It's called "logic"
If everything just happened, then there can be no eternality of anything and no rational reason for what exists to exist unless it's always been. And science has proven that this is not the case. And philosophy rationalizes that this isn't the case. And mathematics reveals that this cannot be the case. But GOD isn't a material being. HE reveals that HE is in fact SPIRIT. Unlike all the gods of the ancients, and all the things "moderns" desire ---- which are material. SPIRIT has no beginning.

Totally bogus.
The Universe does not require a creation or creator.
It could have always existed, or it could be the result of inanimate effects we just do not know about or understand.
The existence of the Universe in no way is proof God exists.
I don't know that we humans with our tiny little minds will ever understand the origin of existence. If God created the universe, how did God come to exist? If we conclude that God has no beginning and no end, doesn't that contradict the notion that everything complex must have a creator? Could it be that mass and energy has no beginning? Beats me, so I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
By virtue of the second law of thermodynamics matter and energy must have a beginning. There's no doubt the universe was created. Everything points to that.

If God created the universe, how did God come to exist? The only possible explanation is that God must be eternal and unchanging. That Mind, rather than emerging as a late outgrowth in the evolution of life, has existed always as the matrix, the source and condition of physical reality - that the stuff of which physical reality is composed is mind-stuff. It is Mind that has composed a physical universe that breeds life, and so eventually evolves creatures that know and create.

There is no law of thermodynamics that matter or energy must have a beginning.
In fact, physics says that matter and energy can not be created or destroyed.
Nothing points to the Universe being created, at all.
The last thing a theist wants is proof of ‘god’
Sigh. See what I mean about "proper understanding"? Proof requires physical existence, physical matter that can be measured by at least one of five senses. The spirit does not have a physical existence, is not made of matter, cannot be measured. There.is.no.proof. There.can.be.no.proof. And this is the first thing that should be taught and learned. The problem with atheists is not that they do not understand God--It is that they do not even understand elementary science.

If we cannot teach them proof via teaching science, perhaps we can teach it via religion.

If the spirit is not physical, then how can the spirit have any impact on the physical?

How can God have made the universe if God isn't physical?
The physical didn't exist until GOD created it.

But how could God create the physical if God NOW has nothing to do with the physical?

It makes NO SENSE.

Psalm 33:6

By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host.

Stop it with the pointless posts.

Just admit you can't take part in this conversation.
What's your point?
The point is that the world and its beings can be affected not only by what is physical, but also by that which is not physical. That which is not physical can still interact with that which is physical.
What do you mean by "attitude"?
Can an attitude affect life? Can words?

That's a complex answer.

Say for example I call you something horrible and you cry. Why did you cry? Is it because your "spirit" got sad? Or is it because of something else. And why if I say it to one person they cry, and to another they don't?

The reality is we're biological beings. We function on drugs.

If I go running, my body will produce adrenaline to help me run better. If I scare you, your body will produce adrenaline because it's preparing you to deal with something quickly.

So, it's all about drugs. The drugs impact you. It's not about the spirit.

I have adrenaline, a dog probably has adrenaline too. Does a dog have a spirit?

Trees can work together. There's a type of tree (or more than one type) that if it's attacked, it sends message to all the other trees which then produce a defensive mechanism to stop the attacks. Is that a spirit in there?
If everything just happened, then there can be no eternality of anything and no rational reason for what exists to exist unless it's always been. And science has proven that this is not the case. And philosophy rationalizes that this isn't the case. And mathematics reveals that this cannot be the case. But GOD isn't a material being. HE reveals that HE is in fact SPIRIT. Unlike all the gods of the ancients, and all the things "moderns" desire ---- which are material. SPIRIT has no beginning.

Totally bogus.
The Universe does not require a creation or creator.
It could have always existed, or it could be the result of inanimate effects we just do not know about or understand.
The existence of the Universe in no way is proof God exists.

Fortunately, science has proven that the UNIVERSE didn't always exist. Again, here is way an atheist has to say on this subject:
If everything just happened, then there can be no eternality of anything and no rational reason for what exists to exist unless it's always been. And science has proven that this is not the case. And philosophy rationalizes that this isn't the case. And mathematics reveals that this cannot be the case. But GOD isn't a material being. HE reveals that HE is in fact SPIRIT. Unlike all the gods of the ancients, and all the things "moderns" desire ---- which are material. SPIRIT has no beginning.

Totally bogus.
The Universe does not require a creation or creator.
It could have always existed, or it could be the result of inanimate effects we just do not know about or understand.
The existence of the Universe in no way is proof God exists.

Fortunately, science has proven that the UNIVERSE didn't always exist. Again, here is way an atheist has to say on this subject:

Science hasn't proven it. It's a theory that is accepted. And no one knows what happened before the Big Bang. The Big Bang could easily have just happened within the universe, and the universe existed before the Big Bang.
If God made the universe, then God can impact the physical now.
Except...how long does it take to create a mere solar system? For that matter, how long does it take to create a radish? How long does anyone want to give God to make an impact? Once I wanted God to make a very small impact on my life, but an important one that would make me a better person, a more effective me. I kept doggedly praying, day after day. I didn't give up. It took four years. Pretty speedy when compared to a solar system. Kind of slow when compared to a radish...except while a radish doesn't last, this impact has.
I'm an anti-theist, not an a-theist. The difference being that I don't really care whether God exists (whichever one you pick), but I find God (whichever one you pick) to be an objectionable asshole. He (she, it, them, etc.) appears to have created a universe and accompanying plants and animals that live in a state of continuous fear, filth and danger. Who designs life-forms which can only exist by killing and eating each other? Who designs an excretory system? Why not magic the poop away? Who places the lifeforms on a planet with volcanoes, floods, earthquakes, tornados, meteors and pandemics? Who makes beings with diverse and exotic desires then forbids the realization of most of them? Who lets his own creations war against each other? Lets them torture or enslave each other? Lets them live in poverty? Who designed, for fuck's sake, the tapeworm?

Two answers are usually given:

1. It's all part of God's great plan. Well, it isn't great. It's stupid. Not only stupid, it's at times downright mean. And who makes a plan, expecting everyone else to go along with it, but fails to explain any part of it or its purpose? Sucky plan.

2. God set it all up, but it's we who messed up things using 'free will'. Ah, ok. So if I put fifty toddlers in a room along with a single ice-cream and a load of knives, it's not my fault when things turn ugly.

Sorry, God. Even if you turn up tomorrow, floating in the sky above us all and surrounded by angelic hosts don't expect me to get on my knees and grovel. Expect me to hold you to account, you wanker.
Sorry, God. Even if you turn up tomorrow, floating in the sky above us all and surrounded by angelic hosts don't expect me to get on my knees and grovel. Expect me to hold you to account, you wanker.
if there were such a being they may not wish to return for the same reason - to have to hold those responsible to account for the mess they have turned Garden Earth into ... as perhaps they already have once ago, helped where they could and left not to return till the play runs its course.
Who places the lifeforms on a planet with volcanoes, floods, earthquakes, tornados, meteors and pandemics?
the natural occurrences are to keep the adrenaline flowing nothing wrong there ... the pandemic most likely is mother nature giving payback for what humanity surly deserves in regards to the wanton desecration of wildlife it is responsible for world wide.

have you any plans for admission to the Everlasting before you perish.
If God made the universe, then God can impact the physical now.
Except...how long does it take to create a mere solar system? For that matter, how long does it take to create a radish? How long does anyone want to give God to make an impact? Once I wanted God to make a very small impact on my life, but an important one that would make me a better person, a more effective me. I kept doggedly praying, day after day. I didn't give up. It took four years. Pretty speedy when compared to a solar system. Kind of slow when compared to a radish...except while a radish doesn't last, this impact has.

Well, if you're a God then I'd assume you're outside of time. Because time seems to be related to gravity. So it doesn't matter how long it takes to make a solar system, a galaxy etc. In fact if God had have made the universe, he didn't make the solar system at all.

He did a scientific experiment that went bang and then the crap from that failed experiment went all over the place like a bad shart, and just made itself.

And if you pray to God and then something changes, is this God, or is this just you?
We function on drugs.
Is that all we function on? Are drugs all we are?

No, we're not just drugs, that was a simplification to help explain my point. We're genes, drugs, experiences (which if you think about it are based on genes and drugs, but maybe other people's genes and drugs too) and other things in there too.

But we are biological beings. We're not different to dogs, cats, rats etc. We just pretend we are. Survival instinct. Otherwise we'd just all commit suicide.

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