6 Proofs That God Exists

Otherwise we'd just all commit suicide.
Other animals don't. Well, except perhaps lemmings.

Lemmings don't. And the point is that we have larger brains to comprehend our pointlessness. Other animals don't have this.

So we have a survival thing in our genes which literally forces us to think we're intelligent.

I mean, look at this board and see how many think posting nonsense is "intelligent"
If everything just happened, then there can be no eternality of anything and no rational reason for what exists to exist unless it's always been. And science has proven that this is not the case. And philosophy rationalizes that this isn't the case. And mathematics reveals that this cannot be the case. But GOD isn't a material being. HE reveals that HE is in fact SPIRIT. Unlike all the gods of the ancients, and all the things "moderns" desire ---- which are material. SPIRIT has no beginning.

Totally bogus.
The Universe does not require a creation or creator.
It could have always existed, or it could be the result of inanimate effects we just do not know about or understand.
The existence of the Universe in no way is proof God exists.

Fortunately, science has proven that the UNIVERSE didn't always exist. Again, here is way an atheist has to say on this subject:

Science hasn't proven it. It's a theory that is accepted. And no one knows what happened before the Big Bang. The Big Bang could easily have just happened within the universe, and the universe existed before the Big Bang.

You can believe that if you wish; however, no Physicist today now accepts your anti bang, partial bang.... You just rather believe anything but in GOD ----- but that is your BANG!
So we have a survival thing in our genes which literally forces us to think we're intelligent.
Survival doesn't depend on intelligence, and my hypothesis it is not even the most crucial aspect of who we are. I often work with handicapped students, some of whom are well aware they are not intelligent or even smart. What they do know is that they are some one, which to me makes them more intelligent than the average bear. We should all have that awareness--that we are capable of more, we are some one more.

There is so much around us, so much! We are all limited to a small piece, which is quite large enough for our time here. We have to respect what the others have, what they see, know that it has value without ever losing the respect for our piece.

Working with handicapped kids: I can never see all they are which reminds me that I can't see all anyone is, anymore than they can see me. We're blind.
I don't know that we humans with our tiny little minds will ever understand the origin of existence. If God created the universe, how did God come to exist? If we conclude that God has no beginning and no end, doesn't that contradict the notion that everything complex must have a creator? Could it be that mass and energy has no beginning? Beats me, so I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
By virtue of the second law of thermodynamics matter and energy must have a beginning. There's no doubt the universe was created. Everything points to that.

If God created the universe, how did God come to exist? The only possible explanation is that God must be eternal and unchanging. That Mind, rather than emerging as a late outgrowth in the evolution of life, has existed always as the matrix, the source and condition of physical reality - that the stuff of which physical reality is composed is mind-stuff. It is Mind that has composed a physical universe that breeds life, and so eventually evolves creatures that know and create.

There is no law of thermodynamics that matter or energy must have a beginning.
In fact, physics says that matter and energy can not be created or destroyed.
Nothing points to the Universe being created, at all.
The SLoT tells us that as time approaches infinity the universe approaches maximum disorder. There are a couple of ways we can look at this. One is from a thermal equilibrium standpoint. The other is a universe ending up with nothing but radiation. Neither of which we see.

It is possible for matter to have a beginning. In a closed universe the gravitational energy which is always negative exactly compensates the positive energy of matter. So the energy of a closed universe is always zero. So nothing prevents this universe from being spontaneously created. Because the net energy is always zero. The positive energy of matter is balanced by the negative energy of the gravity of that matter which is the space time curvature of that matter. There is no conservation law that prevents the formation of such a universe. In quantum mechanics if something is not forbidden by conservation laws, then it necessarily happens with some non-zero probability. So a closed universe can spontaneously appear - through the laws of quantum mechanics - out of nothing. And in fact there is an elegant mathematical description which describes this process and shows that a tiny closed universe having very high energy can spontaneously pop into existence and immediately start to expand and cool. In this description, the same laws that describe the evolution of the universe also describe the appearance of the universe which means that the laws were in place before the universe itself.

Nothing points to the Universe being created, at all.
Red shift, cosmic background radiation, Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations, quantum mechanics, the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Inflation Theory say otherwise.
If everything just happened, then there can be no eternality of anything and no rational reason for what exists to exist unless it's always been. And science has proven that this is not the case. And philosophy rationalizes that this isn't the case. And mathematics reveals that this cannot be the case. But GOD isn't a material being. HE reveals that HE is in fact SPIRIT. Unlike all the gods of the ancients, and all the things "moderns" desire ---- which are material. SPIRIT has no beginning.

Totally bogus.
The Universe does not require a creation or creator.
It could have always existed, or it could be the result of inanimate effects we just do not know about or understand.
The existence of the Universe in no way is proof God exists.

Fortunately, science has proven that the UNIVERSE didn't always exist. Again, here is way an atheist has to say on this subject:

Science hasn't proven it. It's a theory that is accepted. And no one knows what happened before the Big Bang. The Big Bang could easily have just happened within the universe, and the universe existed before the Big Bang.

You can believe that if you wish; however, no Physicist today now accepts your anti bang, partial bang.... You just rather believe anything but in GOD ----- but that is your BANG!

I don't "believe", thank you. I'm too logical for that.

I don't "believe" in the Big Bang. I KNOW it's an accepted theory, but until something is PROVE or at least has enough evidence, I'm open to whatever. I'm not an atheist. I don't "believe" God doesn't exist.

But I also don't "believe" God does exist.

Mostly I see that God is a very human thing. Looking at human nature you see why humans invented a putty filler for things they don't understand.

We as humans are designed to think we're the best (hence nationalism), we're designed to be emotional, we're designed to think we have a purpose on this planet. This is a survival technique. Without this we might never have had children, died out as a species.

Without wanting sex, we wouldn't. Even wanted sex we're seeing lowering birth rates. We have suicide as a thing. We try and stop it.

God fills in all those gaps that we don't know rather conveniently. Religion has changed with human knowledge, for example.
So we have a survival thing in our genes which literally forces us to think we're intelligent.
Survival doesn't depend on intelligence, and my hypothesis it is not even the most crucial aspect of who we are. I often work with handicapped students, some of whom are well aware they are not intelligent or even smart. What they do know is that they are some one, which to me makes them more intelligent than the average bear. We should all have that awareness--that we are capable of more, we are some one more.

There is so much around us, so much! We are all limited to a small piece, which is quite large enough for our time here. We have to respect what the others have, what they see, know that it has value without ever losing the respect for our piece.

Working with handicapped kids: I can never see all they are which reminds me that I can't see all anyone is, anymore than they can see me. We're blind.

No, I'm not saying survival depends on intelligence.

I'm saying intelligence requires different survival techniques.

Yes, we're blind, we're ignorant, we're stupid, god knows I am.

The issue is we try and pretend we're not. I love having jobs where I'm the best at what I do, I feel so much better. Right now there are four people who do my job, and the other two are also good at their job. We disagree on how to do the job, but I know they're good. Which makes it harder for me. The other one, from Alaska, he's useless, smells bad, has a bad attitude and handed in his one month notice last week. He's been stringing the company along for 8 months.
Red shift, cosmic background radiation, Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations, quantum mechanics, the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Inflation Theory say otherwise.
they've gone delusional over the most remote possibility of all - sortof fits their profile, to make real what is obviously false.
Red shift, cosmic background radiation, Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations, quantum mechanics, the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Inflation Theory say otherwise.
they've gone delusional over the most remote possibility of all - sortof fits their profile, to make real what is obviously false.

Red shift, cosmic background radiation, Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations, quantum mechanics, the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Inflation Theory say otherwise.
they've gone delusional over the most remote possibility of all - sortof fits their profile, to make real what is obviously false.

View attachment 495697
nothing new there -
This extremely dense point exploded with unimaginable force ...
only proves there has never been a time matter or energy have not existed ... also they left out - the cyclical nature of the bb.
The last thing a theist wants is proof of ‘god’
Sigh. See what I mean about "proper understanding"? Proof requires physical existence, physical matter that can be measured by at least one of five senses. The spirit does not have a physical existence, is not made of matter, cannot be measured. There.is.no.proof. There.can.be.no.proof. And this is the first thing that should be taught and learned. The problem with atheists is not that they do not understand God--It is that they do not even understand elementary science.

If we cannot teach them proof via teaching science, perhaps we can teach it via religion.

If the spirit is not physical, then how can the spirit have any impact on the physical?

How can God have made the universe if God isn't physical?
The physical didn't exist until GOD created it.

But how could God create the physical if God NOW has nothing to do with the physical?

It makes NO SENSE.

Psalm 33:6

By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host.
This fails as an appeal to authority fallacy.
And the "Do not test the lord".... wow, that's the biggest get out clause of all.
In my opinion it may well be the number one reason why people who seek do not find.

Yeah, logic, being sensible, using your brain, all getting in the way of finding that imaginary friend.

It's always amusing to me when atheists bring up logic. Your worldview cannot even account for the abstract but very real laws of logic.
The issue here is that some said there's 6 "proof" or evidence that God exists.
I teach science. Proof is physical evidence. I don't know of any physical evidence of God's existence. You and I seem to agree on that. However, I do know that God exists. You tell me I don't know I can only believe. Shrug. I know, but again I have no physical evidence, merely testimony. There is no reason for you to believe me, and I am just offering insight on why so many believe with no physical evidence and how that belief has nothing to do with imagining or imagination.

Ah good, so there's no evidence God exists at all.

You changed her words. She didn't say there was no evidence, she said she doesn't know of any physical evidence. (I disagree, but that's besides the point.) I hope that was simply you reading her words wrong, rather than intentional dishonesty.
Because the problem here is that the number of religious people is dwindling as we become more educated.
If religion is dwindling, it is not because schools teach math, science, language, etc. It is because it has dropped teaching religion. People are becoming less educated about that.

I doubt it. When religion was really high, most people didn't even go to school.

Religion is dropping because people can't be bothered with it, it's a scam and they know it.

That you have people walking around going "I won't wear a mask, it's a scam" but still go to church is crazy
There's a huge difference between religion and God. Like most atheists, you seem to conflate the two.
The last thing a theist wants is proof of ‘god’
Sigh. See what I mean about "proper understanding"? Proof requires physical existence, physical matter that can be measured by at least one of five senses. The spirit does not have a physical existence, is not made of matter, cannot be measured. There.is.no.proof. There.can.be.no.proof. And this is the first thing that should be taught and learned. The problem with atheists is not that they do not understand God--It is that they do not even understand elementary science.

If we cannot teach them proof via teaching science, perhaps we can teach it via religion.

THANK YOU! They just don't get it. It's like trying to see though one's ears, or smell through one's eyes. They want physical proof for something that is not physical, and they don't seem to realize that certain things are simply outside the realm of science.
And the "Do not test the lord".... wow, that's the biggest get out clause of all.
In my opinion it may well be the number one reason why people who seek do not find.

Yeah, logic, being sensible, using your brain, all getting in the way of finding that imaginary friend.

It's always amusing to me when atheists bring up logic. Your worldview cannot even account for the abstract but very real laws of logic.

I'm not an atheist.

I'm not religious. I don't "believe" anything unless I know it.

But I'll use logic to try and find the possibilities.
And appropriately so – it’s neither the role nor responsibility of public education to teach religion.
It is. The reason we teach anything is so that students gain a proper understanding. Do you see proper understanding of religion in this religion forum?

It is taught by the parents and it is a generic form of child abuse. What is there to understanding about myths and lies?
What i see here is people treating religion how it should be. Its rubbish. Then you chime in with pathetic delusional justifications to destroy young lives with threatened torture and eternal fire.
Is that what is not understood?
It's you who don't understand. Go away.
The issue here is that some said there's 6 "proof" or evidence that God exists.
I teach science. Proof is physical evidence. I don't know of any physical evidence of God's existence. You and I seem to agree on that. However, I do know that God exists. You tell me I don't know I can only believe. Shrug. I know, but again I have no physical evidence, merely testimony. There is no reason for you to believe me, and I am just offering insight on why so many believe with no physical evidence and how that belief has nothing to do with imagining or imagination.

Ah good, so there's no evidence God exists at all.

You changed her words. She didn't say there was no evidence, she said she doesn't know of any physical evidence. (I disagree, but that's besides the point.) I hope that was simply you reading her words wrong, rather than intentional dishonesty.

Well, what other evidence is there?

If you don't have physical evidence, then you don't have any evidence. It's a simple statement.
Because the problem here is that the number of religious people is dwindling as we become more educated.
If religion is dwindling, it is not because schools teach math, science, language, etc. It is because it has dropped teaching religion. People are becoming less educated about that.

I doubt it. When religion was really high, most people didn't even go to school.

Religion is dropping because people can't be bothered with it, it's a scam and they know it.

That you have people walking around going "I won't wear a mask, it's a scam" but still go to church is crazy
There's a huge difference between religion and God. Like most atheists, you seem to conflate the two.

I'm still not an atheist.

You think there's a difference between religion and God. I don't.

Religion, human made.
God, human made.

The difference I'd guess is that one is an imaginary friend and the other is something people actually do, an ancient police force.

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