6 Proofs That God Exists

Red shift, cosmic background radiation, Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations, quantum mechanics, the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Inflation Theory say otherwise.
they've gone delusional over the most remote possibility of all - sortof fits their profile, to make real what is obviously false.

View attachment 495697
nothing new there -
This extremely dense point exploded with unimaginable force ...
only proves there has never been a time matter or energy have not existed ... also they left out - the cyclical nature of the bb.
That's the stupidest logic ever.
That's the stupidest logic ever.
which logic is that - - there has never been a time matter or energy have not existed - bb is cyclical ... or
they've gone delusional over the most remote possibility of all - sortof fits their profile, to make real what is obviously false.
the latter, corruption through persuasion ... first persuading yourself ( not very hard ) that christianity is a religion - then setting out to do to everyone else what you have done to yourself.

* the latter is the obvious conclusion for the errant assertion - including the other two.

Your logic that the universe occupying the space size of a proton means that matter has always existed.

How do you explain the cosmic background radiation? What created that? Why did matter occupy the space the size of a proton? Why did the universe expand?

You have so many holes in your belief about the origin of space and time it's not funny.
How do you explain the cosmic background radiation? What created that? Why did matter occupy the space the size of a proton? Why did the universe expand?
the expansion -

that was the last of the matter of the existing universe, previous bb, compressing into energy, final stage just prior to the transitional new moment of singularity and the beginning of a new cyclical bb.

the moment of singularity occured causing the finality of compressed energy to convert back to matter as only an outward trajectory being available the expansion began. a finite trajectory that eventually returns the matter back to its origin without changing direction to begin the new compaction phase for the next cyclical - bang.

the boomerang theory ...
Red shift, cosmic background radiation, Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations, quantum mechanics, the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Inflation Theory say otherwise.
they've gone delusional over the most remote possibility of all - sortof fits their profile, to make real what is obviously false.

View attachment 495697
nothing new there -
This extremely dense point exploded with unimaginable force ...
only proves there has never been a time matter or energy have not existed ... also they left out - the cyclical nature of the bb.
That's the stupidest logic ever.
That's the stupidest logic ever.
which logic is that - - there has never been a time matter or energy have not existed - bb is cyclical ... or
they've gone delusional over the most remote possibility of all - sortof fits their profile, to make real what is obviously false.
the latter, corruption through persuasion ... first persuading yourself ( not very hard ) that christianity is a religion - then setting out to do to everyone else what you have done to yourself.

* the latter is the obvious conclusion for the errant assertion - including the other two.

Your logic that the universe occupying the space size of a proton means that matter has always existed.

How do you explain the cosmic background radiation? What created that? Why did matter occupy the space the size of a proton? Why did the universe expand?

You have so many holes in your belief about the origin of space and time it's not funny.
How do you explain the cosmic background radiation? What created that? Why did matter occupy the space the size of a proton? Why did the universe expand?
the expansion -

that was the last of the matter of the existing universe, previous bb, compressing into energy, final stage just prior to the transitional new moment of singularity and the beginning of a new cyclical bb.

the moment of singularity occured causing the finality of compressed energy to convert back to matter as only an outward trajectory being available the expansion began. a finite trajectory that eventually returns the matter back to its origin without changing direction to begin the new compaction phase for the next cyclical - bang.

the boomerang theory ...
Why would it overcome the gravity to expand again?
Red shift, cosmic background radiation, Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations, quantum mechanics, the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Inflation Theory say otherwise.
they've gone delusional over the most remote possibility of all - sortof fits their profile, to make real what is obviously false.

View attachment 495697
nothing new there -
This extremely dense point exploded with unimaginable force ...
only proves there has never been a time matter or energy have not existed ... also they left out - the cyclical nature of the bb.
That's the stupidest logic ever.
That's the stupidest logic ever.
which logic is that - - there has never been a time matter or energy have not existed - bb is cyclical ... or
they've gone delusional over the most remote possibility of all - sortof fits their profile, to make real what is obviously false.
the latter, corruption through persuasion ... first persuading yourself ( not very hard ) that christianity is a religion - then setting out to do to everyone else what you have done to yourself.

* the latter is the obvious conclusion for the errant assertion - including the other two.

Your logic that the universe occupying the space size of a proton means that matter has always existed.

How do you explain the cosmic background radiation? What created that? Why did matter occupy the space the size of a proton? Why did the universe expand?

You have so many holes in your belief about the origin of space and time it's not funny.
How do you explain the cosmic background radiation? What created that? Why did matter occupy the space the size of a proton? Why did the universe expand?
the expansion -

that was the last of the matter of the existing universe, previous bb, compressing into energy, final stage just prior to the transitional new moment of singularity and the beginning of a new cyclical bb.

the moment of singularity occured causing the finality of compressed energy to convert back to matter as only an outward trajectory being available the expansion began. a finite trajectory that eventually returns the matter back to its origin without changing direction to begin the new compaction phase for the next cyclical - bang.

the boomerang theory ...
Why would it overcome the gravity to expand again?
Why would it overcome the gravity to expand again?
good of you to reference the metaphysical forces, not sure the question makes sense - what gravity. space is a vacuum.
Christ died on the cross and rose the 3rd day and the ascension occurred 40 days after his resurrection. God gave us morning and night, four beautiful seasons to enjoy, and the fact that we will be with our fellow believers when we die thanks to Jesus for washing away our sins with his shed blood.

Four beautiful seasons, unless you live where there are no seasons.

And God didn't give anything, because he doesn't exist.
wrong...we are God
Did we create the Universe?
Did we create the laws of physics?
Laws of gravity and nature?

Did we create the internal systems of
Organs within our bodies, and in animals.
Are you saying we created all the elements and interconnected balance of
Species in every ecosystem on earth?

How could "we" create things that existed before us?
Red shift, cosmic background radiation, Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations, quantum mechanics, the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Inflation Theory say otherwise.
they've gone delusional over the most remote possibility of all - sortof fits their profile, to make real what is obviously false.

View attachment 495697
nothing new there -
This extremely dense point exploded with unimaginable force ...
only proves there has never been a time matter or energy have not existed ... also they left out - the cyclical nature of the bb.
That's the stupidest logic ever.
That's the stupidest logic ever.
which logic is that - - there has never been a time matter or energy have not existed - bb is cyclical ... or
they've gone delusional over the most remote possibility of all - sortof fits their profile, to make real what is obviously false.
the latter, corruption through persuasion ... first persuading yourself ( not very hard ) that christianity is a religion - then setting out to do to everyone else what you have done to yourself.

* the latter is the obvious conclusion for the errant assertion - including the other two.

Your logic that the universe occupying the space size of a proton means that matter has always existed.

How do you explain the cosmic background radiation? What created that? Why did matter occupy the space the size of a proton? Why did the universe expand?

You have so many holes in your belief about the origin of space and time it's not funny.
How do you explain the cosmic background radiation? What created that? Why did matter occupy the space the size of a proton? Why did the universe expand?
the expansion -

that was the last of the matter of the existing universe, previous bb, compressing into energy, final stage just prior to the transitional new moment of singularity and the beginning of a new cyclical bb.

the moment of singularity occured causing the finality of compressed energy to convert back to matter as only an outward trajectory being available the expansion began. a finite trajectory that eventually returns the matter back to its origin without changing direction to begin the new compaction phase for the next cyclical - bang.

the boomerang theory ...
Why would it overcome the gravity to expand again?
Why would it overcome the gravity to expand again?
good of you to reference the metaphysical forces, not sure the question makes sense - what gravity. space is a vacuum.
That didn't answer the question. Let me answer it for you. It didn't because it never collapsed. ~14 billion years ago space and time were created from nothing and began to expand and cool. It has done so ever since.

What process left the cosmic background radiation signature.
Red shift, cosmic background radiation, Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations, quantum mechanics, the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Inflation Theory say otherwise.
they've gone delusional over the most remote possibility of all - sortof fits their profile, to make real what is obviously false.

View attachment 495697
nothing new there -
This extremely dense point exploded with unimaginable force ...
only proves there has never been a time matter or energy have not existed ... also they left out - the cyclical nature of the bb.
That's the stupidest logic ever.
That's the stupidest logic ever.
which logic is that - - there has never been a time matter or energy have not existed - bb is cyclical ... or
they've gone delusional over the most remote possibility of all - sortof fits their profile, to make real what is obviously false.
the latter, corruption through persuasion ... first persuading yourself ( not very hard ) that christianity is a religion - then setting out to do to everyone else what you have done to yourself.

* the latter is the obvious conclusion for the errant assertion - including the other two.

Your logic that the universe occupying the space size of a proton means that matter has always existed.

How do you explain the cosmic background radiation? What created that? Why did matter occupy the space the size of a proton? Why did the universe expand?

You have so many holes in your belief about the origin of space and time it's not funny.
How do you explain the cosmic background radiation? What created that? Why did matter occupy the space the size of a proton? Why did the universe expand?
the expansion -

that was the last of the matter of the existing universe, previous bb, compressing into energy, final stage just prior to the transitional new moment of singularity and the beginning of a new cyclical bb.

the moment of singularity occured causing the finality of compressed energy to convert back to matter as only an outward trajectory being available the expansion began. a finite trajectory that eventually returns the matter back to its origin without changing direction to begin the new compaction phase for the next cyclical - bang.

the boomerang theory ...
Why would it overcome the gravity to expand again?
Why would it overcome the gravity to expand again?
good of you to reference the metaphysical forces, not sure the question makes sense - what gravity. space is a vacuum.
That didn't answer the question. Let me answer it for you. It didn't because it never collapsed. ~14 billion years ago space and time were created from nothing and began to expand and cool. It has done so ever since.

What process left the cosmic background radiation signature.
That didn't answer the question. Let me answer it for you. It didn't because it never collapsed. ~14 billion years ago space and time were created from nothing and began to expand and cool. It has done so ever since.
the boomerang theory stipulates a finite trajectory for the inevitable cyclical recompaction -

your response seems more religious than scientific - I say that because you refuse to alter your description from collapse which did not occur, as having been repeatedly advised - as matter never changes direction but follows the finite trajectory from the expansion to return as the mirror image to its origin all at the same time to initiate recompaction, a cyclical event until converted back to energy and where the momentum dissipates to reverse the process for a new moment of singularity.

your responses are disingenuous as you refuse to discuss the - - > "finite trajectory" of the theory - - the process is similar to a boomerang that returns to its origin without a change in direction - the boomerang theory - disprove the boomerang or the outward spherical trajectory of matter from the moment of singularity.
That bias would be an expectation for magic instead of creation and existence as evidence.
There is no evidence of your magical beliefs, nor can there be evidence. You claim there is evidence, because you know "because ding says so" doesn't cut it with anyone but small children and lobotomized adults.

My favorite is when you guys say "everything around you is evidence" with a straight face.
the boomerang theory stipulates a finite trajectory for the inevitable cyclical recompaction -
That means absolutely nothing. It's gibberish. There is no basics in physics for this, it defies the SLoT and does not explain the reason for the cosmic background radiation that we see. Nor does it explain why the universe expanded in the first place.
That bias would be an expectation for magic instead of creation and existence as evidence.
There is no evidence of your magical beliefs, nor can there be evidence. You claim there is evidence, because you know "because ding says so" doesn't cut it with anyone but small children and lobotomized adults.

My favorite is when you guys say "everything around you is evidence" with a straight face.
I don't have magical beliefs. You have an unreasonable expectation for magic. I have an explanation for the first cause which is beyond energy and matter and space and time that creates space and time so I can say with a straight face that the evidence is all around you.

But you keep making that argument for the expectation of magic with a straight face and I'll keep chuckling at that. In the meantime you can deal with the universe popping into existence being hardwired to produce intelligence.

the boomerang theory stipulates a finite trajectory for the inevitable cyclical recompaction -
That means absolutely nothing. It's gibberish. There is no basics in physics for this, it defies the SLoT and does not explain the reason for the cosmic background radiation that we see. Nor does it explain why the universe expanded in the first place.
Both your arguments go over my head BreezeWood and ding
Both are faith based and cannot be proven to people like me who cannot see what you are saying happened

For us to be equal in God's laws cannot rely on arguments that not all people can receive and understand, or we will never be equally included in the Kingdom if it depends on getting or agreeing on that!

Can we agree that entering the Kingdom of God requires us to be as forgiving and all inclusive and receptive as children?

The minute we start invoking adult conditions that "exclude and divide others from us" we lose the Kingdom of God that doesn't have these conditions. All are resolved.

We might think the keys to the Kingdom involve correcting errors first, then forgiving them after we understand. That is the secular way of wanting to see proof before believing.

But this deadlocks if both sides don't forgive first.

What I find works is forgiving first, agreeing to both receive God's greater truth, and letting God's wisdom correct both people instead of competing to correct each other.

I see you both as sincere believers obedient to God's truth. So if there is anything preventing you from reconciling and receiving each other, it is coming from some distraction or deflection. I pray that divisive influence be removed from your relationship that you may be reconciled in Christ without further impediment or disruption. In Jesus name Amen and thank you both for witnessing!
the boomerang theory stipulates a finite trajectory for the inevitable cyclical recompaction -
That means absolutely nothing. It's gibberish. There is no basics in physics for this, it defies the SLoT and does not explain the reason for the cosmic background radiation that we see. Nor does it explain why the universe expanded in the first place.
Both your arguments go over my head BreezeWood and ding
Both are faith based and cannot be proven to people like me who cannot see what you are saying happened

For us to be equal in God's laws cannot rely on arguments that not all people can receive and understand, or we will never be equally included in the Kingdom if it depends on getting or agreeing on that!

Can we agree that entering the Kingdom of God requires us to be as forgiving and all inclusive and receptive as children?

The minute we start invoking adult conditions that "exclude and divide others from us" we lose the Kingdom of God that doesn't have these conditions. All are resolved.

We might think the keys to the Kingdom involve correcting errors first, then forgiving them after we understand. That is the secular way of wanting to see proof before believing.

But this deadlocks if both sides don't forgive first.

What I find works is forgiving first, agreeing to both receive God's greater truth, and letting God's wisdom correct both people instead of competing to correct each other.

I see you both as sincere believers obedient to God's truth. So if there is anything preventing you from reconciling and receiving each other, it is coming from some distraction or deflection. I pray that divisive influence be removed from your relationship that you may be reconciled in Christ without further impediment or disruption. In Jesus name Amen and thank you both for witnessing!
Can we agree that entering the Kingdom of God requires us to be as forgiving and all inclusive and receptive as children?
Emily, you may enter that kingdom - if so, best advised with reservation - not on my wish list for at least a million years - however for admission to the Everlasting that is prescribed and unfortunately abandoned by the desert religions, the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - if accomplished that is what will be judged to acquire admission - there is no forgiveness.

So if there is anything preventing you from reconciling and receiving each other, it is coming from some distraction or deflection.
so true ... bing has no humor.

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I don't have magical beliefs.
False. You either think your magical god changes the rules as she likes, or you believe in a magical clockwork god.
It's the narrative you need to believe and make but it's not MY narrative. It's yours. I wouldn't believe in it either. You have an unreasonable expectation for magic. I have an explanation for the first cause which is beyond energy and matter and space and time that creates space and time so I can say with a straight face that the evidence is all around you.

But you keep making that argument for the expectation of magic with a straight face and I'll keep chuckling at that. In the meantime you can deal with the universe popping into existence being hardwired to produce intelligence.

sure, the bang 13 billion years ago is verification of the desert religions, christian bible ... and that books messiah.
Throughout the centuries, creation ex nihilo was considered impossible, but today it is taken as scientific fact, said Aviezer.

your a joke bing - did you set them straight on the spherical planets ... as well.
It drives you crazy that the universe popped into existence because no hardwired to produce intelligence.
There silly "... proof of the gods" threads are hilarious.

They're always replete with silly youtube videos and ".... because I say so", claims.

Not surprisingly, these threads are all opened by the more exciteable Christians who seem to be afflicted by the debilitating disease of Jimmy Swaggert syndrome.
There silly "... proof of the gods" threads are hilarious.

They're always replete with silly youtube videos and ".... because I say so", claims.

Not surprisingly, these threads are all opened by the more exciteable Christians who seem to be afflicted by the debilitating disease of Jimmy Swaggert syndrome.

That must be why atheists argue that the universe has always existed despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary. :rolleyes:
Throughout the centuries, creation ex nihilo was considered impossible, but today it is taken as scientific fact, said Aviezer.

your a joke bing - did you set them straight on the spherical planets ... as well.
It drives you crazy that the universe popped into existence because no hardwired to produce intelligence.
It drives you crazy that the universe popped into existence because no hardwired to produce intelligence.
its been said before - about your explanation.

the cyclical bang that for this planet evolved physiological life requiring a spiritual content is enough on its own for those dynamics of intelligence in explanation than to require reading the desert religions bible to have a clue for its existence that is at best an empty shell.

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