6 Proofs That God Exists

If everything just happened, then there can be no eternality of anything and no rational reason for what exists to exist unless it's always been. And science has proven that this is not the case. And philosophy rationalizes that this isn't the case. And mathematics reveals that this cannot be the case. But GOD isn't a material being. HE reveals that HE is in fact SPIRIT. Unlike all the gods of the ancients, and all the things "moderns" desire ---- which are material. SPIRIT has no beginning.

“Law of biogenesis”

A “law” invented at the Henry Morris school for the silly.
One thing also is human sight is quite limited regarding the entire spectrum; many animals see beyond what humans can see right in front of their faces. Quite bizarre really, thinking in these terms of sight/light limitations about various unknowns.
One thing also is human sight is quite limited regarding the entire spectrum; many animals see beyond what humans can see right in front of their faces. Quite bizarre really, thinking in these terms of sight/light limitations about various unknowns.
Probably because they don't have a sense of self like humans do. That kind of gets in the way of being.
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One thing also is human sight is quite limited regarding the entire spectrum; many animals see beyond what humans can see right in front of their faces. Quite bizarre really, thinking in these terms of sight/light limitations about various unknowns.
Probably because they don't have a sense of self like humans do. That kind get in the way of being.
How do you know that animals don’t have a sense of self?
One thing also is human sight is quite limited regarding the entire spectrum; many animals see beyond what humans can see right in front of their faces. Quite bizarre really, thinking in these terms of sight/light limitations about various unknowns.
Probably because they don't have a sense of self like humans do. That kind of gets in the way of being.
How do you know that animals don’t have a sense of self?
I didn't say they had no sense of self. I said they don't have a sense of self like humans do.
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If everything just happened, then there can be no eternality of anything and no rational reason for what exists to exist unless it's always been. And science has proven that this is not the case. And philosophy rationalizes that this isn't the case. And mathematics reveals that this cannot be the case. But GOD isn't a material being. HE reveals that HE is in fact SPIRIT. Unlike all the gods of the ancients, and all the things "moderns" desire ---- which are material. SPIRIT has no beginning.


No, six confirmation bias fallacies.
If everything just happened, then there can be no eternality of anything and no rational reason for what exists to exist unless it's always been. And science has proven that this is not the case. And philosophy rationalizes that this isn't the case. And mathematics reveals that this cannot be the case. But GOD isn't a material being. HE reveals that HE is in fact SPIRIT. Unlike all the gods of the ancients, and all the things "moderns" desire ---- which are material. SPIRIT has no beginning.

God is spirit, and he materialized as a Man. God can become anything that he wants to be. He created everything. He has that power. He was , is and will be Eternal. He created time and the universe. He cleanses the Earth periodically when to much evil accumilates on its surface.
God is real. If it were not for God nothing would exist.!! He created Man and Woman., and all the ; living creatures on the Earth .

God is spirit, and he materialized as a Man.
the way they chose in their book is no different than for any other being alive today, frankly stepping on the stage through mary is beyond ridiculous ...

ridiculous, the depraved christians actually believe that fairytale. or most anything else written in their book.

I am the Bread of Life (John 6:35)
I am the Light of the World (John 8:12)
I am the Door (John 10:9)
I am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11,14)
I am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)
I am the Way and the Truth and the Life (John 14:6)
I am the Vine (John 15:1,5)

I am the Bread of Life (John 6:35)
I am the Light of the World (John 8:12)
I am the Door (John 10:9)
I am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11,14)
I am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)
I am the Way and the Truth and the Life (John 14:6)
I am the Vine (John 15:1,5)
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
so much for your 4th century rendering bing just wondering if you have thought to bring to justice those that crucified the innocent itinerant who undoubtedly would lay claim to not one of your copious slanders.
One thing also is human sight is quite limited regarding the entire spectrum; many animals see beyond what humans can see right in front of their faces. Quite bizarre really, thinking in these terms of sight/light limitations about various unknowns.
Probably because they don't have a sense of self like humans do. That kind of gets in the way of being.
How do you know that animals don’t have a sense of self?
I didn't say they had no sense of self. I said they don't have a sense of self like humans do.
In what way is it significant whether they have a sense of self like humans or not?
If everything just happened, then there can be no eternality of anything and no rational reason for what exists to exist unless it's always been. And science has proven that this is not the case. And philosophy rationalizes that this isn't the case. And mathematics reveals that this cannot be the case. But GOD isn't a material being. HE reveals that HE is in fact SPIRIT. Unlike all the gods of the ancients, and all the things "moderns" desire ---- which are material. SPIRIT has no beginning.

Gee. Now we have youtube supplying proof of God which religion couldn't do for 2000 years.
You won't be fooling me.
By virtue of the second law of thermodynamics matter and energy must have a beginning.
By virtue of the First Law of Thermodynamics ENERGY has no beginning or end. You have NO knowledge if the SLoT.
That's pretty ironic considering that Gregor Mendel - a 19th century Augustinian monk - is widely considered to be the father of genetics, don't you think?
Except he only became a monk to get an education, as many poor boys did back then. He was a "monk" in name only and admitted he had no "calling" to the church.
I am the Bread of Life (John 6:35)
I am the Light of the World (John 8:12)
I am the Door (John 10:9)
I am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11,14)
I am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)
I am the Way and the Truth and the Life (John 14:6)
I am the Vine (John 15:1,5)
I am the offspring of Lucifer. (Rev 22:16)

Rev 22: 16 I, Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

KJV - Lucifer 1; 1
Lucifer = "light-bearer"
1) shining one, morning star, Lucifer
One thing also is human sight is quite limited regarding the entire spectrum; many animals see beyond what humans can see right in front of their faces. Quite bizarre really, thinking in these terms of sight/light limitations about various unknowns.
Probably because they don't have a sense of self like humans do. That kind of gets in the way of being.
How do you know that animals don’t have a sense of self?
I didn't say they had no sense of self. I said they don't have a sense of self like humans do.
In what way is it significant whether they have a sense of self like humans or not?
That it can impede our ability to see reality.
What most concerning about atheists is most cannot grasp simple reality. Humans lack much perception, I suspect atheists are the least perceptive of the bunch.

Yet we're supposed to take their word that something of faith or spirit cannot exist (COUGH!)
If everything just happened, then there can be no eternality of anything and no rational reason for what exists to exist unless it's always been. And science has proven that this is not the case. And philosophy rationalizes that this isn't the case. And mathematics reveals that this cannot be the case. But GOD isn't a material being. HE reveals that HE is in fact SPIRIT. Unlike all the gods of the ancients, and all the things "moderns" desire ---- which are material. SPIRIT has no beginning.

Sooooo....if God is not a material thingy, but a spirit, how can we look just like him (and how can the thingy be a he)?

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