6 Proofs That God Exists

You may choose to live your life in trembling fear of spirits and demons and things that go bump in the night but why would you think others would accept that?
Sometimes individuals can take a wrong turn in religion. Understood correctly, there is no fear, no reason for fear.
If everything just happened, then there can be no eternality of anything and no rational reason for what exists to exist unless it's always been. And science has proven that this is not the case. And philosophy rationalizes that this isn't the case. And mathematics reveals that this cannot be the case. But GOD isn't a material being. HE reveals that HE is in fact SPIRIT. Unlike all the gods of the ancients, and all the things "moderns" desire ---- which are material. SPIRIT has no beginning.

And how does something exist on a "spirit" level? It seems like a made up level that people can feel warm and fuzzy about because humans are emotional beings.

Something is a spirit ----- it doesn't need to become one. How did you become human?

Well, the answer to your last question is simple: I don't know.

Do you?

You're saying there's something "spirit", but it sounds like some filler for something you don't know.

And if a spirit can just be, without having been created, it just is, then why can't anything else? Like energy, atoms, life etc etc.
Religion certainly isn't necessary for morality to exist..
Religion is more about God and loving than morality. The result of being a loving person is morality. We humans are meant to love and be loved.
And why are they the "least perceptive"?
Have you been able to perceive that you are something more than physical cells interacting with one another? Can you identify which is of the body, of the mind, or the spirit in yourself?


The biggest problem is when you think you know something, but you don't.

The reality is that people are EMOTIONAL. Can they see past their emotions? It's possible, because I can get past my emotions sometimes. Problem is people don't want to get past their emotions. They get conned by advertising, they cry at sad movies, they do all kinds of emotional things. Like accepting religion. Because it's emotionally CONVENIENT for them.
If everything just happened, then there can be no eternality of anything and no rational reason for what exists to exist unless it's always been. And science has proven that this is not the case. And philosophy rationalizes that this isn't the case. And mathematics reveals that this cannot be the case. But GOD isn't a material being. HE reveals that HE is in fact SPIRIT. Unlike all the gods of the ancients, and all the things "moderns" desire ---- which are material. SPIRIT has no beginning.

1) The universe must have a cause.

Er... why? This makes no sense at all.

And he uses the law of cause and effect to "prove" this, what a joke.

He tries to attack a singularity because it popped into existence from nothing. But he has no problem with a God popping into existence from nothing.

He also says that everything has to be scientific. While talking about a God. What a joke.

Is there any point going on?

Do you have an automobile? Did you buy it or did it just appear in your driveway? Has it always existed or was it designed and manufactured? I do hope this help to clear things up for you...

No, no car.

I do hope you're equating the universe to buying a car. Because that's a really, really shit analogy.
The biggest problem is when you think you know something, but you don't.
Or the problem may very well be is not accepting something that others do know and have experienced, but as another person, you have not. It is hard for any of us to relate to something w have not experienced or cannot experience.
Like accepting religion. Because it's emotionally CONVENIENT for them.
I think you have named the reason for those who leave religion. It is inconvenient for them, and the emotion being stirred is odium. Another very good reason is the same reason why some have never read 'self help' books. They have no need of one. Religion is inspiration for many, working on a relationship for perhaps more.
The biggest problem is when you think you know something, but you don't.
Or the problem may very well be is not accepting something that others do know and have experienced, but as another person, you have not. It is hard for any of us to relate to something w have not experienced or cannot experience.

The problem is that if it were something universal, then Christianity would be universal. It's not.

You're saying people have experienced, but then people WANT TO BELIEVE they've experienced. The world is full of con artists, the world is full of people who are delusional, in the world right now you could probably find a person who'd tell you that the Yeti is Prime Minister of the United States.

I mean, just saying "people believe" doesn't mean it's REAL.

And the question is why do people born into Christianity "experience" Christian experiences and people born into Islam "experience" Islamic experiences?

It's all a con really, isn't it? People who are making things fit. What did I see? A "nativity scene" in the clouds. Really it was clouds, but all these religious people were saying how it was PROOF, no less, that GOD REALLY EXISTS.

I mean, come on, seeing faces in clouds.... yeah, right.
Like accepting religion. Because it's emotionally CONVENIENT for them.
I think you have named the reason for those who leave religion. It is inconvenient for them, and the emotion being stirred is odium. Another very good reason is the same reason why some have never read 'self help' books. They have no need of one. Religion is inspiration for many, working on a relationship for perhaps more.

And people stay because it's convenient for them.

Imagine an individual. Their family are religious, their friends are religious, everyone they trust is religious.

What would happen if they accepted that religion was really not real? They'd have to accept that everyone they loved and trusted had either been con artists or delusional idiots. Easier to just keep up the facade, isn't it?
If everything just happened, then there can be no eternality of anything and no rational reason for what exists to exist unless it's always been. And science has proven that this is not the case. And philosophy rationalizes that this isn't the case. And mathematics reveals that this cannot be the case. But GOD isn't a material being. HE reveals that HE is in fact SPIRIT. Unlike all the gods of the ancients, and all the things "moderns" desire ---- which are material. SPIRIT has no beginning.

But wait, isn't it said that god won't prove his existence because proof denies faith and without faith god is nothing? So if these things are actually proof then you've just reasoned your god out of existence.
The problem is that if it were something universal, then Christianity would be universal. It's not.
There isn't even a universal consensus that the earth isn't flat, or that there was a moon landing. There are many faiths. Some of them even teach some of the same truths.
You're saying people have experienced, but then people WANT TO BELIEVE they've experienced.
Or have no choice but to believe. Isn't it more that you want to believe no one has experienced something that you haven't? Just because I haven't experienced zero gravity doesn't mean no one has.
And the question is why do people born into Christianity "experience" Christian experiences and people born into Islam "experience" Islamic experiences?
That's simple. Why do people born in Western Culture think one way and those born into an Eastern Culture think another? Because we all see things from the perspective or lens in which we are immersed. Simply because we describe things differently doesn't mean we are describing different things.
It's all a con really, isn't it?
No, it is not all a con. Is medicine "all" a con? Is every investment a con? Just as people can learn to identify cons in medicine, money, and learning, people can also identify cons in religion--and should. Simply because there are cons in money, medicine, learning, and religion isn't reason enough to dismiss all of what these are.
What would happen if they accepted that religion was really not real? They'd have to accept that everyone they loved and trusted had either been con artists or delusional idiots. Easier to just keep up the facade, isn't it?
Many are willing to accept the experiences and discoveries of others. For example, I have never needed to experience Antarctica, Mount Everest, or a black hole to accept their reality. It is not so unusual for some of us who choose to explore religion and make our own discoveries, verify for ourselves. "Seek and you will find" is a reality. However, one has to put as much heart, soul, and time into as anyone who seeks to train to explore Antarctica, climb Everest, or learn about black holes.

I could go out to my back yard, look around and conclude, "No Antarctica, Everest, or Black Hole here" and let it go at that. Many people take the same attitude towards religion/God. They look around and conclude, "No God here." I think that may be what you have done. If it is not within your immediate grasp, it must not exist.
while God may exist......

NOTHING in the OP or this thread proves that God is either "loving" or gives a frick about you.
It also does not prove God is not sadistic and actually enjoys all the violence and chaos.

You can blame "Satan", but who is "all powerful" ? God or Satan ?
If everything just happened, then there can be no eternality of anything and no rational reason for what exists to exist unless it's always been. And science has proven that this is not the case. And philosophy rationalizes that this isn't the case. And mathematics reveals that this cannot be the case. But GOD isn't a material being. HE reveals that HE is in fact SPIRIT. Unlike all the gods of the ancients, and all the things "moderns" desire ---- which are material. SPIRIT has no beginning.

To be clear, when you refer to “god” you are speaking of some unknown and undefined thing that has always been, is that correct? You are not speaking about the god as defined by the Bible or any other organized religion. Is that right?

The Bible never defines God. That would be like a ant defining a human.

The Bible does not attempt to prove God exists or give any definition of God. Yet it does describe His nature in four ways: God is spirit - His nature is not flesh and blood. God is also light - there is no darkness in Him at all. God is also love. Finally, God's nature can be compared to a consuming fire. These four descriptions provide some insights into God's nature and character rather than giving us a definition of Him.

The Bible says plenty about God. Perhaps not a detailed description of exactly what God is but it speaks of his creations, his commands, his laws, and his actions.

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