6 Reasons Biden deserves the Nobel Peace Prize

Below are 6 reasons Biden deserves the Nobel Peace prize. Who can argue with this article? Wonderful insight from The Hill contributor Brent Budowsky who was an aide to former Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas) and former Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.). His reasons you ask:
  1. Biden, after four years of a president who divided America from our democratic allies and praised various enemies of democracy and abusers of human rights around the world, has restored America’s role as a leader of the free world of democratic nations.
  2. Biden places respect for human rights, human dignity and human aspirations at the center of his presidency and foreign policy.
  3. Biden has succeeded in America, achieving policies that advanced mass vaccinations of our people that are defeating the most deadly disease in a century and restoring our national economy.
  4. Biden, who is up against mighty forces, has made solving the deadly dangers of climate change a core principle of his domestic policy, economic policy, environmental policy and foreign policy.
  5. Biden, in his domestic and foreign policies, is a powerful voice on behalf of the poor, the hurting, the needy and the destitute for Americans and people everywhere.
  6. Biden has made increasing economic equality a defining purpose of his presidency.
Biden is a fluffer for Iran, China, Russia and North Korea and you are his fluffing assistant.
Below are 6 reasons Biden deserves the Nobel Peace prize. Who can argue with this article? Wonderful insight from The Hill contributor Brent Budowsky who was an aide to former Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas) and former Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.). His reasons you ask:
  1. Biden, after four years of a president who divided America from our democratic allies and praised various enemies of democracy and abusers of human rights around the world, has restored America’s role as a leader of the free world of democratic nations.
  2. Biden places respect for human rights, human dignity and human aspirations at the center of his presidency and foreign policy.
  3. Biden has succeeded in America, achieving policies that advanced mass vaccinations of our people that are defeating the most deadly disease in a century and restoring our national economy.
  4. Biden, who is up against mighty forces, has made solving the deadly dangers of climate change a core principle of his domestic policy, economic policy, environmental policy and foreign policy.
  5. Biden, in his domestic and foreign policies, is a powerful voice on behalf of the poor, the hurting, the needy and the destitute for Americans and people everywhere.
  6. Biden has made increasing economic equality a defining purpose of his presidency.
You're so full of shit you couldn't dig your way out of it.
Below are 6 reasons Biden deserves the Nobel Peace prize. Who can argue with this article? Wonderful insight from The Hill contributor Brent Budowsky who was an aide to former Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas) and former Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.). His reasons you ask:
  1. Biden, after four years of a president who divided America from our democratic allies and praised various enemies of democracy and abusers of human rights around the world, has restored America’s role as a leader of the free world of democratic nations.
  2. Biden places respect for human rights, human dignity and human aspirations at the center of his presidency and foreign policy.
  3. Biden has succeeded in America, achieving policies that advanced mass vaccinations of our people that are defeating the most deadly disease in a century and restoring our national economy.
  4. Biden, who is up against mighty forces, has made solving the deadly dangers of climate change a core principle of his domestic policy, economic policy, environmental policy and foreign policy.
  5. Biden, in his domestic and foreign policies, is a powerful voice on behalf of the poor, the hurting, the needy and the destitute for Americans and people everywhere.
  6. Biden has made increasing economic equality a defining purpose of his presidency.

I voted for Biden and am far left, but Biden deserves no praise yet.

1. Trump is right NATO is not paying its share, we should stop funding it, and it is actually the left over allies from the days of imperialism and colonialism, like England and France. Remember the Allies were actually the guilty parties in WWI, and caused WWII due to the criminal Treaty of Versailles.

2. It remains to be seen if Biden respects human rights? We shall see what happens in foreign places like Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., and inside the US, if he ends the illegal War on Drugs, 3 strikes laws, asset forfeiture, etc.

3. Mass vaccination with unapproved vaccines for a virus that is not even endemic to humans, makes no sense. Covid-19 is not a deadly disease. Its lethality is 0.02% and its infectiousness R0=2 only. The fact we made it kill so many is our own incompetence, not any measure of the disease.

4. Climate change is serious, but Biden did nothing. For example, jet planes flying overhead use over a gallon per second, and their exhaust is where it does the most harm, near the barrier to space. The jet planes we fly likely cause global warming about a thousand times more than every other pollution source combined. Saving fossil fuels for when they are more expensive and short supply may be a good idea, but we need an alternative first.

5. Pie in the sky words are not like actions that warrant any sort of recognition. If Biden wanted to help the poor, his first task would be to continue the tariff war with China, who is stealing so many of our jobs.

6. If Biden was really interested in economic equality, then he would not have allowed Hunter to illegally traffic on the Biden VP notoriety.
That is so the corrupt aristocracy.
When the Nobel prize was given to Arafat that was the end of it meaning anything. Period.

Nah, Arafat was on the side of the native, indigenous people.
It is Israel that is the illegal immigrant invaders.
Just added a 7th!!! Seven reasons Biden ought to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Infrastructure plan unites bickering parties and saves the failing American backbone.

An infrastructure plan is a good idea.
Not only do we need the improvements, but the jobs should help stimulate the economy again.

But the point is it was bipartisan, so then no one person should be recognized.
That just adds diversity all over again.
Good Ole Pedo Joe's weakness is a threat to peace.
Biden is an international embarrassment.
BTW, the Nobel Prize is more like a gag-gift because they have given it to horrible people
Below are 6 reasons Biden deserves the Nobel Peace prize. Who can argue with this article? Wonderful insight from The Hill contributor Brent Budowsky who was an aide to former Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas) and former Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.). His reasons you ask:
  1. Biden, after four years of a president who divided America from our democratic allies and praised various enemies of democracy and abusers of human rights around the world, has restored America’s role as a leader of the free world of democratic nations.
  2. Biden places respect for human rights, human dignity and human aspirations at the center of his presidency and foreign policy.
  3. Biden has succeeded in America, achieving policies that advanced mass vaccinations of our people that are defeating the most deadly disease in a century and restoring our national economy.
  4. Biden, who is up against mighty forces, has made solving the deadly dangers of climate change a core principle of his domestic policy, economic policy, environmental policy and foreign policy.
  5. Biden, in his domestic and foreign policies, is a powerful voice on behalf of the poor, the hurting, the needy and the destitute for Americans and people everywhere.
  6. Biden has made increasing economic equality a defining purpose of his presidency.
I'll give him a Nobel Prize and throw in Old Joe and 5 convicted murderers.
Below are 6 reasons Biden deserves the Nobel Peace prize. Who can argue with this article? Wonderful insight from The Hill contributor Brent Budowsky who was an aide to former Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas) and former Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.). His reasons you ask:
  1. Biden, after four years of a president who divided America from our democratic allies and praised various enemies of democracy and abusers of human rights around the world, has restored America’s role as a leader of the free world of democratic nations.
  2. Biden places respect for human rights, human dignity and human aspirations at the center of his presidency and foreign policy.
  3. Biden has succeeded in America, achieving policies that advanced mass vaccinations of our people that are defeating the most deadly disease in a century and restoring our national economy.
  4. Biden, who is up against mighty forces, has made solving the deadly dangers of climate change a core principle of his domestic policy, economic policy, environmental policy and foreign policy.
  5. Biden, in his domestic and foreign policies, is a powerful voice on behalf of the poor, the hurting, the needy and the destitute for Americans and people everywhere.
  6. Biden has made increasing economic equality a defining purpose of his presidency.
Below are 6 reasons Biden deserves the Nobel Peace prize. Who can argue with this article? Wonderful insight from The Hill contributor Brent Budowsky who was an aide to former Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas) and former Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.). His reasons you ask:
  1. Biden, after four years of a president who divided America from our democratic allies and praised various enemies of democracy and abusers of human rights around the world, has restored America’s role as a leader of the free world of democratic nations.
  2. Biden places respect for human rights, human dignity and human aspirations at the center of his presidency and foreign policy.
  3. Biden has succeeded in America, achieving policies that advanced mass vaccinations of our people that are defeating the most deadly disease in a century and restoring our national economy.
  4. Biden, who is up against mighty forces, has made solving the deadly dangers of climate change a core principle of his domestic policy, economic policy, environmental policy and foreign policy.
  5. Biden, in his domestic and foreign policies, is a powerful voice on behalf of the poor, the hurting, the needy and the destitute for Americans and people everywhere.
  6. Biden has made increasing economic equality a defining purpose of his presidency.
1: Geebus----we are not the leader of the world now--with Biden in--CHINA is. Our allies are terrified. Japan and Austrailia and many others are now open for CHINA to invade.
2 Biden is a ho for hire...he cares nothing for human rights--hell his family are pedophiles for peats sake.
3 Are you ignorant? We havent defeated the CHINESE kung flu that his masters unleashed upon us----this winter is going to be awful with the new strains
4 Climate Change is a scam meant to rob money from TAXPAYERs which Biden happy to have done since he is getting kickbacks
5 biden is making America poorer fool
6 Biden has made funneling money around the defining purpose of his presidency so the BIG GUY can get his kick backs
You're talking about giving the stuttering fuck a coloring book.... right?

Keep it real you, dumb animal.
Below are 6 reasons Biden deserves the Nobel Peace prize. Who can argue with this article? Wonderful insight from The Hill contributor Brent Budowsky who was an aide to former Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas) and former Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.). His reasons you ask:
  1. Biden, after four years of a president who divided America from our democratic allies and praised various enemies of democracy and abusers of human rights around the world, has restored America’s role as a leader of the free world of democratic nations.
  2. Biden places respect for human rights, human dignity and human aspirations at the center of his presidency and foreign policy.
  3. Biden has succeeded in America, achieving policies that advanced mass vaccinations of our people that are defeating the most deadly disease in a century and restoring our national economy.
  4. Biden, who is up against mighty forces, has made solving the deadly dangers of climate change a core principle of his domestic policy, economic policy, environmental policy and foreign policy.
  5. Biden, in his domestic and foreign policies, is a powerful voice on behalf of the poor, the hurting, the needy and the destitute for Americans and people everywhere.
  6. Biden has made increasing economic equality a defining purpose of his presidency.
biden has run inflation to incredible heights thank god for notecards so he can recall where he is
biden has run inflation to incredible heights thank god for notecards so he can recall where he is
He was great last night. He values accuracy. He wasn’t perfect but really good. See the AOC thread for a lesson on inflation. We aren’t seeing mass inflation. We are seeing product constraints.
Below are 6 reasons Biden deserves the Nobel Peace prize. Who can argue with this article? Wonderful insight from The Hill contributor Brent Budowsky who was an aide to former Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas) and former Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.). His reasons you ask:
  1. Biden, after four years of a president who divided America from our democratic allies and praised various enemies of democracy and abusers of human rights around the world, has restored America’s role as a leader of the free world of democratic nations.
  2. Biden places respect for human rights, human dignity and human aspirations at the center of his presidency and foreign policy.
  3. Biden has succeeded in America, achieving policies that advanced mass vaccinations of our people that are defeating the most deadly disease in a century and restoring our national economy.
  4. Biden, who is up against mighty forces, has made solving the deadly dangers of climate change a core principle of his domestic policy, economic policy, environmental policy and foreign policy.
  5. Biden, in his domestic and foreign policies, is a powerful voice on behalf of the poor, the hurting, the needy and the destitute for Americans and people everywhere.
  6. Biden has made increasing economic equality a defining purpose of his presidency.

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