6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn’t Coming To Your Side On Gun Control

we have laws, in place, to prevent such a sale happening.

how are you, honestly, going to fuck over people for the governments fuck up?

Sure am.

You see, if you call the IRS, and they give you advice, and your tax form is still wrong, you are still on the hook to get it right. Not their fault, it's yours.

Same thing here. The gun sellers know who their customers are. They know that when some guy comes into his store with orange hair doing a bad Heath Ledger as the Joker imitation and wants an AR-15, he's probably up to no good with it.

The thing is, the gun lobby WANTS the bad guys to get guns. They want the bad guys to get guns so people like you get scared, and want them, too. They want the bad guys to get guns so that government agencies will buy more guns (40% of gun sales are to government agencies.)

Now, you hit them with a couple of eight-figure settlements with families of people who say, sensibly,

"How could you sell THIS guy a gun?"


And I promise you, they will make sure they aren't selling a gun to THAT guy.

Because profiling is so acceptable these days. Next thing you know, the gun shop refuses to sell Jerome a gun because he looks like his next move is a drive by and Al Sharpton is camped outside their doors.
What makes rightwingers tick? FEAR of everything. Some of these people won`t leave their homes without a gun tucked inside their bra.

And they're not afraid because they have that gun there. This is in contrast to the liberals who live in abject terror that somewhere, someone might just not be afraid of life.
Hell, way more were killed in car accidents. We should ban cars???

It is glaringly obvious that our society values lives less than various things. Most of those complaining about guns accept easily the tens of thousands of lives lost every year so they can have the freedom to drive fast. Simply making every vehicle unable to travel faster than 25mph would save all those lives, yet they would scream bloody murder if anyone tried.

They'd say things like, "Why should I be punished because a few people lost control of their cars at high speed and hurt someone? I'm a good fast driver, my fast cars have never hurt anyone, and we've had fast cars in our family for years".

IOW, they'd become the very people they hate when it comes to guns.
It is glaringly obvious that our society values lives less than various things. Most of those complaining about guns accept easily the tens of thousands of lives lost every year so they can have the freedom to drive fast. Simply making every vehicle unable to travel faster than 25mph would save all those lives, yet they would scream bloody murder if anyone tried.

Except, of course, about 70% of police resources are dedicated to traffic enforcement...

Again, I'd be happy to treat guns like cars.

Everyone has to get a license.
Your license can be pulled for misconduct
Everyone has to have insurance.
You have to retest as you get older.
It all boils down to the typical progressive tactic of lying, stretching, demonizing, and considering the definition of "compromise" as "do what we want, and get nothing in return"

6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn’t Budging On Gun Control

As an example, item 3:

3. The Loudest Voices Are Often the Most Ignorant
Whether it is an explosive news story or a late-night show host, journalists and celebrities are pretty ignorant about guns. I can see why the Left constantly feels right-wingers are deflecting the gun debate because we get pedantic at details, constantly correcting things like the inappropriate labeling of “assault rifles.” While this is an extremely emotional issue after a tragedy, it’s also a policy debate.

Good policies should be extraordinarily specific, explicit, and, you know, accurate in describing what it’s actually legislating. It’s hard for Second Amendment advocates to believe that the loudest voices are approaching this policy issue with seriousness when they constantly get even the most basic details wrong. I don’t want legislation that’s been emotionally manipulated into existence, I want legislation that is shown to actually do what it is intended to do.
Crap. A heaping pile of NRA pooped out crap.

The NRA is the loudest voice in Congress. The sound of all that money being poured into Republicans to make sure gun laws only change for the worse.

You fucking dickheads have blood on your hands. I hope it is offensive to you because it certainly is offensive to me that you assholes can't see the problem in handing these shooters such a lethal killing machine is part of the problem.

And you know wehy you ignore the other countries? Because they prove how sick & demented & horrible people you people really are.

"Oh its so much fun to shoot these" makes it OK that so many children are dead.

Maybe wed should forward that e-mail about how to grow your penis & maybe you gun toting morons won't need to feel the need to compensate anymore.

Lie. The NRA isn't even in the top 20, not in lobbying firms, not in money spent, not in top contributions.

Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets
It all boils down to the typical progressive tactic of lying, stretching, demonizing, and considering the definition of "compromise" as "do what we want, and get nothing in return"

6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn’t Budging On Gun Control

As an example, item 3:

3. The Loudest Voices Are Often the Most Ignorant
Whether it is an explosive news story or a late-night show host, journalists and celebrities are pretty ignorant about guns. I can see why the Left constantly feels right-wingers are deflecting the gun debate because we get pedantic at details, constantly correcting things like the inappropriate labeling of “assault rifles.” While this is an extremely emotional issue after a tragedy, it’s also a policy debate.

Good policies should be extraordinarily specific, explicit, and, you know, accurate in describing what it’s actually legislating. It’s hard for Second Amendment advocates to believe that the loudest voices are approaching this policy issue with seriousness when they constantly get even the most basic details wrong. I don’t want legislation that’s been emotionally manipulated into existence, I want legislation that is shown to actually do what it is intended to do.
Crap. A heaping pile of NRA pooped out crap.

The NRA is the loudest voice in Congress. The sound of all that money being poured into Republicans to make sure gun laws only change for the worse.

You fucking dickheads have blood on your hands. I hope it is offensive to you because it certainly is offensive to me that you assholes can't see the problem in handing these shooters such a lethal killing machine is part of the problem.

And you know wehy you ignore the other countries? Because they prove how sick & demented & horrible people you people really are.

"Oh its so much fun to shoot these" makes it OK that so many children are dead.

Maybe wed should forward that e-mail about how to grow your penis & maybe you gun toting morons won't need to feel the need to compensate anymore.

Lie. The NRA isn't even in the top 20, not in lobbying firms, not in money spent, not in top contributions.

Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets
FYI, in 2016

Audit shows NRA spending surged $100 million amidst pro-Trump push in 2016

The National Rifle Association’s overall spending surged by more than $100 million in 2016, surpassing any previous annual NRA spending totals on record, according to an audit obtained by the Center for Responsive Politics.

The explosion in spending came as the NRA poured unprecedented amounts of money into efforts to deliver Donald Trump the White House and help Republicans hold both houses of Congress.

The audit filed with the state of North Carolina shows that the NRA’s total expenditures exploded to more than $419 million, up from $312 million the prior year.

The jump is even more stark when compared to its spending during the previous two presidential elections in 2012 and 2008, when their outlays topped out at $261 million and $204 million, respectively, according to similar audits.
It all boils down to the typical progressive tactic of lying, stretching, demonizing, and considering the definition of "compromise" as "do what we want, and get nothing in return"

6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn’t Budging On Gun Control

As an example, item 3:

3. The Loudest Voices Are Often the Most Ignorant
Whether it is an explosive news story or a late-night show host, journalists and celebrities are pretty ignorant about guns. I can see why the Left constantly feels right-wingers are deflecting the gun debate because we get pedantic at details, constantly correcting things like the inappropriate labeling of “assault rifles.” While this is an extremely emotional issue after a tragedy, it’s also a policy debate.

Good policies should be extraordinarily specific, explicit, and, you know, accurate in describing what it’s actually legislating. It’s hard for Second Amendment advocates to believe that the loudest voices are approaching this policy issue with seriousness when they constantly get even the most basic details wrong. I don’t want legislation that’s been emotionally manipulated into existence, I want legislation that is shown to actually do what it is intended to do.
Crap. A heaping pile of NRA pooped out crap.

The NRA is the loudest voice in Congress. The sound of all that money being poured into Republicans to make sure gun laws only change for the worse.

You fucking dickheads have blood on your hands. I hope it is offensive to you because it certainly is offensive to me that you assholes can't see the problem in handing these shooters such a lethal killing machine is part of the problem.

And you know wehy you ignore the other countries? Because they prove how sick & demented & horrible people you people really are.

"Oh its so much fun to shoot these" makes it OK that so many children are dead.

Maybe wed should forward that e-mail about how to grow your penis & maybe you gun toting morons won't need to feel the need to compensate anymore.

Lie. The NRA isn't even in the top 20, not in lobbying firms, not in money spent, not in top contributions.

Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets
FYI, in 2016

Audit shows NRA spending surged $100 million amidst pro-Trump push in 2016

The National Rifle Association’s overall spending surged by more than $100 million in 2016, surpassing any previous annual NRA spending totals on record, according to an audit obtained by the Center for Responsive Politics.

The explosion in spending came as the NRA poured unprecedented amounts of money into efforts to deliver Donald Trump the White House and help Republicans hold both houses of Congress.

The audit filed with the state of North Carolina shows that the NRA’s total expenditures exploded to more than $419 million, up from $312 million the prior year.

The jump is even more stark when compared to its spending during the previous two presidential elections in 2012 and 2008, when their outlays topped out at $261 million and $204 million, respectively, according to similar audits.

That still puts them behind teachers unions, dairy farmers, the evil AARP, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and the National Association of Realtors (seriously, look up NAR's numbers ... outrageous), among others.
It all boils down to the typical progressive tactic of lying, stretching, demonizing, and considering the definition of "compromise" as "do what we want, and get nothing in return"

6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn’t Budging On Gun Control

As an example, item 3:

3. The Loudest Voices Are Often the Most Ignorant
Whether it is an explosive news story or a late-night show host, journalists and celebrities are pretty ignorant about guns. I can see why the Left constantly feels right-wingers are deflecting the gun debate because we get pedantic at details, constantly correcting things like the inappropriate labeling of “assault rifles.” While this is an extremely emotional issue after a tragedy, it’s also a policy debate.

Good policies should be extraordinarily specific, explicit, and, you know, accurate in describing what it’s actually legislating. It’s hard for Second Amendment advocates to believe that the loudest voices are approaching this policy issue with seriousness when they constantly get even the most basic details wrong. I don’t want legislation that’s been emotionally manipulated into existence, I want legislation that is shown to actually do what it is intended to do.
Crap. A heaping pile of NRA pooped out crap.

The NRA is the loudest voice in Congress. The sound of all that money being poured into Republicans to make sure gun laws only change for the worse.

You fucking dickheads have blood on your hands. I hope it is offensive to you because it certainly is offensive to me that you assholes can't see the problem in handing these shooters such a lethal killing machine is part of the problem.

And you know wehy you ignore the other countries? Because they prove how sick & demented & horrible people you people really are.

"Oh its so much fun to shoot these" makes it OK that so many children are dead.

Maybe wed should forward that e-mail about how to grow your penis & maybe you gun toting morons won't need to feel the need to compensate anymore.

Lie. The NRA isn't even in the top 20, not in lobbying firms, not in money spent, not in top contributions.

Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets
FYI, in 2016

Audit shows NRA spending surged $100 million amidst pro-Trump push in 2016

The National Rifle Association’s overall spending surged by more than $100 million in 2016, surpassing any previous annual NRA spending totals on record, according to an audit obtained by the Center for Responsive Politics.

The explosion in spending came as the NRA poured unprecedented amounts of money into efforts to deliver Donald Trump the White House and help Republicans hold both houses of Congress.

The audit filed with the state of North Carolina shows that the NRA’s total expenditures exploded to more than $419 million, up from $312 million the prior year.

The jump is even more stark when compared to its spending during the previous two presidential elections in 2012 and 2008, when their outlays topped out at $261 million and $204 million, respectively, according to similar audits.

That still puts them behind teachers unions, dairy farmers, the evil AARP, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and the National Association of Realtors (seriously, look up NAR's numbers ... outrageous), among others.
From what I can see, the NRA spent more than those groups Tresha....???

Maybe the NRA is in a different sector of spenders because they are a non profit or something??? I really don't know??

It shows up in none of those charts or categories, yet they have spent more than most if not all on these lists?

I had to do a separate search to find what they spent in 2016.....in order to find them???
It all boils down to the typical progressive tactic of lying, stretching, demonizing, and considering the definition of "compromise" as "do what we want, and get nothing in return"

6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn’t Budging On Gun Control

As an example, item 3:

3. The Loudest Voices Are Often the Most Ignorant
Whether it is an explosive news story or a late-night show host, journalists and celebrities are pretty ignorant about guns. I can see why the Left constantly feels right-wingers are deflecting the gun debate because we get pedantic at details, constantly correcting things like the inappropriate labeling of “assault rifles.” While this is an extremely emotional issue after a tragedy, it’s also a policy debate.

Good policies should be extraordinarily specific, explicit, and, you know, accurate in describing what it’s actually legislating. It’s hard for Second Amendment advocates to believe that the loudest voices are approaching this policy issue with seriousness when they constantly get even the most basic details wrong. I don’t want legislation that’s been emotionally manipulated into existence, I want legislation that is shown to actually do what it is intended to do.
Crap. A heaping pile of NRA pooped out crap.

The NRA is the loudest voice in Congress. The sound of all that money being poured into Republicans to make sure gun laws only change for the worse.

You fucking dickheads have blood on your hands. I hope it is offensive to you because it certainly is offensive to me that you assholes can't see the problem in handing these shooters such a lethal killing machine is part of the problem.

And you know wehy you ignore the other countries? Because they prove how sick & demented & horrible people you people really are.

"Oh its so much fun to shoot these" makes it OK that so many children are dead.

Maybe wed should forward that e-mail about how to grow your penis & maybe you gun toting morons won't need to feel the need to compensate anymore.
The NRA is correct and for the most part most Americans agree.

You have not made any sort of counter argument but instead you have merely spewed hyperbole.

Do you have an argument?
It all boils down to the typical progressive tactic of lying, stretching, demonizing, and considering the definition of "compromise" as "do what we want, and get nothing in return"

6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn’t Budging On Gun Control

As an example, item 3:

3. The Loudest Voices Are Often the Most Ignorant
Whether it is an explosive news story or a late-night show host, journalists and celebrities are pretty ignorant about guns. I can see why the Left constantly feels right-wingers are deflecting the gun debate because we get pedantic at details, constantly correcting things like the inappropriate labeling of “assault rifles.” While this is an extremely emotional issue after a tragedy, it’s also a policy debate.

Good policies should be extraordinarily specific, explicit, and, you know, accurate in describing what it’s actually legislating. It’s hard for Second Amendment advocates to believe that the loudest voices are approaching this policy issue with seriousness when they constantly get even the most basic details wrong. I don’t want legislation that’s been emotionally manipulated into existence, I want legislation that is shown to actually do what it is intended to do.
Crap. A heaping pile of NRA pooped out crap.

The NRA is the loudest voice in Congress. The sound of all that money being poured into Republicans to make sure gun laws only change for the worse.

You fucking dickheads have blood on your hands. I hope it is offensive to you because it certainly is offensive to me that you assholes can't see the problem in handing these shooters such a lethal killing machine is part of the problem.

And you know wehy you ignore the other countries? Because they prove how sick & demented & horrible people you people really are.

"Oh its so much fun to shoot these" makes it OK that so many children are dead.

Maybe wed should forward that e-mail about how to grow your penis & maybe you gun toting morons won't need to feel the need to compensate anymore.
Clean your screen.

I know you busted 2 nuts on that screed.
It all boils down to the typical progressive tactic of lying, stretching, demonizing, and considering the definition of "compromise" as "do what we want, and get nothing in return"

6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn’t Budging On Gun Control

As an example, item 3:
Crap. A heaping pile of NRA pooped out crap.

The NRA is the loudest voice in Congress. The sound of all that money being poured into Republicans to make sure gun laws only change for the worse.

You fucking dickheads have blood on your hands. I hope it is offensive to you because it certainly is offensive to me that you assholes can't see the problem in handing these shooters such a lethal killing machine is part of the problem.

And you know wehy you ignore the other countries? Because they prove how sick & demented & horrible people you people really are.

"Oh its so much fun to shoot these" makes it OK that so many children are dead.

Maybe wed should forward that e-mail about how to grow your penis & maybe you gun toting morons won't need to feel the need to compensate anymore.

Lie. The NRA isn't even in the top 20, not in lobbying firms, not in money spent, not in top contributions.

Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets
FYI, in 2016

Audit shows NRA spending surged $100 million amidst pro-Trump push in 2016

The National Rifle Association’s overall spending surged by more than $100 million in 2016, surpassing any previous annual NRA spending totals on record, according to an audit obtained by the Center for Responsive Politics.

The explosion in spending came as the NRA poured unprecedented amounts of money into efforts to deliver Donald Trump the White House and help Republicans hold both houses of Congress.

The audit filed with the state of North Carolina shows that the NRA’s total expenditures exploded to more than $419 million, up from $312 million the prior year.

The jump is even more stark when compared to its spending during the previous two presidential elections in 2012 and 2008, when their outlays topped out at $261 million and $204 million, respectively, according to similar audits.

That still puts them behind teachers unions, dairy farmers, the evil AARP, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and the National Association of Realtors (seriously, look up NAR's numbers ... outrageous), among others.
From what I can see, the NRA spent more than those groups Tresha....???

Maybe the NRA is in a different sector of spenders because they are a non profit or something??? I really don't know??

It shows up in none of those charts or categories, yet they have spent more than most if not all on these lists?

I had to do a separate search to find what they spent in 2016.....in order to find them???

Yeah. I had to search several different ways. All of the results were distressing and there are obvious gaps. It all stinks IMO. It should not be difficult to find this important info, and one should be confident in the info stated.

I looked hard, multiple ways, and still am not sure any of the findings are accurate.
That parents are allowing their children to forgo education for the left's political gain should be child abuse. To deny your child a chance to prosper in life so educators can shove them in front of cameras and make demands concerning our national rights is sad to watch.
The children, the children mind you, have decided to boycott school until we are forced to give up our weapons. I watched one kid reading from a script his teachers gave him and were standing on both sides of him making sure he's doing it right.
The hell with science, math, advanced technology and things that the children in China are learning. Our kids get A's for poster making and gender identifying. Parents, this is going to come back and bite you in the ass. They consider you part of the problem now...
The one thing on my mind is...

They are going to boycott... Refuse to go to school.

After the fact.

They knew he was dangerous.

They reported his desire to kill his classmates.

The teachers knew.

The Administrators knew.

Law enforcement knew.

The FBI knew.

What I don't understand is why, WHY they didn't boycott the school and refuse to go to class BEFORE he killed his classmates.

Now they want to blame the NRA, law abiding citizens, and the President because.. "They didn't do anything?"
The article was actually in the Federalist.

And you just proved the point of the article.

You just included so many typical gun control freak cliches that you are now dumber than JoeBlow when it comes to this topic.

You are a whiny pathetic loser.

Wow, I'm glad to see I occupy space in your head.

Here's the thing. We aren't going to win over the gun nuts, and we shouldn't even try.

That 3% of the population that compensates for tiny penises by owning 50% of the guns in the country, we aren't going to win them over.

We work on the 79% who don't own guns, and the 18% who own a gun or two, but don't want their kid going to school with an Emo loser with a machine gun.
Looks like another one busts a nut to make insults and blame.

My wife constantly gets threats from her students.

Some get suspended, some expelled.


Could care less.
It all boils down to the typical progressive tactic of lying, stretching, demonizing, and considering the definition of "compromise" as "do what we want, and get nothing in return"

6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn’t Budging On Gun Control

As an example, item 3:

3. The Loudest Voices Are Often the Most Ignorant
Whether it is an explosive news story or a late-night show host, journalists and celebrities are pretty ignorant about guns. I can see why the Left constantly feels right-wingers are deflecting the gun debate because we get pedantic at details, constantly correcting things like the inappropriate labeling of “assault rifles.” While this is an extremely emotional issue after a tragedy, it’s also a policy debate.

Good policies should be extraordinarily specific, explicit, and, you know, accurate in describing what it’s actually legislating. It’s hard for Second Amendment advocates to believe that the loudest voices are approaching this policy issue with seriousness when they constantly get even the most basic details wrong. I don’t want legislation that’s been emotionally manipulated into existence, I want legislation that is shown to actually do what it is intended to do.
Crap. A heaping pile of NRA pooped out crap.

The NRA is the loudest voice in Congress. The sound of all that money being poured into Republicans to make sure gun laws only change for the worse.

You fucking dickheads have blood on your hands. I hope it is offensive to you because it certainly is offensive to me that you assholes can't see the problem in handing these shooters such a lethal killing machine is part of the problem.

And you know wehy you ignore the other countries? Because they prove how sick & demented & horrible people you people really are.

"Oh its so much fun to shoot these" makes it OK that so many children are dead.

Maybe wed should forward that e-mail about how to grow your penis & maybe you gun toting morons won't need to feel the need to compensate anymore.
Sounds like you are compensating for so some shortcomings... lol

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