60+ Lawmakers 7 States Tell Obama; if you want on 2012 ballot, RELEASE YOUR RECORDS!

Jan 17, 2010
3 more states, South Carolina, New Hampshire and Indiana have joined Arizona in proposing bills requiring proof of Article II Eligibility for POTUS. Does this mean this is no longer a crazy, fringe conspiracy theory movement?


South Carolina-Bill 3389, freshman state Rep. Tommy Stringer has introduced legislation that would amend the state’s election code to make sure that “a candidate for President or Vice President of the United States may not have his name printed on a ballot in this State unless there is conclusive evidence that he is a natural born citizen of the United States.”…
2009-2010 Bill 3389 Text of Previous Version (Jan. 29, 2009) - South Carolina Legislature Online

New Hampshire’s House bill 1245, mandates that “the names of the candidates shall not appear on the ballot unless the secretary of state has received certified copies of the birth certificates of the candidates.”
HB 1245

Indiana’s Senate bill 82, grapples with the legal standing issue that has vexed “birthers,” granting the right to challenge qualifications to “a registered voter of the jurisdiction conducting the election.”.
Senate Bill 0082

Arizona House bill 2441, titled: presidential candidates; proof of qualifications
…Within ten days after submittal of the names of the candidates, the national political party committee shall submit an affidavit of the presidential candidate in which the presidential candidate states the candidate’s citizenship and age and shall append to the affidavit documents that prove that the candidate is a natural born citizen, prove the candidate’s age and prove that the candidate meets the residency requirements for President of the United States as prescribed in article II, section 1, Constitution of the United States… …view entire Arizona bill HERE.
Documents For Bill

EDITED/shortened, due to copyright/board rules.
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Looks like this is going to be a problem for Obama. I wonder what his supporters think of State legislatures going this route?
While I have been little more than amused by the birthers, this trend by state politicians is adding a rather unique twist to this ongoing story that remains just under the radar...
3 more states, South Carolina, New Hampshire and Indiana have joined Arizona in proposing bills requiring proof of Article II Eligibility for POTUS. Does this mean this is no longer a crazy, fringe conspiracy theory movement?

South Carolina-Bill 3389, freshman state Rep. Tommy Stringer has introduced legislation that would amend the state’s election code to make sure that “a candidate for President or Vice President of the United States may not have his name printed on a ballot in this State unless there is conclusive evidence that he is a natural born citizen of the United States.”…
2009-2010 Bill 3389 Text of Previous Version (Jan. 29, 2009) - South Carolina Legislature Online

New Hampshire’s House bill 1245, mandates that “the names of the candidates shall not appear on the ballot unless the secretary of state has received certified copies of the birth certificates of the candidates.”
HB 1245

Indiana’s Senate bill 82, grapples with the legal standing issue that has vexed “birthers,” granting the right to challenge qualifications to “a registered voter of the jurisdiction conducting the election.”.
Senate Bill 0082

Arizona House bill 2441, titled: presidential candidates; proof of qualifications
…Within ten days after submittal of the names of the candidates, the national political party committee shall submit an affidavit of the presidential candidate in which the presidential candidate states the candidate’s citizenship and age and shall append to the affidavit documents that prove that the candidate is a natural born citizen, prove the candidate’s age and prove that the candidate meets the residency requirements for President of the United States as prescribed in article II, section 1, Constitution of the United States… …view entire Arizona bill HERE.
Documents For Bill

Other states are also joining: According to the National Conference of State Legislatures; New York, Virginia, Georgia and other states are also working on the same type legislation. …more HERE.
Obama's eligibility becomes war among the states

Also, let us not forget the federal bill proposed by Bill Posey of Florida;H.R.1503 - Presidential Eligibility Act -
H.R.1503: Presidential Eligibility Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress

To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee’s statement of organization a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution…

…Congress finds that under - the Constitution of the United States, in order to be eligible to serve as President, an individual must be a natural born citizen of the United States who has attained the age of 35 years and has been a resident within the United States for at least 14 years.

The way I understand the electorial college is that the state government controls who is picked as electors. Originally it was done by the state governments but eventually people decided that it was better to allow the direct popular vote to do it so the same states simply chose to allow that process to pick the electors.

There is nothing in the constitution that I know of that prevents states from controlling how those electors are to be chosen. States can pick and choose any method they want as long as it does not violate the constitution which makes this legal for them to do but I would like to see states withhold electors completely if the budget isn't balanced soon!
Republicans are missing the point. Obama's grandfather and great uncle both served in the US Military honorably on Active Duty during WWII. Then there is his grandmother and mother. All of them say or have said he was born in this country.

Republicans have smeared the integrity of a patriotic American family who has served this country honorably for generations. It's dirty and dangerous people who do that to honorable Americans who have committed no crime. Despicable. Disgusting. I would ask if Republicans have any shame, but the word is obviously not part of their vocabulary. And that IS a shame.
Looks like this is going to be a problem for Obama. I wonder what his supporters think of State legislatures going this route?

having worked as an aide for state legislators, I know that there are goofy bills submitted every year. Let me know when any legislative body PASSES one of them.

Republicans are missing the point. Obama's grandfather and great uncle both served in the US Military honorably on Active Duty during WWII. Then there is his grandmother and mother. All of them say or have said he was born in this country.

Republicans have smeared the integrity of a patriotic American family who has served this country honorably for generations. It's dirty and dangerous people who do that to honorable Americans who have committed no crime. Despicable. Disgusting. I would ask if Republicans have any shame, but the word is obviously not part of their vocabulary. And that IS a shame.
Got a link to where his grandmother and mother said he was born in this country and his uncle and grandpa serving in WW2 have nothing to do with the fraud and treason Obama (the communist black mold) has committed against this nation by usurping the office of the presidency. Currently there is no sign of American Patriotism in his family.
This thread makes Obama very sad...

Republicans are missing the point. Obama's grandfather and great uncle both served in the US Military honorably on Active Duty during WWII. Then there is his grandmother and mother. All of them say or have said he was born in this country.

Republicans have smeared the integrity of a patriotic American family who has served this country honorably for generations. It's dirty and dangerous people who do that to honorable Americans who have committed no crime. Despicable. Disgusting. I would ask if Republicans have any shame, but the word is obviously not part of their vocabulary. And that IS a shame.
Got a link to where his grandmother and mother said he was born in this country and his uncle and grandpa serving in WW2 have nothing to do with the fraud and treason Obama (the communist black mold) has committed against this nation by usurping the office of the presidency. Currently there is no sign of American Patriotism in his family.

Creep. How dare you malign that family.

Ann Dunham, Ph.D.
Mother of Barack Obama born in 1942, died in 1995. Born Stanley Ann Dunham, she was an American anthropologist who specialized in economic anthropology and rural development. She earned her Ph.D from the University of Hawaii and worked with the United States Agency for International Development, the Ford Foundation, and Women's World Banking, championing microcredit for the world’s poor

Stanley Armour Dunham
Stanley Dunham is the grandfather of Barack Obama. He was born in 1918 and served as a sergeant in the U.S. Army during World War II, enlisting just after the attacks on Pearl Harbor.

Ralph Dunham, Ph.D.
Great-uncle of Barack Obama, older brother of Stanley Dunham, born 1916. He served in the U.S. Army as an assignment and personnel officer during World War II, landing at Normandy's Omaha Easy Red beach on D-Day plus four and working his way through France, Italy and Germany

Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham
Barack Obama's maternal grandmother, born in 1922 and died on November 2, 2008, just two days before Obama won the election.

Charles Thomas Payne
Great-uncle of Barack Obama, younger brother of Madelyn Dunham, born 1925. Served during World War II in the U.S. Army 89th Infantry Division. Obama has often described Payne's role in liberating Ohrdruf forced labor camp. Payne appeared in the visitor's gallery at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, when his great-nephew was nominated for President.


What the hell is wrong with you people? You're awful.

Since his grandmother died two days before he was elected, she had to hear that crap. I bet you guys hurt her real good. Hope you are proud.

And you're a racist. Worse than scum. You can't possibly be an American.
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3 more states, South Carolina, New Hampshire and Indiana have joined Arizona in proposing bills requiring proof of Article II Eligibility for POTUS. Does this mean this is no longer a crazy, fringe conspiracy theory movement?

South Carolina-Bill 3389, freshman state Rep. Tommy Stringer has introduced legislation that would amend the state’s election code to make sure that “a candidate for President or Vice President of the United States may not have his name printed on a ballot in this State unless there is conclusive evidence that he is a natural born citizen of the United States.”…
2009-2010 Bill 3389 Text of Previous Version (Jan. 29, 2009) - South Carolina Legislature Online

New Hampshire’s House bill 1245, mandates that “the names of the candidates shall not appear on the ballot unless the secretary of state has received certified copies of the birth certificates of the candidates.”
HB 1245

Indiana’s Senate bill 82, grapples with the legal standing issue that has vexed “birthers,” granting the right to challenge qualifications to “a registered voter of the jurisdiction conducting the election.”.
Senate Bill 0082

Arizona House bill 2441, titled: presidential candidates; proof of qualifications
…Within ten days after submittal of the names of the candidates, the national political party committee shall submit an affidavit of the presidential candidate in which the presidential candidate states the candidate’s citizenship and age and shall append to the affidavit documents that prove that the candidate is a natural born citizen, prove the candidate’s age and prove that the candidate meets the residency requirements for President of the United States as prescribed in article II, section 1, Constitution of the United States… …view entire Arizona bill HERE.
Documents For Bill

Other states are also joining: According to the National Conference of State Legislatures; New York, Virginia, Georgia and other states are also working on the same type legislation. …more HERE.
Obama's eligibility becomes war among the states

Also, let us not forget the federal bill proposed by Bill Posey of Florida;H.R.1503 - Presidential Eligibility Act -
H.R.1503: Presidential Eligibility Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress

To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee’s statement of organization a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution…

…Congress finds that under - the Constitution of the United States, in order to be eligible to serve as President, an individual must be a natural born citizen of the United States who has attained the age of 35 years and has been a resident within the United States for at least 14 years.
Wow, you are a busy boy. You posted this one 251 places on the internet.


Are you being paid for this?
Looks like this is going to be a problem for Obama. I wonder what his supporters think of State legislatures going this route?

I think some people will trudge through hell if they think it will prevent someone of color from being POTUS. As for Obama, he doesn't have a problem. I wonder what the state legislatures are going to do when the wingnuts don't accept the certified birth certificate that he's ALREADY produced!

This is what the wingnuts have never gotten. He produced a certified birth certificate! The state of Hawaii even went further to confirm the legitimacy of his birth certificate. He has already met the provisions in all of the bills the birthers who made it to the state legislatures have proposed/passed. Now, this may be a problem for someone in the future but not Obama.

Unless the birthers want state laws that says "the birth certificate shall be null and void if any translator says that an elderly non-English grandmother says the candidate was born in a foreign."

FN ridiculous. Most of these state legislatures should be spending time trying to balance their budgets rather than entertaining the birther nonsense.
Republicans are missing the point. Obama's grandfather and great uncle both served in the US Military honorably on Active Duty during WWII. Then there is his grandmother and mother. All of them say or have said he was born in this country.

Republicans have smeared the integrity of a patriotic American family who has served this country honorably for generations. It's dirty and dangerous people who do that to honorable Americans who have committed no crime. Despicable. Disgusting. I would ask if Republicans have any shame, but the word is obviously not part of their vocabulary. And that IS a shame.

No, they are not missing the point. Their point is they will do practically ANYTHING to prevent a man of color from becoming POTUS. Absent that, they will do practically ANYTHING to cause him to fail; even if it means taking the risk of tanking the country.
3 more states, South Carolina, New Hampshire and Indiana have joined Arizona in proposing bills requiring proof of Article II Eligibility for POTUS. Does this mean this is no longer a crazy, fringe conspiracy theory movement?

and introduced legislation is all it is introduced. It's irrelevant.
South Carolina-Bill 3389, freshman state Rep. Tommy Stringer has introduced legislation that would amend the state’s election code to make sure that “a candidate for President or Vice President of the United States may not have his name printed on a ballot in this State unless there is conclusive evidence that he is a natural born citizen of the United States.”…
2009-2010 Bill 3389 Text of Previous Version (Jan. 29, 2009) - South Carolina Legislature Online

New Hampshire’s House bill 1245, mandates that “the names of the candidates shall not appear on the ballot unless the secretary of state has received certified copies of the birth certificates of the candidates.”
HB 1245

Indiana’s Senate bill 82, grapples with the legal standing issue that has vexed “birthers,” granting the right to challenge qualifications to “a registered voter of the jurisdiction conducting the election.”.
Senate Bill 0082

Arizona House bill 2441, titled: presidential candidates; proof of qualifications
…Within ten days after submittal of the names of the candidates, the national political party committee shall submit an affidavit of the presidential candidate in which the presidential candidate states the candidate’s citizenship and age and shall append to the affidavit documents that prove that the candidate is a natural born citizen, prove the candidate’s age and prove that the candidate meets the residency requirements for President of the United States as prescribed in article II, section 1, Constitution of the United States… …view entire Arizona bill HERE.
Documents For Bill

Other states are also joining: According to the National Conference of State Legislatures; New York, Virginia, Georgia and other states are also working on the same type legislation. …more HERE.
Obama's eligibility becomes war among the states

Also, let us not forget the federal bill proposed by Bill Posey of Florida;H.R.1503 - Presidential Eligibility Act -
H.R.1503: Presidential Eligibility Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress

To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee’s statement of organization a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution…

…Congress finds that under - the Constitution of the United States, in order to be eligible to serve as President, an individual must be a natural born citizen of the United States who has attained the age of 35 years and has been a resident within the United States for at least 14 years.

Still at this losing crack pot stuff?

Obama has a birth certificate certified by the state of Hawaii.
3 more states, South Carolina, New Hampshire and Indiana have joined Arizona in proposing bills requiring proof of Article II Eligibility for POTUS. Does this mean this is no longer a crazy, fringe conspiracy theory movement?

South Carolina-Bill 3389, freshman state Rep. Tommy Stringer has introduced legislation that would amend the state’s election code to make sure that “a candidate for President or Vice President of the United States may not have his name printed on a ballot in this State unless there is conclusive evidence that he is a natural born citizen of the United States.”…
2009-2010 Bill 3389 Text of Previous Version (Jan. 29, 2009) - South Carolina Legislature Online

New Hampshire’s House bill 1245, mandates that “the names of the candidates shall not appear on the ballot unless the secretary of state has received certified copies of the birth certificates of the candidates.”
HB 1245

Indiana’s Senate bill 82, grapples with the legal standing issue that has vexed “birthers,” granting the right to challenge qualifications to “a registered voter of the jurisdiction conducting the election.”.
Senate Bill 0082

Arizona House bill 2441, titled: presidential candidates; proof of qualifications
…Within ten days after submittal of the names of the candidates, the national political party committee shall submit an affidavit of the presidential candidate in which the presidential candidate states the candidate’s citizenship and age and shall append to the affidavit documents that prove that the candidate is a natural born citizen, prove the candidate’s age and prove that the candidate meets the residency requirements for President of the United States as prescribed in article II, section 1, Constitution of the United States… …view entire Arizona bill HERE.
Documents For Bill

Other states are also joining: According to the National Conference of State Legislatures; New York, Virginia, Georgia and other states are also working on the same type legislation. …more HERE.
Obama's eligibility becomes war among the states

Also, let us not forget the federal bill proposed by Bill Posey of Florida;H.R.1503 - Presidential Eligibility Act -
H.R.1503: Presidential Eligibility Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress

To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee’s statement of organization a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution…

…Congress finds that under - the Constitution of the United States, in order to be eligible to serve as President, an individual must be a natural born citizen of the United States who has attained the age of 35 years and has been a resident within the United States for at least 14 years.
Wow, you are a busy boy. You posted this one 251 places on the internet.


Are you being paid for this?


I suspect like you he is a nut with lots of time on his hands.

It seems that in some states, the lunatics are close to getting control of the asylum. I wonder if ANY governor will sign of of these bills IF they get through both houses of the state legislature.
It seems that in some states, the lunatics are close to getting control of the asylum. I wonder if ANY governor will sign of of these bills IF they get through both houses of the state legislature.

Why not? One bill asks for a birth certificate that is certified. :lol:

Hawaii has certified Obama's birth certificate.

More sadness. The GOP is using the lunatics and dupes. No conscience.
So let me see if I have this straight.

Some crazy, partisan (and in all probability racist) individual members of several state legislatures have proposed bills that would verify the citizenship of any Presidential Candidate.

And no state has passed any such proposed legislation.

But you feel that because there are some morons in various state legislatures that really desperately want the President to not be president, that that proves some sort of point?

Meanwhile, Mr Obama has provided certified documents of his citizenship that would meet any of the proposed legislations' requirements.

The crazy Black-Helicopter crowd just keeps on trucking.
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The argument for the bill in the Arizona state legislator is not about race, or even about Obama really. It is about the controversy itself. The argument on the legislator actually calls for a candidates qualifications before the electors are allowed to cast their vote because the nuttier ones among the legislator spent so much time (in the AZ House especially) that it is seen as the way to prevent that time from being wasted in the future.
The actual bill only calls for a candidate to provide proof of eligiblity before our state electors are then allowed to vote, as required in the electorial college system. It only pertains to Obama if he wins in the future, and then because he has already served, it may not be required then. The proof could be that he completed one term, so is ok for the next.
I thought this was all settled, and that his BC had been released by hawai. I guess I was wrong.
I also thought that when the congress passed that bill making certain that those born to American parents were indeed citizens, it meant Obama as well.
I imagine there are those that want to "prevent a man of color" from serving, and I see there are those that want to label everyone that even questions Obama a racist.
Both of those conditions indicate that the person making them has issues with race.
Personally, even if I didn't vote for Obama, and even though I am not real impressed with his performance, I find it a big step in the right direction that this country elected a black man to the presidency. That comes from a old redneck big hatted, big belt buckle cowboy who remembers visiting family in the deep south when I was a kid, and seeing separate bathrooms, water fountains, ect.
Nope, this old cowboy thinks it is a step towards progress.

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