60 Minutes' expose on voters' manipulation in 2016...and Obama's weak response to the threat.

Last night, 60 Minutes had a very interesting (and alarming) expose' on how Russia manipulated voters' confidence in our electoral sanctity by easily hacking into our voters' data base.

According to the report, It all started in Illinois and Arizona. IT experts in those states noticed a pronounced slow-down when accessing their respective states' data base.....and the FBI's weak response to such hacking for two main reasons. First, a reluctance by states to yield jurisdiction to a federal entity since elections are the privy of states, and, Second, Obama's fears of appearing "partisan" in announcing that the electoral processes had been compromised by a foreign entity....Russia......that seemed biased toward undermining Clinton and preferring Trump as the presidential choice.......By the somewhat lame response by the Obama administration just days before the election, the damage had already been done.

Although it does not seem that any votes had been manipulated, the hacking DID create havoc in some selected voting stations in stalling the process.

Bottom line is this:

Blame can be rightfully be placed on the Obama administration for its lame response...BUT, even more important, the Trump administration and the republican led congress...............fearing the de-legitimatizing of the 2016 election..... has chosen to do NOTHING to prevent future interference in the upcoming midterms.

Consider the fact that the most wealthy, powerful people in the world have the motive and means to bring their preferred candidates to the forefront, and support the legitimacy of those choices with their influence in the mass media. Consider the fact that we have a de facto two-party system, and that most individuals find themselves deciding between two candidates in the end. How hard would it be for those powerful individuals to assure that BOTH candidates will serve their interests in one form or another?

Imagine the goal was greater control and wealth-generation for those elite few who have the aforementioned influence. Imagine the left/right, democrat/repbulican paradigm as merely two boots on the same giant. If the people choose the right-wing candidate, they make progress along those lines until the people are so tired of it, they cry out for a "change". Then the voters choose left, and we make progress along those lines, but never give back the ground that the previous administration gained. Progress toward the goal is assured, whatever the people do.

Do you think people of tremendous wealth and power got there by just letting nature take its course, or by manipulating events to assure their success as much as possible? Much like the Casino owner, they do not rely on chance, but skew the odds in their favor. All the while, the people vent their revolutionary fervor via the illusion of victorious change provided by ousting the current party in favor of the opposition. But in reality, there IS no opposition; just two heads of the same beast.

Now amidst all of this, does it really matter that we were superficially manipulated in our voting decision? I'm suggesting that voting is just a bauble for the children to play with so they feel they're actually participating; like giving your kid a toy hammer so he can bang on the wood while you build a cabinet. Consider what was said here - is it in accord with your notions of how wealthy, powerful people think? Do you believe they have the required influence to accomplish this?
Tell the class exactly what Trump and congress should do when they have no authority over State election data bases. They've already offered IT expertise, what else can they do?

What else can they do??

First, the Trump administration and republican congress OPENLY acknowledge that states' voter data bases are susceptible to foreign hacking....

Second, OPENLY report states who refuse help in curtailing the hacking

Third, severely warn Russia that such hacking is an open ATTACK on our sovereignty and that such attacks will precipitate the expulsion of Russian diplomats, the permanent banning of visas to Russian oligarchs, and that we will impose further sanctions on Russian interests (such as money laundering by purchasing real estate) within U.S. soil.

Fourth, that any American participating in such foreign hacking will be treated as a treasonous act against the U.S.

One has been done.

The second, what States are refusing to help?

The third, two rounds of sanctions have already been imposed by two administrations, along with 13 indictments.

The fourth, the AAG already said no Americans knowingly participated.

What else do you propose that hasn't already been done?

Tell the class exactly what Trump and congress should do when they have no authority over State election data bases. They've already offered IT expertise, what else can they do?

What else can they do??

First, the Trump administration and republican congress OPENLY acknowledge that states' voter data bases are susceptible to foreign hacking....

Second, OPENLY report states who refuse help in curtailing the hacking

Third, severely warn Russia that such hacking is an open ATTACK on our sovereignty and that such attacks will precipitate the expulsion of Russian diplomats, the permanent banning of visas to Russian oligarchs, and that we will impose further sanctions on Russian interests (such as money laundering by purchasing real estate) within U.S. soil.

Fourth, that any American participating in such foreign hacking will be treated as a treasonous act against the U.S.

One has been done.

The second, what States are refusing to help?

The third, two rounds of sanctions have already been imposed by two administrations, along with 13 indictments.

The fourth, the AAG already said no Americans knowingly participated.

What else do you propose that hasn't already been done?


Come on, Tigger.........The current responses by the Trump administration have been LAME, at best.
I decided to vote third party because a Russian space ship orbited over my house and hacked my computer and entered fake data into my computer and every time I opened my laptop, the start up screen subliminally told me not to vote for two really bad candidates, vote third party. Those damn Russians!

Best explanation so far!

Damn third party voters for Johnson, Stein and others must have been done by Russian hackers so Clinton voters would not be to the wiser!!!

( Oh, I bet someone will believe that!!! )
Tell the class exactly what Trump and congress should do when they have no authority over State election data bases. They've already offered IT expertise, what else can they do?

What else can they do??

First, the Trump administration and republican congress OPENLY acknowledge that states' voter data bases are susceptible to foreign hacking....

Second, OPENLY report states who refuse help in curtailing the hacking

Third, severely warn Russia that such hacking is an open ATTACK on our sovereignty and that such attacks will precipitate the expulsion of Russian diplomats, the permanent banning of visas to Russian oligarchs, and that we will impose further sanctions on Russian interests (such as money laundering by purchasing real estate) within U.S. soil.

Fourth, that any American participating in such foreign hacking will be treated as a treasonous act against the U.S.

One has been done.

The second, what States are refusing to help?

The third, two rounds of sanctions have already been imposed by two administrations, along with 13 indictments.

The fourth, the AAG already said no Americans knowingly participated.

What else do you propose that hasn't already been done?


Come on, Tigger.........The current responses by the Trump administration have been LAME, at best.

That's not an answer to my question. Care to try again?

Tell the class exactly what Trump and congress should do when they have no authority over State election data bases. They've already offered IT expertise, what else can they do?

What else can they do??

First, the Trump administration and republican congress OPENLY acknowledge that states' voter data bases are susceptible to foreign hacking....

Second, OPENLY report states who refuse help in curtailing the hacking

Third, severely warn Russia that such hacking is an open ATTACK on our sovereignty and that such attacks will precipitate the expulsion of Russian diplomats, the permanent banning of visas to Russian oligarchs, and that we will impose further sanctions on Russian interests (such as money laundering by purchasing real estate) within U.S. soil.

Fourth, that any American participating in such foreign hacking will be treated as a treasonous act against the U.S.

One has been done.

The second, what States are refusing to help?

The third, two rounds of sanctions have already been imposed by two administrations, along with 13 indictments.

The fourth, the AAG already said no Americans knowingly participated.

What else do you propose that hasn't already been done?


Come on, Tigger.........The current responses by the Trump administration have been LAME, at best.

That's not an answer to my question. Care to try again?


44 states plus the District of Columbia have so far refused, in fact the left was gleeful when the states refused to help.

44 states won't give some voter info to panel - CNNPolitics

The left has nothing but lies.
This line of reasoning assumes the average voter is so fucking dim-witted that he or she is vulnerable to even minor forms of propaganda and/or manipulation.

This line of reasoning is the foundation for a Statist crackdown on free speech. You watch.

If political advertising doesn't work, as you seem to think it does not, why do campaigns pay so much to do it?
Tell the class exactly what Trump and congress should do when they have no authority over State election data bases. They've already offered IT expertise, what else can they do?

What else can they do??

First, the Trump administration and republican congress OPENLY acknowledge that states' voter data bases are susceptible to foreign hacking....

Second, OPENLY report states who refuse help in curtailing the hacking

Third, severely warn Russia that such hacking is an open ATTACK on our sovereignty and that such attacks will precipitate the expulsion of Russian diplomats, the permanent banning of visas to Russian oligarchs, and that we will impose further sanctions on Russian interests (such as money laundering by purchasing real estate) within U.S. soil.

Fourth, that any American participating in such foreign hacking will be treated as a treasonous act against the U.S.

One has been done.

The second, what States are refusing to help?

The third, two rounds of sanctions have already been imposed by two administrations, along with 13 indictments.

The fourth, the AAG already said no Americans knowingly participated.

What else do you propose that hasn't already been done?


Come on, Tigger.........The current responses by the Trump administration have been LAME, at best.

That's not an answer to my question. Care to try again?


44 states plus the District of Columbia have so far refused, in fact the left was gleeful when the states refused to help.

44 states won't give some voter info to panel - CNNPolitics

The left has nothing but lies.

The voter fraud commission is a different topic. But you can see the OP seems to be running form my question. It's what happens over and over again when regressives are confronted by facts.

The voter fraud commission is a different topic. But you can see the OP seems to be running form my question. It's what happens over and over again when regressives are confronted by facts.

Like folks come on here just to answer your fucking questions, dickhead??? LOL
The voter fraud commission is a different topic. But you can see the OP seems to be running form my question. It's what happens over and over again when regressives are confronted by facts.

Like folks come on here just to answer your fucking questions, dickhead??? LOL
Like folks come on here just to answer your fucking questions, dickhead???

The voter fraud commission is a different topic. But you can see the OP seems to be running form my question. It's what happens over and over again when regressives are confronted by facts.

Like folks come on here just to answer your fucking questions, dickhead??? LOL

You start an OP demanding something be done, it's pointed out that many things have been done and asked what else you would like to see, you deflect, and now whine when called on it.

Thanks for proving you're nothing but a divider and propagandist, spewing bullshit you can't back up. LMAO

/thread fail

This line of reasoning assumes the average voter is so fucking dim-witted that he or she is vulnerable to even minor forms of propaganda and/or manipulation.

This line of reasoning is the foundation for a Statist crackdown on free speech. You watch.

The terms "statist" and "deep state" are hilarious //

Keep it up! :)
Come on, Tigger.........The current responses by the Trump administration have been LAME, at best.
The main problem with election tampering is illegal alien voting. Trump's been doing more to stop that than any US president.
The main problem with election tampering is illegal alien voting. Trump's been doing more to stop that than any US president.

Sure, nitwit........because EVERY illegal alien "loves" to see if he or she can get caught at the polling booths for the sake of pissing off morons......like you, correct?
The terms "statist" and "deep state" are hilarious

I don’t know what you suppose is hilarious about them. “Statist” is a necessary and important term that elucidates the fact that support of the state is not ubiquitous. The term implies its opposite; a position that is often forgotten, being largely ignored in the cultural discourse.
The terms "statist" and "deep state" are hilarious

I don’t know what you suppose is hilarious about them. “Statist” is a necessary and important term that elucidates the fact that support of the state is not ubiquitous. The term implies its opposite; a position that is often forgotten, being largely ignored in the cultural discourse.

It's an wildly overused term borrowed from Ayn Rand and used to describe anyone who isn't to the right of Attila the Hun.
The terms "statist" and "deep state" are hilarious

I don’t know what you suppose is hilarious about them. “Statist” is a necessary and important term that elucidates the fact that support of the state is not ubiquitous. The term implies its opposite; a position that is often forgotten, being largely ignored in the cultural discourse.

It's an wildly overused term borrowed from Ayn Rand and used to describe anyone who isn't to the right of Attila the Hun.

Nice spin. Wow.

Why do you use Attila to represent anarchists instead of Jesus? The latter would be far more accurate, in my experience. Peace-loving people who find institutionalized violence an unacceptable solution to humanity’s problems. Yeah, real misanthropes; I can see why you’re concerned.

And no, the term is not overused, considering the fact that 99% of people are statists (i.e. support the existence of the state).
And no, the term is not overused, considering the fact that 99% of people are statists (i.e. support the existence of the state).

Give it a rest...........To be a statist one does NOT just "support the existence of the state," BUT, instead, is willing to leave up to the state an extreme CENTRALIZED role on social issues......
We are NOT there and with a strong judicial system we will hopefully never go there.
And no, the term is not overused, considering the fact that 99% of people are statists (i.e. support the existence of the state).

Give it a rest...........To be a statist one does NOT just "support the existence of the state," BUT, instead, is willing to leave up to the state an extreme CENTRALIZED role on social issues......
We are NOT there and with a strong judicial system we will hopefully never go there.

You’re ignoring the evolution of the term, as its use in modern anti-government circles is precisely as I’ve described.

But even if we accept the definition you’ve provided as the only one viable, you’ll agree that the term “extreme” is clearly subjective. I would not only argue that any centralized control of social issues is extreme in that it is blatantly immoral and demonstrably invalid (the power to enact such control having no valid source), but that even if a minimal amount of control were to be deemed acceptable, we are far beyond that point, and thus in the realm of the extreme.

As such, anyone who does not withdraw their willing support from such a government can be deemed a statist by any definition.

If you would like to challenge my claim that there is no valid source of governmental authority to enact centralized control, please address the concerns raised in the following threads:

CDZ - The Government of No Authority, Part 2: Delegation of Powers

CDZ - The Government of No Authority, Part 1: Law and Morality

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