60 Percent Of Americans Soon Will Live In States With Marriage Equality

It is time to get the government out of the business of "marriage".

That is a pipe dream at best, though I do like the spirit of the idea; however, there isn't a single serious push for that happen in any state house across the nation. I have often wondered about those that claim to want the government out of marriage if they are still accepting all the benefits and tax breaks the government provides to married couples? It seems a bit hypocritical to claim the government should stay out all the while taking advantage of all the benefits and tax breaks.
It is time to get the government out of the business of "marriage".

That is a pipe dream at best, though I do like the spirit of the idea; however, there isn't a single serious push for that happen in any state house across the nation. I have often wondered about those that claim to want the government out of marriage if they are still accepting all the benefits and tax breaks the government provides to married couples? It seems a bit hypocritical to claim the government should stay out all the while taking advantage of all the benefits and tax breaks.

If you want a marriage in which the State plays no role....you can have one right now.

If you want a marriage in which the State protects your rights and privileges.....you can have one right now.

Sounds like a win-win for everyone.
the morals and ethics of any society should be those favored by a majority of the members of that society. When we allow minority views to be forced on the majority, then the society is in serious trouble.

Our founders left europe to escape minority rule, and you libs want to establish it here.

You want the government to dictate what the people must believe. You support a minority (the government) setting the standards of right and wrong for the majority.

Why not let the governing minority decide all elections? Why waste time with voting?

So what are the morals and ethics of the USA?

Would the morals and ethics be Human Rights are above all else?

Or would it be that black people should still be slaves?

The minority view has been "forced" upon the people of the US since, oh, like, 1776 or so.

You wanted to escape minority rule huh? So why set up a nation with the Bill of Rights, why declare "all men are created equal"? Why do any of this.

Me thinks you need a lesson in Human Rights.

The US generally has a minority govt.

You find me how many govts have been elected by a MAJORITY of the people.
What I really hate about all these gays is the "marriage equality horsepoop." Any old hetero man of any race will tell you that there ain't no equality. The women run the danm thing, and the best you can do is ignore em as much as possible, and hope the heartless hussies will let you enjoy football season.
what you don't get is that minority rights are established by majority vote. the provisions of the constitution were put in place by a majority vote of the states.

you are misstating the entire issue.

It's funny how at times you want it to be the majority of the people, at times the majority of the states, whatever fits your supposed view you choose. Before, as you can see on my signature below, you said the majority of the people, and then you retracted it because I showed the majority of the people were in favor of this.

However, are the majority of the people in favor of HUMAN RIGHTS and the BILL OF RIGHTS and the 14th AMENDMENT or not?
What I really hate about all these gays is the "marriage equality horsepoop." Any old hetero man of any race will tell you that there ain't no equality. The women run the danm thing, and the best you can do is ignore em as much as possible, and hope the heartless hussies will let you enjoy football season.

It's not about equality, like everyone should have a penis.

It's about equality of the law.
What I really hate about all these gays is the "marriage equality horsepoop." Any old hetero man of any race will tell you that there ain't no equality. The women run the danm thing, and the best you can do is ignore em as much as possible, and hope the heartless hussies will let you enjoy football season.

It's not about equality, like everyone should have a penis.

It's about equality of the law.
My wife doesn't need a penis .... she's got a lawyer.
So to the far left the "separation of church and state" was just a tag line.

Knew that one..

Actually, I don't give a fiddler's fuck what religion has to say about marriage in terms of the State's recognition of the legal contract of marriage.

And neither to the courts.

There's your separation.
So to the far left the "separation of church and state" was just a tag line.

Knew that one..

Actually, I don't give a fiddler's fuck what religion has to say about marriage in terms of the State's recognition of the legal contract of marriage.

And neither to the courts.

There's your separation.

I couldn't agree more.
It is time to get the government out of the business of "marriage".

That is a pipe dream at best, though I do like the spirit of the idea; however, there isn't a single serious push for that happen in any state house across the nation. I have often wondered about those that claim to want the government out of marriage if they are still accepting all the benefits and tax breaks the government provides to married couples? It seems a bit hypocritical to claim the government should stay out all the while taking advantage of all the benefits and tax breaks.

Actually there was when it came to people being able to privatize their retirement/Social Security.

However the far left would not have any of that.

Also do you think a single woman with a child will get more breaks or less breaks as well as government help over a married couple?

They also do not call it the "marriage" penalty tax for nothing.
Nope! Far left propaganda.

Then why can gay folks legally get married in say, California despite the fact that the Catholic Church doesn't recognize gay marriage?

Either there are no Catholics in California.......or religious belief doesn't define statutory law related to marriage.

Pick one.
It is time to get the government out of the business of "marriage".

Yeah, you get on that. I'm sure it'll be real popular. You should call your congresscritters.

So to the far left the "separation of church and state" was just a tag line.

Knew that one..

It is separate. Civil and religious marriage are two entirely different things.

Nope! Far left propaganda.

Really? Then you can name all the churches that have been affected by marriage equality rulings?
It is time to get the government out of the business of "marriage".

That is a pipe dream at best, though I do like the spirit of the idea; however, there isn't a single serious push for that happen in any state house across the nation. I have often wondered about those that claim to want the government out of marriage if they are still accepting all the benefits and tax breaks the government provides to married couples? It seems a bit hypocritical to claim the government should stay out all the while taking advantage of all the benefits and tax breaks.

If you want a marriage in which the State plays no role....you can have one right now.

If you want a marriage in which the State protects your rights and privileges.....you can have one right now.

Sounds like a win-win for everyone.

"Marriage" is not a right!
It is time to get the government out of the business of "marriage".

That is a pipe dream at best, though I do like the spirit of the idea; however, there isn't a single serious push for that happen in any state house across the nation. I have often wondered about those that claim to want the government out of marriage if they are still accepting all the benefits and tax breaks the government provides to married couples? It seems a bit hypocritical to claim the government should stay out all the while taking advantage of all the benefits and tax breaks.

If you want a marriage in which the State plays no role....you can have one right now.

If you want a marriage in which the State protects your rights and privileges.....you can have one right now.

Sounds like a win-win for everyone.

"Marriage" is not a right!

SCOTUS disagrees.

14 Supreme Court Cases Marriage is a Fundamental Right American Foundation for Equal Rights

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