600-lb Woman Dies...

Nice rant, but no answer to the question.

Part of the answer is in the rant. More fruit and veg; sports or other exercise 60 mins. per day. FLOTUS advised.

Regards from Rosie
60 minutes a DAY? F*ck that!

I lost 40 lbs and have maintained that weight with about 60 minutes a week of just lifting weights, no jogging. The rest of time I'm as sedentary as all of you.

No medication. No Calorie counting. No stupid vegan diet.

Explain THAT one.

I'm anything but sedentary...I hand-load a 26' box truck, slinging anywhere from 5000 to 20,000lbs of cargo a day! I have dropped 25lbs since taking this job!
Can I pay for her health insurance...please?

Bones just asked me if I am diabetic. No, and I never have been.

I know for a FACT that more Americans have Type II Diabetes, which you get from eating crap all day, than Type I.

What I've been trying to tell people is that Obesity and Diabetes can be GREATLY REDUCED if we just stop eating Fast Food and garbage from the FDA FOOD PYRAMID!

Corn is the root of many of your problems, along with Aspartame which is ALSO FDA Approved.

There is no food pyramid in use any more. Look it up.

Regards from Rosie
How is it any different? Because it's "round"? It's not "pointy"? It's the same sh*t!


First off, breads and cereals are inflammatory to your system and shouldn't be eaten ( I KNOW you didn't know that). I don't eat Bread, any kind of it. Why does the Gov't push it? Farm Subsidies. Why would they subsidize something then tell you it's not good for you?

Those peaches are most likely canned and not fresh so it's packed with sugar!

Those look more like Mandarin orange slices than peaches. Either way, many canned fruits have no added sugar (though any fruit has sugar in it, naturally).

You think that would give you an insulin spike? Yep. Know what else give you an insulin spike? Oatmeal! A bowl of Oatmeal for breakfast is no different than a bowl of Gummi Bears!

Source or retract.

Some people will tell you that Green Beans when prepared properly are ok. How many people just eat the canned ones? Not me.

Canned green beans make me retch.

Milk? Unless you're 3 years or younger, you don't need it. Pasteurized Milk is dead and non-nutritious.


All the good digestive enzymes have been boiled out of it. What IS good for you is Raw Milk. But notice that the US Gov't is against Raw Milk consumption. Why is that? Big Agra is against it and they donate heavily to Political Leaders as well as being in the positions of power of the FDA, but I digress.

While raw milk can be dangerous, the laws against selling it are stupid.

Just remember this:

Fat doesn't make you Fat.
Cholesterol doesn't raise your Cholesterol.

Excess caloric intake makes you fat. Fat has more calories that carbohydrates or protein. (9 per gram rather than 4.)
Metabolism and Genetics are what most Doctors say is causing problems that they can't figure out. Link? Regards from Rosie
Link? How about YOUR last checkup?

At my physical exam last year my Doctor asked ME how come my blood work numbers were so good! I had to explain to him my eating regimen because Doctors get little or no Nutritional Education at Med School.

What do they learn?
1. Surgery (Cut)
2. Burn (Radiation)
3. Drug (Poison)

All of which are hugely expensive and have many undesired side effects.

By the way I don't take Vaccinations or Flu shots and I'm one of the only ones at my job that doesn't get sick in the Fall.

So...short of surgery, how would you have suggested my wife become able to actually use her left leg? She tore cartilage and it simply collapsed. It just wouldn't support any weight. She winced every time she moved her leg (and a wince from her is on the level of an agonized scream from many people), couldn't bend her knee at all.

She had arthroscopic surgery...mostly recovered within a couple weeks, fully cleared for all activity in six, and ten years later, her knee is fine. (Though I suspect she may, eventually, need a knee replacement.)
My Morbidly Obese Aunt and Uncle have a refrigerator in their bedroom. Not a full size one but a smaller dorm room type.

It's stocked with cakes, pies, candy and wine which my Aunt claims she never drinks.

My Uncle hes never met a vegetable he likes and I've seen my Aunt eat an entire container of chocolate covered raisins from CostCo which is 38 servings of 190 calories equals 7,220. That's in addition to everything else she ate in a day. So yeah, it's a full time job just to maintain that weight.

And God forbid you ever say anything about her weight because she'll go off.

You should sneak into the house when they are sleeping, clean out the fridge and stock it with fruit and vegies, lol.:clap2:
My Morbidly Obese Aunt and Uncle have a refrigerator in their bedroom. Not a full size one but a smaller dorm room type.

It's stocked with cakes, pies, candy and wine which my Aunt claims she never drinks.

My Uncle hes never met a vegetable he likes and I've seen my Aunt eat an entire container of chocolate covered raisins from CostCo which is 38 servings of 190 calories equals 7,220. That's in addition to everything else she ate in a day. So yeah, it's a full time job just to maintain that weight.

And God forbid you ever say anything about her weight because she'll go off.

You should sneak into the house when they are sleeping, clean out the fridge and stock it with fruit and vegies, lol.:clap2:

Maybe Obama could do that?

And that fat bitch says she loves being fat, and wants to be even bigger.

She's no different than the woman who kept having bigger and bigger breast implants until it nearly killed her. Then, when the implants had to be removed, she tried to commit suicide. Nor is it any different than anorexics who see themselves as fat even when they are skeletal.

This woman lived as she wanted to live no matter that the cost was her life.
i find it rather interesting that people who are normally compassionate turn on the obese....i think when someone begins to gain that much weight...there is a problem.....yes it includes the inability to put down the fork but for some reason food has become that important to them....

Liberals are not compassionate... they are some of the nastiest, hateful people you will ever find.

Simply put, actions have consequences, while sad, this tragedy was a long time coming.
1# 8k per day 3-4 full pizza's or a dozen large burders and fries
2# Why would we waste our resources on that?
3# Stupid people don't want to see their family member bitch

Obama did it..single mom? black, too fat to work who paid for the food? :D
You know she ordered those pizzas with her obama phone. :D
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And, just how do you propose we do that? Government mandated healthy living?

Industrialized food - monoculture HAS GOT TO GO!!! / corn glut / corn subsidies driving down processed "phud" prices / MONSANTO AND CARGILL. These are why we have a country where it is not just possible, but common to be obese and mal-nourished at the same time.

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