600+ Schools Closed Because of Swine Flu

They don't test them unless they go to the hospital, folks. So though there are only 9 or however CONFIRMED cases, that just means that out of an unknown number of cases, 9 were sick enough to go to the hospital.

That doesn't reassure me, let me tell you.

That's my main concern allie. We have some very dysfunctional parents raising kids in our district and I am afraid that many of them won't visit the doctor. The nurse has been sending everyone home with a temp., but that doesn't mean the kids will be tested by a physician. The six kids we know about were only because their parents had the courtesy of informing the school.

I'm glad to hear it should be over soon.
Folks, Sinatra has spoken!


Hey, at least I got to have sex with Laura San Giacomo!!!!!


Not trying to trample your thread here - just repeating my belief the swine flu has already just about run its course. A few more weeks and it will be all but over...

At least you admit you're a lesbian! That's great, but you're still wrong about the other stuff.

I am a life long lesbian.

And a father of two.

And I have a signed copy of The Stand - major dog ear marks.

Steve is a hip quasi-liberal nerd - cool guy.

I've managed a charmed life! :)
They don't test them unless they go to the hospital, folks. So though there are only 9 or however CONFIRMED cases, that just means that out of an unknown number of cases, 9 were sick enough to go to the hospital.

That doesn't reassure me, let me tell you.

That's my main concern allie. We have some very dysfunctional parents raising kids in our district and I am afraid that many of them won't visit the doctor. The nurse has been sending everyone home with a temp., but that doesn't mean the kids will be tested by a physician. The six kids we know about were only because their parents had the courtesy of informing the school.

I'm glad to hear it should be over soon.

We are not testing people if they come into a physicians office. Since there is no true treatment, the only reason why people are tested is for epidemiologic purposes. To test everyone that presents with a mild flu-like illness would be prohibitively expensive. H1N1 is known to be widespread throughout the country...so we treat with Tamiflu if we have a high suspicion.
Folks, Sinatra has spoken!


Hey, at least I got to have sex with Laura San Giacomo!!!!!


Not trying to trample your thread here - just repeating my belief the swine flu has already just about run its course. A few more weeks and it will be all but over...

So are you going to state that the number of confirmed H1N1 deaths in November will be less than October and December will be less than November?

That will be an easy bet to take. Pos rep from me if you are right. Neg rep if you are wrong.

Hmmmm, it that what Sinatra is saying then?

Let's hope for the lives of children and adults he is right and you are wrong, but I'm afraid you, as a doctor, know more than someone paid to post things on here.
So ... less than .0000001% of the population getting sick is now cause for fear.

Amazing innit!!!

The Brits are already downgrading the whole affair - but I think we will see a bit more hype and fear being sent out across the airwaves so as to paint a little better picture of the feds just now getting the vaccines out in the numbers they had initially promised would be arriving weeks ago.

In the meantime, the flu is winding down - a few more weeks and that will be confirmed.

So ... less than .0000001% of the population getting sick is now cause for fear.

Amazing innit!!!

The Brits are already downgrading the whole affair - but I think we will see a bit more hype and fear being sent out across the airwaves so as to paint a little better picture of the feds just now getting the vaccines out in the numbers they had initially promised would be arriving weeks ago.

In the meantime, the flu is winding down - a few more weeks and that will be confirmed.


That's what gets me, this pattern of hype is not new, they have done it many times yet people still don't see it. MRSA is more of a threat but you don't hear about that much ... chicken pocks is also a huge threat all the time, but again no one focuses on that either ... because there is simply no way for the government to justify increasing taxes and wasting more money with them.
So how can they claim it's been "confirmed" then? I've heard people say definitively that it's swine flu.

I think that most of the time when people go to the ED, they are tested because generally their symptoms are more severe to go to the ED, plus obtaining the test in the hospital is much easier because the lab is quickly accessible.

And anyone that is admitted with severe flu-like symptoms or pneumonia is tested.
The recent CBS Investigative Report, published on October 21, is one example. After the CDC refused to honor CBS’s Freedom of Information request to receive flu infection data for each individual state, the network performed independent outreach to all fifty states to get their statistics. Their report contradicts dramatically the CDC’s public relations blitz. For example, in California, among the approximate 13,000 flu-like cases, 86 percent tested negative for any flu strain. In Florida, out of 8,853 cases, 83 percent were negative. In Georgia and Alaska, only 2.4 percent and 1 percent respectively tested positive for flu virus among all reported flu-like cases. If the infectious-rate ratios obtained by CBS are accurate, the CDC’s figures are significantly reduced and agree with earlier predictions that the H1N1 virus will be simply an unwelcomed annoyance. So we are in the midst of an enormous medical hoax, a design and purpose that has yet to unfold completely, that will nevertheless reap huge revenues for the vaccine industrial complex.

Another example is a recent alarmist report issuing from Georgetown University, also usurped by federal health officials and their multimedia comrades to fuel a campaign of fear and panic. The report announced that over 250 students were infected by swine flu when in fact none of these students were tested for H1N1 infection. The university’s figure was based solely on a count of student visits to the health clinic and calls into an H1N1 hotline.

This is not the first time the CDC’s predictions for influenza strains have been overstated and miscalculated. In an interview on Swedish television, Dr. Tom Jefferson, head of vaccine studies at the prestigious international Cochrane Database Collaboration, after reviewing hundreds of influenza studies and statistical analyses, has said the WHO’s and CDC’s “performance is not very good.” And in an ITN News interview last month, Jefferson called the swine flu pandemic a “juggernaut they [the WHO, government agencies and vaccine makers] created.” For the 1992-1993 season, the prediction was off by 84 percent. For the 1994-1995 season, it was off 43 percent for the primary strain and off 87 percent and 76 percent for two other strains. The Laboratory Center for Disease Control’s study comparing vaccine strains with the strains appearing during the 1997-1998 season found the match was off by 84 percent. Again Dr. Jefferson in a Der Spiegel interview remarked,

“there are some people who make predictions year after year, and they get worse and worse. None of them so far have come about, and these people are still there making these predictions. For example, what happened with the bird flu, which was supposed to kill us all?.... Swine flu could have even stayed unnoticed if it had been caused by some unknown virus rather than an influenza virus… An influenza vaccine is not working for the majority of influenza-like illnesses because it is only designed to combat influenza viruses. For that reason, the vaccine changes nothing when it comes to the heightened mortality rate during the winter months.”

Obama Administration Launches Deceptive Swine Flu Propaganda Blitz
600 schools closing is a 100 less than the last great swine flu outbreak of last spring.

Or to put it another way, less than one-half of one percent of all schools in the country.

It adds a certain element of drama to be sure - but in the totality of things - utterly insignificant.
Well if it keeps kids from getting sick, what can it hurt. It's not like they're LEARNING anything in there anyway.
600 schools closing is a 100 less than the last great swine flu outbreak of last spring.

Or to put it another way, less than one-half of one percent of all schools in the country.

It adds a certain element of drama to be sure - but in the totality of things - utterly insignificant.

People in our country have lost perspective, they see a story with some number and think that the number applies to their own little town or city ... forgetting just how big our country is, not to mention how big the world is.
In 1918, we had a pandemic with a virus very similiar to this one. It killed thousands of people in this nation. So, with that experiance, we are just to wait until half the population is infected, and see how many die, before we move on it?

In many ways this is the stupidest thread I have yet seen.

a severe, debilitating form called paralytic polio (this occurs in 0.1% to 2% of cases)

In 1952 there were 60,000 known cases of polio. 3000 children died. Many thousands more had permenent disabilities because of polio. Yet this occurs in only 0.1% to 2% of the cases, so why bother with vacines when your chances are that good?

But, thank God, we did bother with vaccines, and in only 6 years after vaccinations started in 1955, there were only 161 cases of polio in the US. By 1979, there were no cases of 'wild' polio.

Given the history of the predessor of the Swine Flu virus, not to have put out a national effort at vaccination would have been criminal.
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