64,443,118 Babies Have Been Killed in Abortions Since Roe v. Wade in 1973


Are you granting the premise that the sluts who kill their babies most likely would have raised them to be mass murderers and psychopaths?

Out of the 60+ million there would probably have to somewhere around a million or so degenerates.
Abortions in the first trimester involve only one human being deciding to do it who is conscious. There is no human being, who is conscious opposed to the decision.
nfbw #5

At the end of the first trimester, the baby has a spine and thus I must insist that it has a nervous system.
ohpleasejstqvt #57

nfbw #63 to jstqvt #57 of course the developing living human organism in the first trimester has developed a spine and many other body parts.

My argument is abortions in the first trimester involve only one human being deciding to do it, who is conscious. There is no fetal human being, who is conscious opposed to the decision.

It is impossible during the first trimester for there to be two conscious human beings in one woman’s body. There is only one human being with a living human organism developing inside her body.

A woman is choosing to kill a living human organism inside her body that has potential to become a human being when it is capable of it’s own consciousness.

You do not have a point when you bring up that a fetus has developed a spine. There is still only one human being biologically connected, and involved during an abortion procedure. The woman.
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nfbw #5

ohpleasejstqvt #57

nfbw #63 to jstqvt #57 of course the developing living human organism in the first trimester has developed a spine and many other body parts.

My argument is abortions in the first trimester involve only one human being deciding to do it, who is conscious. There is no fetal human being, who is conscious opposed to the decision.

It is impossible during the first trimester for there to be two conscious human beings in one woman’s body. There is only one human being with a living human organism developing inside her body.

A woman is choosing to kill a living human organism inside her body that has potential to become a human being when it is capable of it’s own consciousness.

You do not have a point when you bring up that a fetus has developed a spine. There is still only one human being biologically connected, and involved during an abortion procedure. The woman.

If you cannot legibly quote multiple posts without expecting your reader to hop all over finding them, you are not worth reading.

But thanks for trying.

No big deal right? Any comments on the sheer number?

Even Stalin murdered fewer people than that. The sociopaths are mighty proud of that record; it's a sign of their political power and they cherish it no end.
Can you fathom what it would be like if they were all alive and it's a good chance 90-odd percent would be with no world wars during that time.

Roughly half would be women so add the number of their (mostly welfare) kids that would still be alive....We are talking 50 years so their kids will have had kids by now.

I figure at least 125 million+ more people.....Fuck that noise.

Actually if the slugs were forced to pay for the kids they would be a lot more careful about birth control, including males. Now all they have to do is have it killed for a couple hundred bucks and the state or some subsidiary will foot the bill and sell the 'waste' for profit.

Next on the agenda is legalizing the murders of babies up to two years old or older, if they parents decide they're bored and feel inconvenienced n stuff.

64,443,118 Babies Have Been Killed in Abortions​

See it more as soul packets returning to their pods for revised instructions .
FUCKING dirt bag.

Bet you say that about the 6,000,000 Jews exterminated too.
Honestly it would be better if people like you were among the 64,000,000
Abortion - Doing it's part keeping the black population under control
Liberals and godless conservatives aren't even aware of the decline of the Christian West let alone are able to understand why our nations are dying

Indeed I tremble when I reflect that God is just and His justice will not sleep forever.
Liberals and godless conservatives aren't even aware of the decline of the Christian West let alone are able to understand why our nations are dying

Indeed I tremble when I reflect that God is just and His justice will not sleep forever.
¡Que lastima!
“And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.”

Those are the ones God will spare
Say what?

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